Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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HC addition # 414

Source: Normal Oliver, Quest UFO Magazine Vol. 11 # 5

Type: B


Location. Oleiros Minho Portugal

Date: August 1967

Time: 1900

A 42-year old farmer was tending his fields in a hilly section of the area when he saw a large elliptical shaped object, with a cabin like structure in the bottom section, flying over the fields at a high rate of speed and a low altitude, the craft had red and yellow lights and was silent. At about the same time two young girls where in a nearby field tending some goats and sheep when suddenly the animals became disturbed, they both then saw two short figures with large heads and skinny arms, that appeared to be wearing large round helmets and wearing shiny silvery tight fitting outfits. The beings were in the process of jumping over a nearby brick wall, which they went over both at the same time. Both girls became frightened and fled the area.
HC addition # 105

Source: Ballester Olmos & Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia de los Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis

Type: D


Location. Roanne, Loire France

Date: August 1967

Time: 2300

A witness heard footsteps outside. Upon investigating he sees a vague dark humanoid figure standing at the front door. Then sees a dark disc shaped object on the ground at the edge of some nearby woods. No other information.
HC addition # 2425

Source: Figeut/Ruchon Ovni Dossier

Type: C


Location. Chingford Essex England

Date: August 1967

Time: 2330

A young man and his girlfriend, in a parked car just inside Epping Forest, saw a small stationary red light ahead of them, which shortly faded; they then saw a flare-like red light shoot up from the ground by a tree, from which spark like lights shot out and bounced about. In the glow of these lights, the couple then saw two figures emerge from the darkness, each 1.5-e ft tall, dressed in what looked like long white raincoats, or mackintoshes, hiding the legs. The heads were round, with no features visible. Finally, a glowing oval light flew in a zigzag toward the car at the height of about 6 feet; alarmed; they drove away. At a nearby cottage they met a man who said he had seen strange lights in the forest. They reported the incident to the local police, saying they had seen someone setting off "fireworks" in the forest. No trace was found by investigating police. The car ignition failed several times when they tried to leave the forest.
Humcat 1967-71

Source: Barry King for Bufora

Type: C?


Location. Near Los Angeles, California

Date: August 1967

Time: late night

Tomias Luce awakened to a loud humming sound followed by a soft soothing bright light. The sound suddenly turned into a hiss and a mist of some kind surrounded him. It seemed to encircle his body and create some kind of barrier. At this time he realized that he was hovering in the area and slowly rising above his bed. He felt paralyzed. The mist seemed to hold his body up in the air as if he was lying on a platform. Then he seemed to pass through the roof of the house. The mist grew heavier just before he passed through the roof. Shortly after he remembered seeing a bright light. He looked down and thought he was about 100 ft in the air, he could see his house and cars. Everything suddenly went dark, he felt cold and saw a series of bright red flashes. He does not remember anything after that. He woke up in bed the next morning with a severe headache and a small triangle shaped marking, which finally vanished after several days.
HC addendum

Source: I was

Type: G?


Location. Near Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Date: August 3 1967

Time: 2040

Driving around the outskirts of the city Jonil Feydt Vieira and Amauri Barboso encountering a dazzling hovering object above the road. The object followed them for a period of time and they could see that it resembled a large dome on top of the object with blue light at one end and yellow light at the other. The object was totally silent and the dome was revolving. The driver experienced severe pain between the eyes that lasted for 16 days after the experience and the other man experienced dizziness and changes of skin pigmentation. At one point both witnesses received apparent telepathic communication from the object in the subject of possible life in other planets.
HC addendum

Source: Inforespace # 47, 1979

Type: F


Location. Caracas Venezuela

Date: August 3 1967

Time: 2330

Juan and Maria DeSoto, sleeping in the air because of an earthquake alert, saw a glowing white disc shaped object hovering 100 feet up outside their front door. Presently a small luminous object shaped like a light bulb emerged and came down nearly to the ground, approximately, 15-25 feet away. A door in this object slid open and a luminous little figure emerged, no more than 3-feet tall, dressed in some kind of coverall suit and helmet. He picked up some stones from the gravel walk, studied them for a moment, then dropped stones and re-entered his "bulb", which re-ascended to the larger object. The latter was observed by at least 3 neighbors, many of who were sleeping outdoors because of the quakes.
Humcat 1967-69

Source: Joe Rolas & The Lorenzens for Apro

Type: B


Location. Heysham Lancashire England

Date: August 4 1967

Time: 0100A

The 18-year old witness was walking along a promenade when he saw a humming white light shoot across from one cloud to the other. He then saw standing before him a man like figure, which vanished suddenly. No other information.
HC addition # 767

Source: Ian Creswell, Northern UFO News # 58

Type: D


Location. Caracas Venezuela

Date: August 7 1967

Time: afternoon

Dr. Luis Sanchez Vegas, a well-known doctor in Caracas, was confronted in his office by a little humanoid being less than 4-feet tall, who requested a physical examination. Speaking perfect Spanish, he told the doctor not to be surprised at his high temperature, as he was not from earth. He had a large, round head with large eyes extending to the sides of his head, no ears, a slit-like mouth, and only 10 teeth. He told Dr Sanchez that on his planet reproduction was different from that on earth, and that he did not know his parents. The strange humanoid called himself "Astrum", his long capacity was above normal, and his pulse was incredibly slow. In order to confirm his extraterrestrial origin the strange humanoid levitated a pencil in front of several astonished witnesses and then simply disappeared in plain sight of the witnesses. After the visit Dr Sanchez suffered a heart attack.
Humcat 1967-73

Source: Carlos Castillo

Type: E


Location. San Bernardino Caracas Venezuela

Date: August 7 1967

Time: 0200A

Pedro Riera was awakened by his bed's being shaken, and he saw in front of him a small being with a disproportionately large head, wearing a "rubber suit." He jumped out of bed and grabbed the little man, but he wriggled free and went out the 2nd floor window. Riera looked out and saw a round, multicolored luminous object so brilliant that he had to close his eyes. In the morning he found deposits of a rust-like substance, and small footprints in this "rust" on the pavement below his balcony. Several neighbors had observed the UFO.
Humcat 1967-72

Source: Guillermo Jose Schael & Apro Bulletin

Type: C


Location. Ogema, Wisconsin

Date: August 12 1967

Time: 0230A

Mr. And Mrs. Miedtke, awakened by the barking of their dog, soon they saw a large hemispherical object with a fluorescent glow and a short flash of light. Too terrified to go outside, they heard heavy footsteps around their trailer. At dawn there was a sound like that of a generator, and seconds later the object was gone.
HC addendum

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: C?


Location. St Louis de Kent New Brunswick Canada

Date: August 12 1967

Time: night

A dozen teenagers reported that they saw a "huge, black monster" that descends from a lighted craft in a wooded area. They were returning from a dance when they caught sight of a figure dressed in black, with a black face and goggles. They didn't approach "the monster," which quickly disappeared.
Humcat 1967-74

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: B


Location. Near Crixas Pilar de Goias Brazil

Date: August 13 1967

Time: 1600

As Inacio De Souza, 41, and his wife Maria were approaching their home at Santa Maria; they saw three figures "playing about" on the landing strip of the owner of the Fazenda. The beings were as tall as young children, had no hair and were wearing skin-tight clothing of pale yellow. At the end of the landing strip was an object having the shape of an inverted washbasin. De Souza, carrying a .44 caliber carbine, fired a shot at the nearest person. Just then a beam of green light was emitted from the UFO and struck De Souza on the head and shoulders; he fell unconscious. The three entities entered the object, which then took off vertically at high speed, with a sound like the humming of bees. De Souza not only incurred a circular burned patch 6" in diameter but also upon examination by a physician was found to have leukemia of which he died in less than two months.
Humcat 1967-75

Source: Dr Olavo Fontes, Jader Pereira & F Carrion

Type: B


Location. Near Richibucto New Brunswick Canada

Date: August 14 1967

Time: unknown

Two days after the St. Louis de Kent encounter, an unidentified woman from St Charles reported sighting a similar figure in the woods near the same road. Richibucto RCMP searched the area although they located a man dressed in black; there was no apparent connection with the encounters.
Humcat 1967-76

Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Type: E


Location. Near Port Perry Ontario Canada

Date: August 15 1967

Time: 0730A

At a farm area a young boy heard a loud oscillating sound, going over a nearby hill he saw a landed disc shaped craft on four metallic legs, it was actually hovering just above the ground. On a platform around its perimeter, were seated eight to ten little men about three-foot tall, they wore tight fitting brown clothing. A depressed 12-foot circular area was found on the ground later.
HC addition # 26

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: A


Location. Welland Ontario Canada

Date: mid August 1967

Time: evening

A family observed two bright lights traveling across the sky, through a pair of binoculars several figures could be seen moving in one of the lights. Both lights flew at high speed away from the area. No other information.
HC addition # 27

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: A


Location. Sedlescombe, Hastings Sussex England

Date: August 17 1967-September 23 1967

time: after midnight

The witness, Edwin, a retired military figure and scientist specializing in audiologist reported that between the above dates he had no fewer than nine visits by aliens. On the first occasion he met them while out walking with his dogs and invited them in. On later occasions they simply turned up in the house, always in the early hours after midnight. They communicated with each other by whistles and twittering noises but at no point spoke to Edwin, except by gestures. The object from which they emerged was conical and resting on three legs. At no time did he see it land and in later visits the beings prevented him from going out to look at it. They literally carried him back into his house as indication that they did not wish him to watch them depart. The entities themselves were exceptionally thin, and only just over five feet tall. Their skin was described as "gray like parchment" and they seemed to have no body hair at all. He had ample time to study them closely as they stayed for an hour or so at a time (once watching TV with him!). Their lips were almost invisible and their ears just a horny ring inset into the head. Their hands felt like "withered leaves" and had only three fingers and a thumb. They wore tight-fitting wetsuits with balaclava helmets and always came into the house in pairs. During their visits to his home Edwin claims that they took samples of many things, being particularly interested in fruit. They even had sips of whisky and showed great distaste. On their penultimate visit they reputedly stayed in the garden taking samples of shrubs and bushes. Another time they motioned to him that they wanted to take his dog with them. He refused but Edwin placated them by offering two china model dogs instead. They took these. His only attempt to real communication was when he drew a sketch of the solar system and asked them to mark it. They noted a spot outside the orbits of all the planets, which he took to mean they were from another star system. On their ninth visit Edwin decided to defy their ban on watching their departure. He went out while after they had left and noted a blue glow coming from beneath the object. It did not take off as he expected but simply disappeared on the spot. This was the last time he saw them. However before they left they had given him two gifts. One was a few seeds, which they told him to plant. He did so and something resembling a flowering cactus with a single thick and spike-less stump grew from the spot. It was long dead before he reported the case to investigators. The second gift were tiny bits of crystal that superficially resembled uncut diamonds. Thinking they were indeed diamonds he had them examined by a London diamond merchant, but the result was that they were "probably quartz".
HC addition # 1426

Source: Jenny Randles, Mind Monsters, Alien Contacts & Abductions, The Real Story from The Other Side

"The Earth is cracking..."

Location. Caracas Venezuela

Date: August 16 1967

Time: unknown

Pedro Jose Ramirez reported seeing a 4-foot tall being with an oversized head and large eyes, abnormal teeth and mouth, and five fingers on his hands. The being was agile, lightweight, hoarse-voiced and wearing a shiny suit. The entity told Ramirez that the earth "was cracking and they wished to save it."
Humcat 1967-77

Source: Nicap & Vladimir Scheffer

Type: E?


Location. Antimano Federal District Venezuela

Date: August 16 1967

Time: 1300

10-year old Jose Gregorio Bouaci was in his room when he encountered a "little man" who tried to talk to him; the being was short, white skinned, and had an over-sized head with no arms. The boy left his room screaming that he had seen a Martian; he was so frightened he threw up.
Humcat 1967-78

Source: Richard Heiden

Type: E


Location. Near Chambersburg Pennsylvania

Date: August 19 1967

Time: 2145

Miss Lonnie Jo H was driving home with her boyfriend, Bill B of Philadelphia, when he shouted to her that he had seen a UFO in a field. She turned the car around and drove back and they both saw a brightly white luminous object in the field. Then they heard a noise from the fencerow beside the road, and saw there a little humanoid figure whose sight terrified the girl. There was "something strange about his hands," and he was wearing luminous clothing that was "formed in blocks" (like a quilt). She was too frightened to recall the features of his face; she drove off as fast as she could. There was interference with the car radio during the encounter.
Humcat 1967-79

Source: George Cook for Nicap

Type: C


Location. Santa Monica Venezuela

Date: August 22 1967

Time: night

Ricardo Hurtado and Antonio Piedra, two young men, heard a noise "like horses galloping" coming from their kitchen; investigating, they encountered two small beings that left hurriedly. There were no lights on in the room and details were not seen, but because of the later hour, they did not believe the visitors could have been children.
Humcat 1967-80

Source: Apro Bulletin, Sep/Oct 1967

Type: E


Location. Near Joyceville Ontario Canada

Date: August 23 1967

Time: 0400A

Driving from his home in Toronto early in the morning, Stanley Moxon saw a green light in a field off the road ahead of his car; he turned off his headlights and swung onto a side road to get closer. Turning his lights on again, he saw a huge craft shaped like two saucers put together, and two human like entities about 4-feet high in white uniforms and helmets. They "seemed to be at work around the machine;" when they were discovered, they quickly jumped into the object, which took off silently at tremendous speed.
Humcat 1967-81

Source: Local Police & Apro

Type: B


Location. Kolmarden Sweden

Date: August 23 1967

Time: 2300

A boy and a girl, both 15, were walking in the evening when they noticed a reddish glow descending into a wood. When they reached an abandoned cabin, they saw a conical light glow on its wall, and the red light re-appeared. Alarmed by this, they walked to the home of the boy's sisters, where they found a round, brightly luminous object hovering about 13 feet in the air. Then they heard a whistling sound and footsteps, and finally a little being jumped out from behind some bushes, 35 feet away. It was 4-foot 4 inches tall; its face was at first in shadow. Then it jerkily raised its head and arms, holding a box from which a short tube protruded. Its head was very large covered by hair, or a helmet; it had large dark eyes, and a nose and mouth that together formed an "X." It was bowlegged, and around each ankle was a brilliant, white glowing wire. The witnesses fled for home. The next day at the site the boy found some apples that had been broken apart, some with the mark of 5 fingernails, or claws, on the broken surface, and others that were coated with an ill smelling slime. Also, deep, strange, footprints, 6" long and with 3 toes were found outside their houses.
Humcat 1967-82

Source: K Gosta Rehn for Apro & Sven Schalin

Type: C


Location. Wodonga Victoria Australia

Date: August 24 1967

Time: 1700

While riding his motorcycle from Sydney to Melbourne, Ron Hydes was blinded by a light above him so brilliant that he was forced to stop. He then saw, 100 feet away, a metallic object 25-30 feet in diameter, shaped like two saucers put together but separated by a band of metal 9-12" deep. The underside of the object was dark gray, the upper half like polished chrome; it bore a small dome of aluminum like appearance, surmounted by a small flat-topped bell 12" deep. Hyde's attention was diverted momentarily, and when he looked back he saw two figures about 5-foot tall standing by the UFO, wearing close fitting silvery coveralls that covered hands and feet. On their heads they wore opaque "fishbowl" type helmets. One of the figures took two steps forward and beckoned to the witness, but Hydes jumped onto his machine, in fear, and took off at 100 mph. However, the UFO, giving off a pink glow, followed him. When he stopped again he saw it tilt up at a 45-degree, the glow turning a bright red, and shoot up into the air at tremendous speed, disappearing in only seconds. The entire episode had lasted approximately 5 minutes.
Humcat 1967-83

Source: N Thornhill & Peter Norris

Type: C


Location. Maquetia Airport Venezuela

Date: August 26 1967

Time: 0200A

Marine Private Esteban Cova was just leaving the hangar at Maquetia Airport when he was accosted by a small being about 3-feet tall and covered with a sort of wiry hair; the little man had a very large head, bulging eyes, and made a deep whistling sound that gave the witness a prickling sensation throughout his body. He then spoke, in Spanish, asking Cova, "Won't you come with us? We need one more." Cova fainted.
Humcat 1967-855

Source: Apro Bulletin Sep/Oct 1967

Type: E


Location. Near Maturin Venezuela

Date: August 26 1967

Time: morning

Driving on the highway to Maturin Mr. Saki Macharechi saw what appeared to be a large bird flying overhead; it landed near a bridge and he took it at first to be a heron. On approaching closer (within 9 feet), he saw that it was a little human like figure and not a heron. Frightened, he stepped on the gas and drove away.
Humcat 1967-84

Source: Apro Bulletin Sep/Oct 1967

Type: E


Location. Warminster England

Date: August 27 1967

Time: late night

While lying in bed Arthur Shuttlewood had a vision of a figure with long flowing hair, glorious eyes, & a high broad forehead jutting outward over finely chiseled features. A brilliant light illuminated the room all around him.
HC addition # 3226

Source: 50 years of UFOs By John & Anne Spencer

Type: E


Location. Cussac Cantal France

Date: August 29 1967

Time: 1030A

13-year old Francois Delpeuch and his younger sister, Anne Marie, 9, tending the cows, saw four figures 3.5 to 4-feet tall on the other side of the road, near a 6-foot spherical object of dazzling brilliance that was resting on the ground. On looking closer they saw that the beings were completely black---either naked, or wearing skin tight black coveralls. They had pointed heads, which were also black. One was picking something up off the ground; another had a bright object, like a mirror. On becoming aware of the children, they rose up vertically, one after the other, and plunged head first into the top of the sphere, which then rose on a spiral with a whistling noise. It left a smell of sulfur behind it.
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