Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1967-101

Source: Antonio Ribera FSR Vol. 14 # 3

Type: B


Location. Bohan, Namur, Belgium

Date: October 4 1967

Time: 2130

Two men, L Theunis and D Wittenwrogel were walking on a road when they saw on the side of a nearby orchard a luminous silhouette of a feminine appearance, encased in a luminous glow. The figure appeared to have long light brown hair; it had pale features and appeared to float just above the ground. As the men stared, the figure suddenly vanished in plain sight, as if walking into "another dimension".
HC addendum

Source: Catalogue Boitte, Project Becassine

Type: E


Location. Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada

Date: October 4 1967

Time: 2300

A little bit after 2300 an unknown object with four bright lights flashing in sequence and estimated at 60 feet in diameter, was observed hovering over the ocean near this small fishing village. Suddenly the mysterious object tilted at a 45-degree angle and then rapidly descended to the sea below. Next there was an explosive noise and a bright flash of light. Calls were made to the Barrington Passage RCMP detachment. Initially, the authorities suspected that a conventional aircraft had probably gone down, and so the immediate concern was for the rescue of possible survivors. When three RCMP officers first arrived, they could still observe the mystery object afloat about a half-mile out from shore. One of them, Constable Ron Pond had seen the UFO before it went down, and was baffled by its unusual appearance. Out on the ocean, the object gave a pale yellow illumination and there was dense yellow foam on the water. When a coast guard lifeboat and several fishing boats managed to get to the site, the object had submerged beneath the waters, although sulfurous smelling yellow foam continued to emerge from the waters, creating an estimated 80 ft wide and half a mile long slick on the surface. Investigators came up with the following discoveries: There was a secret military recovery attempt, it appears, at a site some 25 miles up the coast near the community of Shelburne Nova Scotia. Reportedly, the military secretly watched as another mystery object beneath the waters approached and seemed to be making repairs to the first. In the meantime, a Soviet submarine violated the then 12-mile international shore limit, in an apparent effort to get close to the action. But then the two mystery objects began to move off together, heading towards the Gulf of Maine, where they allegedly resurfaced and flew off, witnessed in the vicinity of Yarmouth, Maine. The same night as the Shag Harbour "crash" there were several other substantial UFO sightings reported over eastern Canada. A fishing vessel, with 18 men onboard (the M V Nickerson) observed four UFOs off of Sambro, Nova Scotia. They even had solid returns on their Decca radar. This occurred about a half hour before Shag Harbour. Also prior to Shag Harbour, the pilot and co-pilot of Air Canada Flight 305 westbound between Sherbrooke and St Jean, Quebec, reported UFO activity.
HC addendum

Source: Don Ledger, Chris Styles, "Dark Object"

Type: H


Location. Belfast, Northern Ireland

Date: October 6 1967

Time: night

Eugene Browne (involved in a previous encounter) was walking home from a jazz club when he saw a craft in the sky. A yellow light came from it, which danced around him making him feel dizzy and loose consciousness. He awoke on a table in a windowless, oblong room, lit by a blue light from the floor. Metal bands attached to an apparatus at the side strapped him down. Four men and a woman surrounded him; they had a bluish aura. The tallest, dressed in a dark one-piece suit, said, "at last, someone will do", and released him. The woman had long blond hair, high cheekbones and was very fair with freckled complexion. He had sex with her and she told him they were "from another galaxy" and were experimenting to get human seed. Afterwards he was tied up and told it would not be long before he was returned. He blacked out, recovering in a field about a mile from the original location. He saw an object, which took off with a whistle as its tripod gear, retracted.
HC addendum

Source: Peter Rogerson

Type: G


Location. Lakewood Colorado

Date: October 10 1967

Time: 0045A

Norman C, driving home, was flagged down by a man with a forked goatee, well over 6-feet tall, wearing a jacket with 4 gold bars on each shoulder. The man talked to the witness without moving his mouth, presumably by telepathy. He asked where the North Star was, and what the date was; in response to the answer, he replied, "In your primitive time." He asked what the witness had in his mouth; on being told it was a cigarette, he replied, "Oh, one of your primitive vices." He asked about the car and said, "Oh, your primitive mode of transportation." When the witness asked who he was and where he was from, the man replied, "I cannot tell you now, but my colleagues and I will return." Then the man walked about 4 feet away and vanished. Norman then heard a noise looked up and saw hovering overhead a red object the size of a football field. With a whining noise it went straight up, joined two more objects, and disappeared at tremendous speed.
Humcat 1967-102

Source: Lt. Col A P Webb Air Force & Dr Leo Sprinkle for Apro

Type: C


Location. Santa Ana, California

Date: October 11 1967

Time: evening

Two years after taking the now famous UFO photographs, Rex Heflin received another group of strange visitors. They appeared at his home at dusk dressed in Air Force uniforms. Because of his earlier experience, Heflin inspected their credentials carefully and wrote down their names and other information. They questioned him about the photos and asked him if he knew anything about the Bermuda Triangle. "During the questioning, the witness says he noted a car parked in the street with indistinct lettering on the front door." In the back seat he could see a figure and violet (not blue) glow, which the witness attributed to instrument dials. He believed he was being photographed or recorded. In the meantime his FM multiplex radio was playing in the living room and during the questioning it made several loud audible pops. Dr. James E McDonald and other investigators later tried to check out the identity of these visitors. They drew a complete blank. Despite their credentials and uniforms, these men were apparently imposters.
HC addendum

Source: John A Keel, Our Haunted Planet

Type: E, Classic MIB Report.


Location. Santo Antonio do Taua, Brazil

Date: October 12 1967

Time: night

While a bright beam of light temporarily paralyzed the witness, four human-like figures briefly approached him. Two men and two women all four wore silvery tight fitting coveralls and long boots. The women had long blond hair and the men short dark hair. All had dark almond shaped eyes. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: GEPUC Brazil

Type: E?


Location. White Rocks Utah

Date: October 12 1967

Time: 0300A

In the midst of a mini wave of UFO sightings in the Uintah Basin, in northeast Utah, during the night of October 11-12, Jay Anderson, of White Rocks, observed a strange figure standing in a doorway of his home. Dressed in a metallic looking suit, and giving off a luminous glow, the figure turned and walked out after being discovered.
Humcat 1967-103

Source: Joseph Junior Hicks & Frank Salisbury

Type: D


Location. Milan Italy

Date: October 13 1967

Time: unknown

Andreina Zatti was walking along the Via Amedeo on her way to visit a friend when a man about 35 years of age with very strange physical characteristics approached her. His skin was a pale bluish-green color and he was dressed entirely in black with dark goggle-like glasses. He stood staring at Andreina with his hands to his knees. Apparently this produced a painful sensation in Andreina, who immediately thought that the stranger was an extraterrestrial. At this point she received a telepathic message from the stranger confirming his extraterrestrial origins. Andreina felt paralyzed as the stranger disappeared. Later that same month while Andreina attended a soccer game she noticed a strange gray dirigible shaped craft that appeared to be hiding behind some clouds. She suddenly found herself inside the object where a tall man dressed in blue with a belt; a gold collar and bracelet confronted her. The man had long shoulder length black hair, and his skin was pale blue in color. The humanoid touched a button on his chest and Andreina suddenly found herself back in the field, not knowing how she got there.
HC addendum

Source: CUN Milano & Archivio S.U.F.

Type: E & G


Location. Le Mas Lozere France

Date: October 13 1967

Time: 1245

Marguerite C, located east of Le Mas on a little grass grown natural "platform," saw 3 beings of small stature, dressed in coppery red suits that covered then entirely, move on the "platform," sometimes walking on the ground and sometimes without contacting the ground. They seemed to be examining their surroundings. The observer was one of those there because 2 psychics had predicted a full-dress UFO landing at 1200 for this date and place. Other observers saw only the compass needle deviated by 90 degrees and (by some observers only) a brief apparition of a line of 6 luminous discs.
Humcat 1967-108

Source: LDLN # 92

Type: D?


Location. Duncan Oklahoma

Date: October 21 1967

Time: 2200

Four teenaged boys, including Ivan Ritter and Jerry Bennett, were driving east of Duncan on Route 7 when they saw three little men in the car's headlights; when the driver turned the beam on high, the three beings "almost flew off the road and disappeared." They were about 4-feet tall with shiny blue green skin, or tight coveralls; their faces were human but their ears were very large. There was a 20-foot drop off on either side of the highway at the site, making normal egress off the highway difficult. At the site the next day, Ritter and Bennett found an unusual footprint in the mud of a creek bed 100 yards from the road.
Humcat 1967-104

Source: Lt Elmer McGill & Detective Pleasant Foster for Local Police

Type: E


Location. Hunter Liggett Military Reservation California

Date: October 24 1967

Time: evening

George W Ritter and 3 other soldiers were on guard duty when they all observed an orange fluorescent oval shaped craft approach slowly leaving a tail behind it. A hatch opened on the bottom of the craft and five small drones dropped out of it. They formed into a V formation and began hovering above the witnesses. As the men looked up mesmerized, Ritter began hearing a "blip-blip" like sound like sonar. All four felt paralyzed at this point. Suddenly Ritter's next recollection was of being lifted up into one of the objects. He then found himself lying down with a gray colored humanoid looking down on him. The other three soldiers were nowhere in sight. The being had large black oval shaped eyes and did not appear to be wearing any clothing. He saw three other smaller similar creatures that appeared to be assistants. He heard a voice in his head telling him that he was not going to be hurt. Inside the object there was a constant weird misty light, resembling a black light. He was then given a shot in the thigh near the groin area and then one of the beings came up to his left side and somehow put his whole hand, inside the upper left side of the witness's chest. After an undetermined amount of time he was taken into another room where he saw a bright ball of light that emanated energy and love towards Ritter and communicated telepathically. Ritter was told in the near future "something wonderful was going to happen." His next recollection was of standing on the ground looking up, but the objects are gone. The other men reported the incident to military authorities. As a result Ritter spent 2 months in a military mental hospital.
HC addition # 3337

Source: Linda Moulton Howe

Type: G


Location. Newfield New York

Date: October 24 1967

Time: 2130

Donald Chiszar, 13, and Pat Crosier, 10, reported seeing a large light that came closer and hovered over a house 50 yards away. It was a round object, with a cupola and antenna on top, and had an oblong box on the bottom with red, green, and white lights. Around the rim were square shaped rd & white lights. Through two large windows in the dome, tow beings were visible, each less than 5'7" tall, humanoid in appearance, and with "rocky or bumpy" skin of a chocolate brown color. They stood motionless, looking out, while several additional moving shadows were seen behind them. Knobs and other electronic equipment were visible inside the lighted section. The object was of a dull silver color, about 30 feet in diameter and 6-8 feet high. It hovered in the same spot for about two minutes, tilted upward in the rear; then the rim lights became very bright, it assumed a horizontal altitude, and disappeared at great speed, "like a puff of wind." The following night, Chiszar told investigators he saw tow more of the same type of flying objects. During the observation by the two boys, they claimed that their walkie-talkies malfunctioned, and a dog was barking nearby.
Humcat 1967-105

Source: William Donovan for Nicap, Dr Roy Craig & Dr Fred Ahrens

Type: A


Location. Santa Adelita Sao Paolo Brazil

Date: October 29 1967

Time: 2300

Mr. P, 51, was driving home after a clandestine love escapade. The moon was shining, in its 4th quarter. When he came to the top of a ridge, he saw, 200 ft away, hovering 4 ft above the ground, an aluminum colored plate shaped object with a convexity on its bottom side, about 30 ft in diameter. He arrived within 30-50 ft of it and stopped (or the car motor spontaneously stopped); he then saw that it was "full of lights," red and of other colors, which alternately lighted and went out. Standing near the saucer was a robustly built man about 5-1/2 ft tall, dressed in a light colored garment (the witness could not specify the color, being color blind.) This person walked in front of the witness and from a flashlight like object turned on a very bright white beam of light. The witness though someone was waylaying him connected with his amorous adventure. He half opened the car door, rested his .22 revolver on it, and fired 6 shots at the person. (He was a good shot with this revolver.) Then he no longer saw him. The saucer began to oscillate, and he heard a sound like a cowbell. Then the UFO flew away on an oblique course.
Humcat 1967-109

Source: Dr Walter Buhler

Type: C


Location. Melfort Saskatchewan Canada

Date: October 30 1967

Time: 2100

Approaching his home, Donald Marshall saw a light beyond it; upon getting a closer look he found a rectangular lighted panel about 4 feet high and 16 feet long, 12 feet off the ground, which looked like a large window in an object whose shape was not clearly seen, but perhaps 50 feet long. When he was 200 feet away in a bright spotlight came on, and he saw three small humanoid figures, the size of ten-year old children, coming from the machine. They moved very fast, were clothed in green uniforms, and wore some type of headgear. They disappeared into the darkness and the craft took off slowly, at about 5 mph. It moved at first (breaking some trees) into a gully, where it remained another 3 or 4 minutes. The total time during which Marshall observed the object was 18-19 minutes.
Humcat 1967-106

Source: R Meizeka, Saskatchewan UFO Bulletin

Type: C


Location. Western State (exact location not given)

Date: late October 1967

Time: evening

During the week of Oct 22-29, two men and two boys, on a hunting trip, observed a glowing disc near a mountainside and "dancing lights" around it; through binoculars these lights were seen to be small, humanoid figures with lights attached to their heads, illuminating them. There were no means of propulsion observed for these flying figures.

The incident was reported officially, although no mention was made of the figures; it was explained as an "oil field burn off."
Humcat 1967-107

Source: Apro Bulletin Sept/Oct 1967

Type: C


Location. Duncan Falls Ohio

Date: late October 1966

Time: 0400A

Leonard Elmore, 72, suffered from insomnia and on this morning was out walking when he saw an L-shaped building, like a "galvanized iron shed," in a field where he knew there had been no building before. He went closer to take a better look and felt something that frightened him. He turned to hurry away and distinctly heard a normal male voice come from it, saying "Don't run...don't run." He went home to get his rifle and, upon returning to the site, discovered that the "building" had disappeared.
Humcat 1967-43

Type: F


Location. Burgo de Ebro Spain

Date: November 1967

Time: sunset

Baltasar C Andreu was headed back home in his motorcycle after having placed his flock of sheep in their pens 2 kilometers from town when halfway along the road, he noticed three men standing on the road. He soon came to within 40 or 50 meters of the strange men. Puzzled, the witness turned on his high beams. The "men" turned around and began running downhill. Baltasar followed them for some 200 meters, but after doubling a curve, he was unable to find any trace of them. The three "men" were almost 7-feet tall were clad in white and had blue bands on the back of their outfits that reached from their shoulders down to their waists. Two days later he ran into the strangers again. On that occasion, Baltasar was heading to the pens to make sure his animals were well when he noticed something unusual was going on, the sheep and dogs were exhibiting strange excitement---they were huddled against one of the walls. As he tried to open the lock to the pen's large door, he noticed two of the strange beings in white he'd seen earlier. They were still dressed in white and were flattened against the wall as if to avoid detention. The terrified witness fled the scene and headed for the local police authorities. A search by the police failed to find anything.
HC addition # 3310

Source: Javier Garcia Blanco, Inexplicata # 3

Type: E


Location. Indiana County Pennsylvania

Date: November 1967

Time: late night

The witness recalls being taken from her home late at night by a dark complexioned man in dark clothing, about five-foot three inches tall. The man led her through the woods towards a metallic object sitting on the ground. The man helped her up into the object. Inside the object it was very dark and she was led into a room. She noticed a dimly illuminated desk in the room and on top of it a logbook which she began reading. At this point a humanoid creature entered the room and became very angry, apparently slapping or shoving her. This being was described as having two holes instead of a nose, no ears, a small slit for a mouth and large dark slanted eyes. He was also dressed in black with a dark cap. This being was accompanied by at least four similar but shorter beings and escorted the witness into another dark room where she was asked to undress and lie on a steel table, which was very cold. She was given a physical examination while the original human like entity looked on. The beings took blood and skin scrapings from various parts of her body. The witness was pregnant at the time of the abduction and the beings insisted in taking her child, she resisted and this angered the beings that eventually released her.
HC addition # 1136

Source: Paul G Johnson, Creature Research Journal Issue # 1

Type: G


Location. Ririe Idaho

Date: November 2 1967

Time: 2130

Two 23-year old Navajo Indians, Guy Tossie and Willy Begay, driving south of town, were blinded by a flash of white light; their car came to a stop and immediately ahead of them, hovering five feet of the ground, they saw an object 6-8 feet in diameter and 3 feet thick, shaped like two saucers joined together; and on top was a transparent bubble dome, occupied by two small entities. The dome flipped open and one of the two occupants floated out and to the ground, approached the car. By the flashing lights, the Indians were able to see that he was no more than 3-feet tall, and bald, with ears set up high on his head; his facial skin was scarred and wrinkled, "like a cantaloupe," his eyes were round and showed no pupils, and his mouth had lips so thin as to be barely visible. They saw no nose. He was wearing tight fitting coveralls and carried a pack on his back. To the Indian's horror, the little being opened the car door and seated himself behind the wheel; they drew over to the right as far as they could as the car towed, or driven, off the highway and out into a field of stubble wheat. As soon as it stopped, a terrified Tossie Jumped out of the right side of the car and began running to the farmhouse of William Hammon, a quarter of a mile away. As he ran, he found his shadow preceding him, as though a bright light were shining on him from behind. (It was presumed that the second occupant gave chase with a light, although Begay, who was otherwise preoccupied, could not confirm this). In the car, Begay cowered in the right side of the front seat as the little being attempted to communicate with him, twice saying something incomprehensible in a high, chirruping voice. Getting no response, the being got out of the car and joined the second being (presumably returned from his brief chase), and the two floated into the object, which took off in a zigzag motion. At the Hammon farmhouse, Tossie banged on the door, screaming for help. The farmer and his son Bob admitted him, and it took a period of time to calm him sufficiently to get his story; by the time they accompanied him back to the field, the object had departed and Begay was found in a state of near shock in the front seat. The farmer had to escort the youths by car; their fear was so great. There were attendant sightings in the area, and cattle had been "spooked" on several farms that night.
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