Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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HC addition # 1157

Source: Mark Moravec, Psiufo Phenomena

Type: B


Location. Vellenueve-sur-Lot France

Date: October 1954

Time: noon

A metallic saucer shaped object was seen landing silently near a river. A small humanoid emerged from the object and filled a bottle with water from the river. He quickly leaves.

HC addition # 2401

Source: Figeut Ruchon, Ovni Dossier

Type: B


Location. Semons France

Date: October 1954

Time: 2200

A farmer saw a landed disc shaped object on a pasture. When the calves in a nearby field start bleating, a small human like figure was seen running into the object. The object then quickly departs.

HC addition # 2402

Source: LDLN # 319

Type: B


Location. Albias, France

Date: October 1954

Time: night

The witness observes a spherical object land silently on tripod-like landing gear. Three short humanoids are briefly seen moving around the object. The UFO then rises vertically and takes a horizontal trajectory quickly disappearing from sight.

HC addendum

Source: Michel Figuet

Type: C


Location. Braunstone Firth England

Date: October or November 1954

Time: 2300

A Mrs Creswell, together with her mother, observed an object moving slowly over the rooftops in the back of their house. Moving with a slight roll, it was shaped like two deep saucers rim-to-rim and displayed three-square windows around the central edge facing the women. In the whitish glow form within, they saw a slim humanoid figure, 5 to 6' tall, dressed in a black one-piece suit. Framed in the window to their right, the lower half of this figure's body was not visible; his hands seemed to be resting in front of him on what may have been controls. He wore a balaclava like headpiece and stared from the window at the women with "eyes that seemed to penetrate."

Humcat 1954-32

Source: Graham Hall, NUFON News # 48

Type: A


Location. Near Lugescourt Somme France

Date: October 1 1954

Time: 1645

Two young men were bicycling when they saw on the road, 500 ft ahead, a beehive-shaped orange object about 9 ft in diameter and 6 ft high. Then they saw a being of small stature dressed in a diving suit, which ran rapidly around the object. It took off without sound when the witnesses were 150 ft away.

Humcat 1954-16

Source: J Guieu in Black Out

Type: C


Location. Jussey France

Date: October 1 1954

Time: 1900

Two young men saw a luminous white disk moving in the sky. It dived to the ground, and 2 very tall men dressed in white emerged from it and made gestures. The witnesses ran away in fear.

Humcat 1954-62

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B


Location. La Rouliere France

Date: October 1 1954

Time: 2000

Near Saint Jean d'Angely, two executives, Estier & Phelippeau, who were driving back from Royan, saw a little man crossing the road in front of their car. Having stopped, they saw the figure disappear into the woods.

Humcat 1954-63

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: E


Location. Jonches, France

Date: October 2 1954

Time: unknown

Two humanoid creatures were seen on the ground, and 2 hours later a luminous red object at very low altitude was observed at the same spot. No other information.

Humcat 1954-64

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: D


Location. Croix d'Epine France

Date: October 2 1954

Time: 2000

Ernest Delattre, 19, a mechanic, was riding home on his motor scooter when an egg shaped object, brilliantly illuminated, landed on the left side of the road 15 meters away. He saw short, dark shapes, "like potato bags" moving about the object. He sped up, 7 saw the object, the size of a small bus, taking off while its color changed from orange to blue. The witness fainted while telling his story. The object was observed by 2 other witnesses.

Humcat 1954-65

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: C


Location. Near Saint Amand-les-Eaux Nord France

Date: October 3 1954

Time: 0015A

About 15 minutes after midnight, a metallurgy worker, Marcel Senechal, was riding his bicycle on a canal towpath when he heard voices; in a nearby meadow he saw a spherical object some 3 meters in diameter near which were two beings, one meter tall, who were talking to one another. Their heads were very large and their outfits luminous. The witness fled. Next morning he reported it to the gendarmes who were unable to find any traces when they returned to the site.

Humcat 1954-20

Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne

Type: C


Location. Bressuire Deux Sevres France

Date: October 3 1954

Time: 0545A

M Angelo Girardo was traveling by motor scooter to his work at Bressuire when he noticed a luminous craft, "like a cask standing upright in the grass." A man of small stature, dressed in a dark uniform without helmet, was standing beside the object; he gesticulated toward Girardo, who sped away. When he looked back, object and man had disappeared.

Humcat 1954-17

Source: Jimmy Guieu, Black Out

Type: C


Location. Lac La Pause Quebec Canada

Date: October 3 1954

Time: 1600

A man canoeing in a local lake suddenly felt a prickling sensation on his back and saw the water boiling around him. Looking up he saw a bronze colored oval shaped craft. The object flew over and landed near the shore, two small men with transparent headgear and white rubber suits emerged from the object, they had steel like claws and gathered up some vegetation before leaving, at one point they made some gargling sounds.

HC addition # 34

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: B


Location. Near Vron France

Date: October 3 1954

Time: 1845

Two young cyclists, Bernard Devoisin and Rene Coudette, both 18, saw in the middle of the road an orange luminous object of "haystack" shaped, 3 yards wide & 2 yards high. Approaching to within 70 yards, they observed a being "the height of a child, dressed like a diver," which entered the UFO. The craft took off without a sound.

Humcat 1954-66

Source: Aime Michel

Type: B


Location. Marcoing France

Date: October 3 1954 Time: night

Bakers apprentice Serge Pochet was approached by 2 small shadowy entities, about 3-feet tall. No other information.

Humcat 1954-67

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper reports

Type: E?


Location. Chaleix France

Date: October 4 1954

Time: unknown

M Garreau, a farmer, saw a flying saucer land on his property. A sliding door opened and 2 normal men wearing khaki coveralls descended and shook Garreau's hand; they spoke to him in an unknown language, and petted his dog. Then they returned to their machine, which flew away at vertiginous speed.

Humcat 1954-68

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: B


Location. Saint Pardoux France

Date: October 4 1954

Time: 0810A

M Lacambre, a forester, reported seeing a little man 3'2" tall, wearing a wide leather girdle, boots, and a slip, who rose into the air by virtue of 2 pear-shaped boxes beneath his arms. Footprints were left.

Humcat 1954-72

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: E


Location. Villers-le-Tilleul France

Date: October 4 1954

Time: 1840

10-year old Eliane Berteaux had just led the cows to pasture and was returning in her moped when she saw some meters to her left what appeared to be a metallic tent. While she approached she saw a trap door being raised to the top of the object, which was really an object resembling a large egg. It rested on the ground on a rectangular base. The trap door measured about 1 m in height and 60 cm in width. A small humanoid then appeared. It jumped to the ground. On his head he wore a large square helmet. It had very piercing eyes and arms that hung on its sides. It wore a russet red color outfit. The humanoid moved towards the witness and this one ran away in fear. In the same area, Antoine Barrois, 70 years of age saw a red luminous object rise from the ground.

Humcat 1954-73

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: C


Location. Near Taupignac Charente Maritimes France

Date: October 4 1954

Time: 1930

Three unidentified people were returning to Brueillet when near Taupignac, they observed a red luminous object hovering over a nearby wood. They stopped the car and got out, observing a round device about 6 meters in diameter, hovering motionless about 10 or 12 meters above the ground. After a few seconds it moved off horizontally, then descended into a small wooded area. Taking with them flashlights, two of the riders entered the woods; in a clearing they discovered the object, around which four little beings of one-meter height were busying themselves. As the two witnesses approached, the beings quickly entered the object, which emitted blue, then orange, and then red lights, dazzling them. It ascended quickly without any noise.
Humcat 1954-21

Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne

Type: B


Location. Megrit France

Date: October 4 1954

Time: 2200

M Leherisse observed a flat, luminous, metallic looking object, 7, or 8 ft wide, hovering 150 ft above a garage. He could see dark forms moving about like shadows in the lighted mass. As he approached it, the object rapidly moved away.

Humcat 1954-74

Source: Aime Michel

Type: A


Location. Loctudy France

Date: October 5 1954

Time: 0400A

Baker's assistant Pierre Lucas was drawing water from a well when he saw a ball of fire descend, resting on 3 feet, across the road. There emerged a 4-foot tall being with a hairy face and eyes the size of crow's eggs, wearing a helmet from which antenna like wires protruded. This being tapped Lucas on the shoulder and uttered incomprehensible words. Lucas ran for his boss, but when the baker came out there was nothing.

Humcat 1954-75

Source: Jacques Vallee

Type: B


Location. Mertrud France

Date: October 5 1954

Time: 0715A

Road mender Andre Narcy was motorcycling to work when he noticed an orange colored object in a field. Approaching, he saw it to be a 10-meter disc with a large dome on top. He walked up to within 100 yards, and observed a 4-foot tall being dressed in a very hairy overcoat. Narcy called to him, but he re-entered the craft and took off, causing an extensive "wash." At the spot the grass was found crushed within a 3-meter square, and had a milky color. 12 parallel tracks of spherical prints were also found.

Humcat 1954-70

Source: Jacques Vallee

Type: B


Location. Roverbella Italy

Date: October 5 1954

Time: night

A fisherman of Roverbella declared he was approached last night by a mysterious individual dressed in red, which addressed to him some unintelligible words and then rapidly moved off, before the fisherman had time to call his wife.

Humcat 1954-69

Source: Jacques Vallee

Type: E


Location. Isles-sur-Suippe Marne France

Date: October 6 1954

Time: 0030A

Mr. Roy was returning on National Highway 51 from Reims to his home at Rethez, a distance of 25 km, on his bicycle. When he noticed a light on the road, which turned into an orange ball, and made three "jumps" into the field at the right side of the road. The shape of the object was "ovoid." A man, of apparent human appearance & normal size & wearing a khaki colored outfit was seen leaning against the hull of the object as Roy rode by, not four meters distant.

Humcat 1954-23

Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne

Type: C


Location. Cozes Charente Maritime France

Date: October 6 1954

Time: 2330

An unidentified woman, riding a bicycle from Bordeaux to Royan, saw in a field at Cozes an object shaped like a turtle, surmounted by a cupola. It emitted first an orange light, then green, dimming and brightening alternately. Two human forms appeared nearby, one of which carried a shaft or rod and seemed to be looking for something. A violet light from the object illuminated the beings and the woman was able to make out two small human like faces behind the faceplates in their helmets. But instead of noses, she could see only two small holes just above the mouth; and instead of the two usual eyes, she saw a single eye in the middle of the forehead. Letting out a scream, the object (and the two beings, presumably) disappeared emitting a slight hum.

Humcat 1954-22

Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne

Type: C


Location. Near Mendionde Basses Pyrenees France

Date: October 7 1954

Time: morning

M Manes Cuesurtia, a Basque, going to work, discovered in a prairie two red mushroom shaped objects about 6 ft in diameter. Beside them were standing two little men only 2.5 ft tall, who made signs to the witness to approach. After uttering some incomprehensible sentences, the little men indicated by signs that M Cuesurtia should enter one of the vehicles. They entered the other one, and flew off vertically without sound. The witness approached the remaining UFO and saw inside it a third little man; the door was suddenly shut in his face, and the object flew of like the other one, displacing a slight current of air. Traces were found; the grass of the prairie was crushed down and yellowed.

Humcat 1954-25

Source: M Itehova for Sud Quest Newspaper

Type: A & B


Location. Dommartin Oise France

Date: October 7 1954

Time: 0700A

A 12-year old girl, said that as she was going alone to Dommartin she saw a flying saucer fly close over her, and that form it came "2 strange beings armed with long knives," who departed without having touched the ground. The girl was put into a hysterical state, but nevertheless some attributed her story to imagination.

Humcat 1954-24

Source: Alain Gamard

Type: B


Location. Hennezis France

Date: October 7 1954

Time: 1830

Claude, 10, and Francoise, 9, Lansselin saw a red luminous object resembling a "red egg," on the ground; Claude also saw two men clad in black and appearing normal looking descend from the object. The witnesses left the scene.

Humcat 1954-71

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: B


Location. Tehran Iran

Date: October 8 1954

Time: 0230A

Ghaseme Fili saw a luminous white flying object that stopped about 20 meters away. Inside it he could see a small man dressed in black clothing and wearing on his head a mask shaped like an elephant's trunk. Then Fili "felt as though I were being drawn up to the object, as though by a magnet." He cried out in terror, and the object shot straight upward, emitting sparks.

Humcat 1954-77

Source: FSR Vol. 13 # 2

Type: A


Location. Sassari Sardinia

Date: October 8 1954

Time: 0700A

A white luminous kite-like object circled the area; looking like "an oval sail," it came down to 5 ft above the ground, 60 ft away. Attached to it was a man dressed in black and wearing a helmet; "this pilot guided his vessel like a sailor, swinging back & forth." "As soon as he saw men," said the shepherd Giuseppe Mimia, "he threw some pamphlets that I was unable to read." After circling several times he sailed away. The owner of the sheep pen confirmed the findings of some pamphlets in a language unknown to him.

Humcat 1954-78

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: E?


Location. St Claud Charente France

Date: October 8 1954

Time: 2300

M Puygelier, 24, a chauffeur, was driving to St Claud when, 1/3 mile from the town, he saw a luminous egg-shaped UFO descend, oscillate for a few seconds, and finally land behind a hedge a few yards from the road. He drove on to St Claud, but returned with another witness. The UFO was no longer present, but at the site they saw a human silhouette standing motionless on the roadside gravel. The next morning, a strip of burnt grass 10 ft long was found at the spot, and around it the grass was much trodden down.

Humcat 1954-26

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: D


Location. Huy Belgium

Date: October 9 1954

Time: unknown

A mail carrier saw a cigar shaped object with 2 "roughly human" silhouettes aboard. It rose into the sky as he approached. No other information.

Humcat 1954-79

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: A


Location. Carcassonne France

Date: October 9 1954

Time: 1600

Driving near Carcassonne, Jean Bertrand saw a bright metallic sphere on the road ahead. The top half seemed to be made of transparent plastic, and 2 human like figures were standing inside. It took off rapidly, flying east.

Humcat 1954-80

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: A


Location. Pournoy-la-Chetive France

Date: October 9 1954

Time: 1830

Gilbert Calda, 12, with 3 younger children, was roller-skating when "a round shiny machine came down very close to us. Out of it came a kind of man, 4-feet tall, dressed in a black sack like a cassock. His head was hairy, and he had big eyes. "He said things to me that we couldn't understand, and we ran away. When we stopped and looked back, the machine was going up into the sky very fast."

Humcat 1954-81

Source: Jimmy Guieu

Type: B


Location. Rinkerode Germany

Date: October 9 1954

Time: 1900

Willi Hoge, a projectionist, saw a cigar shaped object hovering about 6 ft above the ground and emitting a blinding blue luminosity. Beneath it were 4 dwarfs about 3.5 high, with large heads, squat bodies, and spindly legs, wearing rubber like clothing. He watched for 10 minutes and got to within a few yards. After ten minutes the beings entered their craft by means of a ladder, and it rose vertically.

Humcat 1954-83

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B


Location. Lavoux France

Date: October 9 1954

Time: 1900

Roger Barrault, bicycling in the dusk, found himself confronting a humanoid about 4.5 ft tall, dressed in a "diver's suit." Its feet "had no heels" & its helmeted head looked like a shaggy bunch of hair out of which shone dazzling eyes. Two lights, like very bright headlights, one above the other, were on its front. It moved along the road for a minute and disappeared in the woods.

Humcat 1954-82

Source: Aime Michel

Type: E


Location. Cloyes-sur-le-Loir France

Date: October 9 1954

Time: 1930

Witness sees a two-meter fireball land on the road. A dark human silhouette is then seen standing in front of it. The witness is paralyzed and feels fear. No other information.

HC addition # 2436

Source: Figeut/Ruchon Ovni Dossier

Type: C


Location. Briatexte France

Date: October 9 1954

Time: 2030

Jean Pierre Mitto was driving near Briatexte with his 2 cousins when they perceived 2 small beings the size of 11 or 12-year-old children crossing the road in front of the car; he braked to a stop. Immediately they saw a red glowing disc rise straight up into the sky from an adjoining field. Traces were found.

Humcat 1954-84

Source: Aime Michel, quoting Local Police

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