Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

Location. Woking-Guildford Surrey England

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Location. Woking-Guildford Surrey England

Date: January 1968

Time: night

A young man, "Peter," was sitting with his girlfriend in a parked car and saw a "shadow" behind nearby trees. As he started to get out of the car, this shadow glided to a new position about 20 ft away. Between 4 and 5 ft tall, it was "too squat and square" to be a man, and moved soundlessly. It appeared to have no legs. Peter and the girl drove off quickly. At the same site two weeks later, an unpleasantly pungent odor was detected, although nothing unusual was observed.
Humcat 1968-6

Source: Charles Bowen, FSR Vol. 14 # 3

Type: E


Location. Otley Yorkshire England

Date: January 1968

Time: night

Four young girls were taken a short cut home past a churchyard when a tall dark shape appeared in front of them. They could not discern any facial features despite being very close to it. No breath appeared to come from the creature. One of the girls screamed and the figure walked away silently.
HC addition # 1911

Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E


Location. Near Pine River Minnesota

Date: January 1968

Time: night

Arriving late at home the witness noticed three humanoid figures wearing white inflated "snowsuits" with black belts. The figures were standing by the mailbox and appeared to be tampering with it. The witness entered her house and did not investigate further. Later neighbors told her that they had seen mysterious lights rising from fields behind the farm.
HC addition # 1250

Source: Coral E Lorenzen, The Shadow of The Unknown

Type: D

High Strangeness Index: 7

Reliability of Source: 9

Comments: It is intriguing to see that the following case also appears to describe unknown humanoids tampering with a mailbox. However I am almost completely sure that there is no connection between the two cases.


Location. Ashtabula Ohio

Date: January 3 1968

Time: 0500A

Emma Grimble, an early riser, was sweeping the upper hallway of her lodging home when she heard a commotion downstairs at the tenant's mailboxes. Yelling "Get away from those mailboxes," she rushed downstairs, but was dumbfounded to see two little greenish yellow "men" or creatures clambering around the boxes, attaching themselves to the wall by "suction hands and feet." They glistened like metal, possibly wearing flexible, tight fitting metallic clothing. At her appearance, the two little creatures rushed to the door, and she heard quite a scrambling around; as if there may have been 5 or 6 of them.
Humcat 1968-11

Source: D L McCulty for Saucer News

Type: E


Location. Milan Italy

Date: January 6 1968

Time: night

A night security officer was conducting his rounds when he came upon a flat pancake shaped object resting on a courtyard. He approached and could see that it had a transparent dome on top and a circular railing around it. Next to the object were two human-like figures wearing blue overalls and black helmets and gloves. Inside the dome a third figure was moving. The two beings outside seemed to be performing some repairs on the object. The witness walked up in order to offer his help and shone a flashlight at the object. The two figures suddenly scrambled into the object, which emitted a bright, flash and took off.
HC addition # 1513

Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat

Type: A & B


Location. Ipswich, Massachusetts

Date: January 17 1968

Time: 1830

The witness, Linda was on her way to Junior Achievement class when suddenly bright lights in the sky attracted her. Looking up she saw a hovering elongated cigar shaped object with bright flashing lights. She watched as it descended several hundred feet from her and hovered about 150 feet from the ground. The object made no noise and had a solid row of red and green lights going on and off in sequence along its midsection. It also had five steady bright white lights evenly spaced along the top section. Linda advanced closer to the object just before it rose up, leveled off and moved away into the distance. At the same time she saw a tall man in a dark coat and a dark brimmed hat who was standing close to the object. When she called out to him, he turned and ran down a darkened street.
HC addendum

Source: Raymond E Fowler, UFO Testament

Type: C?

High Strangeness Index: 7

Reliability of Source: 9

Comments: Source appears to indicate that the tall black-garbed stranger was connected somehow connected to the object, I agree.

The real "Heaven's Gate"

Location. Longleat Estate England

Date: January 18 1968

Time: 2100

Bob Strong received a strange phone call, urging him to be at "Heaven's Gate," on the Longleat Estate, at 2100 on the 18th. He drove there with Sybil Champion, and they saw a UFO land on the estate. They went to the site & found that the UFO was no larger than a soup plate. Down a fine golden ladder climbed more than 24 4" tall humanoids, which then "grew" to normal size, shook hands with the witnesses, & engaged them in conversation. Strong was invited to take a ride in the saucer; with the crewmembers, shrank to 4" size and climbed up the ladder. The ship rose with a whistling noise, "becoming larger." Sybil waited 8 hours, after which the UFO returned & let Strong out, still diminutive; he regained his normal height as he walked toward Sybil. As to the voyage, all he was "permitted" to tell Shuttlewood was that it concerned "the inner core or central ball of Earth."
Humcat 1968-9

Source: Arthur Shuttlewood

Type: G


Location. Indiana Pennsylvania

Date: January 24 1968

Time: 1530

John E., driving home, saw a round, saucer shaped object with a dull aluminum finish hovering over a pond 100-200 ft away. Its top section was transparent, and he could see two men, normal in every description and wearing light gray coveralls, as well as levers and little lights, as on a computer. Under hypnosis, he remembered, "hearing" them talk; they were engaged in fixing something and hurried when they saw him watching. In subsequent hypnotic sessions, he recalled being led into the UFO by a slender man in black; inside were 4 seats on pedestals, looking at the light hurt his eyes. He was sent by elevator into the room where the repair was going on; the men spoke to each other in English, and he was instructed to sit in a chair that rendered him immobile. There was a time lapse of several hours between his leaving work and his returning home.
Humcat 1968-12

Source: William Weitzel et al

Type: G

High Strangeness Index: 8

Reliability of Source: 8

Comments: Early abduction report describing apparently normal looking human-like humanoids, no additional hypnotic regression was attempted.


Location. Torres Rio Grande Do Sul Brazil

Date: January 25 1968

Time: 2300

Axel Aberg Cobo, a Professor of Human Relations and Journalism, was walking along the beach when a silver colored, luminous object emerged from the ocean 25 yards away, and he felt as though paralyzed. Shortly after, two "men" over 6 ft tall, "who looked as though they were made of crystal," walked up to him stiffly, without bending their knees. He felt as if they were communicating with him telepathically. They greeted him by touching shoulders, and one of the beings, which had introduced himself as "Rubinako," said to him, "Krebs, Navis, Karsicujo and Krero." Cobo noted these words down, writing with a ballpoint pen on his bare arms and legs. Then they told him they would meet him again in Mar Del Plata, Argentina. He had a vague recollection that the craft took off vertically.
Humcat 1968-13

Source: FSR Vol. 14 # 6

Type: G?

High Strangeness Index: 7

Reliability of Source: 7

Comments: Possibly an unexplored abduction event. I believe the witness had further contacts with the aliens.


Location. River Bann, Derryvore Ireland

Date: January 26 1968

Time: not given

Two men reported seeing a disc shaped craft land on a nearby field. Several undescribed entities emerged and apparently placed probes into the hides of several paralyzed cows on the field. The entities returned back into the object, which took off, showering sparks into the ground, which condensed into a thick fog, which fell over the men causing their skins to tingle. The object entered a cloud and disappeared.
HC addition # 3385

Source: Jenny Randles, The Little Giant Encyclopedia Of UFOS

Type: B


Location. Keats Island British Columbia Canada

Date: January 29 1968

Time: afternoon

The witness who lived alone in an isolated cabin by herself had for several days seen mysterious lights and unknown objects maneuvering over the area and over a nearby lake. Two men in neat dark coveralls that claimed to be from the water company visited her that afternoon. The men acted nervously and seemed surprised she lived there alone. They finally left disappearing down a nearby footpath.
HC addition # 1079

Source: Peter Guttilla, Saga UFO Report Summer 1974, quoting John Magor

Type: D


Location. Scotia New York

Date: February 1968

Time: unknown

Two 15-year old boys were packing snow on the bank of the frozen Mohawk River when they saw a glowing fireball "about the size of a basketball" rise from an island in the river. It hovered for some moments & disappeared. One boy thought he could distinguish a white-suited human form behind a bush. They ran home. The next morning, 300 yards away, a 16-year old was found frozen to death on the ice of the river.
Humcat 1968-15

Source: Jennifer Stevens, FSR Special Issue # 2

Type: C?

A quick tip to Lanulos...

Location. Near Adelphi Maryland

Date: February 1968

Time: night

After work Sunday, a friend dropped off the witness at home. As the friend pulled away, a large black car with its lights out glided out of the shadows and halted at the curb. The entity called Vadig then called out to the witness from the car. Another man was in the car. The witness later recalled only that he wore a gray coat, had black hair, and never spoke. The witness got into the car. The car was a very old Buick, but was very well kept, it looked brand new, and it even smelled brand new. They drove for about 30 minutes to a remote spot on a back road. When the witness got out of the car he was astonished to see an egg shaped object waiting for them. Inside the object he was put into a circular room containing nothing but a couple of bucket seats and a gray TV screen. Vadig and his companion disappeared into another part of the craft. After a few minutes the TV screen came alive, the object shuddered, and the witness watched the image of the earth receding to a tiny speck on the screen. Three or four hours passed. It seemed like hours before another planet appeared on the screen, it grew larger, and then the craft landed with a thump. The young witness found himself in a place no too unlike the Earth. He and Vadig got into a wheel less vehicle that traveled along a kind of through. "This is Lanulos," Vadig announced with pride in his voice. Their vehicle traveled through a large city with low, flat buildings and signs written in some kind of Oriental looking characters. The people, male and female, were all nude. After the tour, they returned to the egg-shaped craft and took off again. The witness sat alone in the same circular room watching the television screen for hours. Finally they arrived back on Earth at the same place from which they had left. The witness, Vadig, and the silent man returned to the old Buick and drove for about 30 minutes until they reached his apartment house. "I'll see you in time," Vadig declared, the car drove off. To the witness amazement the whole trip, including the 30-minute rides to and from the object, had taken less than two hours.
HC addition # 3103

Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: G


Location. Pulham Market Norfolk England

Date: February 1968

Time: night

The witness was returning home walking alone Mill Lane when a tall luminous shape or figure glided from an entrance in a nearby hedge, it traveled slowly along the road then disappeared. No other information.
HC addition # 1910

Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E


Location. Violete, Ceara, Brazil

Date: February 1968

Time: evening

An observer watched a hovering UFO that emitted loud explosions-like noises. Through a transparent section the witness could see two 1.30-meter height figures sitting down, apparently looking out. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Revista Brasileira Ovni

Type: A


Location. Mutual Pennsylvania

Date: February 1968

Time: 2300

In a rural area a couple were getting ready to go to sleep when the husband decided to look outside to check road conditions. He was then astounded when he saw a huge oval shaped craft hovering near a pond, the craft had several prong-like probes protruding out, and one was directly in front of the window. The husband then yelled to his wife and both watched the object. The craft was dark gray metallic with a large dome on top. It gave the impression that it was old and ancient. The bottom of the object appeared concaved. There was a white light that illuminated the object entirely and the witness could now see a catwalk on the middle of the object. There was a single human like figure standing on the catwalk and was looking directly at the witness. The witness could also see opened portholes from which multicolored lights emerged, what appeared to be instrument panels and other figures could be seen inside the object. Another figure had now come out to the catwalk and was apparently talking to the other one. The object eventually moved slowly away rising up out of sight shining a bright beam of light at the witnesses who briefly followed it in their vehicle.
HC addition # 339

Source: Stan Gordon, Mufon UFO Journal # 210

Type: A


Location. Criaco Do Cabrito Azores Island

Date: February 2 1968

Time: night

Serafin Vieria Sebastiao, a sentry, after noticing interference on his transistor radio, saw a UFO so close to the ground that he could see four of its occupants; the object was oval, metallic, and topped by a transparent "tower" with a small balustrade on which two beings were leaning; the other two could be seen as silhouettes inside the transparent tower. After telephoning another sentry, he approached the craft and shone his flashlight on it. At this he was enveloped in a sort of smoke or dust emitted by the UFO, and fell to the ground in a faint, where the other sentry found him a few minutes later.
Humcat 1968-14

Source: FSR Vol. 14 # 4

Type: A


Location. Winsted Connecticut

Date: February 21 1968

Time: 2300

The witness, a 12-year-old girl, heard a "bloop-bloop" noise and looked out her window; she saw a white egg shaped object, a little larger than a station wagon, hovering close to the ground beside the disused Winsted railroad station. A ray of light came out of the craft, pointed downward, and 15-20 little men about 3 ft tall walked in single file down this ray and jumped to the ground. They were dressed in dull silver clothing and wore fishbowl-type helmets. They proceeded to climb up the side of the station, one after another, with a hand over hand movement; when they reached the roof, they spread out in different directions. The girl became frightened and went to bed.
Humcat 1968-17

Source: Lawrence Fawcett, For Flying Saucer Observer

Type: B


Location. Phoenix Arizona

Date: February 26 1968

Time: 0100A

An unidentified man was awakened by a sharp knock on his door. " I saw a man standing in my room at some distance...wearing dark clothing...I couldn't see his face...he was slender and not tall, perhaps five feet nine. He changed position a few times...and then he was gone."
Humcat 1968-16

Source: John Keel, Strange Creatures

Type: E


Location. Curbarsi Barcelona Spain

Date: February 26 1968

Time: daytime

A huge, hairy creature was seen drinking from a pond; upon discovery by the owners of the property, the being fled. It matched in description to the large hairy biped seen crossing the road several days earlier at Hostalrich by a passing motorist.
Humcat 1968-18

Source: FSR Vol. 14 # 4

Type: E


Location. Near Dallas Texas

Date: Spring 1968

Time: unknown

The witness suddenly found himself onboard a silvery metallic crescent shaped craft with windows going all the way around. Inside he saw two seats in front of a dashboard and the seats swiveled around, they were high backed and large. On the dashboard there was what appeared to be a television set. There was another couch like seat around the backside. He has a memory of talking to several undescribed beings that were "engineers." The beings explained how they operated the craft. They said that a band around the middle of the craft had a magnetic force that kept them from hitting others. He was shown other craft, some were powered by solar, and others were run by something resembling a gyroscope. He does not recall additional details.
HC addition # 2888

Source: Joyce Murphy, Beyond Boundaries

Type: G


Location. Whytecliff Park, West Vancouver British Columbia Canada

Date: Spring 1968

Time: 0100A

The two witnesses were in their car waiting for a third party to arrive, when one of them observed a bright white light moving among some trees. The other witness turned to look but the light had disappeared. After a few minutes they both saw the white light. They watched the light move to the edge of the woods. At this point they saw a figure come out of the woods. It looked like a small glowing humanoid, very bright, resembling a fluorescent light. They could not see any details as far as facial features and clothing. The being moved about very quickly and then went back into the woods. They both watched the bright white light moving away among the trees.
HC addition # 3384

Source: UFO BC

Type: E


Location. Anza Borrego Desert California

Date: Spring 1968

Time: night

Two prospectors were sleeping near their campfire when a loud explosion suddenly awakened them. The sky was filled with a red light that slowly faded. They both climbed on a nearby hill and were able to see a red circular object hovering silently nearby. Several figures with glowing red eyes were moving in a single file near the ridge of an adjacent canyon. The sound of a "church like bell" could be heard and also the sound of heavy machinery from an unknown source. The two men fled in panic as two of the figures approached their location.
HC addition # 1107

Source: Peter Guttilla & B Ann Slate Saga UFO Report June 1977

Type: C?


Location. Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Date: March 1968

Time: 0100A

The witness was coming back home from work late one night when he noticed something whisk across his windshield. At first he thought it was a bird, but was not sure. When he looked over on the side of the road, he saw a very tall man-like figure. Just then, a flash of light came from the being and it was gone. One month later, his right ear (the ear closest to the flash) went deaf for no apparent reason and still is.
HC addendum


Type: E

High Strangeness Index: 7

Reliability of Source: 7

Comments: Appears to be one of the last Mothman reports from the area. The flash of light is intriguing.


Location. Valparaiso Chile

Date: March 4 1968

Time: 0145A

Ricardo Castillo Trujillo, a janitor, saw a long, very bright UFO; making a noise like an electric motor, land in an isolated section of the city. Two crewmembers dressed in aluminum colored uniforms emerged; although they were light skinned, the witness could not see any facial details. Speaking in strange, echo-like voices, they inquired about his myopic vision, promising him that the condition would be cured. "I didn't understand them too good," he said, "but the fact is that I can see real good, and without glasses." The humanoids promised to return for the witness.
Humcat 1968-19

Source: Richard Heiden

Type: B


Location. Beallsville, Ohio

Date: March 19 1968

Time: 2030

Young Gregory L Wells was returning from his grandmother's house to his own home, next door, when he saw an oval UFO hovering just over some trees. The large red object was so bright that it illuminated the road, according to Mrs. James E Wells the boy's mother. It had a band of dimmer red lights flashing around its center. "I stopped," Gregory recalled. "I wanted to run or scream but suddenly a big tube came out of the bottom, which moved from side to side until it came to me, and a beam of light shot out." Gregory turned away as the light beam hit the upper part of his arm, knocking him to the ground. His jacket caught fire and the boy rolled around on the ground screaming with fright. Both his mother and grandmother responded. Mrs. James Wells also reported seeing the UFO, which "just faded away." During the sighting, a large night light on a nearby pole went out. And the dog barked uncontrollably.
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