Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Chris Rutkowski in Unnatural History, True

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HC addendum

Source: Chris Rutkowski in Unnatural History, True

Manitoba Mysteries

Type: G Attempt


Location. Near Downieville California

Date: late June 1967

Time: evening

A family of tourists, who refused to be identified, reported that while camping at Wild Plum Campground they heard a whistling sound and saw a large saucer shaped object descend on a parking area. Robot like arms came out of the vessel's sides and took samples of earth. A turret atop the object turned so that a large porthole faced them, and they heard clicking sounds. Then a mechanical sounding voice, "asked them to identify themselves from left to right," which they did. The object again emitted a whistling sound and took vertically at high speed.
Humcat 1967-55

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: F


Location. Miami Florida

Date: July 1967

Time: midnight

The witness was lying in bed on her stomach when she felt a strange sensation on her back, like a suction pulling her up. Moments later she sat in bed and looked around, then she heard a noise in the hallway, like someone dragging their feet. The frightened witness pulled the sheet over her head and apparently dozed off. Later she woke up and began inspecting the house. As she walked past a closet door she noticed a shadow and turned the lights on and on a corner she saw a three-foot tall deep red humanoid figure described as having skin that was layered like fish scales, no feet, no waistline, no neck and no facial features at all. It had its right arm extended up pointing to the closet. As the witness moved closer an arm like protrusion started coming out of the left side of the chest area. The now terrified witness stepped back and turned around hoping that the creature will go away. She began hanging clothes and as she turned around again the creature had disappeared.
HC addition # 1026

Source: Cufos Associate Newsletter Vol. 4 # 2

Type: E


Location. Boston Township Ohio

Date: July 1967

Time: 1400

An Akron woman, fishing at a private lake with her husband, went to their car to get something from the trunk. Hearing a noise behind her, she turned and saw six strange individuals; two male adults, two female adults and a boy and a girl. They were dressed in ordinary clothing---the men in short sleeved shirts, and both women had bulges in their stomachs, as though pregnant. One male held the hand of the boy, pulling him back as he began to approach the witness. Otherwise, there was no movement. They had black hair, the men's being shorter than the women. The adults were about 6-foot tall. The witness, frightened by their appearance, walked away, then ran, to get her husband. When they returned, the figures were gone.
Humcat 1967-53

Source: Patrick Kaforey

Type: E?


Location. Oosterchelde, The Netherlands

Date: July 1967

Time: night

Industrialist Stefan Denaerde was at anchor in his sailboat accompanied by his son when their radar began to malfunction. Later on he starts to sail towards Burgsluis. At this point they see what they described as "a blue sun" descending from the sky emitting a strident noise. Denaerde then sees a figure that appears to be injured floating in the water. He jumps in the water and retrieves the body. At this point the "blue sun" descends over them and Denaerde can see that it is a metallic saucer shaped craft a door opens and a staircase is lowered down to the water, a figure is seen standing at the door. Denaerde is suddenly absorbed into the saucer and is confronted by several humanoids about 1.40 meters in height, equipped with astronaut-like uniforms adorned with multiple ornaments. They have a very high face, pointed ears and speak in a mechanical English voice. They thank Denaerde for helping their injured comrade in the water and tell him that they are from a distant planet, which they call Iarga, about 10 light years away. People live there in cylinder-like structures because of the rampant overpopulation. They practice a sort of Communism and advice Denaerde that private property does not exist. Their only goal is "an omni spiritual creativity".
HC addendum

Source: Contact from Planet Iarga, UFO Geheimnisse.

Type: G


Location. Vizcaino Desert, Baja California, Mexico

Date: July 2 1967

Time: night

Military intelligence units were called to a remote desert location where a UFO had crashed. Several big trucks went to the scene, including some equipped with what appeared to be special devices. When the special unit arrived at the UFO crash site, a pungent odor permeated the air. The object itself, which was oblong in shape, was broken in two, but apparently landed before exploding. Lying around in several places were bodies of the occupants. They were described as four of the most hideous looking creatures ever imagined. They were huge, about 9-feet tall, covered with a fine hair, and were a perfect likeness of what has been described as Bigfoot. Their faces were hairless, Mongoloid in appearance, with flat, wide noses. The mouths, which appeared to have been in agony, showed a row of teeth with what looked like stubby fangs. One of the creatures was apparently found alive and one of them attempted to give it water, the creature then reached up and grabbed the man's shoulder hard, then gasped and died. Each of the creatures wore a copper colored belt with a huge buckle rifted with small buttons. It is said that the belt glowed when activated but the source did not say what it was used for. On the creature's feet were boots resembling sandals but with very thick soles. Apart from these things the creatures had nothing else on them. The remains of the disc and its occupants was seized by the US military and transported to Yuma Air Base in Arizona, later from there, to an unknown location.
HC addition # 3055

Source: Bobbie Ann Slate & Peter Guttilla also Anton Anfalov, Ukraine

Type: H


Location. Palma De Majorca Balearic Islands Spain

Date: July 7 1967

Time: 0300A

An intense light that came from the patio awakened the daughter of the Count de Ribas. From her window she saw two small figures apparently speaking to one another. They had very large heads, possibly due to the presence of helmets, and huge eyes. The witness tried turning on the lights but they did not work; she went to get candles and when she returned all had vanished. Two small marks on the outside of the wall were found that could only be removed by scraping the wall; after it had been painted, the marks reappeared.
Humcat 1967-56

Source: Antonio Ribera

Type: E


Location. Cradle Hill, Warminster England

Date: July 8 1967

Time: night

3 people with flashlights (Bob Strong, Sybil Champion, and an anonymous man) discovered a tall man standing at the edge of a wood, clad in a one-piece close fitting garment, shiny "as if made of leatherette;" his face was pale, and on his head he wore a black hood or helmet. He suddenly vanished. A 4th witness, the man's wife, had been very much frightened by seeing this being; she had gone to the copse to investigate a sound like a swarm of bees, and found herself paralyzed when she saw the man. When she brushed against his clothing it made a crackling sound. Later, recovering in her husband's car, she suddenly started to run back toward the wood again, and had to be dragged back to the car. Then a torpedo shaped red luminous UFO rose with a droning sound, & flew away. The next day, a pear-shaped or crescent impression was found in the grass 650 yards behind the copse, as well as large footprints in the copse, showing crisscross ridges on the soles.
Humcat 1967-54

Source: Arthur Shuttlewood

Type: C


Location. Fairmont Park Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Date: July 15 1967

Time: 0500A

Charles S, out for a morning's jogging, was doing his roadwork in Fairmont Park when he was joined by two young men who ran along with him. Blond-haired and with eyes set close together, they were wearing mustard colored coveralls, and said nothing to him. After the run, they led him up a trail into a wooded area of the park, where she saw a landed flying saucer, about "one third of a football field" wide, brown on the underside and white on the upper side, resting on four pods. He was conducted inside, where he found no sign of instrumentation except for several tubes of different shades of yellow, and a computer like machine no bigger than a typewriter. The walls were decorated with photographs of women "who looked Scandinavian, except for the eyes being closer together." Then the craft took off, and "we spent the whole day flying around." The next morning they let him off a the park again, giving him for a souvenir a metal disc, white on one side and black on the other, which he found would levitate for 10" at intervals of 123 minutes. No more information.
Humcat 1967-57

Source: Richard Hall from Nicap

Type: G


Location. Arc-sous-Cicon Doubs France

Date: July 17 1967

Time: unknown

"Several children observed beings of small stature with protruding stomachs, dressed in back suits, who ran very fast, apparently without touching the ground. Traces were found; a circle of burnt grass 4 meters in diameter, and 3 prints of little feet." "We now know that the beings in question were already in the area 3 days earlier, since they wee seen on the 14th and 15th by an agricultural worker."
Humcat 1967-61

Source: Eric Zurcher

Type: E


Location. Newville Pennsylvania

Date: July 17 1967

Time: 0100A

While driving home, Stanley L, noticed a light that he first thought was the moon, but it moved towards him and dropped into a position directly in front of his car, keeping 15 to 20 yards away, while he drove at 55 mph. It was a rounded object, 10-15 in diameter, and was glowing brightly with an orange light. Stanley thought he could see the shadowy silhouette of a man-like figure inside the object, apparently working at controls of some sort. When he slowed down, the UFO rose above the telephone wires, but continued to pace him all the way home. There he called out his sister, Joanne, and her boyfriend, Carl, and all saw the object hovering over a field. When he drove away it followed the car again, and returned with him to the house, where all three could now make out the form of the occupant inside the object. There was no sound. While they were in the house the UFO disappeared. This encounter occurred during a continuing spate of UFO sightings in south central Pennsylvania.
Humcat 1967-58

Source: Ivan Kerns for Nicap

Type: A


Location. Arc-sous-Cicon, Doubs France

Date: July 17 1967

Time: 1500

A 5-year old girl, Patricia Bepoix, ran to her parents in terror, saying she had come upon some "little Chinamen" who had tried to catch her. 15-year old Joelle Ravier went to the spot and saw a strange little creature running very fast among the bushes, with leg movements more rapid that a human's. The being was 3-foot tall, black, and had a protuberant belly and very short legs; his arms were not seen. He wore a short jacket that floated behind him as he ran. Joelle and another, Marie Reine Mairot, also heard someone beyond the bushes talking in a strange singsong fashion. More than a dozen yellow patches subsequently appeared in the grass at the site. Several hours later, there were widespread reports of objects and fireballs by hundreds of people all over Europe; it was reported that these sightings were the result of satellite re-entry decay or, possibly, a spectacular fireball.
Humcat 1967-59

Source: Joel Mesnard for GEPA

Type: D?


Location. Belfast Northern Ireland

Date: July 17 1967

Time: evening

Mr. E Browne was walking in a wood near his home when he came upon a "dish-like" object hovering 8 feet above the ground. It was of a dull blue-gray color with a rough and pitted outer surface, and about the size of a car. As he looked at it, an opening appeared in the center of the underside and two silver suited human-like figures dropped slowly to the ground and then walked away into the woods. Several minutes later they came back and drifted back into the craft, which rose silently into the air and vanished from sight.
Humcat 1967-60

Source: FSR Vol. 13 # 6

Type: B


Location. Near Millertown, New York

Date: July 17 1967

Time: 2325

Emma Funk was driving down RT 22 north of town when a black shiny object about the size of a baseball flew into the headlights. It came right up to her car, seemed to brush against the windscreen then veer off to the left. When it made contact the car lit up "like a giant electric light bulb." The engine and headlights failed and she lost consciousness. When she recovered the car was pointing in the opposite direction, there was a cracked area the size of a man's fist in the windscreen. In September she underwent hypnotic regression in which she spoke of the radio being filled with static, and unspecified beings, which turned the car around and struck her across the chest with a rod.
HC addendum

Source: Peter Rogerson, quoting William Donovan

Type: G?


Location. Boardman Ohio

Date: July 18 1967

Time: 0130A

Rev. Anthony De Polo, in bed, heard a very loud whining sound that rose and fell in pitch. Then he received a distinct mental message telling him to go to the window. He did so, and saw a 5-foot tall figure wearing a luminous tight fitting garment; there was also a source of light coming from above the figure. He stepped out onto his porch and mentally heard these words; "You have nothing to fear." He began to walk toward the being when the whining noise began again and he heard, "Danger; I must go." Then the figure dissolved into a blurred glow of light. Before it's passing De Polo received another message of a personal nature. On the same night and not to far from De Polo's home.

Mr. and Mrs Frank Dixon, hearing a loud noise outside, looked out and saw an object hovering over their house. It moved off toward the south after about 5 minutes. De Polo has had a number of sightings and "contacts" subsequently.
Humcat 1967-62

Source: John Keel, Virgil Tarleton, & Prof. Theodore Spickler For Mufon

Type: C


Location. Sao Benedito Do Sul Pernambuco Brazil

Date: July 19 1967

Time: unknown

A young girl saw a saucer shaped object hovering above a cornfield; inside the object she could see a humanoid entity of small stature, and a second similar entity was observed outside. The second entity made gestures at the girl, who interpreted them to be an inquiry about the edibility of the corn. At some point a dog nearby began barking, and the second entity quickly boarded the vehicle, which ascended rapidly.
Humcat 1967-64

Source: Enock Burgos for SBDEV

Type: B


Location. Titusville Florida

Date: July 20 1967

Time: 2115

Elizabeth Douglas had tripped and fallen on her lawn and was just rising when she saw an aerial object about 200 feet away about 60-70 feet above the ground. The object was 50-60 feet in diameter, shaped like a dome on an inverted saucer, and had five square windows around the dome brightly illuminated from within by a white light. In the fourth of these, as the object passed slowly over the street, was visible a lean humanoid figure with an egg-shaped head and long arms, which were raised in front of it. She viewed this entity for about two minutes. The object appeared to be of dull finished metal. Mrs Douglas's daughter, Ingrid, joined her and also saw the object as it moved away, but did not see its occupant.
Humcat 1967-63

Source: Clark McClelland for Nicap

Type: A


Location. Pamlico County, North Carolina

Date: July 21 1967

Time: afternoon

14-year old Ronnie Hill was playing in the garden when he noticed a strange odor in the air. His eyes began to tear. He then saw a spherical object about 3 meters in diameter descending from the sky and landing on a field nearby. Thinking that nobody would believe him, he ran inside his home and obtained a small Kodak camera. Once outside he saw a small figure emerging from behind the object. The figure was about 1.25 meters in height. It wore a tight-fitting silvery suit and it carried a black object in its hand, which the figure inserted into the ground, he then returned to the object, which took off into the sky at high speed. The odor was described as resembling propane gas. Hill also noticed a total lack of sound during the encounter. A controversial photograph of the humanoid was reportedly taken.
HC addendum

Source: John Keel

Type: B


Location. Wissons, France

Date: July 21 1967

Time: 0030A

The 40-year old witness was out in his garden when he noticed a greenish glow on the ground. The glow was on a nearby field next to a cemetery. Within the glow he could see two shiny silvery figures moving about, apparently just above the ground. The figures soon disappeared from sight. In the area two V-shaped depressions were found on the ground.
HC addendum

Source: LDLN # 195, Denys Breysse Project Becassine

Type: E


Location. Between Mareuil & Ste. Hermine France

Date: July 24 1967

Time: 2200

Between Mareuil and Ste. Hermine, Daniel Bonifait and his family saw a red disc, the size of a building, fall 300 yards away behind a hill. Dark forms were observed on the disc's surface, and the forest seemed to be ablaze as the witness drove away in fear.
Humcat 1967-65

Source: Jacques Vallee

Type: C


Location. Near Big Tujunga Canyon, California

Date: Jul6 26 1967

Time: unknown

Two witnesses were driving near a park when they heard a bodiless voice, which instructed them to watch for something strange. Suddenly there was a flash of light in the sky and a large glowing disc shaped object descended near them. Moments later a very tall being appeared, he was both boneless and eyeless and said he was a "space robot encased in a time capsule." (!) And that his name was Kronin.
HC addition # 1403

Source: John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: C?


Location. Colon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Date: July 26 1967

Time: night

Near Colon, several persons saw a huge violet object getting brighter and descending to the ground. A little being emerged from the craft but went back in a few seconds later. Witnesses felt a strange sensation and found themselves unable to move. Traces were found where the object had landed.
Humcat 1967-66

Source: CADIU, Newsletter # 2

Type: B


Location. Churchville New York

Date: July 31 1967

Time: 2215

Sidney Zipkin, a county park employee, was just pulling into County Park parking lot when the lights of his truck fell on an object sitting on the ground. It was a spherical central body with two extensions on either side tipped with several green lights. At that moment, two black-clad beings appeared in the beams of the truck lights and made a beeline towards the object disappearing through a door that closed behind them. They moved very fast. The object then ascended straight up with a hissing noise. There were attendant sightings in the area on the next several nights.
Humcat 1967-68

Source: Jeffrey J Gow & James E Sipprell for Nicap

Type: B


Location. St. Stanislas de Kostka Quebec Canada

Date: late July 1967

Time: unknown

About a year before the encounter of 7/28/68, 11-year old Denis Leger said a flying object, "resembling a round and shiny saucer," followed him for about 5 minutes, at 20-foot altitude, as he rode his bicycle. The bottom was made of glass 3 or 4 inches thick, and he could see three persons inside, one seated at one end and the others at the other. "They were small and black."
Humcat 1967-67

Source: Saucers, Space & Science, fall 1968

Type: A


Location. Near Ovid Colorado

Date: August 1967

Time: 0200A

The witness was up late working in her kitchen cleaning and polishing her cupboards when suddenly there was a bright light that filled the entire room; it seemed to come from the yard. The light was blue white in color and came from an undetermined source in the yard. The witness became frightened and locked all the doors; she then woke up at 0700A. Later under hypnosis she recalled floating through a tunnel of light that appeared to be semi solid. She then found herself on an examination table with her head inside an oven like contraption. Two men stood by the witness, one held a small black book. Another figure stood above her. Two other men approached the witness carrying hoses with round ball metal ends. Later she recalled looking outside the window of the "spaceship" and seeing the countryside.
HC addition # 1408

Source: Ruth Montgomery, Aliens Among Us

Type: G


Location. South London England

Date: August 1967

Time: early morning

Three witnesses saw a black object surrounded by a luminous yellow glow and a flashing light on top, hovering silently 50 feet above the ground. The object then descended vertically to hover very close to the ground. An orange glow and a beam of white light appeared from its base and a hairless humanoid with webbed hands and feet briefly stepped out then re-entered the object, which promptly took off vertically at high speed.
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