Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Date: May 1965

Time: morning

8-year old Sonia Gagnon was on her way to school when she encountered a strange female figure with long brown hair and brown eyes; the figure appeared very sad and engaged the witness in conversation. The young witness seemed to have lost track of time and was suddenly snapped out of an apparent trance-like state by the sounds of bells ringing. She arrived late to school and had apparently been missing for some time. She could only recall that the strange woman wore a black and white outfit.
HC addendum

Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine

Type: E or G? Could this be an unexplored abduction event?


Location. Lake Mason Washington

Date: May 30 1965

Time: 1400

While sunbathing on her lake cottage roof, the witness saw a shiny disc shaped object approaching in a direct line from over the lake; she described it as metallic, about 40 ft wide, and with a dome on top and a row of windows through which she was able to see first one, then two occupants. The object hovered over her cottage lot less than 200 ft away, as tripod landing gear emerged from underneath. The witness, on the roof, was looking down on the landed object when she saw the first figure at the window. When he saw her on the roof, he beckoned to another figure that appeared at a second window; they seemed to be rather short with large, baldheads. They stared at the witness for what seemed to be a long time. The next thing the witness recalled was watching the object move rapidly away in the direction of the setting sun. There was an apparent time lapse of at least four hours. Under self induced hypnosis, the witness was able to recall walking up to the UFO and being led up a stairway and into the vehicle by the two occupants; they were under four feet tall and one of them held a small box which he then opened. Inside was a dark colored crystal that gave off a vapor or smoke; he held it in front of her face and the witness jumped back, but when he again passed it closed to her face she discovered that the fumes were odorless. The next thing she remembers was being back on her roof watching the object depart. There would be another encounter three months later.
Humcat 1965-19

Source: Fred Merritt for Cufos

Type: G


Location. Omaha, Nebraska

Date: summer 1965

Time: 0100A or 0200A

A family was driving in their camper (a pickup truck) near Omaha and the stockyards. Three beings raced across the road in front of them. The third stopped right in the road and they were going to hit it. It made a huge bounding thirty- to forty-foot leap from the Interstate and over a fence. The entities were small with large heads and eyes, no hair and very pale looking. The stepfather was an ex-FBI man and wanted to stop to investigate, but the mother said, “No. No. Let’s get the hell out of here.” Later that morning they heard a radio report that some cattle had been found dead in the Omaha stockyards. The father then remarked, “Well, they probably dissected them to see what they’re composed of.”
HC addendum

Source: Michael D. Swords, “Grassroots UFOs”

Type: E

Comments: I pose this question: “Have earth scientists dissected alien humanoid beings, to see ‘what are they composed of’.”


Location. Moscow region, Russia

Date: Summer 1965

Time: daytime

The Soviet Military organized contact with a space alien crew in top secret, most likely by the GRU special group “Lotos”, the Soviet counterpart of Majestic-12. The UFO landing and the desire of the extraterrestrials for contact were predicted to happen. The origin of the information was a person who claimed to be in telepathic contact with extraterrestrials. Using this person as mediator, Soviet military negotiated with the aliens and arranged the meeting on the territory of an isolated military reservation amid the forests southeast of Moscow. The person in telepathic contact with the aliens worked together with the military UFO research group, and the staff from that group went to the site to check the information. Cameramen were brought to the site. A colonel or general was in charge of the group and three unarmed men were taken to the site, including the telepathic contactee. After waiting for some time in the glade amid the forest they were suddenly stunned to see a large oval or egg-shaped object, dull gray in color, hovering nearby. The craft flew over the area, obviously inspecting it, and after that it approached the men, descended and hovered about a meter or half a meter over a grassy clearing, about 60 to 100 meters from the group. Out of nowhere an opening appeared on the egg and 4 or 5 aliens came out of the craft. One of them approached the military group. The aliens were thin, about 1.6m to 1.8m in height, with lean bodies, hairless normal-proportioned heads, dressed in tight-fitting silvery suits, its eyes nose and mouth were proportional and looked remotely like that of a human. The being was holding a cylinder-shaped device in his hands, apparently a weapon. The alien looked straight into the eyes of the military men and telepathic contact was established. The alien informed then that they had come in peace, and told them not to be afraid. The military asked for cooperation and technology, but apparently asked for too much to be realized. A number of other topics were also discussed. The whole contact lasted for several minutes; the humanoid appeared to have posed for the cameramen. The whole scene was filmed in 16-mm color film that was later shown in the KGB headquarters to Mr. Vadim A Chernobrov, aviation and UFO expert. There was a cow visible, lying on the grass nearby, the animal was obviously unconscious or dying, judging by the convulsive spasmodic movements it mas making. After the conversation was over, the alien went back using a curious jumping-walking fashion. The other 3 or 4 aliens went inside the craft from another direction. After that the egg-shaped object hovered over the area briefly moving over the grass in the opposite direction, the closing on the egg closed like a pellicle, unlike a normal door, leaving no trace of it and no seams. After that, the UFO zoomed up into the air, hovered for a moment and then flew away. After the incident a team of soldiers was dispatched to the site and made a complete search of the environs, looking for ground traces, etc.
HC addendum

Source: Vadim A Chernobrov, Larissa Chora, Lenura Azizova Anton Anfalov, Crimea Ukraine

Type: B


Location. Rio Hato Panama

Date: Summer 1965

Time: sundown

During a spate of mysterious animal killings in the area, the main witness, Eddie Melvin & several other locals stayed up one night hidden behind the darkened windows of the house & kept watch on the nearby woods. Soon they saw a bizarre creature step out of the woods. The creature was described as being 4-feet tall, covered in dark stringy hair. Its head was shaped like a large oval, with a pointy chin, with huge glowing red almond shaped eyes. It seemed to have what appeared to be fangs protruding from its mouth. It walked on two muscular legs that terminated in claw like feet. It had two small thin arms, terminating in four-fingered hands with powerful looking claws. It had a peculiar feature described as some kind of a crest running down its back. This sharp crest appeared to be fluorescent, giving off multicolored hues. The creature at one point lifted its arms revealing a web-like membrane under them. Suddenly it apparently sensed their presence and ran into the woods rapidly disappearing from sight.
HC addition # 2563

Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia Ovni # 12

Type: E


Location. Bellefontaine, Logan County Ohio

Date: Summer 1965

Time: evening

The witnesses were driving with their son on the west side of town and as they approached a railroad crossing, they had to slow down; suddenly the wife looked to the right, down the tracks and saw a huge creature walking. She alerted the others who then watched it for a while. Being concerned with the safety of themselves and their son they left the area. The husband estimated the height of the creature to had been 6-6.5 feet; it had very long arms, and was very dark in color.
HC addition # 2971

Source: Ron Schaffner

Type: E


Location. Miami Beach, Florida

Date: Summer 1965

Time: 2000

The witness, his mother and sister were driving back to Miami on the McArthur Causeway from the beach. He was in the backseat behind his sister when suddenly they all saw a large disc-shaped object, flashing red and white lights around its circumference following the car at a low altitude. Suddenly tears were streaming down the witness face as he saw several “persons” moving about inside the object through a transparent cabin. He remembers his heart racing and then his next memory was of arriving home. Apparently it took two hours for them to get home that night.
HC addendum

Source: NUFORC

Type: A

Comments: The possibility of an unexplored abduction event cannot be discarded.


Location. Near unnamed Brazilian AFB Brazil

Date: June 1965

Time: 2200

The witness couldn’t sleep and felt very restless. Somehow he found himself riding a bicycle from his barracks around the outside perimeter of the base. In an isolated field his bicycle would not go on anymore, it slow down. Then a beam of light came down from above and he was lifted up, bicycle and all, into a large disc shaped object. Inside he was met by several short gray colored humanoids that communicated via telepathy assuring him that everything was going to be all right. He then sensed that the craft was moving at a very rapid speed. He was given a tour of it and was shown stars, planets, and celestial bodies. The craft then appeared to stop and the humanoids then examined him in a large room. Soon he was returned to earth. He was escorted out of the craft but soon realized that he was at the wrong military base. He communicated this fact to the humanoids apparently by using telepathy. They then returned and walked outside grabbed him by the arms and took him back onboard. The craft then landed again, this time at the correct base. He walked to his barracks and went to sleep.
HC addition # 3493

Source: Peter A Schlesinger, Orion Investigating Group

Type: G


Location. Marathon, Wisconsin

Date: June 1 1965

Time: 2300

The witness went outside and saw a disk hovering above a shed about 30ft up, it was 15 to 20ft round and it then moved silently in a zigzag pattern. It then moved over the witness which suddenly felt being taken up in a spinning windy motion which was very brief. He could not remember much except a bright light and head across his forehead. His next memory was of standing in front of his house. An unusual scar was found on his forehead.
HC addendum


Type: G?

Comments: As far as is known there hasn’t been any hypnotic regression performed.


Location. Monte Negro, Brazil

Date: June 3 1965

Time: night

A large luminous object encased in a bright green glow hovered low over a field. Through an opening two humanoids wearing brown suits and with dark round eyes were seen looking out. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil

Type: A


Location. Caliham, Texas

Date: June 6 1965

Time: 0245A

The 5-year old witness woke up in the middle of the night on his way to cuddle into bed with his parents as he usually did late at night. However, that night he saw bright lights in the house and hid in the crawl space between the refrigerator and the wall. He then saw 2 dull bright figures that were maybe 3 ft tall with glowing eyes. This frightened him and he covered his face with his hands. However he still peeked through his fingers and realized that he was now face to face with the figures. He then ran to his sister’s room and hid under the covers in between his two sisters. The witness claims that the next day his home was visited by “men in black suits” who asked all kinds of questions pertaining to lights and fires near the barn area.
HC addendum

Source: NUFORC

Type: E


Location. Scoriton, Devon, England

Date: June 7 1965

Time: 1930

Arthur Bryant was just going to bed in his home when he heard a sound like that of a ship’s turbine. He looked outside and saw a pale blue light traveling west to east at an altitude of 300’-400’. He saw this come down, and then the light and noise disappeared. Next day he looked over the area and found strange pieces of metal, some like turbines with curved blades, and some looking like more complicated pieces of machinery. Also there was a glass phial with some silver sand in it, and the message “Adelphos Adelpho” (brother to brother) in what appeared to be classical Greek script. There was also an evil-smelling patch of jelly-like substance where the object appeared to land, but this quickly evaporated.
HC addendum

Source: Eileen Buckle, The Scoriton Mystery

Type: F? Contact case


Location. New Kensington, Pennsylvania

Date: June 15 1965

Time: 1900

The 14-year old main witness was skate boarding with 2 friends and were coming down an alley in the back of the house where there was an empty field with a large elm tree about 100 ft tall at the far end of the lot. As they reached the empty lot, they all gazed up as something caught their attention. It was a large UFO hovering above the tree line. The witness could see into it through a window that looked as if the blue gray, metallic UFO had opened by making that part of it transparent. There were no hard edges or frame like regular windows. It was as if it was all the ship could be seen through. The witness began waving at it as he could see two beings looking out the window at him. They appeared human. One was taller than the other. He could only see the silhouettes though. They appeared to be a dark gray in color, but seemed to be just like regular humans peering out at the witness. He could only see them from the waist up. He felt that they were reading his mind and he felt as he was being acknowledged as he was waving both his hands to get their attention. His two friends were standing next to him, one on each side. They were looking up at it also. He commented to them about and both appeared to be paralyzed. They didn’t move at all, just stared up at it mesmerized. The witness examined the object closely and noticed that in the middle taking up about one third of the bottom was a round glowing reddish, black, pulsating, what he thought was an engine. It glowed and pulsated every half of a second from a deep red to a deep black, red. It reminded the witness of a red bike reflector and had the same texture. It protruded out from the rest of the object. The craft was completely beautiful to the witness point of view, round with a dome on top where the window was located half way down. He could see no other portholes or marks on it. It was smooth all around and the domed top was about as high as the rest of the body. As the “engine” pulsated, he could see that the rest of the underside did not take on the reddish glow of the engine. The rest of the UFO remained bluish gray in color. It didn’t make any sound and the witness felt absolutely no fear, convinced that the occupants of the UFO were not there to harm him. He stood there for what he thought was a minute or so. He could still see his two friends still staring at the UFO. His next memory was of seeing the UFO leaving. He was now completely turned around and his two friends were now together on his right. The UFO now appeared smaller since it was higher up. The object then zipped away at very high speed, seemingly disappearing behind the quarter moon leaving a sort of luminous tracer behind. The witness felt saddened as the UFO departed. His two friends were on curfew and had to be home at 1900 and all three were stunned to realize that it was now 2200 and they all ran home, stunned.

About a month later the main witness began to remember additional details of the encounter. He remembered being inside the UFO. He was sitting on a silver colored bench. Next to him were two adults just sitting there, staring, similar to what his friends had been doing. The bench was about eight feet long and was curved around what seemed to be the roundness of the ship. He spoke to the two adults sitting at the table but they remained quiet, they just stared straight ahead. The witness looked up straight in front of him and saw two humans standing in the interior of the UFO. One was a man about 6 ft tall and the other was a beautiful woman about 5 ft 8 inches tall. They both had on silver grayish jumpsuits but were formed to their bodies, not to loose and not to tight. It was all one-piece including their shoes. It had the same color as the outside of the UFO. There was no collar on the suit but it was up to the neck near the bottom. The woman had brownish blond hair and long and flowing down to about one third of her back. It was shiny and very pretty to look at. She was very pretty and smiled at the witness. The man was very handsome and had blondish color hair. They both had very blue eyes that were warm as they looked at the witness. He got up from the bench and walked towards them seeing the other two just sitting there staring. He noticed that the man was standing across from a wall of the dome. He was moving his hands across and down what seemed to be a panel of some sort. The woman stood on his right side and then came around to the witness. She then gave him a hug, which made him feel very welcome. She then moved back toward the all and began to also wave her hands over the panel. The man then moved away from the wall and motioned to the witness with his hands to move to the left. As he did he could see a window, it was panoramic in shape and about waist high. He could see millions of stars through it. They were clear, clearer than what he had ever seen them. The window seemed to blend with the rest of the ship as he saw no rivets or bolt of any kind. The witness felt that the man and the woman were a husband and wife couple and both appeared to be “perfect people”. They seemed contended and happy with each other. His next memory was of waving goodbye to them and feeling very sad.
HC addendum

Source: NUFORC

Type: G


Location. West Corners New York

Date: June 15 1965

Time: 2100

The five-year old witness was in his bedroom with his younger sister when he saw a short gray “creature” wearing what appeared to have been a red vest looking in through the window. The creature popped up in the window several times, as the young witness ran screaming to get his mother. Later that same night his young sister reported seeing the same or similar creature in the bedroom, it had long skinny fingers that wrapped around her body and apparently took her into a room filled with toys. She was then placed on a table where some type of probe was inserted into her. She was later returned to her room.
HC addition # 3134

Source: NUFORC

Type: E & G


Location. Wheaton Illinois

Date: June 25 1965

Time: 0100A

Susan J, 12 and her sister Robin, 10, were in bed on the front porch of their house when they noticed a person with long hair, dressed in a long white robe covering the feet, standing across the street watching them. This person twice uttered, in a very low but distinct voice, the name “Sue,” and they thought they heard a “Tsk tsk” sound as of disapproval. The girls went to the edge of the porch, where they stayed, feeling that they could not move. Robin yelled several times “What do you want?” but there was no answer. After perhaps 15 minutes, the figure turned & walked away. After about 10 steps it stopped, and “another form backed out of it,” looking similar to the first, but 6” shorter, and transparent. The first figure walked on and then stopped again, and the 2nd one came up and again merged with it. The reunited figure walked on, to a neighbor’s driveway where there was a luminous mist, in which it rose up and vanished. After this incident Sue began to develop psychic abilities, and poltergeist phenomena occurred in their house.
Humcat 1965-71

Source: Douwe J. Bosga

Type: E


Location. Berlin Germany

Date: June 27 1965

Time: 2130

The witness, Pia Mossbach, looked out the window of her home and was fascinated to see two large moon like objects hovering nearby, she crawled out the window and ran towards the direction of the Teltow Channel, where one of the objects had descended slowly and apparently landed. The witness approached and saw a large disc shaped object with a dome on top. Four small men came out of the object and began collecting water samples, one of the men approached the witness and pointed a bright object at her, and she then lost consciousness. She woke up in a bright room. Later she found herself on the ground again with a strong headache and irritated eyes. Other witnesses in the area had apparently seen the same object land.
HC addition # 53

Source: Michael J Hessemann, From Etcon Intl

Type: G


Location. Vassalboro Maine

Date: June 28 1965

Time: 0900A

The 9-year old witness was out playing in a sand box at the front yard of her house when she looked up to see a large silvery craft, disc shaped with a dome on top, going over the area about 200 feet up. It had large square windows and the witness was able to see shadows of figures inside them. The object disappeared towards Bangor Maine.
HC addition # 3624

Source: NUFORC

Type: A


Location. County Clare, Ireland

Date: July 1965

Time: 0200A

A woman and a friend were driving home on a country road when a small luminous blue light appeared over their vehicle. The light flew ahead of them and hovered above the roadway. Suddenly a tall figure wearing a black robe appeared under the light and in front of their vehicle. As they watched the blue light and the figure both suddenly vanished.
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