Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Robert A Goerman

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HC addendum

Source: Robert A Goerman

Type: E

Knowledge tried by fire...

Location. South Ashburnham Worcester Massachusetts

Date: January 25 1967

Time: 1800

Shortly after sunset, Betty Andreasson, her parents and her 7 children were frightened by a pulsating red-orange light outside their backyard. This was accompanied by a "silent vacuum" and failure of lights in the house. Four entities appeared before Betty in the kitchen, after passing through a closed door. The beings were nearly identical, with large, baldheads, gray skin, large wrap-around eyes with hazy, light gray interiors (later dark pupils were observed), "scar like" mouths, and holes for noses and ears. They wore sparkly, dark blue uniforms with a lighter blue "Sam Browne" strap. They had bulky hands, possibly gloved, and wore boots. Their leader, Quazgaa, was slightly taller and his suit was darker that the others. The reported height of the entities was 3 1/2 and 5 ft, at different times during the encounter. Quazgaa began possibly telepathic communication with Betty in the kitchen; he asked her for some food (and offered some left over meat; they declined, asking that it be cooked) and she cooked some meat on the stove. But she determined that their food was "knowledge tried by fire," and they went into the living room (with her) where she handed the leader a Bible. He created several copies and handed them to the crew. He in turn handed her a thin, blue book containing their form of knowledge, which remained in her possession for 9 days. During these proceedings, the other family members were sitting in the living room in a state of suspended animation. (Her father, who had earlier gone into the kitchen pantry to observe the lights, remained there; it was later suggested that a fifth entity had joined him and, later, remained behind during the "onboard" experience.) However, Betty's daughter remembered and confirmed part of the above testimony. Betty was then "talked into" going on board the entities craft. She was on board an estimated 2 hr. During this time she was led through several rooms, was given a physical exam in which they "tested her for light," inserted a needle in her nostril and navel and scanned her with an eye-like device. (She was then placed in an enclosed seat, which was filled with a soothing liquid, in which she presumably "prepared" for an unusual journey. Accompanied by two "guides," fore and aft,) she visited an alien realm where she saw cities, strange bug-eyed creatures, and a vast ocean. She had a traumatic religious experience, which led her to identify the beings as "angels." Returning from the journey, she was led back to her home by two of the entities, one named Joohop; her family was still in a state of suspended animation. (The daughter later recalled being "baby sat" by the one remaining entity.) The beings, holding spheres of light in their hands, proceeded to put the family to bed, the abductee being the last. The incident is attended by automatic writing, speaking in strange tongues, visions, message transfer and telephone "contact," some of these occurring under hypnosis and during the investigation. Betty was found to have several previous contacts and numerous post 1967 contacts also.
Humcat 1967-127

Source: Ray Fowler, Joe Santangelo, Jules Vaillancourt, David Webb Fred Youngren & Dr. Herbert Edelstein

Type: G


Location. Near Charleston West Virginia

Date: January 26 1967

Time: morning

About a week after seeing a large metallic sphere hovering above a highway, Tad Jones was driving along the same highway at the same time, when he came upon a man standing by the road in approximately the same spot where the sphere had hovered. Thinking that it was a hitchhiker Tad slowed down and called out to him. The man did not reply and merely waved him on. He described the man as very tanned, wearing a blue coat and a blue cap with a visor. He was holding a box in his hand. It appeared to be some kind of instrument with a dial on it, like a clock, and a wire ran from it to his other hand. A later check with the local gas companies proved negative as far as being their man. Also no such instrument described by Jones was in use anywhere. He saw the same man again the next day but drove on.
HC addition # 3096

Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: D


Location. Studham Common Bedfordshire England

Date: January 28 1967

Time: 1345

A group of 6 10 and 11-year old children, including Alex Butler, Tony Banks, Terry Cahill, Colin Lonsdale and David Inglis, were playing in the Dell, near Studham Common, on their way to afternoon school, when a flash of lighting struck nearby; a few moments later, Alex Butler saw standing near some bushes, about 20 yards away, "a little blue man with a tall hat and a beard." Alex and the others ran toward him and the little figure "disappeared in a puff of smoke." This appearance and disappearance was repeated twice. Then they heard voices speaking in an incomprehensible tongue, as they saw the little man for the last time. He wore a one-piece suit with a broad black belt at whose buckle was a 6" black box. The arms, held at his side, were not seen to move. The beard was a forked one. The children ran off to school, where their teacher wisely had them write down all the details separately.
Humcat 1967-9

Source: R H B Winder, FSR Vol. 13 # 4

Type: E


Location. Near Knox City Missouri

Date: January 29 1967

Time: 2200

Mrs Enid Campbell saw from a window what at first she took to be a full moon, but as it moved closer she could see that it was a spherical object, white in color like a frosted light bulb, with a shiny gold horizontal ring around the center in which were numerous round holes. The object came up to within several feet of her window before stopping, and through its semi-transparent material she could see a control panel with a lever on top, and two occupants, one seated at the panel, the other standing. They wore "shiny, silvery wet suits." She called her sons Gene, 18, and George, 14, who arrived at the window in time to see the object as it rose and moved away. While it hovered nearby, two smaller white luminous spheres approached and entered through an opening, after which the holes in the central ring jetted out red fire. Then the object ascended vertically and disappeared. The snow on the ground under the spot where it hovered was melted; and the area over which the object approached the house failed to grow plants, while the plants elsewhere grew normally.
Humcat 1967-10

Source: Ted Phillips for Mufon

Type: A


Location. Riachuelo Osorno Chile

Date: late January 1967

Time: unknown

An Osorno engineer, out walking in a wood, saw a blinding flash of light. Observing a bright light nearby, he found it to be from a flying saucer, rust colored, and about 35 yards wide, which was hovering close to the ground. A man, 5-foot tall suddenly appeared below it, wearing a one-piece, transparent, tight fitting garment without helmet or shoes; his skin was white, his nose flat, and his hair long. His arms seemed "glued to his body." This entity disappeared, and the craft began to grow larger and to emit a powerful violet light, while it turned orange-red in color. Finally it rose straight up at high speed. The witness fell ill afterward.
Humcat 1967-12

Source: FSR Case Histories # 12

Type: C


Location. Valensole Basses Alpes France

Date: late January 1967

Time: unknown

Five anonymous people observed a small, bearded figure, similar to the being encountered by M Masse two years earlier; inside an old deserted building, when the entity was pursued by the witnesses, he escaped through a window and disappeared.
Humcat 1967-11

Source: Charles Bowen & Aime Michel, FSR Vol. 14 #1

Type: E


Location. Washington Crossing Park New Jersey

Date: February 1967

Time: late night

Four persons driving through a park had briefly stopped their vehicle to take a short walk when they suddenly head a loud roar. As they ran back to the car they noticed an eight-foot tall creature gliding towards them from a nearby grassy knoll. The witnesses fled the area.
HC addition # 1070

Source: Timothy Green Beckley, Saga UFO Annual 1975

Type: E


Location. Stevens Point, Portage County, Wisconsin

Date: February 1967

Time: about midnight

While on his way home the witness was approaching the intersection of Whiting Avenue and Water Street. As he came to a stop at this intersection he looked to his right and saw a very large object in the sky just above Whiting Avenue heading his way. The witness got out of his car in order to get a better look at the object. It was a clear moonlit night. The object appeared as a typical flying saucer shape, smooth metallic in appearance, round, and domed on both the top and the bottom. What initially caught his eye was what he thought were lights around the middle. As it approached, he estimated the size at about 150 feet across and about 25 ft top to bottom. The object approached silently directly over Whiting Avenue. The witness then noticed in detail how it was of a smooth metal, no rivets, and that the lights were actually windows, which light from inside shown through. It was just above the trees on either side of the street. The witness at first thought it was a blimp and approached the object and began to wave his arms and jump up and down, since now he could see human-like figures sitting behind the windows. The craft then stopped directly over his head, in the middle of the intersection; there was no traffic however. The witness noticed that the lights on his car went out and the streetlight also dimmed. His car engine that had been idling also stopped. He continued to shout to get the occupants attention and waved his arms. The craft then tilted at a 45-degree angle, which lowered the edge of it even closer to the witness. He could now see clearly inside. At each window sat two pairs of people, there were about two dozen windows. The craft, always silent, began to rotate slowly so as to give everyone inside a good look at the witness. He could see the center where a couple of men seemed to be at the controls. The occupants looked normal to the witness. Both males and females in matching pant suits. Some waved back at him, all looked to be amazed. After what appeared to the witness that all aboard had seen enough, the craft began to rise just above the treetops. It leveled off a bit but still had a slight angle to it. It then darted off skyward in a flash without a sound.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Wisconsin, Wisconsin UFO Reports

Type: A


Location. Hilliard Ohio

Date: February 5 1967

Time: evening

Timothy J, 15, heard his dog barking and a strange noise and saw an egg shaped UFO 75 feet long and 45 feet high descend and land on 3 legs in a field. An elevator like shaft opened underneath and several beings emerged, each carrying small spherical objects which they placed on the ground around the ship. Then they appeared to be waiting, until a man came from across the field, whereupon a conversation was held, and apparently conducted at least in part telepathically. The boy was then noticed and the man ran after him, catching him by the back of the neck, leaving burn marks. He was dragged almost to the craft when his captors suddenly looked panic-stricken, dropped him, gathered up the spheres, and re-entered the object, which took off rapidly.
Humcat 1967-13

Source: Steven Mackey, Nicap

Type: B


Location. Sauvigny-les-Bois L'Yonne France

Date: February 5 1967

Time: 2145

M Louis Monin, 49, outside his house, saw an intensely yellow luminous object coming at very low altitude over a nearby cemetery; he called his 17-year old granddaughter Marie Solange to watch it. The object approached, exhibiting a fat cigar shape; then, after oscillating and turning red-orange, it landed in Monin's garden, 110 ft away from the observers. It was about 60 ft long and 20 ft high. At each end of it a jet of "flames," directed obliquely downward, appeared, and a crackling noise could be heard. Then a stout little man, 3.5-4 ft tall, appeared standing beside the object. No details were noted. Monin and his granddaughter immediately went back into the house to call his wife, but when they came out again the little man was gone, and the UFO now appeared as a red-luminous ball about 25 ft in diameter. This ball took off and was soon lost to view. The observation had lasted for 5 minutes. No traces were left in the garden.
Humcat 1967-14

Source: M Copin & Fernand Legarde for LDLN

Type: C


Location. Mahopac Putnam New York

Date: February 10 1967

Time: 1900

The witness was in the kitchen preparing dinner when a call from outside from the father alerted the children to two UFOs over the house. According to the father, the objects were circling the house when first seen, and appeared round, bright and were very low. The witness could see "some people in a window on the spaceship closest over our heads. There were six people and going from left to right, the second person waved his hand over his head in a greeting. I waved back, and told my father. He couldn't see them. I told my parents, 'Look, there's a guy waving at us!' That's when I knew they were my friends." The objects hovered briefly over the house and then moved toward the high school, where the witness followed. "During that time I got the messages in my head and heard them talking to me just as if someone was speaking to you orally in a room." The witness's father drove the witness and the family dog to the school ground, where the observation and "contact" continued for an extended period. Although there was a dance going on at the time in the school, no one else appeared to notice the objects.
Humcat 1967-15

Source: Fred Dennis, Ted Bloecher & Jerry Stoehrer

Type: A


Location. Bandon Oregon

Date: February 13 1967

Time: 2220

Esther I Millard, director of the Millard School, was returning to her home on the school grounds after her dog when she saw an object "the size of a small room," 8 feet wide by 12 feet high, shaped somewhat like a blender with a very brilliant orange light at the bottom, hovering at an altitude of about 50 feet over one of the school buildings. A number of students were hanging out the windows of a nearby dormitory shouting, "UFO, UFO!" The object moved toward her rapidly, and she could see it was occupied by "a vertical shape of some kind" that 'could have been a person;" the "shape" was seen through the transparent structure above the light. Half a dozen of the students had by now rushed out of the dormitory to see it. The object moved slowly westward towards the gymnasium building, seeming to land on the roof; it then took off toward the trees on the lakeshore and was lost to view.
Humcat 1967-16

Source: June Lars for Nicap & Lt. Kurt Kenya USAF

Type: A


Location. Tuscumbia Missouri

Date: February 14 1967

Time: 0700A

Claude Edwards, a 64-year old farmer, saw a gray-green dome shaped object about 15 feet wide in his fields; he thought at first it was a parachute, but as he neared it he could see that it was resting on a shaft about 18' wide that extended downward from its base. Around the edge of the dome were a number of bright-multicolored lights of oblong shape. Beneath the object were visible several entities less than a meter tall, also gray-green in color, moving about rapidly, with quick moving "lever or arms," very wide-set eyes, and no visible legs. He also noted a protuberance where the nose and mouth would have been. The witness walked to within 30 feet and threw two stones at the object, which bounced off an invisible wall between him and the object. Walking up to within 15 feet, he was able to feel the pressure of this invisible barrier. The surface of the object was seamless, like gray-green silk. By this time the little creatures had disappeared inside the object, and it rocked back and forth several times, then took off silently, disappearing towards the northeast within seconds. He further described the creatures as appearing "like a penguin, not human without a visible neck." The object, "it just looked like a big shell, grayish-green in color. There were still ground traces at the site three months after the encounter. At the site the soil was extremely dehydrated in contrast with the surrounding soil. At the center there was a depression 20mm deep sloping to 30mm in the central area.
Humcat 1967-17

Source: Ted Phillips for Apro & Mufon

Type: B


Location. Near St Louis Missouri

Date: February 16 1967

Time: morning

Raymond Wettling said a 180 foot, cigar shaped UFO landed in a field beside Interstate Highway 70, and three silver suited occupants of the craft invited him aboard for breakfast. "He spent a pleasant hour and 45 minutes chatting with spacemen over coffee. His hosts showed him through the craft's two rooms---one lit up with bright red lights, the other decorated like a modern office. After he left the ship, he said, it took off straight up at a high rate of speed." No one else reported seeing it.
Humcat 1967-18

Source: Humcat quoting, Newspaper source

Type: G


Location. Costa Mesa, California

Date: February 18 1967

Time: 2345

A creature 7-10 feet tall, with long pointed ears, and completely covered with hair, was reported in Costa Mesa. Another man told police the monster appeared to lunge at his car "it looked like an ape with arms waving about." A UFO had just been reported seen in the area around the same time. No other information.
Humcat 1967-19

Source: Idabel Epperson & Paul Krieger for Nicap

Type: D?


Location. Hollywood Florida

Date: February 19 1967

Time: 1630

Josephine Lambert and Sam Rigel looked up from a shuffleboard court to see a UFO at an altitude of "only 20 feet above the telephone poles." Gunmetal gray in color, it was shaped like a blunt oval, about 10 feet high and 25 feet wide; the underside was rough and dented. Around the circumference ran a row arched windows lit by a yellow light, with the heads of a number of "people or mannequins" visible in them; below the windows was a row of revolving green lights. The slow-moving object remained visible for 30-40 seconds.
Humcat 1967-20

Source: Nicap & Vickie Varnum

Type: A


Location. Des Moines, Washington

Date: early spring 1967

Time: late night

The 7-year old witness remembers waking up in the middle of the night and rolling over to face a short figure standing next to his bed and smiling at him. He described the entity as having "burnt like cracked skin" with what appeared to be open sores. He had a small mouth and was smiling; a row of sharp teeth could be seen. He seemed to be naked and had a child-like torso. The witness stared for a few seconds and then went back to sleep.
HC addendum

Source: UFORCE Research

Type: E

Comments: Scary looking entity indeed, the sharp pointy teeth was also reported in entities seen in Puerto Rico in 1979 and I believe in Scotland in 1996.


Location. Near Medicine Lodge Kansas

Date: Spring 1967

Time: unknown

Witness observed a landed object near Highway # 160, around which small figures were moving; footprints were left at the site. No other information.
Humcat 1967-37

Source: Nicap in Humcat

Type: C


Location. Little Lever Bolton England

Date: Spring 1967

Time: unknown

The witness reported seeing a low flying elongated object with a row of lighted windows along its side. Inside the object she saw several humanoid figures sitting upright on bench type seats. No other information.
HC addition # 1794

Source: Nigel Watson, Portraits of Alien Encounters

Type: A


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: Spring 1967

Time: various

Several local residents saw three very tall, dark complexioned men in the area. These men knocked on doors late at night, purportedly selling magazines. They spoke fluent unaccented English and were described as "good-looking" with heavily tanned skin. Their height and broadness impressed the witnesses the most. These men were always on foot; apparently they did not have a car.
HC addition # 3097

Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: E


Location. Haverhill Massachusetts

Date: Spring 1967

Time: 0200A

Hearing a loud whirring noise, Mrs S waked her husband, who went out and saw a strange object 50 feet in diameter hovering 25 feet above a nearby pond. Shaped like two metallic saucers face to face, and of aluminum like appearance, it had a clear bubble like canopy on the edge of the upper disc facing him; from elongated holes around the rim orange flames were issuing. Inside the canopy, illuminated by a greenish light, he could see the silhouettes of two "lobster claw-like" heads. The witness walked toward it yelling and waving his arms, where upon it moved slowly and silently away; then it began to spin rapidly with a loud whirring sound, tilted at an angle of 30-45 degrees, and took off at a very high speed. He noticed a smell lingering in the air like that from a lighted match.
Humcat 1967-38

Source: Raymond Fowler for Nicap

Type: A

Comments: Entities with "lobster-like clawed hands" were also reported during the fall of 1973 humanoid wave in the US.


Location. Pullman Washington

Date: Spring 1967

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