Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1954-104

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: C


Location. Near Royan France

Date: October 18 1954

Time: 2100

Mr. & Mrs Labassiere were driving to Royan on Route N 150 when they noticed, at a rather low altitude, an object shaped like a pair of scales which was rocking in the sky. One "pan" was orange luminous, the other red, and they were united by a trail of luminous green. The object stopped, the luminous beam faded out, and both objects landed on a nearby field. Then they saw 2 very small creatures, which went toward each other, passed, and exchanged vehicles. The bells then took off at a "dizzy" acceleration and disappeared in a few seconds.

Humcat 1954-105

Source: Aime Michel

Type: B


Location. Le Vezenay France

Date: October 18 1954

Time: 2245

Marie Louise Bourriot, 25, was motorcycling home when she saw a bright red light illuminating the whole road, which went out as she approached. The she encountered a man in a darkish overcoat, who was standing on the road in company of 2 dwarfish black beings, "difficult to describe." These left the man and crossed the road in front of her. A little further on, she looked back and saw a red luminous object swiftly rising.

Humcat 1954-106

Source: J Tyrode, LDLN # 97

Type: C


Location. St Martin-du-Bois France

Date: October 18 1954

Time: midnight

15-year old Albert Geraud was on his bicycle on route D216 when he sees a light that turns from green to yellow. It descends in a jerky motion and lands on the road. The panicked witness feels likes his legs are paralyzed. Inside the object he could see a small being covered with hair that stares at the witness with large eyes. Abruptly the object rises, emitting a strong gush of wind in the direction of the witness and disappears in the direction of Lyon. After the incident the witness lies prostrate in bed for several days.

HC addition # 2435

Source: Figeut/Ruchon, Ovni Dossier

Type: A


Location. Livorno Italy

Date: October 19 1954

Time: unknown

Bruno Senesi saw 2 shining objects emitting smoke land in a field. Out of them came small, red, monstrous beings that chased him. In a state of great excitement Senesi was brought to a hospital, where he tried to hide under a bed, screaming and trembling with terror.

Humcat 1954-107

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B


Location. Fabriano Italy

Date: October 19 1954

Time: 2230

Two men saw a disc shaped object, 6 meters in diameter, hovering and emitting small violet flashes. On top of it was a very high antenna. 2 small robots like beings, 4 ft tall, descended from it on a long ladder. Their eyes were "sharp" and dark red. They said something that sounded like "Dbeno da skigyay o dbano," went back aboard their craft & flew away.

Humcat 1954-108

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B


Location. Raon-l 'Etape France

Date: October 20 1954

Time: 0230A

Lazlo Ujvari, going to work late at night, encountered a man wearing a helmet, which threatened him with a revolver and spoke words he did not understand. Ujvari spoke Russian to him and got a reply in that language. The unknown man then asked whether he was in Spain or Italy; then, what time it was. '0230", said Ujvari. "You lie," replied the man, taking out his own watch and announcing "Four o'clock!" He then escorted Ujvari past an inverted dish shaped, lightless saucer bearing a 2-foot antenna, which took up almost the whole width of the road. After 30 yards, he said, he said 'Adieu!" After a few paces, Ujvari looked back; with a whine like an electric motor, the saucer rose vertically.

Humcat 1954-110

Source: Pierre Masson & Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: C


Location. Gavres, Morbihan, France

Date: October 20 1954

Time: evening

A woman was in her house when suddenly a bright light descends from the sky. A beam of light comes from the light and five small humanoid figures with long hair appear in front of the object and enter her home. They approach the witness and surround her. The witness screams in panic and a loud whistle is heard, a milk bottle inside the house breaks in two. Her husband runs out and finds her in a semi conscious state. She is immediately transported to a local hospital and is diagnosed with cardiac problems.

HC addendum

Source: LDLN website

Type: B?


Location. Parravicino d'Erba Italy

Date: October 20 1954

Time: night

In his garden, Renzo Pugina, 37, encountered a luminous man less than 5 ft tall, wearing a transparent helmet and a coverall with metallic scales, which became a metal tube below his waist. A narrow tube, "a sort of tail" 3 ft long, connected him to a disc the size of a bicycle wheel. This being turned around and pointed at Pugina a sort of flashlight emitting a dim light, which paralyzed him, until he broke the spell by gripping a bunch of keys. He asked "From Mars?" The being gave a grunt of vexation, and with a slight hum rose from the ground and "dissolved in the air in a strange luminosity."

Humcat 1954-109

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: E


Location. Melito Italy

Date: October 21 1954

Time: unknown

A young man walking in a field heard a rustling noise & saw a strange craft land nearby. Going to investigate, he saw a pilot in a "diving suit" coming out of the craft, which emitted bronze green light that flooded the whole countryside. The witness was paralyzed. A dog barking 100 yards away caused the pilot to rapidly re-enter his craft, which took off.

Humcat 1954-111

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B


Location. Ranton England

Date: October 21 1954

Time: 1645

Near Shrewsbury, Jennie Roestenberg and her two children observed a disc shaped, aluminum object hovering above the house. Through two transparent panels they saw two men with white skin, long hair to their shoulders, and very high foreheads. They wore turquoise blue clothing, resembling ski suits. The object hovered at a tilted angle while the two occupants looked at the scene "sternly, not in an unkind fashion, but almost sadly, compassionately." After about 15 seconds during which these men gazed at her, the craft ascended at 45-degree angle, with a blinking violet light in front. Leaving a contrail, it circled the house, and then streaked out of sight.
Humcat 1954-76

Source: Gavin Gibbons, for FSR

Type: A


Location. Pons France

Date: October 21 1954

Time: night

An egg shaped object about 18 feet in diameter hovered & landed near a road. 2 dwarfs about 4 ft tall emerged from it, but went back inside almost immediately. The craft took off vertically, leaving a red trail.

Humcat 1954-112

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B


Location. Ecaillon, France

Date: October 22 1954

Time: 1915

Casimir Szimura was riding on his motorcycle on route N-43 when he sees in front of him an illuminated machine. His motorcycle stops abruptly. The object resembles a submarine, and he sees four small occupants inside. One of them leaves the object and approaches the witness; its head reaches the level of Szimura's shoulders. They exchange a handshake. The humanoid then speaks in an unknown language resembling Chinese remaining there a few minutes. The being then returns to the object, which takes off and flies away at vertiginous speed. Casimir noticed that the little being was very strong, according to the handshake.

HC addendum

Source: Figuet, J L Ruchon

Type: B


Location. Berri, South Australia

Date: October 23 1954

Time: unknown

A ghastly animal, 2 meters in length with a peculiar head and eyes, and a long scaly body was reportedly seen in the area. It hissed at residents from the top of a tree, leapt and disappeared into the brush.
HC addendum

Source: Hervey, M, UFOs over The Southern Hemisphere

Type: E


Location. Near Tripoli Libya

Date: October 23 1954

Time: 0300A

Carmelo Papotto saw an egg shaped craft about 18 ft long land a few dozen yards away. The upper half was transparent and very brightly lit, the lower metallic; there were 2 cylindrical protruding tubes, and a Y wheeled undercarriage. Inside were 6 men in yellow coveralls wearing gas masks; when one took his mask off temporarily, his face was normally human. One also wore earphones; all confronted instrument panels. When Papotto touched the machine an electric shock threw him to the ground, and an occupant gestured him away. After about 20 minutes, the machine took off silently; when 150 ft up, it departed at dizzying speed. Tracks of the wheels were found.

Humcat 1954-113

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: A


Location. Wittenheim France

Date: October 23 1954

Time: night

M Muller, a police officer, saw a "Martian" in his garden that resembled a big bifurcated black radish. There were three other witnesses. No other information.

Humcat 1954-114

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: E


Location. Castiglion Della Pescaia Italy

Date: October 24 1954

Time: 0600A

A laborer walking through a marshy area suddenly heard a loud buzzing sound coming from within the surrounding fog, he went on and saw a luminous disc shaped object on the ground. Near the object stood a very "comical" creature, described as short, and wearing a maroon-yellow outfit. It was apparently performing some type of task on the object. A few minutes later the being entered and sat inside a cockpit type structure. The object then increased its buzzing sound and departed at high speed.

HC addition # 1600

Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat

Type: B


Location. Les Egots France

Date: October 24 1954

Time: 1730

A child saw a man emerged from a strange craft. He was "dressed in red, his clothes like iron. He walked with his legs stiff, had long hair & a hairy face. His eyes were large, like a cow." No other information.

Humcat 1954-115

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B


Location. Ain El Turck Algeria

Date: October 24 1954

Time: night

A small man with strange glowing eyes was seen on the Mediterranean shore. No other information.

Humcat 1954-116

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: E


Location. Northern Italy, exact location not given

Date: October 25 1954

Time: 0600A

Ulderico Cardinali saw a disc shaped craft among the reeds of a swamp. It was 6 ft in diameter, and near it was a small being, 4.5 tall, clad in yellowish brown coveralls. This being went inside the machine, which took off at very high speed, touching the tops of the reeds.

Humcat 1954-118

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B


Location. Colcerasa Italy

Date: October 25 1954

Time: 1700

Two twelve year old pastors were walking home along a field when their dog became agitated and started barking. One of the juveniles went ahead to see what was wrong and observed three very short dark figures with huge flattened heads and wearing shiny black outfits, standing next to a large keg like object. The witness yelled for his friend to come and see. Then the short humanoids ran into the object, which took off emitting a loud whistling sound, knocking the witness down with a strong gust of wind. Another witness that was nearby saw a similar object flying over the area.

HC addition # 1602

Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat

Type: B


Location. Benabbio Italy

Date: October 25 1954

Time: evening

A reddish disc shaped object that emitted a luminous streak from its rear landed near the witness. Two human like figures briefly emerged from the object, then went back inside.

The object then took off at high speed.

HC addition # 1569

Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat

Type: B


Location. Jonquerets-de-Livet Eure France

Date: October 25 1954

Time: 2300

Two 18-year old farm workers, Jean Cheradame & Rene Marais, encountered a bright light source on a field. As they approached the light, two featureless illuminated human forms emerged from the light source. They lacked both arms & legs, and essentially resembled "white plastic bags" lit from within. They emerged from the light source in the field and separated into two distinct forms as they approached; when they receded they again merged into one form before merging with the light source. They were about five feet tall.

Humcat 1954-117

Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne

Type: B


Location. La Madiere France

Date: October 26 1954

Time: evening

Aime Brousard, 47, stopped to look at someone on the footpath. This person, who had been crouching down, rose suddenly & turned upon him 2 very bright pale-blue lamps. At the sides of his helmeted head were 2 weaker light green lamps. The effect of the blue light on Brousard was to fling him to the other side of the road, where he lay paralyzed, unable to call out, for 10 minutes. Then the lamps went out, and the being crossed the road & disappeared from view. Brousard then recovered, but still felt pain in his legs & hands.

Humcat 1954-119

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: E


Location. Antimachia, Kos Island, Greece

Date: October 26 1954

Time: night

Mrs Irene Sarris and Mr. Socrates Caraliamis saw a flying object, which was emitting a blinding light. The UFO had the shape of a basket, and for a while it was heading to Antimachia, but suddenly changed course and went away. That same night, a Mr. George Cacamoundis, saw a "winged man" crossing the sky over the village, at roughly the same time with the luminous UFO. The witness, terrified, sought to hide in a nearby church, where he stayed for a long time refusing to come out.

HC addendum

Source: Thanassis Vembos, quoting "Hellenicos Vorras"

Type: D


Location. Les Jonquerets-de-Livet France

Date: October 27 1954

Time: 1930

Farmer Gilbert Hee saw cows gathering about an elongated object with lights at both ends, resting in his pasture. 2 hours later an 18-year-old man fell from his motorcycle as it suddenly failed at the same spot; the object had moved only slightly. Hee and his neighbors saw the object & 2 occupants, who were about 3 ft tall, walked stiffly, and had clothes resembling bright armor. They vanished suddenly, and the craft took off without noise.

Humcat 1954-120

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: C


Location. Near Grosseto Italy

Date: October 27 1954

Time: 2330

Ermellina Lanzillo, looking for her cat, saw from her window a strange entity standing in the garden. The being appeared fat & had narrow shoulders, ape like eyes, and a head like a diving helmet. She was paralyzed with terror.

Humcat 1954-121

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: E


Location. Tradate Italy

Date: October 28 1954

Time: 2200

Mr. Guidola, bicycling home, saw a very luminous object in a field behind the sports field. When he approached, he was met by "2 little shadows, which made strange guttural sounds." He fled, but returned with 22 others from a nearby café. The beings wore "white trousers, tapering as if they covered only a single leg, with very wide girdles of dark color. The thorax was confined in an iron gray metallic garment, and on the head was a transparent helmet; the intense light from the disc made it possible to see a dark colored countenance, with a proboscis resembling a little elephant." The witnesses threw stones at the entities and at their craft, whose upper portion was a transparent dome illuminated by a white light so strong as to hurt the eyes. Surmounting this dome was a silvery "antenna" 8" thick and 5 ft high. Stones striking the craft gave no metallic sound. One man tried to sic his boxer on the "Martians," but, terrified, it bit another of the witnesses instead. A few moments later, with a piercing sound like a steamboat's whistle, the spaceship rose vertically.

Humcat 1954-122

Source: Humcat quoting local police and Newspaper sources

Type: C


Location. Palagonia Italy

Date: October 29 1954

Time: 1425

Several workers out in a field sighted a luminous translucent disc shaped object with two red lights on top, descend, and hover above them. From inside the object an unknown creature (not described) could be seen staring at the workers, which became frightened, as the creature seemed to scrutinize them. The object suddenly descended then shot back up emitting a very loud sound quickly disappearing from sight.
HC addition # 1598

Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat

Type: A


Location. Hamilton, New Zealand

Date: November 1954

Time: night

UFO investigator John Stuart along with Doreen Wilkinson where at the formers house when Doreen stepped out in order to buy some cigarettes. A few minutes later she rushed in yelling that there was "something" out there. Stuart hurried outside and immediately felt a terrible stench resembling burnt plastic and sulfur. He began searching the rear of the grounds when soon he began hearing a peculiar shuffling and scraping sound and felt something brush against his shoulder, apparently an invisible entity. Walking around the house, John and Doreen were horrified to see a grotesque eight foot tall creature about 30 ft from them. They described the creature as having a large bulbous head, no neck. It had a huge and ungainly body supported on ridiculously short legs. It had webbed feet. It had no hands, its long fingers jutted from its arms like stalks. Its eyes were about four inches across, red in color. There was no nose, just two holes and the mouth was simply a straight slash across an appallingly lecherous face. Its skin was green in color and it was possible to see red veins running through its ungainly form. It was a definitely a male. The figure moved towards the two witnesses as Doreen stood transfixed, removing her clothing. At the same time the humanoid was beaming "very obscene" thoughts into her brain. Just as it reached her, it suddenly floated backwards and vanished.

HC addendum

Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!

Type: E


Location. Dudzele, West Flanders, Belgium

Date: November 1954

Time: 2130

A man named Roelants was bicycling near the St Joseph dairy when he saw a bright light suddenly descend from the sky. The light then landed on the concrete road emitting a loud thumping sound. At this time the light dimmed. Roelants, who at this time had slowed down found himself about 50 meters from the landed object. A few moments later the object rose vertically and flew at high speed towards Holland. As it rose up the light again became visible. After the object departed Roelants examined the area where it had landed with a flashlight. He did not find any ground traces but reportedly found a small box containing a parchment covered with an illegible writing. Later it was determined that the small ivory case contained a Hebrew extract of the book of Dteuronomy, giving this incident a curious religious connection.

HC addendum

Source: Jean Bastide, GESAG # 197

Type: F?


Location. La Basse Gorce, France

Date: November 1954

Time: near midnight

A woman sees a flattened lenticular shaped object that had landed on a field on a tripod-like landing gear. The craft carried shiny juxtaposed bands of yellow, red and orange colors. Two short beings were occupied in gathering items from the ground around the object. After a few minutes the beings penetrate under the UFO, which takes off gently while trembling without any noise, it disappears quickly into the distance.

HC addendum

Source: Michel Figuet

Type: B


Location. Maubeuge Nord France

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