Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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HC addition # 1547

Source: Brad Steiger, Strange Fall 1972

Type: C


Location. Cofico Salta Argentina

Date: July 2 1968

Time: 2015

A boy named Sola saw a bright object hovering over a nearby mountain; at the same time the boy beheld "at only a few meters distance from him, a strange being about 2.10 meters in height, hanging suspended in air, his body emitting a strange luminosity." This being suddenly spun around like a top, then rose into the air and vanished above the mountain.
Humcat 1968-40

Source: FSR Vol. 14 # 5

Type: C?


Location. St. Alexis de Montcalm Quebec Canada

Date: July 2 1968

Time: 2114

A woman saw a green object shaped like a hat or mushroom, which passed at the height of the window. She believed she saw in it up to 20 small men, all of green color, with rather pointed noses, resembling sculptures in the African Pavilion at the Montreal Expo.
Humcat 1968-85

Source: Saucers, Space & Science

Type: A


Location. St. Thomas Quebec Canada

Date: July 2 1968

Time: 2130

Constable M Michaud and another police officer were reported to have seen two naked little men run through a drainage ditch and flee. Reports had the "little men" disappearing as they were about to be apprehended. Some reports had them as only two feet high, with shoulders the size of adults and disproportionately large heads. The appearance of a large meteor at the time merely complicated matters.
Humcat 1968-42

Source: Saucers, Space & Science, fall 1968

Type: E


Location. Quilmes Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: July 3 1968

Time: 2330

Alejandra Martinez de Pascucci was walking home when she felt an "invisible force" that pressed down upon her and prevented her form crying out. Suddenly she found herself in an enclosed space together with two men dressed in metallic, luminous clothing and helmets. One was over 6 ft tall, the other a bit shorter. The heat was intolerable; the machine, which "could hold 4 or 5 people," was round and had small red and green windows. One of the men pressed a button and the craft began to move, but when she was let out she was still in Quilmes, opposite a cemetery.
Humcat 1968-43

Source: FSR Vol. 14 # 5

Type: G


Location. Colle Orlando Italy

Date: July 3 1968

Time: midnight

A man traveling by car had its path suddenly blocked by a tall humanoid figure that jumped onto the roadway from the embankment. The figure wore blue coveralls, had long hair and a bright beam of light shone from his chest. The witness stopped the car and watched the being jump and fly over the vehicle, emitting a loud laughter, apparently causing the neighborhood dogs to start barking. The being then jumped over a nearby hill and was seen jumping into a small hovering disc shaped object, pale red in color. The object then took off changing to a bright white color.
HC addition # 1514

Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat

Type: B


Location. San Lorenzo Santa Fe Argentina

Date: July 5 1968

Time: 0430A

Hearing a humming sound, Olga Rosel De Montironi opened a window and saw "a kind of spaceship," the size of a big automobile, going back and forth 50 yards away. It was luminous, and inside it she was able to make out something like "a person wearing clothing." It went off to the north and hovered for 15 minutes. Other women also observed the "spaceship."
Humcat 1968-86

Source: EDOVNI Bulletin # 1

Type: A


Location. Near Nalchik, Russia

Date: July 7 1968

Time: 0300A

In a mountain settlement the witness, Victor Petrovich Kostrykin was lying out on a field when he saw an uncommonly bright "meteorite" which fell towards his direction at very high speed. Expecting an explosion the witness attempted to hide, but everything was quiet. The witness then felt an oppressive atmosphere surrounding him and noticed a group of "men" standing on a nearby hillock, about 100 meters away, calling to him and beckoning over. Unable to resist his oppressive fear dissipated and he walked over to the men. Behind the hillock stood a huge metallic disc-shaped object of very bright tones. On the perimeter of the craft he could see some brightly lit openings and what appeared to be pipe-like protrusions. A humanoid figure wearing silvery coveralls met him; the humanoid had hands similar to humans with five fingers, and was only a bit taller than Kostrykin. At this point the witness apparently lost conscious. He came to in the morning but not in the same location but in the Kurkuzhinskyy plateau, some distance away. With time the witness began to develop extraordinary abilities, like hearing things from a great distance, the ability to read minds and locate lost objects. Soon he also developed the ability to communicate with animals of all kinds and most important of all, the ability to heal and ease pain.
HC addendum

Source: X-Libri UFO Russia, quoting "Komsomol Truth" July 18 2003

Type: C or G?


Location. Near Canota Mendoza Argentina

Date: July 8 1968

Time: 0300A

Aldo Juan Santiago, with Miss Espinoza and her son and a young friend of the latter, were driving near Canota on a cold, moonlight night when they saw a luminous object fluctuating between blue-green and yellow, pass over & land near Villavicencio, about 3 km away. They stopped and had a midnight cookout, toward the end of which a man walking on the road to Villavicencio, "with giant strides," came up & passed by them without speaking. He was wearing "a sort of one piece Montgomery, fastened at the wrists & ankles," blue in color, with a hood over the head, and seemed to be wearing spectacles. The area was far from any town and they had seen no one else, and no car, on the road.
Humcat 1968-87

Source: Dr Carlos Wittenstein for ONIFE

Type: C?


Location. Cerro De La Gloria, Mendoza Argentina

Date: July 9 1968

Time: night

The police agent Arsenio Romero, of the 5th district of that city, was on duty in Cerro De La Gloria when he saw an intense light on the platform. He went up to it to find out what it was & then observed a round object which was emitting blue and red lights. Two little beings wearing 2 bright antennas on their heads came out of the UFO. When Romero started to point his pistol at them, the entities turned on him a sort of luminous ray that immobilized him, causing him to fall down in a faint. Thus he was found on the ground and was taken to the said police headquarters. He was hospitalized because he was suffering a strong nervous crisis.
Humcat 1968-88

Source: Dr. Carlos Banchs

Type: B


Location. La Plata Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: July 9 1968

Time: 2330

Two girls, 10 and 15, the daughters of a jockey, said they encountered "a man from another world" who tried to engage them in conversation. About 6 ft tall, he had long red hair and blue eyes and wore a one-piece coverall with a sort of green visor that emitted multi colored flashes of light. The marks of 4 large fingers were found on the door of the house beside which he appeared.
Humcat 1968-44

Source: FSR Vol. 16 # 1

Type: E?


Location. Mar Del Plata, Argentina

Date: July 15 1968

Time: 1730

Juan Gilabert and his wife, Anastasia were at their home when Anastasia suddenly heard a loud whistling sound and felt extreme heat. Juan was in another room. At the same time a bright light seemed to descend from the ceiling. The light began to dim and she felt semi-paralyzed, in a corner of the room she saw a short humanoid figure wearing a silvery suit. Frightened she managed to grab a hold of her young daughter and ran outside screaming. Several neighbors, among them, Rogelio Gianomini came to her aid and found a strange white substance on the floor and a strong sulfur-like odor in the area. Small footsteps were also found. Mrs. Gilabert suffered from nervous shock after the incident.
HC addendum

Source: Carlos Daniel Ferguson, Gaceta Ovni

Type: E


Location. Near Rivesville West Virginia

Date: mid July 1968

Time: evening

Jennings H Frederick had been hunting game with bow and arrow when he heard a high pitched jabbering; the rapid-fire message, which he may have perceived telepathically, seemed to say, "You need not fear me, I wish to communicate. I come as friends. We know of you all...I wish medical assistance. I need your help." Frederick reached into his pocket for his handkerchief and found it was entangled in what he thought were brambles; withdrawing his arm, he saw attached to it a thin, flexible hand and arm, green in color like a plant, terminated in three fingers with needle like tips and suction cups. The hand tightened his grip and punctured a blood vessel as he turned to see a "terrifying being with semi human facial features." It had slanting yellow eyes and pointed ears, and a body like the stalk of some huge ungainly plant. The eyes suddenly spun, creating a hypnotic effect in the witness, and the pain ceased; the witness froze to the spot while the "transfusion" continued, lasting perhaps a minute. He was then released and the being departed, with 25-foot strides, disappearing into the woods.
Humcat 1968-45

Source: Gray Barker

Type: E


Location. Near Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Date: July 17 1968

Time: 2300

A civil servant named Pedro Dema Filho heard a loud humming noise and was blinded by a powerful beam of light accompanied by two green lamps. These vanished, and from a door in an object emerged 4 entities not much over 20" tall, greenish, and wearing something like headphones; they quickly approached him, and paralyzed, he could not run. They seized him and dragged him into their craft, whose interior "looked like a laboratory," where they questioned him at length about human customs---apparently telepathically, since they seemed to have no mouths. They made him undress and conducted a detailed physical examination, including the introduction into his mouth of an extraordinary luminous wire that made his body transparent. His limbs felt cold, his head spun and his tongue "turned to stone," but when they finally released him again, and the craft flew off leaving a luminous trail, he felt no further physical effects.
Humcat 1968-46

Source: FSR Vol. 15 # 5

Type: G


Location. Lake Kaarna Estonia

Date: July 20 1968

Time: 0100A

Three girls at a summer camp were sitting outside dining when they saw a bright light descending overhead and joined up with a cigar shaped craft that had now appeared. The objects soon disappeared. Moments later the witnesses had gone inside the cabin when they saw a bright orange bus shaped object on the ground about 50 meters away. It was surrounded by dazzling beams of orange yellow light, it suddenly dimmed and began emitting a green blue light, it had a blue green stripe around it and seemed to shrink in size, after a few minutes the witnesses heard a buzzing sound and the object disappeared behind some bushes. One of the witnesses ran to where the object had been and saw a small human like figure that had feminine features, the figure was standing where the object had been, it seemed to be wearing a shiny silvery ribbon across its chest. The creature suddenly rose up into the air and vanished. The next day strange ground markings were found at the site.
HC addition # 381

Source: Juri Lina FSR Vol. 24 # 1

Type: C


Location. Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Date: July 20 1968

Time: 1100A

A man out on a hiking trip in the area was scanning some fields with a pair of binoculars when he noticed four bizarre looking humanoids standing on a field. The humanoids were standing around apparently inspecting the area except for one that appeared to be lying prone on the ground. These human like figures appeared to be naked or topless as if sunning themselves in a beach. As he watched, five minutes later a large gray balloon shaped object appeared above some trees. It was flying in a west-east direction and appeared to be about 25 meters in diameter. At one point the object ejected a small sphere that descended in a vertical parabolic trajectory disappearing behind the trees. Soon 4 bell-parachute shaped objects appeared and descend over each of the humanoids covering them completely, each of the humanoids raised their arms as if waiting to be covered by the objects. The parachute like objects then disappeared along with the humanoids. The witness described the humanoids as about 1.40 meters in height, of a robust build with short muscular legs and over-developed calves. Their skin was dark reddish in color and their hair was dark and swarthy. Their heads and faces were peculiar since they had dog or canine-like characteristics.
HC addendum

Source: Calin Turcu, Romania

Type: E or B


Location. Mendoza Argentina

Date: July 22 1968

Time: 0120A

Adela Casalvieri, night nurse at the Neuropsychiatry Hospital, heard a loud penetrating humming noise outside in the hospital courtyard. Going out to see what caused it, she observed at a distance of 20 meters a landed object, in the shape of two saucers edge-to-edge and brightly luminous, in the middle of the courtyard. A luminous red ray was directed at her and she found her legs paralyzed; putting her hands up to her face for protection, she found she was unable to move, as well. She remained immobilized for a number of minutes, until the red beam was extinguished. At this time the object ascended vertically, then moved off rapidly to the south, barely clearing the wall around the courtyard. Before it disappeared she was able to observe several human like figures through square portholes that encircled the object; these moved back and forth, passing each other, and were visible only from the waist up. Imprints were found at the landing site and several small potted trees were burned. Mrs Casalvieri had first-degree burns of the face and hands, and parts of her cap and clothing were burned; in addition, her watch, which had stopped at 0130A, was found to be radioactive, as was her ring.
Humcat 1968-89

Source: G J Gianza Paz & A M Baragiola

Type: A


Location. St. Bruno Quebec Canada

Date: July 22 1968

Time: evening

Six young girls, ages 7 to 13, reportedly saw a figure they described as "The Virgin Mary." The apparition appeared before them hovering in the air; four of the girls merely saw the figure, whereas two, heard a voice they described as "soft and slow." It advised them to pray and promised to return in October 7.
Humcat 1968-48

Source: John A Keel, UFOs Operation Trojan horse

Type: E?


Location. St. Basile Quebec Canada

Date: July 22 1968

Time: evening

A boy reported seeing a man like figure that was apparently airborne and "seemed to be walking in the sky, without any visible means of propulsion." No other information.
Humcat 1968-47

Source: John A Keel, UFOs Operation Trojan horse

Type: E


Location. Bauru Sao Paulo Brazil

Date: July 23 1968

Time: 0100A

A night watchman named Oliveira, on duty at the Central Electric Power Station at Urubupunga, saw a helmeted figure and tried to strike him with a metal crowbar; the figure dodged the blows and was joined by two others who overpowered the guard. One of the men, who, unlike the others, were dressed in yellow coveralls, uttered some unintelligible words. The security guard called out for help, at which the 3 men boarded a grayish, unlighted vehicle the size of a Volkswagen station wagon, and flew off into the air. The men were about the same size of the witness.
Humcat 1968-49

Source: Apro Bulletin Nov-Dec. 1968

Type: B


Location. Olavarria Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: July 25 1968

Time: 0205A

A corporal and several soldiers went to a spot where a UFO emitting multicolored flashes and making a droning sound was apparently about to land. It settled and three beings more than 6 ft tall, wearing silvery uniforms, emerged and advanced with slow, unsteady steps toward the soldiers. The corporal fired a burst of submachine gun fire at them, upon which the beings lifted up their hands to show a small luminous ball, whereupon all the witnesses were overcome by a strange lassitude and were incapable of using their guns. Only after the figures re-entered the UFO and it had taken off with a zigzag motion did the soldiers recover their faculties.
Humcat 1968-50

Source: FSR Vol. 14 # 6, citing newspaper source

Type: B


Location. General Alvear Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: July 25 1968

Time: 0530A

Oscar Augustin D'Onofrio declared that when traveling on Route # 3 he observed at the 37 km mark, 100 meters away on the road, a luminous spot that went on gradually increasing. The motor of his car stopped working, and the witness remained fixed, without being able to move. Moments later there emerged a spaceship, which shot out sparks. He saw 2 figures, but at that distance he could not make out their characteristics. The UFO rose up and disappeared.
Humcat 1968-90

Source: Carlos Banchs

Type: A?


Location. Riviere Du Loup Quebec Canada

Date: July 26 1968

Time: 1500

Two young boys riding their bicycles near the airport stopped by the hangar and sighted a short three-foot tall gray skinned humanoid. The humanoid ran away joined by a second similar being, both moved in stiff movements. No other information.
HC addition # 24

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: E


Location. St. Stanislas De Kostka Quebec Canada

Date: July 28 1968

Time: 2100

Five young people, including Paul Sauve, 20, and his sisters, Nicole, and Joanne, and Regent Leger and his brother Dennis, saw two circular objects with brilliant red halos, one of which was seen to land about 1000 ft away. They went out with a flashlight to investigate and encountered a being, 50 ft away that terrified them so that they ran back to the house. It was about 4 ft tall, had a big head 'imbedded in the shoulders" without a neck, and large round eyes, a flat nose, and having a black or brown skin that was "wrinkled, scabby, with bumps." When caught in the flashlight beam, it lifted a hand, which was very large, black, and rough, "like the skin of a toad," and opened and closed its mouth. Then it backed off toward the barn. After they were back in the house, it came up to a window and knocked on the pane, making a "mooing" sound "like a cow." Later they saw the object take off vertically. A 15-foot circle of crushed grain was found at the landing site.
Humcat 1968-51

Source: Wido Hoville

Type: C


Location. Upton Quebec Canada

Date: July 28 1968

Time: near midnight

The barking of their dog awakened a family of four. The man went out to investigate and encountered a sparkling rotating cloud like object in the yard, it flew over him and went to a nearby field, it was dark in the bottom and luminous on top. He then saw the cows in the field being chased by four to five three-foot tall entities with elongated heads, as the object flew over the humanoids they disappeared.
HC addition # 23

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: C


Location. Plaine Des Cafres Reunion Island

Date: July 31 1968

Time: 0900A

Luce Fontaine, 31, a farmer of Reunion, was picking some grass for his rabbits when he saw, 25 yards away, an object 12-15 ft in diameter like two metallic saucers put face to face, standing on a "glass foot" like a goblet's; on its top it bore another such "foot." It was dark blue but had a large central window, through which could be seen two small individuals, only 3 ft tall, dressed from head to foot in bulky coveralls, something like a Michelin "tire man." Both wore helmets that partially masked their faces. They turned their backs and there was a brilliant flash of light, and a sensation of heat, with a blast of wind; a few seconds later nothing was to be seen. There was a local police investigation.
Humcat 1968-52

Source: Local police, FSR Vol. 15 # 1

Type: A


Location. Near Toronto Ontario Canada

Date: August 1968

Time: unknown

A man was walking near the downtown area when a car pulled up to him and two men inside asked him to come in for a ride. He was taken to the countryside to a landed disc shaped object. Five men wearing dark brown uniforms invited the witness inside. He was told that the captain of their ship was a female, which the witness did not see. He was also given information on the craft's propulsion system.
HC addition # 313

Source: Robert E Bartholomew, UFO Lore

Type: G


Location. Holden Hill Devonshire England

Date: August 1968

Time: 0055A

On the A38 road, the witness saw, illuminated by his car's headlights, a group of 4 small figures standing beside the road. They were only 3 ft tall and of a dark chocolate color all over. They had small upturned noses and sharply pointed ears, no visible hair, & necks thickened at back. No other information.
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