Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Time: morning

The witness was in his parent's bedroom lying on the floor when he suddenly felt himself float up into a circular room with a red velvet floor, a chair in the middle and a creature that resembled a "fetus" sitting on the chair. The witness does not recall anything else about the incident.
HC addendum

Source: EBE.COM

Type: G


Location. Mount Misery Long Island New York

Date: Spring 1967

Time: night

Young couples parked in the back roads reported seeing low flying craft, particularly around a field that was used as a junkyard for old cars. Others claimed they saw a giant hairy creature with gleaming red eyes in the area.
HC addition # 3104

Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: D?


Location. Duquoin, Illinois

Date: Spring 1967

Time: night

The young witness was taking a short cut home through the rear of a gas storage facility and while he was running he noticed something white at the end of the fence. Thinking it was a dog he stopped, the figure stopped also. It then turned its head towards the witness. Its head was shaped like a human's and as he turned the witness noticed that it had no eyes, and no ears except for holes, a very small nose and a slit for a mouth. It had long slender arms and its legs were bent at the knees and the feet were human like. The humanoid apparently was able to crawl as fast as the witness could run. Terrified the witness ran home and never stopped.
HC addendum

Source: Mystical Universe

Type: E


Location. El Yunque Puerto Rico

Date: Spring 1967

Time: 2245

Several college students, among them 22-year old Ramon Quiñones, and two teachers had gone camping near the summit of El Yunque. That night they were all sitting around a campfire singing while Ramon played his guitar. Suddenly they all heard a very loud buzzing sound that originated from an unknown source. It lasted 15 minutes. Everything became quiet, and they all resumed their singing. Suddenly they heard footsteps coming from the nearby brush. As the footsteps approached the group, they all stood up and suddenly were able to see a very tall luminous figure that quickly crossed a path in front of them, disappearing into the brush. Ramon & a teacher named Gonzalez decided to go into the brush and investigate, Ramon took his guitar with him. Soon Gonzalez returned but there was no sign of Ramon, Gonzalez explained that they had become separated in the thick shrubbery. Suddenly as the group stood around looking for Ramon they all saw the strange figure appear again. The figure was described as over 6 ft tall, very thin, with long dangling arms, that reached to his knees, wearing a tight fitting bright silvery outfit, that gave off a white fluorescent light. The bright light prevented the group from seeing the creature's facial features or the head, which appeared round. The being stood staring at the group for about 15 minutes during which time they all felt paralyzed as if in a trance. Soon the luminous figure walked slowly backwards and disappeared into the brush. The group regained their ability to move and some of them fled in panic, while others stayed behind looking for Ramon Quiñones. Only his guitar was found propped up against the trunk of a large tree. To this date nothing has been heard of Quiñones. The remaining group was allegedly told by federal authorities not to talk to anyone about the incident, that this was a "common occurrence" in El Yunque.
HC addition # 2105

Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia Ovni # 7

Type: E or G?

Comments: This case appears to involve a "permanent" abduction.


Location. Long Island New York, exact location not given

Date: March 1967

Time: afternoon

A family of seven driving through a rural area noticed a large disc shaped object descend and land on a nearby field. They pulled over to watch. Stunned they watch a large sedan type vehicle drive off the road and towards the UFO. As the car approached, a door opened on the craft and two men stepped out. Both then entered the car, which drove across the field and into the road, leaving quickly. The craft then rose up and disappeared into the distance.
HC addition # 1228

Source: R Perry Collins, UFO Universe January 1990

Type: B?


Location. Not given

Date: March 1967

Time: night

Sales executive "John Gilbert" reported being abducted and subjected to "several startling medical, biological and sexual experiments" by aliens. His car was stopped at an undisclosed location and he was surrounded by a group of strange men about 3.5 meters tall with broad foreheads, elongated eyes and hawk-like noses. Their eyes disturbed him and as a result he did not look at them too closely, but he got the impression they had no pupils. There was a leader dressed in blue and they spoke amongst themselves in guttural tones. He became confused and faint and was dragged towards the ramp and into a craft, where he was revived and shown into a sort of control-room, then given an explanation of the craft by the "leader", apparently by telepathy.
HC addendum

Source: Warren Smith, The Allende Letters

Type: G


Location. Bogle Ridge West Virginia

Date: March 1967

Time: late night

A man and a woman were out parked in an isolated area "sky watching" when they saw a group of red, green and white lights descend from the sky and land in a nearby gully. Moments later there was a bright flash of light and the man's face began tingling. He then heard voices outside the car and there was a sudden knock on the car window. Outside they both saw a man holding a red light standing by the car. Using mental telepathy the strange figure asked the male witness several questions then told him to leave the car, the witness was then led off into the darkness. Several personal items were missing from the witness upon returning to the vehicle.
HC addition # 1399

Source: John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: C or G?


Location. Los Padres National Forest California

Date: March 1967

Time: late night

The main witness had been camping in a wooded area along with three friends. One night he suddenly awoke away from the campsite and out of his sleeping bag. He then noticed a bright light with orange and blue blinking lights in the sky. He woke up one of his friends and both watched the light shoot away at high speed. Later under hypnosis he was able to remember somehow being transported onboard an object by several humanoids (not described) that took him into a chamber with a glass canopy. An instrument was painfully inserted into his rectum and another apparatus collected semen samples.
HC addition # 1693

Source: UFONS # 295

Type: G


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: March 1967

Time: late night

16-year old Linda Lilly woke up one night and saw a large figure towering over her bed. "It was a man," she said. " A big man. Very broad. I couldn't see his faced very well but I could see that he was grinning at me." Linda got up from bed with a terrible scream. She cried out there was a man in her room. "He walked around the bed and stood right over me". Linda declared, "I screamed again and hid under the covers, when I looked again he was gone." She then ran into her mother's room. When asked for a full description of the man, Linda said she thought he had been wearing "a checkered shirt". Around the same time, her mother, Doris Lilly began to receive strange phone calls at home. Each evening around 1700 her phone would ring, and when she answered she heard only a bizarre metallic voice speaking in an incomprehensible language. It was guttural and rapid. These calls came only when she was alone.
HC addendum

Source: John Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E?


Location. Mexico City Mexico

Date: March 1967

Time: midnight

Maria Cristina Leguizamo said she was listening to the radio when a flying saucer appeared in her backyard. Communicating by telepathy, an "extremely handsome man, with green eyes and silver hair to his shoulders" invited her to take a ride in his craft. She was required to take off her shoes first. The humanoid told her that he came from "the Green Planet" and that "neither Russians nor Americans will ever arrive at the moon." Also, a planet named "Arcobulos" exerts "an irresistible force on the planet Earth attracting it little by little toward the sun."
Humcat 1967-21

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: G


Location. Near Eden New York

Date: March 1 1967

Time: 0130A

DeWitt Baldwin was raccoon hunting in a woods near Eden when he heard a noise like bees buzzing and flashed his flashlight on a gold colored, unlighted saucer shaped object that had landed on the ground. A sliding door opened and a man emerged dressed in a black, tight fitting suit and wearing a helmet with goggles. He asked the witness some questions, such as what he was doing there at that hour, where he had been born, and then took Baldwin's gun, looked at it and handed it back. Baldwin claimed the humanoid broke the muzzle of the gun while examining it. Baldwin said, " He wasn't white and he wasn't black. He talked very plainly and with no accent. He had black curly hair." He told me he would be back, walked up to the saucer, got in and seconds later zipped off out of sight. No imprints or footprints were left in the snow where the object had rested.
Humcat 1967-22

Source: James Sipprell and James M Reed for Nicap

Type: B


Location. Near Piggott Arkansas

Date: March 10 1967

Time: unknown

Two men were motoring in a remote area when their truck's engine failed. Before they could get out of the vehicle to investigate, they saw a fifty foot wide saucer shaped UFO descend to the ground in front of them. Two bizarre looking "aliens" emerged from the object and walked over to the truck. The humanoids were described as of average height. With large heads, flat on the back, gray in color. They had normal eyes, mouths, and noses. They wore tight fitting gray diver's suits. The two men reported they felt like they were being bombarded with vibrations and had the uncanny feeling the aliens knew what they were thinking. Rolling the truck windows down, the men spoke to one of the aliens, that reportedly told him that they meant no harm and they could continue their journey if they promised to keep the meeting a secret.
HC addition # 2583

Source: Mufon Journal # 172

Type: B


Location. Palo Minnesota

Date: March 12 1967

Time: 1415

Four boys, Bob and John Kangas, Mike Kauppi and Scott Mackay, aged 9-12, were riding on a snowmobile when they saw a very bright light coming from an old abandoned hay shed in an open field, and a second beam of light about 100 yards away. Near the latter were 5 moving black "objects" about 3 to 4 feet high, and arranged in a diamond formation with a fifth at the center; these "objects" seemed to glide over the deep snow, then moved toward the beam of light and when they reached it, both the light and the "objects" faded out of sight. The boys headed for the nearest house, "visibly shaken, almost to the point of hysteria." Two footprints of unidentifiable shape were found later at the site.
Humcat 1967-23

Source: Annette J Boyer for Nicap & Richard Hall

Type: C?


Location. South Glenn Falls New York

Date: March 12 1967

Time: 2230

Clyde L Dwyer observed a large object from a window in his home; approximately 100 feet in diameter, it was disc shaped and hovered motionless between 175-200 yards southeast of his home. Three large square windows were spaced around the midline of the object and just below these, jets of what appeared to be steam were emitted continually from a number of equidistant points around the object. Its dark mass was illuminated by a nearby street lamp; a white light shone from the windows; two men and a woman could be see in the central window, and two men behind the window to the right. Although no distinguishing characteristics could be seen, "these figures were definitely of human appearance." After hovering for about five minutes, the object gradually departed toward the southwest. No sound was heard at any time.
Humcat 1967-24

Source: Richard Bonenfant for Cufos

Type: A


Location. Letart Falls Ohio

Date: March 12 1967

Time: 2330

A woman and her daughter driving back home from church rounded a corner in a wooded area and saw a huge white figure suddenly appear in front of the car. The creature appeared to have very long hair and was in sight for several seconds before it shot up and disappeared. The witnesses assumed they had seen an "angel."
HC addition # 1400

Source: John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: E


Location. Villablanca Spain

Date: March 19 1967

Time: 0200A

A shepherd and his young assistant were walking a herd of lambs along a field when they noticed a bright flickering light above some nearby woods. The light began moving back and forth and illuminated the area like daytime. It then descended behind a nearby ridge and as the witnesses approached, it suddenly rose up and flew towards them. Both could now see that the light was actually a very tall man carrying something in his hand resembling a flashlight, he landed on his feet near the witnesses, which did not noticed any means of propulsion on the humanoid. The figure walked for a few moments then rose up again, flying standing up, again illuminating the area with a bright white light. He disappeared from sight above some nearby trees.
HC addition # 645

Source: J J Benitez, La Quinta Columna

Type: E


Location. Butler Pennsylvania

Date: March 20 1967

Time: 2245

Going out to look for low flying lights that his wife had seen, Mr. B and his daughter observed two globes of yellow-white light about a mile down the road and 200 feet up. These approached and descended, and appeared to land on the road a quarter of a mile away, but then raced toward the witness's car at an estimated 70-80 miles an hour. When 50 yards away, they suddenly vanished; the witnesses then saw, at the same spot and in the headlights of the car, a standing group of five expressionless humanoid figures. The car had to swerve around these beings, which were directly ahead of it, to avoid hitting them. They had slit eyes and mouths, pointed noses, and rough looking skin like scar tissue. All wore caps beneath which blond hair was visible; the shortest, only 5-feet tall, had shoulder length hair and may have been a woman. All wore loose fitting gray green shirts and trousers. As the lights approached the car, the daughter had heard "a chorus of voices in my head, repeating, "don't move.'"
Humcat 1967-25

Source: R A Schmidt, FSR Vol. 14 # 5

Type: C?

Comments: Recall the "scar skinned" entity seen in Des Moines Washington also in the spring.


Location. Minitare Nebraska

Date: March 26 1967

Time: 1930

The Cecil Bailey and Robert Lore families had observed UFOs in the area on several occasions. On the evening of March 26, they were back and Lore and Bailey were in a car driving north of their farms to look for lights that had appeared to land on the ground. In an isolated section of farmland the two men passed a human appearing figure in white coveralls standing alone by the roadside; their dog, in the car, "really kicked up a fuss," appeared to be terrified. When the men got home, the lights were once more visible in the sky, one bright enough to light up the hill behind it. On returning to the site where they had seen the stranger, the next day, they found numerous nearly rectangular footprints, some of them 9.75" long and others 8.5" long.
Humcat 1967-26

Source: Richard Hall

Type: C?


Location. Conifer Colorado

Date: March 28 1967

Time: 0030A

D F Davies and Tom saw a flashlight shining on the hill on the adjoining Loomis ranch. They drove the truck toward it, but it disappeared. While they were away, Kay and Louise saw a man running down the hill, who disappeared near the corral. UFO sightings were numerous in the area around the same time.
Humcat 1967-27

Source: Oleta Havelock & David Saunders

Type: D


Location. Munroe Falls Ohio

Date: March 28 1967

Time: 0220A

Driving home from work in Kent at 0215A, David Morris rounded a bend and noticed an orange red, glowing cone shaped object, 25 feet high and 12 feet wide, hovering several feet above a field to his left. When he looked back at the road he saw four of five little beings running back and forth across the road directly in front of his car. Less than 4 ft tall, they were stocky; and either had abnormally large heads or were wearing helmets; they glowed the same orange red color as the object. He slammed on his brakes, but not in time to avoid hitting one of the little figures, and he saw an arm fly up with a mitten-like hand---no distinct fingers---as the car collided with it. At the same time he smelled a strong metallic odor, "like brass." He stopped some distance ahead, believing he had struck somebody; looking back, he saw a group of the beings clustered around what was apparently the one he struck. Suddenly realizing that what he hit was certainly not human, he became frightened and "burned rubber" getting away from the place. He arrived at home in a very upset state and later, found that the impact with the being had left dents and scratches on the bumper of his car.
Humcat 1967-28

Source: Carol Clapp, Larry Moyers, Ted Torner, and Hank Kalapaca & Roy Wiley & Virgil Tarleton for Apro

Type: C


Location. Parque Rio Grande, Rio Grande Da Serra, Brazil

Date: March 29 1967

Time: midnight

Antonio de Carvalho and his wife Julieta Cornelia de Carvalho were preparing some roof tile when they noticed a shiny object descending from the sky. The object was totally silent and was gray metallic in color and shaped like a cigar about 5 meters in diameter with oval extremities. It possessed four leg-like protrusions on its underside. As it moved over them a window-like opening became visible and a short human-like figure positioned itself on the ledge, apparently looking at the witnesses. It seemed to be wearing some type of helmet. The craft then floated silently into the distance.
HC addendum

Source: Newspaper source (missing from my files)

High Strangeness Index: 5

Reliability of Source: 5



Location. Near Ponce Puerto Rico

Date: March 31 1967

Time: night

On the evening of March 31, Lester Rosas, acting under a strange compulsion, boarded a bus and took it to the end of the line, which happened to be along a coastal area. He kept walking until he reached a deserted part of the beach. Unsure why he was there, he felt an odd sensation as a man who had shoulder length hair and was dressed in a close fitting garment approached him. The man extended his hand, but when Rosas tried to shake his hand, the stranger withdrew it after a mild pressing of palms. The strange spoke in Spanish, and told Rosas that he was from Venus and that his name was "Laan-Deeka." He then began to discuss the subject of reincarnation, saying that advanced earthlings who obey nature's laws are permitted to live their next lives on spiritually developed planets. The stranger then led Rosas the other side of a small nearby wall, where they witnessed the materialization of a disc shaped object. A door slide open, and a woman emerged to engage Rosas in a palm-to-palm handshake. "Her hair was long and fair, and she had a fantastic figure...I estimated her measurements at 5'4" and 37-27-35." She introduced herself as Laan Deeka's fiancée. The couple appeared to be no more than twenty years old, but their manner suggested wiser, older persons. They had high foreheads and slightly slanted eyes, his green, hers blue. There was a musical sound to their voices, a sense of joy in their speech and action. The three then entered the ship and flew off to Venus, which proved to be a paradisiacal world reported by other Contactees.
HC addendum

Source: Jerome Clark, Extraordinary Encounters

Type: G


Location. South Wellington Texas

Date: March 31 1967

Time: 2230

Carroll Watts, a farmer, had just left his father's farmhouse; as he drove near his own property, he saw a light near an abandoned farmhouse. Fearing prowlers, he drove to within 200 ft and approached on foot, finding a gray bullet shaped object, 100 feet long and 8-10 feet in diameter, with a 20" diameter light in its nose, hovering a foot above the ground. Watts walked around the object and, finding the outline of an unopened hatch, knocked on it. A U-shaped door was lowered from the hull, to the sound of a whirring motor; steps inside the door led into the interior of the craft which was illuminated by a bluish-white light and contained instruments and electronic type equipment. On the opposite side of the room he observed what appeared to be a map, about a foot above the floor, about a yard square in size. Shortly after the door opened, Watts heard a mechanical sounding voice, although he saw no one; the voice addressed him by name and asked him to submit to a "strenuous" physical examination, as a prerequisite for being given a ride in the object. Alarmed, Watts quickly retreated and left the area. He reported the incident within days to the local Air Force Base at Amarillo.
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