Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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HC addition # 2986

Source: Franklin B Reams

Type: G


Location. White Mountains Arizona

Date: 1965

Time: night

Several Indian youths were walking along a railroad track when a freight train approached, they all jumped on it and a few moments later jumped out into some bushes alongside the railroad tracks. They then noticed a strong odor in the air, resembling blood; they then found four dead stiff cows on a nearby field. One of the witnesses looked back as the others were all lying on the ground apparently sleeping. Her next recollection was of her lying on a table in a round room being examined by four humanoids, two tall, and two short, all wearing robe-like garments. The beings seemed to communicate among themselves by using telepathy. The beings apparently performed some tests on her ovaries.
HC addition # 1719

Source: Linda Biafore, UFO & Paranormal Perceptions # 27, summer 1994

Type: G


Location. Rio Claro, Brazil

Date: 1965

Time: night

Edemilson Mendes heard the frightened shouts of a neighbor and upon going outside to investigate he saw two strange figures approaching him on the pavement. He described the figures a man-like, but greenish and scaly, reptilian in nature. As they approached he became dizzy and apparently passed out. He woke up two hours later not remembering what had happened.
HC addendum


Type: E


Location. Near Madras, Oregon

Date: 1965

Time: night

The teenage witness was alone at home when he heard a noise coming from outside. Looking out he saw an object with strange lights descending towards the ground. Soon he saw an alien creature standing outside the front door staring at him. The creature had the face of an ape and wore what appeared to be a chain across the chest area. The next day he found an impression on the ground where the UFO had landed. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Pancake Perspectives # 6

Type: C


Location. Near Provo, Utah

Date: 1965

Time: night

A 19-year old semiliterate shipping clerk reported being taken from his house in a glassy sphere into a large black object where he met a 6-foot 7-inch tall man, apparently the leader and a beautiful copper skinned girl with blond hair and blue eyes, who wore black uniforms with disc-shaped shoulder epaulets and serpents motifs on the pockets. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Dr. Frank Salisbury

Type: G


Location. St Louis, Missouri

Date: 1965

Time: night

The 6-year old witness remembers waking up in his bedroom sometimes after midnight. There is a window in the bedroom and even though he doesn’t want to he opens the drapes. Outside the window floating in a fine mist is a small figure, with very thin legs and arms, with a large head and eyes. Without ever really seeing its mouth move the witness heard, “don’t be afraid Indian”. The thing he found strange about this was that at age 6, he had no idea he was an American Indian. As this all transpires it feels as if the air is sucked from his bedroom, he panics and runs to his parent’s room. There he finds his mother and father sound asleep. The witness was to have further dream-like episodes and experienced severe headaches.
HC addendum


Type: E?


Location. Coal And Candle Creek New South Wales, Australia

Date: 1965

Time: night

A 12-year old boy was fishing with his uncle in a boat on a tributary of the Hawkesbury River, at night, when they heard a humming noise. They then saw a glowing, yellow/gold saucer-shaped craft appear from over some hills to the north. The craft descended and began to follow the watercourse until it was directly over them. The witnesses reported seeing portholes and a large “windscreen” or observing view-screen, and had the feeling they were being observed. The object remained stationary for about 30-40 seconds before disappearing at great speed to the northwest.
HC addendum

Source: UFOR NSW, Australia

Type: A?


Location. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Date: 1965

Time: night

Four year old Thomas Ballendine suddenly woke up in the middle of the night to see two sets of tear-drop shaped glowing eyes floating seemingly in midair, in the middle of the very dark bedroom. He had been sleeping on a large queen size bed but when he woke up he was laying on a cold hard surface, his arms dangling at both sides. He went to lift his arms to his stomach when his arm rubbed against a musky hot damp wrinkly skin. He was terrified and he looked at the foot of where he was lying and saw another being. He was afraid since the beings apparently knew he was awake, he then looked up and saw a fourth being. This being then grabbed his chin gently and began to pry the witness mouth open, he then felt a cold metal object placed on his face and forced his jaw open once again. Terrified the witness passed out and later woke up back in his bedroom.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Evidence,

Type: G?


Location. Vershi gold mine, Shilka area, Chita region, East Siberia, Russia

Date: 1965

Time: night

A woman named Roza Zvyagina was staying at home with her 3-year old son while her husband had gone out on a business trip. The child was sleeping and she was looking at her cat “washing” under the table. It was very light in the flat since the “Vershi” gold mine was nearby, lit up by numerous projectors opposite to the flat’s windows. She could hear the dispatcher’s voice from time to time over the loudspeaker. Suddenly the cat stopped licking itself and began staring fixedly at a corner. Roza looked in the direction of the cat’s glance and froze with horror after seeing a huge humanoid entity, which almost reached the ceiling because of its height, walking in her direction. The humanoid figure was thin, dark, and was moving in a very strange manner, placing its elbows forward and then bending his knees. The strange entity appeared to be moving as if on a spring, on leg moved ahead and the elbow parallel with it, and then the other. The woman could not see many details on the entity and neither did she see the alien’s clothing. She stared at the entity as it leaned over her and tightly grabbed one of her knees and her elbow. She wanted to scream, but could not even speak, it appears that she was paralyzed. The cat was now staring at both the humanoid and the alien. Suddenly the loud voice from the mine’s dispatcher was heard in the street and the dark entity instantly disappeared, simply dissolved into thin air. The cat then continued washing itself, like nothing had happened. Roza then stood up and turned on the light, had a cup of tea, but the feeling of a powerful hand grabbing her knee and elbow did not pass. After some time the knee that had been touched by the humanoid, experienced severe pain, the same with the elbow, which the woman had too have a surgical operation performed on it.
HC addendum

Source: “Interesnaya Gazeta” Kiev D-block # 5 2004

Type: E


Location. Thermalito, Oroville area, California

Date: 1965

Time: night

Three women living in a small house in a yet undeveloped area reported that on several occasions, Noreen, one of the women, was sitting up alone in her living room when strange lights illuminated the entire house. Noreen remembers seeing strange forms in the windows, and also spotting a triangular craft on several occasions hovering above the house. A second woman, Laurie remembers seeing a strange elk-like creature coming through a closed window. She also had a strange feeling of being surrounded by “little people” about the house even though she never actually saw them, but always felt that they were around and under her bed.
HC addendum


Type: D?


Location. Not given

Date: 1965

Time: late night

The five-year old witness was sleeping with her brothers when she was suddenly awakened for some unknown reason. She then saw seven strange looking figures at the foot of her bed. The figures were four-foot tall, with large round black eyes, grayish white skin, and a large head with a very thin body and long arms, fingers, and toes. A bright light shone from the sky, which seemed to draw the witness and the aliens into it. Next thing she recalled was being on a table in a sterile room, again surrounded by the beings. The beings began to examine and probe her body with long thin metal instruments; some were inserted vaginally and rectally. Next thing she knew was lying back on her bed.
HC addition # 1925

Source: Kenneth Ring PhD, The Omega Project

Type: G


Location. Scottish Highlands, Scotland

Date: 1965

Time: late night

On two successive nights (famed ghost-hunter) Elliott O’Donnell encountered the supernatural in a lonely road. On the first occasion he just heard footsteps behind him, but on the second night he swung around and saw the dark shape of a man trailing him at some distance. The shadow seemed to be the source of the footsteps and was advancing towards him. O’Donnell was terrified and looked around for some mundane explanation but there was none. He stood stock still, and the shadow passed him as though oblivious to his presence. O’Donnell felt a transient “icy chill.” The shadow was like the silhouette of a short stout man, but the nerve-racking detail that caught O’Donnell his attention the most was that the figure was headless. There was a well-defined neck, but beyond it, nothing. (I included this incident because of the various incidents describing humanoids or entities that appeared to be headless).
HC addendum

Source: Paul Deveraux, Haunted Land

Type: E


Location. Auckland, New Zealand

Date: 1965

Time: night

The 10-year old witness remembered finding himself wide awake and being escorted by an adult up steps and into what appears to be an aero-plane of some sort. His sister is with him and once they enter the craft his sister is escorted into another room. He feels concern for his sister but the adults that assure him that everything is going to be all right calm him down. They tell him that they are from another planet far away and they are here to run some tests. At this point he starts to take notice of these adults appearance. They appear to have skintight blue clothing on from top to bottom and the females are very obviously female. They appear quite human-like. The witness asks them if everyone dresses like that where they come from. He is told yes, that they have to in order to survive. They tell him that they are from a place called “Haven”. He asks them if they are angels but they laugh and say no. He then asks them if they are going back and if he could go with them. The witness is bitterly disappointed when they tell him that he cannot return with them. Soon he is put through something like a regular physical and then his sister and him are reunited and returned to their home.
HC addendum

Source: Phill Matthias, New Zealand

Type: G


Location. Helemano, Oahu Hawaii

Date: 1965

Time: 0200A

A Filipino working for the Dole Pineapple Company as part of an irrigation crew was walking one late night in the pineapple fields, setting up the huge sprinklers into position. As he was walking in the dark he suddenly tripped and fell into a shallow hole. After investigating the hole it turned out to be a large man-like footprint. After telling what had occurred to the older workers, he was told that some of the men had seen a giant-man-like figure walking through the pineapple fields in the Helemano area.
HC addendum

Source: The Obake Files, Encounters in Supernatural Hawaii

Type: E


Location. Galveston, Indiana

Date: 1965

Time: late night

Following a peculiar impulse that led him outside, Gene Floyd saw an orange glow in the sky. An “unspoken command” told him to shine his flashlight up at it, and when he did, flashing the lights three times, the glow blinked three times in reply. Later that night Floyd had a vivid “dream” in which he stood aboard a UFO conversing mentally with a humanoid figure with a large baldhead. Since then he seemed to have acquired a noticeable degree of psychic ability.
HC addendum

Source: Jerome Clark, Loren Coleman, “Creatures of the Goblin World”

Type: F? Or G


Location. Richmond, Virginia

Date: 1965

Time: late night

A young girl, age about seven, was going to sleep, but insists that she wasn’t asleep yet. She looked over into the corner of her bedroom and there was a little man floating in the air. He was dressed in silver and had skin of silvery blue. He had white eyes and very red lips. He had a helmet with a clear mask. He looked at her like he was trying to talk to her but couldn’t. She got scared and ran out of the room.
HC addendum

Source: Michael D. Swords, “Grassroots UFOs”

Type: E

Comments: Bedroom visitation.


Location. Near Lubbock, Texas

Date: 1965

Time: 2200

Linda and a friend, Betty, were driving a car just outside of Lubbock when they both noticed a bright light in the sky, Betty, who was driving began to try to follow it as it moved slowly at first, then more rapidly as they pulled off the highway onto a county road closing with their car until it stopped about forty feet away and ten to twenty feet above the ground. Linda said that it had an extremely bright rotating red light on top with a bank of light, about four, around the mid-section. Betty began to blink her headlights on and off and the “spacecraft” responded by blinking the white lights. At one point the witnesses noticed what appeared to be human-like figures inside some porthole windows, but no features could be seen. One thing that seemed puzzling to Linda about the encounter was than even though they were on a county road, it was fairly well traveled and she said at least seven or eight cars passed them, seeming not to notice what was going on. After approximate five to ten minutes the UFO rose and began to move away, seeming to suddenly disappear.
HC addendum

Source: Direct from witness,

Type: A


Location. San Miguel, Andes, Argentina

Date: January 1965

Time: unknown

It was reported that an object had fallen from the sky at San Rafael, 4 kilometers fro San Miguel, and a photograph of it appeared later in FSR May/June 1965. The Argentine Air Force subsequently removed the object, whatever it was. Most folk thought it was a satellite of some kind, but a few inhabitants of the area where convinced that it was a UFO and several said they had seen small individuals, near the object, that wore “strange diver’s suits” which gave off a greenish phosphorescence.
Humcat 1965-79

Source: Hanlon, The Humanoids

Type: H


Location. Near Woodstock New York

Date: January 1965

Time: 0400A

A group of musicians (including Jimi Hendrix) driving back to Manhattan were stranded in a heavy blizzard and had gotten stuck in a heavy drift that reached the hood of their vehicle. It was bitter cold. The road ahead of them suddenly lit up, as a bright phosphorescent object, cone shaped, like a capsule landed in the snow about 100 feet up ahead. It stood on a tripod landing gear. Before any of the stunned occupants of the vehicle could move, a door opened on the side of the craft and an entity stepped out. He stood eight-feet tall, his skin was yellowish, and instead of eyes, the creature had slits. His forehead came to a point, and his head ran straight to his chest, leaving the impression that he had no neck. The being proceeded to float to the ground and glided towards the trapped occupants of the van. The snow seemed to melt in the wake of the creature. His body seemed to generate tremendous heat, so much so that as it came across a small rise, the snow disappeared around in all directions. In a matter of what seemed like seconds, the being came over to the right hand side of the van, where Hendrix sat and looked right through the window. According to other witnesses at the scene the creature seemed to be communicating telepathically with Hendrix. Immediately the interior of their vehicle began to heat up. The heat coming from the being evaporated the snow enough to free their imprisoned van. The being glide behind the van and the snowdrift by now had completely vanished. Turning the ignition the driver gunned the engine and drove away at high speed. As they looked back they could see the road filling in with snow again. The object was at the same instant lifting off like a rocket from a launching pad.
HC addendum

Source: Timothy Beckley, UFOs Among the Stars

Type: B


Location. Near Table Mountain, Central Tasmania, Australia

Date: January 1965

Time: late afternoon

A hunter was stalking deer near the marsh area when a man in dark clothing suddenly appeared out of nowhere beside him and stayed with him in the walk, of about 150 yards, down to the marsh. The hunter tried to no avail to engage this man in conversation. He saw that the man seemed to have an incredibly old face marked by cracks and wrinkles, “like a skeleton with skin on it.” The man wore a big dark military coat with light epaulettes. At the edge of the marsh the hunter turned to the man and asked to no avail what he wanted. He then looked down and was shocked to see that the man had no feet. Then the man vanished.
HC addendum

Source: Bill Chalker

Type: E


Location. Brands Flat Virginia

Date: January 19 1965

Time: 1815

William Blackburn was chopping firewood in preparation for an archery match when he noticed a large conical object in the sky, which he judged to be 240 feet in diameter. While he watched it, he saw a similar but smaller UFO, 60 ft wide, with a bubble-like cupola on top, land 50 ft away. It was made out of metal polished to a mirror finish. A pie like section opened out and three small entities only 3 ft tall emerged and floated toward him. They were dressed in close fitting uniforms of the same high polish as the UFO, and wore shoes with 3 or 4-inch soles. Their skin was of an orange red color, and one had “a long finger on his left hand.” Their faces were human like in appearance. These beings approached to within 12 ft and addressed him in a language that the witness could not understand. When he made no reply, the little men re-entered their vehicle, and both objects then rapidly disappeared. The sighting occurred during a localized wave of reports in the area, and the witness was subsequently asked by an un-named government agency not to discuss his sighting further.
Humcat 1965-7

Source: Richard Hall & Joan Lusby for Nicap

Type: B


Location. Long Beach Mississippi

Date: January 20 1965

Time: 0940A

A slow flying object was seen. Two figures were observed (presumably on board, through windows or however), one of which seemed to be operating a “camera like device,” as observed from the ground. No other information.
Humcat 1965-8

Source: Donald Hanlon, FSR Vol. 11 # 2

Type: A?


Location. Brands Flat Virginia

Date: January 26 1965

Time: 1930

A group of teenagers, including Steve Miller, 16, were riding on Route 250 near Brands Flats when they saw a little man about 3 ½ feet tall sitting by the road watching the cars passing. He was wearing a silvery looking one-piece silvery garment. They got out of the car and pursued the little man; two more joined the first and ran with him, easily outrunning the boys and leaving no footprints in the muddy ground. The group contacted the Staunton police; within an hour a group of police were on the scene, as well as a young photographer, Charles Weaver. Weaver, and a man named Huffer, approached a barn, which the photographer entered; calling out to Huffer, who found his companion knocked down. Weaver claimed something struck him. They left the barn, but as they fled, believed they saw a little man standing in front of the building; Weaver paused long enough to take a picture, and the pair joined the other investigators. The disposition of the photograph was never determined.
Humcat 1965-9

Source: Local Police & Newspaper source

Type: D


Location. Manresa Beach California

Date: January 30 1965

Time: 0200A

Sid Padrick, 52, was walking along the beach at night when he heard a sound and saw a large dark object approaching over the ocean. He ran from it but heard a voice form it say, “Do not be frightened, we are not hostile.” It descended to within 2 ft of the beach, and the voice invited Padrick to come on board, which he did. The UFO, which bore no lights, was shaped like a 50 ft sphere with top and bottom cut off, and surrounded by a horizontal flange. Entering through a brilliantly lit antechamber, Padrick was met and taken on a tour by a young man dressed in close fitting, bluish white 2 piece suit, continuous with the footgear. This man, who identified himself as “Zeeno,” said that they came from a planet invisible to us, as it is always behind one of the planets we can see. Their society had no sickness, vice or crime. Padrick saw on a TV screen another such vessel, identified as their “navigating craft.” He was taken for a ride to some spot in the mountains and brought back to the beach after duration of two hours.
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