Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Anton Anfalov, Nikolai Kuzmin in: Flying Saucer Review vol. 44 # 4 winter 1999

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HC addendum

Source: Anton Anfalov, Nikolai Kuzmin in: Flying Saucer Review vol. 44 # 4 winter 1999

Type: H


Location. Anion Lake, British Columbia, Canada

Date: June 1966

Time: late afternoon

An elderly couple and their teenage son went fishing in a lake situated among deserted sand pits. Upon settling down on the lakeshore an unbelievably sinister darkness covered them. They were overcome by a foul odor and suddenly the boy disappeared. Despite all efforts, the boy wasn't found in the darkness. Instantly, the sky began to clear up and the parents saw their son. He told his parents he had seen some round "plane", but could not remember what happened next. Within a few days, the boy fell seriously ill and suffered from mental problems for the rest of his life.
HC addendum

Source: Pravda.RU

Type: G?


Location. Los Morros Chile

Date: June 1 1966

Time: early morning

Four men traveling by car watched a large disc shaped object descend near their van. The witnesses stopped the vehicle to watch as the craft displayed bright multi-colored lights. In the distance they could also see five metallic top shaped objects emitting beams of light towards the ground. There was a possible time loss and under hypnosis two of the men recalled encountering "alien looking humanoids."
HC addition # 1052

Source: J Antonio Huneeus, Mufon Symposium Proceedings 1987

Type: G?


Location. Cape Canaveral Florida

Date: June 3 1966

Time: 1930

James, 7, & Michael Harkins, with another boy, went to the beach after seeing a "rocket or jet" apparently dive into the sea. There they saw 2 men standing talking; they wore glass encased helmets, gray suits, and had what looked like scuba tanks on their backs. On hearing one boy whistle, they dashed to the water & boarded a "round white thing" that sped to a strange vessel 100 yards offshore. The craft, which bore a gray star and the letters "HU HR PS RED," had windows through which people could be seen. When the 2 men reached it, it submerged & vanished.
Humcat 1966-75

Source: Tom Longhurst, Orlando Sentinel

Type: B & A


Location. West Chelmsford Massachusetts

Date: no later than June 23 1966

Time: 0315A

The witness awoke at 0315A to find his bedroom illuminated as if by daylight. Behind each window shade there seemed to be a light. He heard a "pinging" sound from that direction. On starting to go to the windows, he felt paralyzed and fell back on the bed, losing consciousness. The next day he had a dim recollection of having seen at the front door a group of large headed individuals 4'2"-4'4" tall, dressed in all white, and grinning. He recalled feeling admiration & respect for these beings.
Humcat 1966-76

Source: Raymond E Fowler for Nicap

Type: E?


Location. La Riccia, Italy

Date: June 26 1966

Time: midnight

Several motorists in separate vehicles including Carlo Casagli reported seeing and almost striking a strange humanoid figure that was standing in the middle of the road. Casagli's vehicle came to a screeching halt, as he had to apply the brakes abruptly. The figure was described as wearing a luminous metallic suit and a helmet with antennae. It seemed to move stiffly, like a robot. It was last seen walking into nearby woods and disappearing from sight.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Toscana

Type: E


Location. Qualicum Beach British Columbia Canada

Date: late June 1966

Time: night

Charlotte Horsfall woke to hear a humming motor-like sound, and saw a very large luminous sphere in the garden. Then she saw "a tall humanoid clothed in a bright silvery metallic material" standing by her bedroom window in the moonlight. The suit also covered the man's head, but she could see his eyes looking at her. He raised his hand, and from it emanated a ray of light that shone on her chest, then her pelvis region. She felt nothing. Then the entity, the sphere, and the sound all disappeared.
Humcat 1966-22

Source: Saga UFO Report October 1976

Type: C


Location. Lake Nasijarvi, Otavalta, Finland

Date: July 1966

Time: 0100A-0130A

A man was lying alongside the water of Lake Nasijarvi between the north side of the island of Pikku-Hormu and the island of Hormu. Having finished a job he was taking a one-hour pause in the northern shore of the lake. He was eating a sandwich and drinking coffee when he heard over the weak rushing of the water an increasing rushing noise from the south of the island. He thought that it was another boat coming to the island and soon after a sound resembling someone dropping an anchor was heard. Then began a very loud hammering noise and the man assumed the other boat had needed repairs. After this the noise faded, he then heard steps from behind him, first one person, then two persons. As he expected that they would come forward and address him, he did not turn around. When nothing happened, he rose and packed his things and walked over to his boat and began lifting the line into boat, slowly rowing away in his boat. He then thought he wanted to see what the other boat looked like and soon he saw it from a distance of about 30 meters. He was astonished to see that it had a row of oval windows, through which a faint light was shining. After a while he looked again and was even more astonished when he noticed that the ship was actually standing on the shore and over the surface of the island. In the area between the ship and the island he could see someone walking about. The "ship" was standing on four telescopic legs, two of which were shorter as the slope of the shore is quite steep. On the island side of the ship a ladder with three steps was clearly visible. The fisherman now felt that this ship was not from this world, but he continued to observe it, approaching it even further. Apparently someone onboard the ship did not appreciate this and they shone a bright beam of light towards him as he tried to approach. This ceased after a while however. He could altogether see five humanoids, three tall and two smaller. As they were all the time behind the ship, he could not see many details. They seemed to be clad in blue overalls. Finally they all got into the ship, which then began to ascend. The telescopic legs, which had rounded plates on the bottom, detracted into black holes on the bottom of the ship, which was oval shaped, some 2.5 meters high and 6 meters in width. After it had ascended to a height of several "tree heights" it accelerated at great speed towards the northwest. It then disappeared into the distance.
HC addendum

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland

Type: B


Location. Adda Lombardy Italy

Date: July 1966

Time: 1330

Giusepe Cavenaghi was fishing in a creek near the town when he observed at about 70 meters overhead a metallic disc shaped object flying at about 40 mph. It flew slowly over the river and disappeared from sight. Cavenaghi then heard a loud voice from behind him asking him what he had seen; the question was repeated again at which time the witness replied in the negative. Turning around he saw a tall human like figure with pale features standing nearby. The figure was wearing a gray shirt with a dark vest and what appeared to be old-fashioned sleeves. He also wore a striped pair of pants with belt, and a tight fitting black cap on his head. The strange figure then turned around and disappeared into the brush.
HC addendum

Source: Archivio SUF

Type: C?


Location. Near Allentown, Pennsylvania

Date: July 1966

Time: afternoon

A young couple was driving along the Pennsylvania Turnpike, which seemed strangely devoid of traffic that day when they saw a large circular object in the sky ahead of them. It looked as if it was going to land directly on the turnpike. The husband, mildly alarmed pulled over to the edge of the road and stopped. They watched as the object, a shiny metallic craft with large black spots or windows, flew very low over their car. Then it was suddenly gone. Her husband started the car again, and they drove on to their cottage. It was not until after they arrived at their destination that they looked at their watches. It was 1330. They had started out at 0930A. For some reason, which neither of them could understand, it took them four hours to make a drive that normally took 30 minutes.
HC addendum

Source: John A Keel, Our Haunted Planet

Type: G This early case sounds like an unexplored abduction event.


Location. Kolyvansky Lake Siberia Russia

Date: July 1966

Time: evening

A man, who had gone fishing, was disturbed when he noticed a strange silence around him. He laid down but was awaken by a field mouse, he turned and saw a light, he could see that the light was on a shiny silvery flattened tear drop shaped craft, a hatch on the object opened revealing an interior panel with a dark desk divided into squares. Then four tall well-built men appeared, they had short blond hair, a kind face and appeared to be wearing casual clothing. A slightly shorter and older man now appeared. The witness became frightened and attempted to flee, but he heard a telepathic message that told him not to be afraid. He was told to ask as many questions as he liked, but the aliens apparently avoided a direct answer. Towards the end of the conversation the witness felt sleepy and closed his eyes, when he opened them again, the object and men were gone.
HC addition # 118

Source: V O Musinskij, Cuforn Bulletin Nov/Dec 1990

Type: B


Location. Detroit, Michigan

Date: July 1966

Time: evening

10-year old Glenn Potter and a friend were outside in the backyard watching a television, which Potter had connected inside the house using a long extension cord. Suddenly an object the size of a small car appeared overhead, it was circular with many lights. Other portions of the UFO were dark with the exception of an aperture (window) facing the witnesses. Through the opening he could see that it was dimly lit inside. They witnesses were about 40 ft away from the object. Potter could actually see a form or figure at the aperture looking down on him, there was another form that moved in the background from right to left, behind the other form at the window. The object remained stationary and silent. Potter began walking towards the object and it moved slowly back away from him. It then began to move upward and backwards, when it reached to the height of a telephone pole behind a tree it suddenly disappeared before the witness eyes. Potter has been involved in other encounters.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Watch site

Type: A


Location. Chaclacayo Peru

Date: July 5 1966

Time: 2100

A woman & some young people saw a strange being, no more than 5 ft tall, walking along the street leaving a luminous trail. Some children who did not run away said it displayed curiosity and seemed to want to talk with them. In another part of town it was seen by Antonieta Chirino, 18, and 2 children, whom it approached; also by a boy.
Humcat 1966-77

Source: FSR Vol. 14 # 3

Type: E


Location. Pontedera Italy

Date: July 13 1966

Time: 0220A

A powerful light coming from a small island in a nearby canal dazzled Camilo Faieta, a railway linesman. When the light was extinguished, he could see an object resting on the island, and beside it 2 little men. After a short time, the intensely bright light came on again and the object rose up silently & vanished. Other witnesses also observed the light.
Humcat 1966-27

Source: FSR Vol. 13 # 1

Type: C


Location. Salt Lake City, Utah

Date: July 18 1966

Time: unknown

Residents of this Mormon community reported seeing a bird "about as big as a Piper Cub airplane" circle the area. Some people ran for cover while others ran for their telephones.
HC addendum

Source: John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: E


Location. Van Horn Texas

Date: July 21 1966

Time: 1930

The witness saw a UFO land in the desert near his home. Approaching its reddish glow, he ran into 3 small creatures standing near a scrub tree. They spun toward him, one of them yelled something in a high-pitched, child like voice, and they all ran back to the saucer, which flashed away seconds later.
Humcat 1966-28

Source: Kevin Randle, & Ted Bloecher

Type: B


Location. Celestum de Punta Nimun, Yucatan, Mexico

Date: July 26 1966

Time: unknown

Six tourists from Quebec Canada, including the main witness, Roseline Pallascio where on a beach when a large metallic disc shaped craft descended over them. The witness are somehow transported onboard the object and inside are given a battery of exhaustive and meticulous medical examinations by humanoid beings (not described). Roseline somehow suffers apparent radiation burns to her face as a result of the ordeal. Case does not come to light until 1990. No other details.
HC addendum

Source: Pallascio in "Testimony" Louise Courteau editor Quebec & Donald Cyr

High Strangeness Index: 9

Reliability of Source: 7

Comments: Would like to have more details on this encounter.


Location. Between Chatham & Rochester Kent England

Date: July 31 1966

Time: midnight

Kevin Kane heard a humming sound, and saw a spherical object 40-60 ft in diameter, with wing-like appendages & an antenna on the bottom, descend & land, then take off again. "Everything glowed when it landed. There was a man in black, 6 ft tall, who told me to say no more than I have said." The men in the crew wore black spacesuits, the women white ones. The man took Kevin's camera away.
Humcat 1966-29

Source: UFOIC Australia

Type: B?


Location. Presque Isle Park, Erie Pennsylvania

Date: July 31 1966

Time: 2025

The witnesses, a young man & 2 young women were in a car stuck in the sand and at a picnic beach when a luminous object came down & landed on the beach not far from them. It became brilliant red and then emitted searchlight like beams of white light. The young man went with 2 park police officers to investigate; the girls left in the car then saw a non human, featureless "creature" over 6 ft tall come up to the car, frightening the occupants into hysterics. One of the women pressed the horn and it moved away. Later, various imprints were found in the sand at the landing site, as well as conical imprints 9" in diameter arranged like footprints. There was also found a colorless syrupy liquid that did not sink into the sand.
Humcat 1966-30

Source: John A Keel

Type: C


Location. White Swan Yakima Washington

Date: August 1966

Time: late evening

A couple had observed a glowing orange ball over a nearby log storing area and had later drove home to prepare for bed. As the husband walked towards the window, he screamed when he saw a man like figure standing in the backyard. It was described as five-1/2 foot tall, dressed in a one-piece suit that glowed with a green light. It wore boots and a belt buckle, and it had an emblem on its chest resembling a crescent moon. It also wore a tight-fitting skullcap over his head. The nose was two simple holes and the mouth was a flat horizontal line. Its eyes were huge and round, glowing with a greenish red light that varied in intensity. Both witnesses fell in a trance like state looking at the entity and could not take their eyes off of him. The figure finally turned and walked towards the log storing area, moving as if it were floating, covering 15 to 20 feet in a single stride.
HC addition # 1630

Source: Greg Long, Examining the Earth light Theory. The Yakima UFO Microcosm

Type: D


Location. Buena, New Jersey

Date: August 1966

Time: 2100

The seven or eight year old witness was in his bedroom, sitting on the floor watching television, (he does not remember if there was somebody else in the room) when he looked up and saw a creature standing on the outer edge of the window sill, leaning against the embrasure, looking directly at the witness. He described the creature as small, about 3 ft tall, winged, (it apparently had two small wings on its back), with a rather child like or rather pixie like face, almost feminine in appearance. Stunned he turned his face and then turned back to see that the creature was gone. The witness got up and closed the shades to his window.
HC addendum

Source: UFO

Type: E


Location. Segamat Malaysia

Date: August 1966

Time: night

Soldiers on night duty reportedly saw an eighteen-foot tall humanoid figure walking in a jungle area. It left footprints eighteen inches long. No other information.
HC addition # 1834

Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Unexplained Mysteries Of the 20th Century

Type: E


Location. San Diego California

Date: August 1966

Time: late night

The witness was sleeping alone in her apartment when she was suddenly awakened by three beings that appeared in her bedroom. There were two men and one woman, human like with bright fluorescent skin. The woman had long red hair and violet eyes. They communicated telepathically with the witness and told her to follow them. She was floated out the window into a hovering "spacecraft." She was then placed in a "mind probe" chamber and the witness was examined with a glass like cylinder that came down from the ceiling and covered her. Somehow the witness resisted their mind "probing" and next found herself back in her apartment.
HC addition # 1100

Source: Brad Steiger, The UFO Abductors

Type: G


Location. Springfield Missouri

Date: August 1 1966

Time: 0030A

Kathy Palmer, 14, looked out the window before going to bed and saw a luminous object bearing red & blue lights on the lawn. About 6 ft long, 4 ft wide, & 4 ft high, it made a "rattling" sound. From a square hatchway, two 5 ft tall, slender occupants emerged, who had "large heads" (perhaps wearing helmets) and who walked about, apparently talking to each other, and examined some bicycles. Then they returned to the craft & took off. She watched for about 30 minutes in all. At the landing site the grass was matted down, and there was a white substance, which proved to be calcium phosphate.
Humcat 1966-31

Source: Patricia Rudig for Nicap

Type: B


Location. Erie Pennsylvania

Date: August 3 1966

Time: 0530A

Mrs Julie Helwig was awakened at 0530A by the barking of dogs; looking out the window, she saw a human-like being, about 5'6" tall, clothed in a yellow 2 piece suit with no pockets, which had a huge "moon-shaped" head flat at the back. The being, which had very wide shoulders & a slender build, walked in a stiff, mechanical way, not bending its knees or moving its arms. It walked out of view.
Humcat 1966-34

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Harlingen Texas

Date: August 6 1966

Time: 1400

Three children aged 6-9 noticed a dark object shaped like an upside down cup. Then a square of yellow light appeared, like a door opening, and a small creature was seen in it, 3 to 4 ft tall, wearing black clothing that reflected a gold color. After some minutes the door closed, and the object took off with a low humming sound.
Humcat 1966-35

Source: USAF Blue Book case files

Type: A


Location. Connersville Indiana

Date: about August 10 1966

Time: 2320

The 3 Johnson children, Bobby Dale, 11, Christina, 10, and Gale, 8, were playing in their yard at dusk when they saw a luminous object approach and hover between the house and the barn. It bore 2 red lights and had a transparent "glass" dome on top. A door "as big as 2 barn doors" opened in the upper part, and a beam of light was emitted toward Connersville. The lights of the city appeared to brighten when the beam struck them. Then the beam was "retracted" again, & the children saw a large dark object, they thought a car, rising in the beam & entering the UFO, as if pulled by the beam; the door closed on it. After this Christina saw 2 humanoid beings looking out of the dome; she described them as having scaly skin, red eyes, and wearing masks of some kind on their "pointed" faces. Visible by a yellowish light from inside the UFO, they seemed to be "pushing buttons." Christina ran for the house. Their cat fell out of a tree, and fell again while running away; it came back only the next day. The UFO moved slowly, emitting a high-pitched sound, then suddenly disappeared. Both Christina & Bobby had headaches afterwards.
Humcat 1966-36

Source: Don Worley for Apro

Type: A

Shades of Cordelia Donovan...

Location. Near Melbourne Australia

Date: August 11 1966

Time: night

Marlene Travers, 24, visiting friends "in the country," was outdoors after dark when a luminous silvery disc, 50 ft across and 10 ft thick, landed in a field only 30 ft away. A door opened and a tall, handsome man wearing a metallic green tunic stepped out; she felt compelled to obey him, and entered the UFO. Here he told her telepathically that she had been chosen to be the first Earth woman to bear a child by their race. He had intercourse with her, and then escorted her out of the ship, but she accidentally tripped over some kind of switch, causing a flash that burned her ankles. She passed out and then found herself lying in the field. When she returned to her friend's house she found that she had been gone for several hours. Later she was found to be pregnant.
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