Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1966-40

Source: USAF Blue Book Files

Type: E


Location. Skive Denmark

Date: September 15 1966

Time: 2320

The witness, standing on a 4th floor balcony, saw a disc-shaped object emerge from low hanging clouds & fly past at 100 ft altitude, 60-100 ft away, with a humming sound. The object, 75 ft in diameter, was orange green luminous with a rim bearing revolving lights, and had a number of portholes emitting white lights. Shadows like those of a moving person could be seen inside. It was in view for 5-10 minutes.
Humcat 1966-44

Source: SUFOI Newsletter 75

Type: A


Location. Washington Crossing Park, New Jersey

Date: late September 1966

Time: night

2 men and 2 women were driving through the park late at night when a shadow silently passed over the car. On getting out of the car, 2 of the witnesses were alarmed by a "roaring noise" and got back in. Then a "roaring monster" about 8 ft tall appeared & "glided" toward them. They were terrified and fled the area.
Humcat 1966-45

Source: Emil Slaboda

Type: E


Location. God's Lake, Manitoba, Canada

Date: October 1966

Time: various?

A local teacher reported that flying saucers had been observed many times in the area and also around Island Lake, often landing and leaving behind imprints in the muskeg and grass. In addition, the teacher had been told of the "little people" often associated with these objects. These "people" were about a meter in height, dark-skinned, and wore close fitting dark coveralls suits with hoods. They carried a rod that gave off a beam of light, and they often "poked about" in the mud for unknown reasons. Along with this, there were rumors of some of these "aliens" trying to snatch children in their sleep, causing more than a little fear in the area; some people were afraid to leave their homes at night.
HC addendum

Source: Chris Rutkowski in Unnatural History, True Manitoba Mysteries, quoting Apro

Type: D or G?


Location. Near Connersville Indiana

Date: October 1966

Time: night

The witness suddenly found herself standing by her bedroom window, unable to move and looking out at a large silvery domed craft with beautiful multi-colored pulsating lights, hovering nearby. Inside six windows spaced around the object, the witness could see several human like figures dressed in dull metallic suits. The figures had long blond hair, fair skin; sparkling almond shaped blue eyes and pointed chins. The witness felt telepathic communication from the beings urging her to come with them but she refused. She was then given dire warnings about her future. After the object left, the witness suffered from a terrible headache, dry heaves and hysteria.
HC addition # 1245

Source: Don Worley, UFO Universe Summer 1989

Type: A


Location. Cincinnati Ohio

Date: October 2 1966

Time: 2020

Mrs Everett Steward was talking on the telephone when she smelled a foul odor in the room. She went to her bedroom, where she had a feeling of being watched. Looking out the window, she saw an oval shaped object with portholes & red, green, & white lights revolving around it. It was 75 ft in diameter & 100 ft up. She woke her husband, who also saw it, and called her married daughter, Mrs Janet Emery, a mile away; the Emerys also saw it, and a neighbor with binoculars could see that it had square windows glowing yellow. Janet went outdoors & saw the UFO eject a red ball, which maneuvered while the first UFO took off southward. The red ball flew 75-100 ft over Jane's head; it was oval, and its underside was shiny like aluminum foil; it was "bigger than my cottage and yard combined." She also smelled the garbage like odor. Mrs Steward went to bed, the odor still in the house. After some time, the room was filled for an instant with brilliant white light; then this vanished, and a globe of light about 21" in diameter appeared at the foot of her bed. Inside this globe were 5 "non-human, hairless heads" with oval, sunken eyes. "Instead of noses, there were slits, and they had no mouths." Telepathically, they repeated several times "We have made contact." Mrs Steward screamed, and the globe disappeared. She was so disquieted by the experience that she was under psychiatric care for the next 2 years.
Humcat 1966-41

Source: Leonard Stringfield

Type: C?


Location. Turku Finland

Date: October 9 1966

Time: 2010

Between 2010 and 2045, a number of people in Turku and Tarvasjoki reported having heard mysterious voices in the air at the same time as some observed a "mysterious light phenomenon" in the sky. Two women who compared them to the sound of cranes heard voices in Tarvasjoki at 2010. A student in Turku heard "odd speech sounds" coming from the air on a deserted street at 2030. They appeared to be in "a strange language." About the same time a woman on Eastern Coast Street observed a "light phenomenon" near the Polar Star while similar aerial voices were heard. At 2045 a man on another street heard voices "speaking from the sky" but was unable to make out the words.
Humcat 1966-42

Source: FSR Vol. 13 # 3

Type: F


Location. Near Elizabeth New Jersey

Date: October 10 1966

Time: evening

Two 16-year old boys walking in the woods saw, only 10 ft away, a 6-foot tall creature wearing "a green metallic suit & a black utility belt," Its eyes were small & beady, its mouth huge, & had no ears. It sported a bizarre grin as it stared at the boys, who hurriedly left the area.
Humcat 1966-46

Source: James Moseley & John A Keel

Type: E


Location. South Valley Albuquerque New Mexico

Date: middle of October 1966

Time: night

Members of a family spotted during several different occasions a five-foot tall hairy figure with a small blank face that made a crying baby like sound, roaming through their backyard. One time an 18-year old man went out to investigate and was struck and knocked unconscious. Strange fork shaped footprints were found.
HC addition # 694

Source: Loren Coleman, Strange Magazine # 7

Type: E


Location. Albuquerque, New Mexico

Date: October 14 1966

Time: evening

During a terrible storm, patrolman, James Chelsea saw a "plane" trailing a massive cloud of black smoke. The plane disappeared in the cloud and then two black objects left and flew away from the cloud. At around 1945 19-year old C D McClure was in his vehicle when he saw a bizarre man-like figure with a featureless white face, emitting a sound like a crying baby. It had a black body and stood upright on two legs, about 1.50 meters in height. With each appearance of the creature there was reported interference with the car radio.
HC addendum

Source: APRG 1997 In Overmeire catalog

Type: D?


Location. Rancaua, Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: October 27 1966

Time: 0330A

Dr. Raul Santoro was on his way to attend to a sick patient who was in a critical state and had picked up a friend of the ill man's family, Santos Brunori, when as the vehicle rounded a curve, they both saw in the car headlights two short large headed, hairless figures that were carrying luminous baton-like object in their hands. Dr. Santoro stopped the car and saw a huge bright light descend into a nearby wood. Later at 0430A, a car driven by a Mr. Omar Pagani saw a large bright light inside a wooded area in the vicinity of the previous encounter. Others in nearby Pergamino saw a huge lighted object flying overhead. In the wooded area a large circular area of scorched grass was found. Within 8 to 15 days of the incident 2 local dogs died suddenly, it is said that tests revealed a large amount of radioactivity in their bodies.
HC addition

Source: Revista Los Enigmas, Argentina

Type: C


Location. Cherry Hill New Jersey

Date: October 30 1966

Time: 0230A

2 couples driving on Route 38 saw a carrot-shaped object 400 ft long hovering 50 ft over the roof of an industrial plant, 400 ft away. It was in a horizontal position, & had huge riding lights & windows; a ramp went down to the plant roof, and they could see figures moving about. They watched for 10 minutes before leaving. A trucker who also saw the object ran his truck into a telephone pole.
Humcat 1966-47

Source: Michael Campione & Richard Heiden

Type: C


Location. Duncan Falls Ohio

Date: late October 1966

Time: 0400A

Leonard Elmore, 72, suffered from insomnia and on this morning was out walking when he saw an L-shaped building, like a "galvanized iron shed," in a field where he knew there had been no building before. He went closer to take a better look and felt something that frightened him. He turned to hurry away and distinctly heard a normal male voice come from it, saying "Don't run...don't run." He went home to get his rifle and, upon returning to the site, discovered that the "building" had disappeared.
Humcat 1966-43

Source: John Keel

Type: F


Location. Bad Kreuznach Germany

Date: November 1966

Time: 0200A

Dean Fagerstrom, a soldier at the time, was sitting in his apartment working on the lottery numbers sequence when he suddenly had a feeling that he was not alone. He walked around and did not find anyone, then returned back to his seat and resumed working on the board. As he looked at the board a human-like face began to appear, the face began filling up the board and became clearer, now he was able to see two faces instead of one, those of a man and a woman. A bluish shimmer surrounded the faces. The man's face had tawny hair and the woman's hair was slightly darker and shorter. Both beings then communicated by voice with the witness identifying themselves and stating that there would be further contacts.
HC addition # 1274

Source: Phillip Imbrogno, UFO Universe Fall 1989

Type: E or F?


Location. Owatonna, Minnesota

Date: November 1966

Time: night

Mrs. Ralph Butler and an unidentified lady friend were standing in a field outside of town watching a familiar sight---what they called little flashers: bright, blinking lights that danced around the sky almost every night. Suddenly one of the objects descended rapidly and hovered at the far end of the field where they stood, swinging back and forth a few feet above the ground. Colored lights flickered around its glowing rim. One of the women let out a little gasp and crumpled to her knees in a trance-like daze. Mrs. Butler, reached for her, but she was immobile, her head dipped down. A strange voice, stilted and metallic, came spasmodically from her lips. "What ...your...time...cycle?" the voice asked. Mrs. Butler recovered from her surprise and tried to explain how we measured minutes, hours, and days. "" the voice continued. "A day is approximately twelve hours long---and a night is twelve hours long," Mrs. Butler replied. There were a few more innocuous questions, and then the other woman came out of the trance.

HC addendum

Source: John Keel, Robert A Goerman

Type: F

Something wicked this one cometh...The Mothman arrives!!!


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: November 1 1966

Time: unknown

A national guardsman saw a large brownish man-shaped figure on the limb of a tree. No other information.
Humcat 1966-50

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Cedar Grove West Virginia

Date: November 2 1966

Time: evening

Woodrow Derenberger was driving his panel truck home when a low-flying dark object about 35 ft wide, cut in front of him & forced him to stop; it hovered a foot above the ground, only 20 ft ahead. The object had a profile similar to a kerosene lamp chimney flattened on the bottom side. A door opened and a smiling man of dark complexion descended, who wore a topcoat over shiny blue trousers. Without opening his mouth, he addressed Derenberger telepathically, asking him to open his window. For the next 10 minutes he conducted a telepathic conversation, first asking Derenberger's name & saying that his own was " Indrid Cold." He adjured Derenberger not to think of him as an "alien," and concluded by saying "We will see you again." After admitting Mr. Cold, the UFO rose vertically and disappeared.
Humcat 1966-51

Source: Kevin D Dee for Nicap

Type: B


Location. Gallipolis Ohio

Date: November 2 1966

Time: 2000

The witness was out behind her building getting ready to go home when there was a sudden flash directly above her. A large cylinder shape object then appeared and landed on the nearby parking lot. The object was completely silent and the witness was unable to move as two men descended from the object and walked towards her. The men were normal looking but heavily tanned with pointed noses, pointed chins, and high cheekbones, they wore coverall like uniforms. They asked the witness several mundane questions using a singsong high-pitched voice; they then walked back to their craft, which took off at high speed. The witness lived in a farm and had been having problems with missing cattle around the same time.
HC addition # 1401

Source: John A Keel, Them Mothman Prophecies

Type: B


Location. Near Parkersburg West Virginia

Date: November 2 1966

Time: night

Two men traveling by car on highway 77 watched an elongated object descend from the sky directly in front of their vehicle. They stopped the car and saw a man emerged from the object and walk over to them. The man was human looking and was grinning broadly. He was wearing a black coat and kept his arms folded out of sight under his armpits. The black-garbed stranger asked them several pointless questions before returning to the dark cylinder shaped craft, which quickly rose and disappeared into the sky. This incident occurred on the same night as the Woodrow Derenberger contact-landing case in the same general area.
HC addition # 1397

Source: John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: B


Location. Arlington Indiana

Date: November 5 1966

Time: night

Mrs Kathleen glanced out the kitchen door and saw a lighted object, which moved toward her & hovered 50 ft away, 20-30 ft up. It was a big as a house, & shaped like a ball with a ring around it (Saturn shaped); in the middle were brightly white-lit windows. Kathleen could see in these windows one man & two women, who appeared to be on different floors. The man, muscular in build, was staring directly at her, which frightened her; he was manipulating something like a steering wheel. The woman who was on the lower level handed him a small object "like a coup of coffee." After about 3 minutes the object began to move westward, then rose steeply, emitting a multicolored exhaust, at a speed greater then a jet.
Humcat 1966-52

Source: Don Worley for Apro

Type: A


Location. Furbara Italy

Date: November 10 1966

Time: 0330A

It was reported that a disc shaped object landed at the local military airport. It carried flashing police type lights on its top and bottom. From the object emerged four men or pilots (not described) that walked around the ground briefly then returned to the object. The object then circled the area and left.
HC addition # 1512

Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat

Type: B


Location. Clendenin West Virginia

Date: November 12 1966

Time: daytime

Five men were digging a grave in a cemetery near Clendenin when something that looked like "a brown human being" fluttered from some nearby trees & maneuvered low over their heads. It was in sight for about a minute.
Humcat 1966-53

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Salem West Virginia

Date: November 14 1966

Time: 2230

Newell Partridge was sitting at home when suddenly the TV blanked out. A real fine herringbone pattern appeared on the tube, and at the same time the set started a loud whining noise, winding up to a high pitch, peaking and breaking off, as if you were on a musical scale. It sounded like a generator winding up. Outside on the porch, his dog Bandit began wailing. Partridge picked up a flashlight and went outside to investigate. The dog was sitting at the end of the porch, howling down toward the hay barn in the bottom. Partridge shined the light in that direction, and it picked up two red circles, or eyes, which looked like bicycle reflectors. There was something about the eyes that was difficult to explain. The eyes were huge, plainly visible at a distance of 150 yards. As soon as the flashlight picked out the "eyes" Bandit snarled and ran toward them. A "cold chill" swept over the man and he felt a wave of fear, which kept him from following the dog. That night he slept with a loaded gun beside his bed. The next day he went looking for his dog. They found tracks. At the approximate position of the "eyes" he found a large number of dog tracks. The tracks were going in a circle, as if the dog had been chasing his tail. Then the tracks vanished, the dog was never seen again.
HC addendum

Source: John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: E


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: November 16 1966

Time: 2100

Mr. & Mrs Raymond Wamsley & Mrs Marcella Bennett were driving to the house of Ralph Thomas, they saw a big red light maneuvering over the TNT dump area. When they arrived & gout out, a "big gray thing bigger than a man, with glowing red eyes" rose up from the ground. They ran into the house, but the creature shuffled onto the porch & peered into windows. It was gone by the time police arrived.
Humcat 1966-55

Source: John A Keel

Type: D?


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: November 16 1966

Time: midnight

Mr. & Mrs Steve Mallette & Mr. & Mrs Roger Scarberry reported that their car was followed about midnight by a gray "bird like creature" 6-7 ft tall with a 10 foot wingspan. When the car headlights struck, its eyes, 2" in diameter, glowed red. It finally scurried into a field and disappeared.
Humcat 1966-54

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Collegeville Pennsylvania

Date: November 17 1966

Time: 0130A

Margaret Marchute saw on the ground a luminous object that seemed to be made of polished metal. After about half an hour, a red flame shot upward from the object; then 2 very bright lights approached it from the distance; when these were near it, something like a luminous balloon sprang up from it & hovered in the air. At this point she could see 3 or 4 figures moving about the large object on the ground, which was pulsating from dim to bright. They were dressed in a "gold shiny material." She watched for about 2 hours before going to bed.

Humcat 1966-56

Source: Systems Management Associates Inc., & Nicap

Type: C


Location. Gaffney South Carolina

Date: November 17 1966

Time: 0400A

Two police officers, C Hutchins & A Huskey, were driving in an outlying section of Gaffney known as the West Buford Street Extension when as they neared a right angle bend in the road, they suddenly saw a metallic object directly in front of them. This object was descending when they first saw it, Hutchins said, and was about twenty feet above the ground. He described it as being spherical, like a ball, with a wide, flat rim around it. There were no lights or portholes visible on it. It was completely dark, reflecting a dull gold color in the headlights of the police car. The car did not stall. As the object settled to within a few feet of the ground, both men gout out of their car in a state of benumbed amazement. Later Hutchins estimated that the object must have been about twenty ft in diameter. A small door suddenly opened noiselessly on the underside of the sphere, he said, and a short ladder, four to six feet long, dropped down. White light poured out of the opening, but neither man could see anything in the interior. A figure appeared in the doorway, descended the ladder, and walked slowly and deliberately toward the two police officers. When the figure reached a point about fifteen to twenty feet from the two men, it stopped. "He didn't move stiffly," officer Hutchins said. "He moved just like anybody else, but kind of he was taking his time. He wasn't scared of us or anything like that." In appearance, the humanoid was about the size of a twelve-year-old boy, maybe four feet. He wore no helmet or headgear and was dressed in a gold suit with no buttons or zippers. His costume was shiny, like metal, in the reflection of the headlights, it was not self-luminous. The humanoid asked numerous questions and ignored the witnesses when they asked any questions. Hutchins could not remember seeing the feet of the creature. It was standing on high grass and the feet must have been hidden. Both men could not really remember the full context of the "conversation". Hutchins claimed the alien spoke perfect English, "Didn't have any accent or anything. He acted like he knew exactly what he was saying and doing...didn't make any quick moves or false moves. He just stood there and talked to the witnesses." He wanted to know why both me were dressed alike. His speech was very precise. He pronounced each work very carefully. When asked where he was from he just laughed. The meeting was brief, perhaps only 2 or 3 minutes. Then, Hutchins say, the creature announced, "" he turned, walked slowly back to the ladder and climbed into the object. The door closed quietly and the craft began to whirr, a soft whirring sound, like an engine with a muffler on it. The object rose slowly and vanished into the sky. A local councilman found numerous footprints at the site where the little man had stood. There was no return visit by the alien.
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