Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: CISU Puglia

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HC addendum

Source: CISU Puglia

Type: A


Location. Near Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: June 4 1968

Time: 0100A

Walking home after midnight, artist Benjamin Solari Parravicini was suddenly confronted by a fair skinned man with eyes 'so light in color that he looked as if blind," who addressed him in an unintelligible guttural language. Looking upward, the witness saw only 50 yards away a hovering aerial craft, with no lights. He became dizzy, and when he recovered, he found himself inside the machine, with 3 other persons. One of these, very handsome, was questioning Parravicini in an alien language, which he was able to understand telepathically. They told him that they would taken him once around the earth, and he observed Japan, France, and Chile before being returned to the same street corner. Since this experience, the alien beings have contacted Parravicini several times.
Humcat 1968-31

Source: Gordon Creighton, FSR Vol. 14 # 5

Type: G


Location. Cordoba Argentina

Date: about June 10 1968

Time: unknown

A youth stated that he had been visited by a strange being whose body emitted rays of light, and who spoke a strange language he did not recognize. No other information.
Humcat 1968-30

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: E?


Location. Cigarrales, Cordoba Argentina

Date: June 10 1968

Time: 0330A

Jorge Yaru, a member of the Argentine Navy, stepped out of his home to hear a very loud engine type noise, looking around he sees nothing and re-enters the house. Soon he again hears the noise and goes outside to investigate. Looking towards a nearby empty field he sees a hovering disc shaped object with a dome on top and one in the bottom, he estimates the craft to be about 1.50 meters in width and 6 meters in length, the craft was rotating in anti-clockwise manner. He watched the object for 45 minutes then the craft shoots away at a ninety-degree angle towards the nearby wooded hills. Mr. Yaru then feels a strange urge to bathe in a nearby brook, which he does, not withstanding the very low temperatures at the time. He strangely felt, as he had to "cleanse" himself. At the same time, a neighbor, Adela Garcia, heard the same noise and noticed in the same empty field a strange triangular shaped cloud from which a giant man-like figure, over 2 meters tall, with long blond hair, descended to the ground. The strange being, which Garcia likened to Jesus Christ, approaches her and she kneels before him. Turning away briefly from the being, she looks up and both the being and the triangular shaped cloud had vanished. At the empty field a large scorched area of grass was found.
HC addendum

Source: Revista Enigmas, Argentina

Type: B?


Location. Lavras de Mangabeira, Brazil

Date: June 11 1968

Time: evening

An object shaped like a flattened oval was seen on a field by a witness. Next to the object stood a short baldheaded humanoid that sported a black beard and had dark round eyes. It wore a red colored, tight fitting coverall and green boots.
HC addendum

Source: GEPUC Brazil & Antonio Faleiro

Type: C


Location. Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba Argentina

Date: June 14 1968

Time: 0050A

Pedro Pretzel, the proprietor of a motel, was walking home when he saw near the motel an object projecting 2 very intense beams of red light. On arriving home he found his 19-year old daughter Maria in a faint. She said she had encountered in the vestibule a blond man over 6 ft tall, dressed in a "diver's suit" of sky blue scales, and holding in his left hand a sky-blue sphere. On his right hand was a huge ring, like a gauntlet half covering his hand. The ends of his fingers and toes emitted light, and whenever his hand pointed at her she felt weak. He smiled and spoke to her in an unintelligible language for some minutes before leaving.
Humcat 1968-32

Source: Charles Bowen, FSR Vol. 14 # 5

Type: C?

Location. Near Celano, Abruzzi, Italy

Date: June 14 1968

Time: 1800

At the same time that an asteroid named "Icarus" came very closed to the earth, strange events were reported in northern Italy. A half hysterical woman phoned the police station reporting that three huge, disc shaped object were hovering outside of town, the objects glowed a pale red. Lt. Germonde took the call. Minutes later other witnesses reported seeing "spinning discs" the size of houses slowly descend to the ground in a wooded area near the town. But soon it really got weirder. Germonde received a call from a bar-restaurant owner reporting "huge birds with tiny wings and with faces like humans." According to the witness there were four or five huge birds flying towards Celano. The strange creatures were described as 3-feet in height and flying upright, as if they were men being propelled above the ground by some unknown force. No wings were visible...only a blur above their shoulders, like the wings of a hummingbird. Whatever kept them flying was small and moving very fast. The creatures reportedly flew at a height of only a few feet above the ground. They appeared to have trouble moving in heavily wooded areas. Their faces were reported to have been human like, which contained a blank look. The next day, Arturo Gerraci, on his way home and drunk, stumbled on a bird-like corpse in the woods. Running all the way back to the tavern howling that he came across the "corpse of a winged monster" in the woods. First reluctant to follow him to the woods, some men did go to the spot and recovered the body of a strange creature. A Dr. Respighi examined the corpse and described it as, "A creature of about 3-feet in height, weighing approximately 41 pounds, having arms and legs formed roughly the same as those of a normal human, that is to say with fingers, opposing thumb, and toes, complete with joint structure. A wing like appendage attached roughly halfway between shoulder and neck on each side of the head. It was made up of tiny, thin, but extremely strong pieces of cartilage, apparently capable of moving very rapidly. The creature had no eyes. In their place was a cluster of tiny, filament like antenna, protected by a tissue thin membrane of skin. It had also gill like apertures capable of oxygen intake. Incredibly as the body was being examined it was decomposing at an incredibly rapid rate. The tissue seemed to dry up and crumble into powdery flakes. Respighi had the corpse put in a freezer, hoping to preserve it, until colleagues could arrive and examine it. By the time they arrived, even on the ice, the corpse decomposed to a grayish white powder.
HC addendum

Source: Richardo Salvador, The Ohio Sky Watcher Quoting Roger Veillith

Type: D & H?


Location. La Armonia Argentina

Date: June 14 1968

Time: late night

The witness was in bed resting when two very tall human like figures appeared in his room. They were thin and wore tight fitting green shiny coveralls. The men sat on the edge of the witness bed and one of them raised his hand making the witness feel dizzy, he then lowered it and the witness felt better, they then left. No other information.
HC addition # 1324

Source: Hector P Anganuzzi, Historia De Los Platos Voladores en Argentina

Type: E


Location. Near Cabañas, Pinar Del Rio, Cuba

Date: June 14 1968

Time: after midnight

Shortly after midnight several bursts of machine gun fire were heard coming from a location in the vicinity where militia member Isidro Puentes Ventura was on guard duty. At dawn, Puentes was found unconscious by an Army patrol and taken to a hospital in Pinar Del Rio, where he remained in shock and unable to speak for six days. Removed to the neurological ward at the Naval Hospital in Havana, Puentes was diagnosed to be suffering from emotional trauma, remaining in shock for another week. At the site where Puentes had been posted, Cuban and Soviet intelligence investigators found forty-eight spent cartridges and fourteen bullets apparently flattened by impact, as well as equally spaced indentations in the ground, indicating that a heavy device had landed. Tests revealed that the soil had been exposed to a high degree of heat. When Puentes recovered consciousness he reported that he had come to within 150 feet of a brilliant round object on the ground, with a dome and several antennas on top. Convinced that the device was an American helicopter, Puentes fired about forty rounds at it. The craft turned orange and emitted a strong whistling sound---Puentes last recollection before losing consciousness. Soviet intelligence specialists subjected Puentes to a fifty-hour interrogation after which he was examined by a team of psychiatrists and put through fifteen hypnosis sessions. No contradictions were found in his story.
HC addendum

Source: Timothy Good, "Beyond Top Secret" quoting Jacques Vallee

Type: G?

High Strangeness Index: 8

Reliability of Source: 9

Comments: This if probably an abduction event that apparently the Soviet investigators failed to uncover, or if they did they kept it under wraps.


Location. Poopo Oruro Bolivia

Date: June 19 1968

Time: night

Romulo Velazquez, 25, a miner, saw a UFO land, from which emerged a strange being, tall and thin, to which the witness felt drawn "as if by a magnet." When he got close, the humanoid took hold of his right wrist, which he then felt paralyzed and lost consciousness. Neighbors, including police officers, saw the UFO maneuvering for some minutes over Poopo at a low altitude, illuminating the village "like daylight." Emitting blue rays, it rose and disappeared. Velazquez was found paralyzed on one side by a stroke, caused by cerebral hemorrhage. At the landing site was a wide area of burnt grass.
Humcat 1968-33

Source: FSR Vol. 14 # 5

Type: B


Location. Bulnes Nuble Chile

Date: about June 20 1968

Time: unknown

Peasants reported seeing a being about 5 ft tall with white head and torso, from whose arms wings extended, it was seen several times in the vicinity of Bulnes. No other information.
Humcat 1968-34

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper sourc

e Type: E


Location. Avellaneda Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: June 20 1968

Time: unknown

Eustaqui Zogorwski, 63, a Polish immigrant, claimed that on the above date he was drugged by a man who drove up to his house in Avellaneda in a black car. When he came to, he found himself in "an hallucinating world, where giant beings were dwelling in an aerial city." Two of these beings, over 2 meters tall, conducted Mr. Zogorwski to a tower in the center of the city, seemingly suspended in space; he was seated at a table around which sat 12 similar giants. They took his arms and he began to "trace signs automatically." He believed that they had "brain washed" him. He was finally released between the towns of Brinkmann and Cotagaita, in Cordoba, where the mysterious man in the black car picked him up and delivered him to his home.
Humcat 1968-35

Source: Humcat quoting, Newspaper source

Type: G


Location. Near Las Vegas, Nevada

Date: June 23 1968

Time: 2000

The witness was driving from Las Vegas when he saw a round saucer shaped object land on a dirt road not to far away from the road. The witness drove up the dirt road to the craft, which had landed on three leg-like protrusions. Soon three bearded men, very human in appearance disembark from the object. They approached the witness that had by now exited his vehicle and expressed curiosity as to his long hair. The witness explained that he just wanted to wear it and was not into drugs or anything. They seemed to appreciate that. They then told him that they came from a world with no cities where its inhabitants were born in the wilderness. They told him that cities were a danger to their society. They called themselves "Dodonians." The witness shook hands with the men and they boarded the craft, which quickly left the area.
HC addendum

Source: NUFORC

Type: B


Location. Laguna Paiva Santa Fe, Argentina

Date: June 24 1968

Time: 0110A

The witness was awakened by an intense humming sound, she then noticed on a corner of her bedroom an oval shaped light and within the light two strangely dressed beings. They both wore metallic diving suits and helmets with visors. One was taller than the other and from the tip of the fingers of both entities and from their lower abdomens and visors; luminous beams of light came out, bright white in color. Both figures suddenly vanished.
HC addition # 822

Source: Dr Oscar A Galindez, FSR Vol. 27 # 1

Type: E


Location. Near The Atacama Salt Beds, Antofagasta Chile

Date: before June 26 1968

Time: evening

Residents of the towns of Reine, Socaine, Toconas, and Chiloporo reported on various occasions seeing a "spaceship" over the nearby salt flats. The object was reported to have been piloted by three strangely dressed beings that, on at least several occasions, were reported to have entered a certain house, taking small items with them and spreading fear among the inhabitants. No specific details are available regarding the description of the humanoids or their activities.
Humcat 1968-36

Source: LDLN # 117, quoting UFO Chile

Type: C?


Location. Cerro De Las Rosas, Cordoba, Argentina

Date: June 27 1968

Time: 1730

Three children, Hugo Cesar Messina, Oscar Crespo, and a 3rd boy whose name has been kept confidential were bicycling when they were surprised by the appearance of a silvery colored object, which had on its lower part a kind of helix, where lights of white and sky-blue were revolving. The UFO remained hovering about 20 meters up and 50 meters away from the boys. On the upper part of the object appeared a couple, a man, and a woman, floating in the air. They were of enormous stature, with long white hair, and wore luminous close fitting garments. Holding hands, they began to go down slowly, disappearing into the object without any door opening. The luminous helix began to rotate at greater speed, and the UFO went away at great speed.
Humcat 1968-37

Source: Carlos Banchs

Type: B

"Many more will be like them..."

Location. Lujan Mendoza Argentina

Date: June 30 1968

Time: 0115A

Jose Paulino Nunez, a distillery worker, encountered on the beach two people he first took to be guards. Their dress and actions were like normal people, but they showed him a spherical device of some 30 cm in which he could see the images of people walking about. Speaking in a strange, metallic voice, one asked the witness, "Do you know these people? They were like you. Many more will be like them. Many people in the world will see the same thing you have seen. We will talk about this again. If you speak of this, be sure it is with responsible people." At that point the witness experienced a lapse of memory, for the next thing he recalls was being back in the laboratory, where it took him an hour to compose himself. The people he saw in the images were all tall human like, with pale complexions, and long light colored hair, who appeared to be walking about in a trance like state.
Humcat 1968-38

Source: Richard Heiden, & Jader Pereira

Type: G?


Location. Grodner Pass Dolomite Mountains Italy

Date: July 1968

Time: 0100A

The witness, a Mr. Walter Rizzi was driving when he suddenly felt sleepy and encountered a fog. He pulled off the road. He smelled something burning and went to investigate; he then saw a silvery white domed disc shaped craft approach. The object landed on three legs. The witness felt unable to move. He saw two beings inside the dome and a 3-meter tall robot with 3 legs and 4 arms, appeared to be working on the craft. A being came out of the craft, he was described as five-foot three inches tall, with a large head, and large beautiful cat like eyes, with a small nose, thin lips, short hair and olive green skin, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He had feet like horse's hoofs and moved in a hopping fashion. He wore a tight uniform with a transparent helmet with two tubes behind it. The being smiled and greeted the witness, a telepathic conversation then ensued. The being told the witness that in the not to distant future 80% of life on earth would be destroyed due to a polar shift. As the craft took off, a powerful force knocked the witness back. The object left straight up emitting a loud whistling sound.
HC addition # 442

Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery

Type: B


Location. Monte Britton, El Yunque Puerto Rico

Date: July 1968

Time: 1600

Freddie Anderson & several of his friends were hiking down the slope of the mountain following a stream when they came upon a strange creature standing in the middle of the water very close to state road 191. The creature stood only 12 feet away from the group & it was described as about six-feet tall, very thin, with long thin arms. Its hands reached the knees & were long with extremely long fingers. It appeared to be naked and was green in color. It had a large elongated head that ended in a point. Its body was completely covered by a layer of very thin hair. It also had two large protruding eyes; a small thin mouth & appeared to have no ears. The stunned witnesses apparently went into a trance like state and suddenly woke up to realize that it was already nighttime & that the creature was gone. They had no recollection as to what happened during the missing hours.
HC addition # 2311

Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia Ovni # 8

Type: E?


Location. Ricardone Entre Rios Argentina

Date: July 1 1968

Time: 0400A

Returning home after a dance, 17-year-old Raul Salcedo encountered two strange beings nearly 10 ft tall. He "felt himself drawn towards them by the powerful magnetism radiated by them, which well nigh immobilized him," but he broke free and fled home in terror. There was, simultaneously, a spate of UFO sightings locally and in nearby San Lorenzo.
Humcat 1968-39

Source: FSR Vol. 14 # 5

Type: D


Location. Norwich Connecticut

Date: July 1 1968

Time: midnight

The main witness, who lived on a 3rd floor apartment along with his wife and young son, was watching television one hot night with his wife. Suddenly the TV reception began to snow, then they heard crying coming from the child's room. The witness then caught a glimpse of someone in the room and ran to see who it was. When he got to the bedroom window he saw the figure fly away to a point about 200 feet up and several hundred feet south of the apartment. It was headed to an object that was ruby red in color. In seconds the figure was as silver dot and it merged with the object along with 3 or 4 other dots. The object then rose to 1000 feet and went southwest at high speed. The creature was described as about 4-foot tall with large eyes and fang-like teeth. Its arms were disproportionately long, like an ape's arms. He wore a silvery colored suit and his feet did not appear to touch the ground. He seemed to float across the room and out the open window.
HC addition # 3198

Source: NUFORC

Type: B?

"You are going to know the world..."

Location. Sierra Chica Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: July 2 1968

Time: 1125A

15-year old Oscar Iriart, riding his horse, encountered two strange men who beckoned to the youth; they were 5.5 ft tall, with thin white hair, and wore red clothing. The witness noticed that their legs were semi transparent. They told him, in Spanish, "You are going to know the world. We will take you. But not now, as we have a big load." They directed his attention to an elliptical object 6 ft in diameter, standing on 20" tripod legs in a drainage ditch. Then one of them handed the boy an envelope, telling him to dip it into a nearby puddle. He did so, and found that neither the envelope nor his hand were wetted. In the envelope, written in a crude hand like a small child's, was the message, "You are going to know the world, F. Saucer." The two men then got into their machine through the top, and it took off vertically at great speed. Oscar found both his horse and dog paralyzed, and unable to move for some minutes. At the spot were found 3 holes 5" deep, arranged in an isosceles triangle. 5 local skeptics visited the site at 2315 that night and were amazed to observed a luminous object zigzag above them at low altitude.
Humcat 1968-41

Source: Sgt. Raul Coronel, FSR Vol. 14 # 5

Type: B


Location. Wooler Ontario Canada

Date: July 2 1968

Time: 2200

Several witnesses see a bright object land on some nearby brush. Later several shadowy beings enter nearby homes and take several items. No other information.
HC addition # 2409

Source: FSR Unknown volume

Type: C


Location. Near Las Vegas Nevada

Date: July 2 1968

Time: late night

A man and his girlfriend were parked on an isolated desert road and were lying on a blanket near the car when suddenly they felt a strong heat wave hit them. The man looked up to see two men, both about five-foot six inches tall, standing next to them, both encased in a soft light. Both wore coveralls resembling divers suits. They had human like faces and were baldheaded. They spoke to the witnesses in a strange unknown language. Behind the men hovered a circular object with several small lights around its middle. The two men raised the witnesses up by their arms and began feeling their naked bodies. The humanoids then made the witnesses kneel and one of them cut off some of the woman's hair and put it in a container. They then walked beneath the object and were then illuminated by a beam of light and vanished. The object then shot away at high speed.
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