Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Paris Flammonde, The Age of Flying Saucers

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HC addendum

Source: Paris Flammonde, The Age of Flying Saucers

Type: E or F?


Location. Coronel Pringles Argentina

Date: December 4 1954

Time: 0600A

E Aguirre Zavala, a commercial employee, observed a very bright disc coming down to about 20" above the ground, where it remained suspended. In the middle of this disc there moved a strange figure, which seemed to be a dwarf with an enormous head. The UFO rose up shortly afterward after emitting a very bright light.

Humcat 1954-136

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: A


Location. Caselle Di Nogara Italy

Date: December 4 1954

Time: night

A waiter saw a circular object stationary for several minutes in a pasture 50 yards away. It was blue, with symmetrical openings from which a bright red light was emitted. The witness got a rifle and fired twice at the very tall figure that came out of the turret on the craft. Immediately a very strong wind was felt, and the craft took off amidst a reddish glow.

Humcat 1954-137

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B


Location. Zuera Spain

Date: December 8 1954

Time: unknown

Mr. M Sevilla Galvez, a hunter, saw a luminous craft 60 ft in diameter & 12 ft high, with antennas and propellers, land 50 yards away. A door opened, & 2 men speaking in an unrecognizable language emerged. They re-entered, the door closed, and the craft rose vertically at great speed with a hissing sound.

Humcat 1954-138

Source: FSR Special Issue # 4

Type: B


Location. Chacao Miranda Venezuela

Date: December 8 1954

Time: unknown

"Saucers" were reported to have landed at several places in the town of Chacao. Toms Betancourt said he threw himself on one of the "Martians" and grappled with him. "He was gelatinous and very slippery," and got out of my hands."

Humcat 1954-37

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: B or C?


Location. Gricignano Di Aversa Italy

Date: December 8 1954

Time: unknown

Giovanni Aquilante, a 57-year old peasant was reported missing on that date. A friend allegedly saw two humanoid figures in the field where Aquilante worked. He returned 2 days later disoriented and confused, he said that two men wearing multi-colored outfits that made him walk without stopping had kidnapped him. Sometimes they appeared dwarf-like and other times very tall. He had a sensation of flying and weightlessness.

HC addition # 132

Source: Paolo Fiorino, UFO Universe Oct/Nov 1991

Type: G?


Location. Linha Bela Vista Brazil

Date: December 9 1954

Time: evening

O Da Costa e Rosa, a farmer, heard something like a sewing machine, and saw a cream-colored object "shaped like a tropical helmet" hovering just above the ground. A man was inside the craft, another examining a fence, & a third close to the farmer. Da Costa dropped his hoe, and this man, with a smile, picked it up & gave it to him. All 3 men were broad shouldered, with very pale skin & slanted eyes, and with long blond hair. They were wearing light brown coveralls fastened to heel less shoes. After plucking a few plants, the men returned to their craft, which rose slowly for 30 ft and then went off at high speed. The witness had never heard of flying saucers.

Humcat 1954-139

Source: Hanlon, The Humanoids

Type: B & A


Location. Floresta Venezuela

Date: December 10 1954

Time: 1830

A Caracas doctor, driving with his father, stopped his car to watch 2 little men run into some bushes. Shortly afterwards a luminous disc rose from behind the bushes and darted off at great speed with a sizzling sound.

Humcat 1954-140

Source: Jim 7 Coral Lorenzen

Type: C


Location. Chico-Cerro de las Tres Torres Venezuela

Date: December 10 1954

Time: night

Two hunters, Lorenzo Flores, Jesus Gomez, saw a luminous object "like 2 washbowls put together," 9 or 10 ft wide, hovering 2 ft off the ground. Flames emanated from the base. 4 little hairy men about 3 ft tall emerged and tried to drag Gomez toward their craft. Flores struck one with his gun butt; it felt like striking rock, and the gun broke. Gomez fainted from fright; both youths were scratched & bruised, their shirts in ribbons, when they told the police their story.

Humcat 1954-141

Source: Apro Bulletin 1/55

Type: B


Location. Linha Bela Vista Brazil

Date: December 11 1954

Time: 1700

Farmer Pedro Morais, noticing alarm among the chickens, perceived an object hovering with an oscillating motion; its bottom resembled "an enormous polished brass kettle," its upper part was "like a jeep." In a nearby field he then saw 2 small human figures "enveloped in a kind of yellow sack from head to toe." As he approached, one ran toward him, the other raised his arm. One knelt down & plucked a tobacco plant, then both jumped into the craft, which vanished within a few seconds.

Humcat 1954-142

Source: Hanlon, The Humanoids

Type: B


Location. Near Campo Grande Brazil

Date: December 15 1954

Time: unknown

The witness, fishing in a river near his home, saw an unusual craft land a few hundred feet away. His dog began to howl. Through the telescopic sight of his gun he could see a small sphere revolving around a larger one, which hovered 6 ft above the ground. At the bottom was a 3-ball landing gear. 3 occupants, human looking but quite small, emerged & came down to the ground; they were agile, with rapid movements. One held a luminous basket, the other a metal tube with a cone shaped end; with those they collected calcareous material from the river's edge, sucking it up into the tube & discharging it into the basket. They then got back into the object, which took off at high speed. The witness found square holes in the ground.

Humcat 1954-143

Source: Col. Adil de Oliveira, Chief of Brazil's Air Force Intelligence

Type: B


Location. San Carlos Venezuela

Date: December 16 1954

Time: night

Jesus Paz left his 2 friends car to go into the bushes to relieve himself. They heard him scream, and found him unconscious on the ground; a small hairy man was running away toward a flat shiny object hovering a few feet from the ground. The machine vanished with a deafening whistle. At the hospital Paz was found to have long, deep scratches on his right side & down his spine.
Humcat 1954-144

Source: Apro Bulletin 1/55

Type: C


Location. Valencia Venezuela

Date: December 19 1954

Time: 2300

18-year old jockey Jose Parra, out on a training run, came upon 6 very hairy little men loading rocks into a disc shaped craft which was hovering less than 9 ft from the ground. Parra started to run away, but one of the little beings pointed a device at him that emitted a beam of violet light, and he found himself paralyzed. The entities jumped aboard their craft & it took off. At the site were found footprints "neither animal nor human."

Humcat 1954-145

Source: Apro Bulletin 1/55

Type: B


Location. Perak Malaysia

Date: December 24 1954

Time: afternoon

Wong Yi Moi, a young Chinese girl had been tapping rubber trees near the edge of a large estate not far from the Trolak River when suddenly she heard a rustle in the grass behind her---before she could turn, she was seized by powerful arms, which were covered with dense, black hair. Struggling, she managed to look over her shoulder and found herself staring into a face that was straight out of a nightmare, with two long, blackened fangs jutting out from between thick lips. In a frenzy of horror, she saw two more ape-like creatures standing by the edge of the forest. Their skin appeared to be white beneath its covering of black hair, and their faces were distorted by fearsome grins. The two creatures by the trees were over six feet in height, and wore loincloths. Each carried a knife slung from the waist. The creature struggling with Wong Yi appeared to be a female. She wore a yellowish skirt made of bark and uttered weird, croaking cries. Finding additional strength the young Chinese girl succeeded in tearing herself free. As she fled, she snatched one terrified glance over her shoulder, but the creatures were moving away back into the forest. Two other people had also spotted the "fang men" along the banks of the Trolak River within hours of Wong Yi Moi's experience. The first was a corporal in the Malaya Police, Abdul Talib, who had been on patrol with a security detachment. On seeing the three weird creatures on the opposite bank of the river, the corporal raised his rifle and all three-ape creatures dived into the river and swam out of sight. The second witness was an Indian rubber tapper named Appiasamy. Hairy arms too had grabbed him from behind. Breaking free he had run for his life only to fall headlong down a rocky slope, bruising himself badly.
HC addendum

Source: John Macklin, Dwellers in Darkness

Type: E


Location. Mooi River Natal South Africa

Date: December 27 1954

Time: 1000A

Alerted by children Elizabeth Klarer ran to a nearby hill. An object about 60 ft in diameter then silently descended to 10-12 ft above the ground, 20 yards away. It had a flat hull rotating around a flattish dome, with portholes. In one of these she saw a man "with a thin face, aquiline nose, and high cheekbones," who looked at her with hypnotic intensity. Then, with a blast of hot air, the craft rose & disappeared at tremendous speed.
Humcat 1954-146

Source: Cynthia Hind, Fate August 1969

Type: A

Location. San Rafael Moreno Argentina

Date: December 28 1954

Time: 0330A

As they were traveling by car to Mendoza on Route # 143, a group of seven persons saw brilliance at the side of the road. It was a luminous object resting in a nearby field, emitting a bluish light, about 100-200 meters away. According to the description of Prof Maria Luisa de Amaya, it had the form of 2 deep dishes placed together edge to edge. They could not make out any structural details. The witnesses stopped the car, got out, and walked toward the object. When they were about 50 meters from it, they noted that there were 2 human figures next to it, of normal height, wearing one piece diver's suits of a dark color, their heads covered with a kind of cowl. One of them was crouching next to the object. After he got up, the 2 individuals entered the UFO through a sort of rectangular door, the object began to emit smoke or gas form its equatorial region, at the same time that it rose up vertically and then stopped a few meters from the ground, throwing out 2 flickering red lights. Alarmed, the witnesses returned to the car and started off at high speed. The object followed them for 20 minutes, until, with the first light of dawn, they could no longer see it.
Humcat 1954-38

Source: Roberto Banchs

Type: B


Location. Bergamo Italy

Date: December 29 1954

Time: midnight

A cigar shaped object was seen hovering at 25 meters above the ground. Several figures could be seen inside a transparent compartment. No other information.

HC addition # 2396

Source: LDLN # 326

Type: A


Location. Sommaprado Italy

Date: December 30 1954

Time: 0630A

The witness was walking along a path near a local church when he suddenly heard a motor like sound; he looked around but did not see anything. Moments later he heard the noise again. This time he saw a shiny brass like cigar shaped object hovering nearby. It had a "bump" in the middle and six rotor blades, three in front and three in the rear. The rear of the object was transparent and inside he saw two short beings dressed in black and wearing large helmets. The beings were apparently human like with olive colored skin, black hair, and looked at the witness smiling at him. The frightened witness fell to the ground and watched as the object departed at high speed.

HC addition # 1564

Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat

Type: A
Total Cases: 235
Addendums will be inserted as they become available.
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at:
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.



Compiled by

Albert Rosales

1959 Humanoid report. The end of the 50's decade brought forth a decrease in reported encounters. The world was entering a new phase of development; the era of innocence was about to come to end in dramatic fashion. 1959 brought in the last encounters of the "Happy Days" period. A new era was dawning. Following is a list of reported humanoid encounters for 1959.


Location. Wever, Iowa

Date: 1959

Time: unknown

8-year old Barbara Schutte (involved in other abductions) remembered being abducted and examined by an alien. A sample was taken from the first finger of her left hand (a remains to this day). The alien was friendly and told her the he would see her again, he would teach me what she needed to know later, and that some day she would be doing some important work, when she grew up, she would understand. (There is no description of the alien).
HC addendum

Source: Gray Barker's UFO Annual 1983

Type: G


Location. Bagan Dalam Penang Malaysia

Date: 1959

Time: unknown

Several students playing in a swampy area near riverbank saw a tiny man like figure dressed like a soldier and apparently armed. They reported the encounter to their teacher. No other information.
HC addition # 1449

Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A Summary of UFO and related Events in Malaysia 50/80

Type: E


Location. Near Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Date: 1959

Time: dawn

A man encountered an oval shaped craft resting on the ground on three metallic legs. He was able to see three undescribed "little men" in it. The craft suddenly exploded in a brilliant flash of light and disappeared. (Similar incident reported in 1988 in the same area)
HC addition # 2593

Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone

Type: A


Location. Saint Michel, Quebec, Canada

Date: 1959

Time: 0130A

Madame Berube and a friend were in their room when suddenly the area was illuminated by a bright white light coming from outside, looking out the window they saw at a distance of about 50 feet they saw a huge object with three bright points of light, one red, one green and the third yellow, hovering very close to the ground over the road. They could see a cabin-like structure surrounded by several transparent oval-shaped "windows" from which beige luminescent emerged. A hatchway was opened and two humanoid figures briefly stepped out and walked around some parked vehicles. No details on these could be seen. They soon returned to the object, which departed at high speed emitting a rumbling noise.
HC addendum

Source: Marc Leduc, CASUFO

Type: B


Location. La Havana coast Cuba

Date: 1959

Time: 0800A

A man fishing with a friend near the coastline suddenly saw the water around his vessel began to bubble, moments later a huge silvery disc shaped craft emerged out of the water hovered briefly, then shot away at high speed. A few minutes later they saw very near the boat at several meters in depth 3 to 4 dark clad figures that appeared to be wearing tight fitting diving suits. The witnesses could not determine the origin of the figures and assumed that they were somehow connected to the flying disc.
HC addition # 263

Source: Dr Sergio Cervera

Type: C?


Location. North Platte Nebraska

Date: 1959

Time: evening

Joyce Updike recalls standing by a country road waiting, when she saw two men approach, the two men wore "space suit like" outfits, headgear resembling old style diving helmets and thick soled shoes. One of the men was holding two metal rods that he was aiming towards the witness, while the other climbed over a nearby wire fence and walked to a landed object, partly hidden by a hill. She then found herself inside the object on top of an examining table, two men wearing winged type skullcaps stood next to her. They seemed to be of average height and well built. Another man wearing a three piece loose fitting "surgical" outfit with a hood & a smoke colored visor over the eyes, stood by a circular, glass covered instrument panel, and he also wore gauntlet gloves with pointed pincer type clamps. The man approached the witness and raised her right arm by the elbow, at this point all conscious recall ended.
HC addition # 1407

Source: Ruth Montgomery, Aliens Among us

Type: G


Location. Vechtel near Osnabruck Germany

Date: 1959

Time: evening

A couple and their young son had taken a walk in a forested area when they saw a bright orange colored dome shaped object descending over a nearby clearing, as it got closer they could now see that it was a disc shaped craft about four meters in diameter. Frightened the child and mother ran back to the house. Then from out of the woods a figure emerged, it was surrounded by a silvery blue light from an unknown source, it seemed to emit a cold air wave. The figure wore a one-piece suit and a divers mask. The figure made a sudden move putting his hand over his face, pushing aside a low hanging tree branch, then it seem to wave at the witness, it then walked back into the woods. Moments later the orange disc shaped object rose up into the sky and vanished.
HC addition # 246

Source: Ulrich Magin

Type: C


Location. Giant Rock California

Date: 1959

Time: late evening

While attending a convention Harry Mayer observed mysterious globes of light hovering over the runway at the local small airport. As he ran toward them, a pretty young blond woman suddenly appeared in front of him, and put out her arm stopping him in his tracks. She was barely more than five-feet tall and Mayer was well over six feet, she had "the strength of many men." They spoke long enough for Mayer to learn that her name was Mary. Under her coat she was wearing a chocolate-brown uniform that looked something like a ski suit. She claimed she was from Venus.
HC addendum

Source: Jerome Clark, Extraordinary Encounters

Type: C?


Location. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton Ohio

Date: 1959

Time: evening

Leon B Visse, an expert on histones (proteins connected with cellular genetic material), was invited to a military compound at Wright-Patterson, where he was asked to perform an experiment on the histonic weight of particular cells. In the first experiment Visse found an inordinately low histonic weight---far lower than in human cells. Either he was mistaken or there had to be a complete revision of genetic theories, he reasoned. But Visse obtained the same results when he repeated the experiment, so he asked if he could look at the organism from which the cells came. To his astonishment, Visse was taken into a special room where the corpses of two humanoids lay. The bodies were very tall---a little over 7 ft---and from their terrible injuries they appeared to have been in an accident, although the heads were intact, the forehead high and broad, very long blond hair. The eyes were stretched towards the temples, which gave them an Asiatic look. The nose and mouth were small. The lips were thin, perfectly delineated. Despite slight differences in their facial appearances, the two humanoids looked like twins. The bodies had been preserved in formaldehyde but remained perfectly white, apparently lacking the melanin granules, which cause normal human beings to tan in strong sunlight. The eyes were very light blue and looked no different from normal, Visse reported. The hands were human-like but slender, while their feet were absolutely flat, with small toes.
HC addendum

Source: Jean-Charles Fumoux, "Preuves Scientifiques OVNI"

Type: H


Location. Millersburg Oregon

Date: 1959

Time: night

The driver of a mint truck traveling near Conser Lake was terrified to see a tall, white creature that resembled a gorilla. The white hairy creature ran at 35 mph alongside the driver's truck peering into his cab. Sometime during the year it was rumored that a "flying saucer" had crashed into the lake.
HC addition # 3027

Source: Greg Long

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