Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Leonard H Stringfield, Situation Red The UFO Siege

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HC addendum

Source: Leonard H Stringfield, Situation Red The UFO Siege

Type: F Classic case of clear UFO aggression.


Location. Fos-su-Mer Arles France

Date: March 29 1968

Time: 0115A

An unidentified 22-year-old mechanic, on a motorbike between Fos-sur-Mer and Port Saint Louis, observed a UFO, descend, and land near a power transformer. An opening appeared in the base from which was emitted a bright white light. Then a human appearing entity emerged and descended to the ground on a kind of ramp. He wore a sort of security guard's outfit with a "rolled collar." The suit was light colored and brilliant, woven of heavy stitches. The man's hair white blond or white, and cut in a crew-cut. He examined the ground around him and then noticed the witness, whom he watched for a moment before re-entering the object. The UFO took off gently with a gust of cool air.
Humcat 1968-21

Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne

Type: B

High Strangeness Index: 7

Reliability of Source: 8

Comments: Clear case describing a human-like occupant, this time with a crew cut instead of long blond hair (!).


Location. San Vicente De Sonsierra Spain

Date: late March 1968

Time: midnight

The witness was taking a walk next to a deserted, ruined castle on a very quiet night and had sat down on one of the patio areas almost falling asleep. He suddenly woke up startled, sweating profusely and feeling cold chills running down his back; he then saw standing just 10 meters away three huge humanoid figures, these had very wide shoulders and were completely covered in black hoods that reached all the way to the ground. The beings did not move, they just stood there looking at the witness; each one carried a long metallic object resembling a scythe. All three had large red eyes that seemed to blink unison as they looked at the witness. A strange quiet dominated the area. The witness ran horrified from the ruins and hid in a nearby grapevine field for the rest of the night.
HC addition # 638

Source: J J Benitez, La Quinta Columna

Type: E

High Strangeness Index: 7

Reliability of Source: 8

Comments: Very similar beings were reported in Altas Bardas Argentina in 1971. There are many other cases on record describing such beings dressed in black monk-like outfits.


Location. Tossa De Mar Gerona Spain

Date: April 1968

Time: 1900

A 25-year old technician and the passengers of a bus he was driving observed a bright circular object coming down in an area of pine trees. The passengers, who were touring the area, fled; the driver remained and saw a tall man near the object, holding a bright ball in his hand; the entity went around the craft and it flew off.
Humcat 1968-20

Source: Vicente Ballester-Olmos

Type: C


Location. Salem Ohio

Date: April 1968

Time: 2200

A Mrs Allison of East 3rd street reported seeing an object like an airplane, although wingless, hovering over a tree near her home. The object emitted a very loud motor sound. It was black in color, with a cabin at the forward end, through which she could plainly see a human like figure with dark hair, slanted eyes, and olive complexion. The motor seemed to miss several times, and the nose of the object bobbed up and down.
Humcat 1968-22

Source: Jim Rastetter, Tri-County UFO Group Ohio

Type: A


Location. Zeitoun, Cairo, Egypt

Date: April 2 1968

Time: night

Three Muslim mechanics stopped on the street and stared pointing at the brilliant white apparition of a woman on top of the center dome of St Mary's Coptic Church. Soon a crowd gathered, and hundreds of people witnessed the phenomena. Thinking it might be a nun about to commit suicide, the mechanics procured a ladder and started climbing up to rescue the woman. At that moment, the apparition formed a ball of golden light and shot up into the dark blue sky. Before the apparition completely disappeared, however, someone identified it as the Mother Mary. At that moment the figure seemed to bow to the crowd in acknowledgement. Over a hundred witnesses reported spontaneous healings as a result of witnessing the apparition, including one of the mechanics who was cured of a gangrenous finger that was to be amputated the next morning. Other phenomena included silvery winged objects, colored doves manifesting out of thin air, phantom crosses, and large red, perfume scented clouds that appeared and disappeared within seconds.
HC addendum

Source: Dennis William Hauck, The International Directory Of Haunted Places

Type: E or F?


Location. Narrabeen Lakes New South Wales Australia

Date: April 3 1968

Time: 1345

While driving toward Newport, Mrs Mabel Walch and her nephew, John, saw a strange figure standing near the road in shallow water; just over 4 ft tall, it had dark gray, tough leathery skin, like an elephant, and with legs round and thick, like an elephant's. Its arms, or forelegs, were small, and as they watched, it ambled out of the water with "strange shuffling walk, but quite fast." They only saw it briefly before it ran into the scrub. Mrs Walch said "it's head reminded me of an anteater's trunk, was rigid, squared off at the end and stuck down and out at an angle." It had no ears, or tail, but it had small eyes.
Humcat 1968-23

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: E


Location. Itabara Brazil

Date: April 3 1968

Time: night

As several girls were walking home late at night, a tall man like figure totally dressed in black leaped out of nowhere and flashed a beam of light at them. The figure then disappeared. Several days later two of the girls that had been accosted by the stranger began to go into trances and speak in foreign tongues.
HC addition # 1059

Source: Brad Steiger, Saga UFO Report August 1976

Type: E or F?


Location. Selah Washington

Date: between April 28 and May 6 1968

Time: night

A 16-year old member of an apple orchard "smudging crew" saw a light in a wooded area, stopped his car, and was astonished to see 3 small beings emerge from the woods about 600 feet away, and approaching him. They were 4 ft tall or less, human looking but with baldheads, and wearing shiny orange clothing. When he honked the car horn, 2 similar entities appeared on the other side of the road. They had got to within 25 ft of the car when they turned and walked back. When another crewmember that had heard the horn arrived moments later, he found the witness almost in a faint. The next day 6 8" imprints of a "paddle shaped" foot, with a narrow heel, were found at the site. For a period of 8 days, crewmembers had reported seeing peculiar lights in the area.
Humcat 1968-24

Source: Apro Bulletin, May-June 1968

Type: E


Location. Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: May 1968

Time: 1810

11-year old Ruben Walter Rusin was walking out of his apartment building into the patio when a black cloud suddenly enveloped him. Disoriented he soon became aware of lying on something soft. He had the impression he was inside a sphere, and was surrounded by lights. He felt that there was another person in the room who kept telling him to "talk". Somebody approached him and touched him with very hot hands and kept repeating the same thing "talk, talk." His family that had been looking for him found him 2 hours later. He had no further recollection.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: G?


Location. Near Ellenview New York

Date: May 1968

Time: night

Looking out his rearview mirror Art Finkelstein noticed a bizarre creature that appeared to be flying at a low altitude above the lonely and deserted road. It was apparently following the witness's truck. Stunned, Finkelstein almost lost control of his truck. He described the creature as about 5 ft tall, with wings that had about a 5 ft span on each side. According to witness the creature seemed intelligent and menacing. It had large bright penetrating eyes. It followed its truck for about a mile and then disappeared into the darkness.
HC addendum

Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras

Type: E


Location. Keats Island British Columbia Canada

Date: May 2 1968

Time: morning

The witness was out collecting bark in a spot near the lake, when the same two men she had met previously approached her; both wore dark "neat" coveralls. One of the men was young, about 20 years of age, and seem to hide behind the other man as the witness approached. The younger man stared intently at the witness during the conversation she had with the older man and only spoke once.
HC addition # 1080

Source: Peter Guttilla, Saga UFO Report

Summer 1974, Quoting John Magor

Type: E

"We come from very far away..."

Location. Westmoreland New York

Date: May 3 1968

Time: 0300A

On the night of May 2 Shane Kurz, a 19-year old girl, had been watching the sky for 2 hours when a luminous cigar shaped object came toward her, stopped, then shot upward, turning red. Miss Kurz went to bed and fell asleep. Her mother waked her at 0400A; she found that she was lying on top of the bed with her robe and slippers on; both were covered with dried mud, as were her legs. Earlier her mother had found her missing from her bed and the door open. She stayed out of school for the next 2 days because of nightmares and depression; her eyes hurt and she needed glasses, and 2 reddish ring shaped marks appeared on her lower abdomen. Her menstrual period disappeared and did not return for a year. Later under hypnosis, she remembered that she went outdoors in response to hearing her name called, and saw a saucer with windows and a revolving rim, hovering close to the ground. It came over her and lifted her inside with a beam of light; she found herself in a bare white room. A man shorter than her, with no nose, wearing a "motorcycle jacket," and a "doctor" in a long coat, forced her onto a hospital table, and inserted a long needle into her navel. Another man, "the leader," came in---they all had very "penetrating" eyes with no pupils---and said, "We've watched you. You're the one. We want you as a mate." He also said that they came "from very, very far." The other went out and the leader proceeded to undress and to rape her. He said she would not remember. She was floated down to the ground again by a light beam.
Humcat 1968-26

Source: Hanz Holzer, The Ufonauts

Type: G


Location. Between Fargo & Kindred North Dakota

Date: May 5 1968

Time: 0145A

Jerome Clark and three other young men had gone to a site where a "ghost light" was reported to be seen, and had chased it fruitlessly in their car. When it re-appeared a few minutes later, against its red orange light they could see the silhouette of a huge figure that was gliding toward them. They took off in the car, but when they looked again from a side road, the silhouetted figure was still visible, and still moving towards them. This time they drove several miles before stopping.
Humcat 1968-25

Source: Jerome Clark, FSR Vol. 15 # 6

Type: E


Location. Galesburg Illinois

Date: May 10 1968

Time: night

Grant Callison and his wife noticed 3 winged beings flying at an estimated altitude of 500 feet. The beings appeared to be covered with feathers or metallic scales which acquired an odd fluorescence as they reflected light from the local street lamps. The strange trio lacked necks of any sort and had short, conical tails. There were other sightings of the same creatures in the area.
HC addition # 2106

Source: Scott Corrales, Unsolved UFO Sightings Fall 1995

Type: E


Location. Between Florianopolis & Lagune, Brazil

Date: May 17 1968

Time: 2045

Driving a minibus driver Jose Da Silva and three passengers were listening to the radio under a light rain when they suddenly heard a whirring sound and noticed a diffused light over the road. Suddenly the van rose up in the air at about 50 cm and stay there for a moment coming down immediately and again rising up in the air soon it was set down on the road again, this time more slowly. The men then noticed an intensely luminous circular object hovering at above 100 meters overhead. Frightened the men watched from the van the object, which they described as about as only about 2 meters in diameter, on its lower part several porthole-like openings were visible where shadows or movement could be seen passing in behind them. A reddish light emanated from the top of the object. The UFO remained motionless for a few minutes, and then tilted at an angle and disappeared towards the sea. After the incident all four men suffered from vomiting. One of the men lost all the hairs of his eyebrows, Da Silva, which had had abundant hair became bald in less than a year. A round burned area was found on the roof the minibus.
HC addendum

Source: Cuarta Dimension # 20

Type: A


Location. La Florida Argentina

Date: May 22 1968

Time: 0300A

Mr. T Banescu was returning home when he observed a luminous sphere coming down rapidly from the sky; it landed about 300 meters away. Shortly afterwards he heard footsteps behind him, but noticed nothing strange about then. When he got to the house he encountered a creature no more than 39" tall, with big ears and of luminous green coloring. He had his arms crossed, and was rocking his body slightly back & forth. When Mr. Banescu in desperation tried to open the door of his house, he found that the individual had disappeared.
Humcat 1968-27

Source: Carlos Banchs

Type: C?


Location. Superior Wisconsin

Date: May 25 1968

Time: night

An unidentified young man woke in his bedroom and saw a huge shaped standing over the bed. "It appeared to be almost six-feet six inches tall...a massive head with huge broad shoulders is the only way I can described it. It moved from the right side of the bed to the left and then disappeared."
Humcat 1968-28

Source: John Keel, Strange Creatures

Type: E


Location. L'Epine-les-Eloux Vendee France

Date: Summer 1968

Time: unknown

Daniel Morgaut is supposed to have seen, on the beach, little black humanoids twenty inches tall. There is no other information.
Humcat 1968-92

Source: Patrice Bernard, LDLN # 152

Type: E


Location. West Virginia, exact location not given

Date: Summer 1968

Time: unknown

After seeing bright maneuvering lights over the area the witness was working on a project in the basement when he sensed a presence behind him. He turned around and was confronted by a five-foot tall rough skinned reptilian looking creature with bug like eyes, thick lips, and long dangling arms. The being was heavy set and appeared to be blocking the doorway. The creature suddenly disappeared.
HC addition # 1954

Source: Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOs, Close Encounters in The Mountain State

Type: D?


Location. Near Lompoc California

Date: Summer 1968

Time: 0300A

The main witness was driving along with three friends on a deserted highway when all saw a white light moving over the area in an erratic fashion and then approaches their vehicle. As it came near, they all could see that it was a large glowing object that projected four funnel shaped lights over the four witnesses. This apparently caused them to separate from their bodies and float out of the car. Later under hypnosis the main witness recalled being taken onboard the object and meeting a "man" that showed her an amazing "motor." No other information.
HC addition # 1348

Source: Richard L Thompson, Alien Identities, quoting Jacques Vallee

Type: G or F?


Location. Near Sarnia Ontario Canada

Date: Summer 1968

Time: evening

The 10-year old witness had gone to the back door to turn off some outside lights and was looking out the window when she noticed a glowing white humanoid figure sitting on a bench outside the garage. The figure stood up and appeared to be at least six-foot tall with a round glowing head, no facial features were discernible. The witness ran screaming to get her parents. Her dad searched the area with a flashlight but found nothing.
HC addition # 1146

Source: Bonnie Wheeler, Cambridge UFO Research Ontario Canada

Type: E


Location. Laval-des-Rapides Quebec Canada

Date: Summer 1968

Time: 2130

Mrs B L and Mrs A B had been shopping and were walking beside a vacant lot at the Rue Bon Pasteur when the full moon, which was on the horizon, was suddenly eclipsed. After several seconds of darkness it reappeared, but the women now saw against its disc two figures floating several feet above the ground, slowly approaching them. They could see that they were wearing very close fitting one-piece clothing, and had expressionless faces; "they were all black." One appeared to be 5'6" in height and the other about 5'2"; one was holding a 2 tiered pitchfork, with which he seemed to be probing the ground. The witnesses ran home.
Humcat 1968-91

Source: Jean Ferguson, Les Humanoides

Type: E


Location. West Gorton England

Date: Summer 1968

Time: 2300

Hearing the sounds of people shouting the witness went to the bedroom window to see what was happening. He then saw an object descending slowly towards the apartment complex. It was a disc shaped object covered with multi-colored lights. Two figures wearing tight fitting ski suits could be seen inside through a window. One of them seemed to have been operating a lever. The witness lost conscious memory after seeing the object land on the grass below. Later the authorities cordoned off the area claiming an experimental Russian helicopter had crashed.
HC addition # 1586

Source: Peter Hough & Jenny Randles, Mysteries of the Mersey Valley

Type: A

The Nature of Reality itself...

Location. Stratford England

Date: Summer 1968

Time: late evening

The witness who earlier around 1600 along with a companion had watched a shiny silvery disc dart and maneuver over the area, was at home just after supper when she looked out the window and noticed a strange figure crouching in the yard. It was described as satyr like with goat like legs, and covered in a silky, downy dark fur. It crouched and stared at the witness with luminous slanted grape green eyes; it had pointy ears and a long muzzle, it was about five-foot tall. The witness had the impression that the creature was malevolent and that it was trying to communicate with her, it appeared frail and emaciated. During the earlier incident the witness experienced amazing insights as to the nature of reality that transformed her personality.
HC addition # 1347

Source: Richard L Thompson, Alien Identities, quoting Jacques Vallee

Type: D


Location. Crewe, Virginia

Date: June 1968

Time: morning

The young witness had stepped out into the front porch to wash his hands while his mother gave birth inside the house. At the front porch he was confronted by a short, child-like figure. The witness attempted to scream in order to alert his brother but was unable to speak. The creature had pinkish red skin, big shiny eyes, and a mouth. The witness did not see a nose. It had small hoof-like feet. It suddenly ran towards the nearby woods at very high speed and disappeared from sight.
HC addendum

Source: UFOs-Aliens On Line

Type: E


Location. Not stated

Date: June 1968

Time: night

The witness was in the middle of an intense prayer session when suddenly a beautiful female being appeared in the bedroom. She told the witness that she was not "from this place" and also that her prayers would be answered. The being stayed and conversed with the witness for a while, then left. No other information.
HC addition # 1936

Source: Kenneth Ring PhD, The Omega Project

Type: E


Location. Taranto, Italy

Date: June 1968

Time: 0020A

While walking along the Ceglie Messapica Road the witness, A C, noticed at about 100 meters away a very strong luminosity blue-violet in color, about 10 meters in diameter and apparently hovering about 20/30 cm from the ground. Approaching the object he noticed that within the light he could see an illuminated disc shaped craft. Through an opening he could see two humanoid figures about 1.20 meters in height, wearing tight-fitting dark coveralls and helmets moving about, apparently operating some instruments. Moments later one of the humanoids turned around and stared directly at the witness who felt afraid and turned to run to his car. As he ran away he "heard" a voice in his head telling him: "Do not be afraid we are a peaceful people", he fled without seeing the object leave. The next morning upon returning to the site he found a depressed on the ground of about 10 meters in diameter and about 30 cm in depth. He also found a strange looking irregular shaped silvery stone, which he kept. Analysis proved to be made out of "normal" earth minerals.
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