Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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HC addition # 3163

Source: Harold T Wilkins, Flying Saucers Uncensored

Type: B


Location. Eisenberg Germany

Date: Autumn 1954

Time: unknown

Six-year old Anna Lex saw inside a floating gleaming sphere a female entity interpreted to have been the Holy Virgin Mary. No other information.

HC addition # 2600

Source: Erich Von Daniken, Miracle of The Gods

Type: A?


Location. Mittelfranken Germany

Date: Fall 1954

Time: unknown

A couple was walking their dog in a coastal wooded area when they spotted a bright bluish light. The dog became disturbed and ran ahead. The witness now could see the object hovering low over the area; it was a flat pyramid shaped craft. It had a dazzling amber light on the bottom and was about 60 meters in diameter. It had a cabin like structure on top and a rotating flange around it. The object emitted a blue amber light from inside the cabin. The witnesses now felt paralyzed as the object descended nearby emitting a metallic glow. A very tall man wearing a close fitting shiny overall appeared. He communicated by using telepathy with the witnesses, telling them he was from the constellation "Eagle." The man then called out a creature resembling an Alsatian dog from the object, and explained that it was a pet. No other information.

HC addition # 243

Source: Ulrich Magin

Type: B


Location. Near Calgary Alberta Canada

Date: Fall 1954

Time: daytime

A man was in his car when he saw a silvery disc come down and hover within 500 ft of him. In it was a man with long black hair, wearing a leather jacket. He was seen for only a few seconds. Shortly after this occurrence, the witness became insane, believing that he had seen Christ in the UFO, and was hospitalized for a time.

Humcat 1954-33

Source: Dr Victoria Edwards for CAPRO

Type: A


Location. Montagne Des Alouette, France

Date: September 1954

Time: evening

A bright orange light on a nearby field attracted several children hiding behind a hedge in order to surprise some other children. Looking at the field they saw an orange metallic disc-shaped object apparently on the ground, it had a dome on top and revolving orange lights on its center. The color of the object resembled brushed aluminum. A being is seeing standing upright within the dome and another is seen leaving the object. Two others are on the ground, one holding a bag and the other a "hoe" like instrument. All the humanoids wore dark brown & black combination suits. Soon the beings on the ground placed their arms stiffly on the sides of their body and rise vertically then follow a curving trajectory into the object, head first. The orange light on the object dims and then the crafts shoots up at incredible speed disappearing in seconds.

HC addendum

Source: Michel Figuet, SOS Ovni

Type: B


Location. Coldwater Kansas

Date: September 2 1954

Time: 2200

12-year old John Jacob Swaim had just finished driving a tractor when he saw a dark complexioned little man about the size of a 5-year old child, with pointed nose & ears, crouching about 20 ft away. The little man wore "shiny" clothing and carried 2-foot long cylinders on his back. He ran, apparently "floating," to a 50 foot disc hovering 5 ft above the ground, jumped in, and took off without tilting the saucer, lights shone from windows as it flew off faster than a jet. At the site were found numerous pear shaped footprints 2" x 4.5", with very narrow heels.

Humcat 1954-46

Source: Sheriff Floyd Hadley & Rev. Albert Baller

Type: B


Location. Mourieras France

Date: September 10 1954

Time: 2030

While returning home, Antonie Mazaud met a person of normal stature, wearing a helmet without earflaps, who shook his hands smiling, while pronouncing unintelligible words. The man then climbed into his cigar shaped craft, 15, or 20 ft long, and took off vertically, with a sound like a bee's buzz.

Humcat 1954-47

Source: Aime Michel

Type: B


Location. Quarouble France

Date: September 10 1954

Time: 2230

Hearing his dogs barking, Marius Dewilde went out and saw a dark mass on the railroad track, less than 6 yards away. On hearing footsteps, he turned his flashlight on the path, where he saw 2 very short beings (less than 3.5 ft) wearing "diver's suits." No arms could be seen. He approached within 6 ft, when he was blinded and paralyzed by a brilliant light emanating from the mass of the tracks. The two creatures went toward the object. When the beam of paralyzing light went out, he ran towards the track, but the object was now rising, emitting a "thick dark steam" and a low whistling sound. It became red luminous and flew away. On the railroad ties where found 5 imprints; it was calculated that a 30-ton weight would have been necessary to produce them.

Humcat 1954-48

Source: Aime Michel

Type: C


Location. Near Quarouble Nord France

Date: September 12 1954

Time: afternoon

A merchant, traveling at the wheel of his van during the late afternoon, saw a disk with a cupola descending vertically and hovering near a grove, about 50 meters from the road. Several persons of human appearance could be seen in the forefront of the cupola. The witness stopped his vehicle and hurried on foot toward the object. He was suddenly stopped by a luminous beam from the machine, which paralyzed him on the spot. The object then took off vertically and moved away. The witness was then able to move freely.

Humcat 1954-15

Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne

Type: A


Location. Feurs, St Etienne, France

Date: September 15 1954

Time: night

Driving through a secondary road the witness vehicle breaks down. Soon a bright undescribed object lands very close to the car. A small being briefly is seen near the car, which runs away from the witnesses as they attempt to approach and communicate with him. The craft soon takes off. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: Figuet & J L Ruchon, Complete Ovni Dossier

Type: C


Location. Omont France

Date: September 17 1954

Time: 0830A

M Delvenne told 2 friends that he saw a metallic top 4 meters in diameter and 2.5 meters high descend from the clouds; a being emerged who had a hairy face and walked on all fours. It quickly re-entered the object and flew away.

Humcat 1954-49

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: B


Location. Cenon France

Date: September 17 1954

Time: 2230

Motorcycling after dark, Yves David felt a sensation like an electric shock, and became paralyzed. Ahead of him he could see an object 9 ft long and 3 ft high. From this emerged a little being much smaller than a man, clad in a "diving suit." This being touched him on the shoulder, uttered some incomprehensible words, and returned to the dark object, which became green luminous & flew away, putting an end to the paralysis.

Humcat 1954-50

Source: Aime Michel

Type: B


Location. Oberdorff France

Date: September 19 1954

Time: 2115

Louis Moll, a police officer, saw a bright light land on the heights; after landing, its luminosity decreased. It seemed as large as a small bus. The light became reddish, and he could see a black silhouette moving in front of it. Then it rose up again and went off.

Humcat 1954-51

Source: Aime Michel

Type: C


Location. Santa Maria Airport Azores Islands

Date: September 20 1954

Time: 2300

Vitorino Monteiro, an airport guard, saw a bluish metallic pecan shaped object 5' x 10' land on 4 legs, with a hum or whine. In its nose was an orange light. A blond man 5'10" tall, wearing a gray aviator suit got out & spoke in an unknown language; he understood neither Portuguese nor French. He patted the guard's shoulder, got back into his craft, fastened safety belts, and took off, turning almost straight up.

Humcat 1954-52

Source: Robert D Gammell, Project Blue Book

Type: B


Location. Near Brandsen Argentina

Date: September 20 1954

Time: late night

Two men that had been left stranded after they had driven their vehicle into a ditch watched a luminous object maneuvering over the area for at least an hour. Later the craft, which resembled a full moon, was seen to descend behind some nearby trees. Moments later the two men were approached by two short figures that seemed to glide just above the ground. These were described as humanoid, dressed in white, with large silvery helmets and flowing white capes. After observing the frightened witnesses, the beings glided towards the direction where the bright object had landed and vanished.

HC addition # 1325

Source: Hector P Anganuzzi, Historia de Los Platos Voladores en Argentina

Type: C


Location. Becard France

Date: September 24 1954

Time: 0900A

Miss Simone Geoffroy saw a flying saucer in a clearing; it was 35 ft in diameter, elongated, with a dome on top. Behind it stood a dark complexioned man wearing a uniform and a khaki skullcap, looking at her. She hastened away. Miss Gisele Fin, a shepherd, was led to the clearing by the barking of her 2 dogs; she had to restrain them from attacking the pilot, who had his back to her and was leaning on his craft. At the site afterwards was found a small green pill.

Humcat 1954-53

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: C


Location. Almaseda Portugal

Date: September 24 1954

Time: 1000A

Cesar Cardoso Ferreira and 3 others saw two 8-foot tall giants clad in shiny metallic suits emerge from a cup shaped landed craft and gather flowers, shrubs, and twigs in a shiny box, then take off. They seemed to be inviting the witness aboard, but their language was not understood. After a few moments the tall humanoids boarded the craft, which ascended leaving a shiny wake behind.

Humcat 1954-54

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B


Location. Joinville-le-Pont, France

Date: September 25 1954

Time: 2135

Walking along the banks of the River Marne MP, and a friend see an object descend and land nearby without making any noise. Two humanoids about 1.10 m in height with their faces covered with hair exit the machine. A beam of light paralyzes both witnesses as one of the humanoids approaches MP and tare off his trousers (!). The two humanoids board their machine, which rises vertically and disappears at high speed.

HC addendum

Source: Michel Figuet

Type: B


Location. Wattou, West Flanders, Belgium

Date: before September 26 1954

Time: night

The witness was returning to the village on his bicycle when he saw a landed saucer shaped object on a field. He approached the craft and hid in the undergrowth. He then observed two small men wearing helmets and carrying unknown instruments in their hands. The small figures had apparently come out of the object. They took something from the ground and the witness saw a flash of light spouting from one of the instruments, he then saw a screen in which he saw a face that appear to speak to him, but he heard nothing. The instruments then were dismantled by the little men and reloaded by one of the small men into the object. Both small figures then had an animated conversation between them, at times pointing towards the direction where the witness was hiding. Frightened the witness closed his eyes and was unable to move. When he reopened them, he saw one of the small men carrying a small branch and walking back into the saucer. As soon as the object rose, the witness ran from the area he was then struck by a powerful beam of light. He does not see the object depart.

HC addendum

Source: GESAG # 446, quoting Journalist Walter Cabu

Type: B


Location. Chabeuil France

Date: September 26 1954

Time: 1430

Hearing her dogs barking & howling, Ms Lucette Leboeuf saw in a cornfield a "scarecrow," which on approaching within 8 ft she saw it to be a "diving suit" of transparent plastic, 3.5 ft high. Inside it was visible a little man with large eyes. She could see no arms. When this began waddling toward her, she fled. A 4-meter disc was seen to rise up with a whistling sound & fly away. At the site was found an 11-foot circle of broken down bushes. Ms Leboeuf was in bed for 2 days.

Humcat 1954-55

Source: Aime Michel

Type: C


Location. Figeac France

Date: September 27 1954

Time: 0840A

In Figeac, several children saw a "metallic box" on the ground, and "an unknown man" standing nearby. The object took off. No other information.

Humcat 1954-56

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: C


Location. Lassus-Perpignan France

Date: September 27 1954

Time: 1500

A boy who had started out for high school came home trembling with fear; he said he had seen a round object land & that 2 grotesque little creatures had emerged from it, but after a few minutes re-entered the object, which flew off. The witness was in a state of shock.

Humcat 1954-57

Source: Aime Michel

Type: B


Location. Premanon France

Date: September 27 1954

Time: 2030

Four children saw a ball of fire hovering in a meadow and 2 "tin ghosts," shaped "like a lump of sugar split at the bottom." Raymond Romand, 12, threw pebbles at one; on going to touch it, he was flung to the ground by an ice-cold force. A 12-foot circle of flattened grass was found at the site.

Humcat 1954-58

Source: Aime Michel

Type: C


Location. Bouzais France

Date: September 28 1954

Time: 2230

M Mercier, a vineyard owner, saw a luminous mass fall from the sky 50 yards away, and found he was paralyzed. He saw 3 men near the luminous object before losing consciousness. When he came to, nothing was there.

Humcat 1954-59

Source: Aime Michel

Type: C


Location. Near Toulouse Hat Garonne France

Date: September 30 1954

Time: 0130A

Two unidentified witnesses observed two brilliant disc shaped objects suspended near the ground, several meters from one another. Two little men about the same size as a 12-year old were seen approaching one another as if to converse; they then separated, each one returning to its prospective vehicle, into which both seemed to "melt." The figures seemed to be dressed in aluminum outfits. No further details were noted, as the witnesses were approximately 400 meters distant. After the entities disappeared into the objects, they ascended and flew off at very high speed.

Humcat 1954-18

Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne

Type: B


Location. Dearborn Michigan

Date: September 30 1954

Time: 0445A

Driving to his work at a laundry, Lawrence Cardenas, aged forty-five, slowed down his car at a traffic light at 0445A. To the right was a field through which a road was being driven. Close to the derricks, Cardenas was dumbfounded to see about fifteen little men who were speaking an unknown tongue. They were around 5-feet 4 inches tall, in dark green uniforms, had on their heads tightly fitting skullcaps, with pointed peaks in front. A larger entity, in a brown uniform, about six inches taller than the rest, seemed to be addressing them. All wore heavy goggles over their eyes, and what looked like oxygen cylinders on their shoulders. Dawn was breaking, no other car was in sight, and Cardenas had just started up the car, when he was even more startled, he says, to see some 250 feet away, a big oval thing resting on the grass, with colored lights on its upper surface, flickering on and off. It seemed about twelve feet high, and had smoothly finned sides suggestive of a seashell. He was not scared, but did not wish to be late for work and drove on. The entities seemed quite friendly, and curious about their surroundings.

HC addendum

Source: Harold T Wilkins, Flying Saucers Uncensored Quoting newspaper sources

Type: C


Location. Marcilly-sur-Vienne France

Date: September 30 1954

Time: 1630

Georges Gatay, a construction worker, while working in a gravel pit, encountered a man wearing gray coveralls, whose head was covered with an opaque helmet coming down to his chest, on which was a light projector. In his hand was a rod-like object. Behind the man was a large shining dome hovering 3 ft above the ground; above the cupola were rotating blades. The man suddenly vanished, and the saucer rose jerkily with a whistle, and then disappeared in a blue haze. During the experience Gatay felt paralyzed. So did his 7 co-workers, who had seen the same thing. Gatay suffered from headaches & insomnia for a week.

Humcat 1954-61

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: C


Location. Unnamed American military base, United States

Date: October 1954

Time: various

The witness reported seeing a metallic saucer shaped object land nearby. A human looking being emerged from it, picked up some pebbles, earth and grass, and took a nest from a bush. The being went back into the craft, which took off at incredible speed and vanished. A few days later the saucer landed in the middle of the airfield, its human like pilot emerged and appeared to inspect it. As several men approached the craft the man straightened up, saw them and apparently immobilized them with some unknown gas. The after watching the witnesses for a moment he walked around the saucer, climbed into a kind of "cigar" which was parked next to the saucer and took off vertically. The witnesses were again able to move. As they neared the object a short stocky hairy being, ape like in appearance with glowing eyes, ran from it and disappeared into the brush. The saucer was apparently left on the ground and was recovered by the American military.

HC addition # 3343

Source: Timothy Good, Alien Base, quoting Jean Sider

Type: B & H?


Location. Chatellerault & Bugeat France

Date: October 1954

Time: unknown

Two men, at separate locations 120 miles away, allege independently that normal looking beings approached them, kissed them, jabbered unintelligibly, and then got into cigar shaped objects, 10 feet long, and took off.

HC addition # 3373

Source: Harold T Wilkins, Flying Saucers Uncensored

Type: B


Location. Binghampton New York

Date: October 1954

Time: unknown

Walking across the Eli golf course searching for mushrooms, Larry White encountered a landed UFO with two human occupants standing along side it. They were dressed in metallic colored snowsuits. They conversed with White in English with a foreign accent. They told him they learned languages by means of computerized analysis of basic sounds, "formed into a type of universal graph or code." They would intervene and "take over" in the event of an atomic war, but would take nothing from us by conquest. They asked White if he wanted to visit their home planet; he demurred, not wishing to end up as a "human guinea pig in a laboratory." The object was round and saucer shaped, with a glass like tube or ring around the perimeter, through which moved an expanding and contracting coil. The object "was powered by an electro magnetic turbine which takes its power from the elements around it." The beings took some ground samples and then departed. Next day, White saw police officers examining a ring of burnt soil four feet wide and 14 feet in diameter at the site. The local newspaper reportedly carried a story on the traces, although the witness did not divulge his contact until 20 years later.

Humcat 1954-19

Source: Carl Davidson & Richard Hall

Type: B


Location. Soissons France

Date: October 1954

Time: unknown

Father & son see landed metallic saucer shaped object, and then sees a little man climb the ladder into object. Ladder retracts and the object shoots up & high speed.

HC addition # 2400

Source: LDLN # 319

Type: B


Location. North Queensland Australia

Date: October 1954

Time: unknown

In a remote area a man was inspecting sheep on horseback when he heard a whirring sound. He then saw six white elliptical shaped objects that descended and landed ¾ of a mile away. A dozen "men" wearing uniforms emerged from the objects and re-entered them after noticing the witness. The witness then blacked out and had a "vision" of a future event. No other information.

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