Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1967-88

Source: Joel Mesnard & Claude Pavy for GEPA

Type: B


Location. Cradle Hill Warminster England

Date: August 29 1967

Time: night

A cone shaped UFO was seen by 25 witnesses to land 1000 yards from the copse of Cradle Hill; Arthur Shuttlewood went toward it, finding that bright beams of light were shooting out from a conical & revolving rim. 300 yards from the UFO, he spoke to a being (he gave no details, except that the meeting was "reassuring.") The spaceship "blacked out" after 6 minutes. As he walked back, Shuttlewood heard above his head something like a gigantic bird flapping its wings, & felt a downdraft of wind.
Humcat 1967-86

Source: Arthur Shuttlewood

Type: C


Location. San Luis Potosi Mexico

Date: August 30 1967

Time: 0100A

Night watchman Jose Padron was on duty when he saw an enormous shape heading towards him, taking prodigious strides. The huge being had wings that Padron compared to that of a small airplane. The creature's claws apparently made the sound it was making as it tried to take flight. Terrified, Padron ran back to the shack, cowering fearfully inside until daybreak. Huge footprints were found the next day next to the shack. This creature returned the next night along with a similar creature the guard thought the creatures were headed toward the nearby San Miguelito Mountains. The ground appeared to tremble as the creatures flew off. Inspection of the area did not yield any samples of hair nor feathers.
HC addition # 3258

Source: Scott Corrales, Fate October 1998

Type: E


Location. Blanca, Costilla County Colorado

Date: Fall 1967

Time: unknown

Two witnesses saw a huge 50-foot saucer resting on the ground on the Trinchera Ranch. A humanoid (not described) is seen standing briefly next to the object. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Christopher O'Brien, San Luis Valley Event log Quoting Kansas City Star 11-17-68

Type: C


Location. Point Isabel Ohio

Date: Fall 1967

Time: night

Perry Adams, 15, heard a metallic kind of noise outside his home and, with his father and brother in law, went outside with a flashlight to investigate. About 50 feet away, "we saw it, a monster, raising was walking toward us." It was 10-feet tall and four feet across the shoulders, with long arms, and of a light tan color. It had pointed ears, short horns, large glowing eyes, and large teeth. It wore no clothing and seemed hairy. The men retreated indoors where Adams and his brother in law armed themselves with a .22 rifle. Outside, on seeing the creature again, they fired three shots at it, hitting it at least once. The being screamed, and then "changed into a white colored mist or cloud" that dissipated. No trace of its presence could be found in the morning.
Humcat 1967-111

Source: Leonard Stringfield

Type: E


Location. San Luis Potosi Mexico

Date: September 1 1967

Time: unknown

A number of American tourists who had parked their campers at the famous Cactus Inn claimed to have seen strange griffin-like creatures with tremendous wingspans flying overhead.
HC addition # 3259

Source: Scott Corrales, Fate October 1998

Type: E


Location. Bentilee Estate Stoke on Trent England

Date: September 2 1967

Time: 0130A

Barbara Ward, awakened by her baby, glanced out her window and saw, in the adjacent field, a very bright yellow object with an orange light on top, in the shape of an inverted saucer. It appeared to be on, or just above the ground, and its light appeared to fluctuate in intensity. She could hear no sound, although she was behind the glass window. She reported to the investigators that she "half imagined" she could see shadowy figures moving to and fro in front of the bright object during the half hour she had observed it, but she could not be sure they were not just illusions caused by her straining to look at the object. After watching for half an hour she became tired and bored and went back to bed. The object had not moved during her observation. Examination of the field subsequently failed to reveal any traces. This sighting occurred during a spate of independent UFO incidents in the same area.
Humcat 1967-87

Source: Roger Stanway & Anthony Pace

Type: C?


Location. Hato Viejo near Caracas Venezuela

Date: September 2 1967

Time: night

Nelson Gutierrez, a salesman, encountered a landed UFO on the Plains Highway, near the Hato Viejo farm; from out of the object came a being, a photograph of which the witness claimed, in press accounts, to have taken. A copy of this picture was not made available, and the photographer's intent was to sell it when he had it developed.
Humcat 1967-89

Source: Jim & Carol Lorenzen Type: B


Location. Caracas Venezuela

Date: September 3 1967

Time: afternoon

Miss Paula Valdez, an aspiring actor, came home from work early with a headache; lying down in her room, she was suddenly aware of someone else nearby, when she heard a kind of whistling noise. At the side of her bed was a small man, leaning toward her; the being had a large head and prominent eyes, and said to her, in Spanish, "I want you to come with us so that you will know other worlds." Miss Valdez began screaming at the top of her lungs and the little man fled through the window. By the time her family arrived, he had departed.
Humcat 1967-90

Source: Horacio Gonzalez Ganteaume for Apro

Type: E


Location. Avon Connecticut

Date: September 3 1967

Time: 2305 & 2320

James Hill, driving near Avon Mountain, reported seeing a "robot-like" creature standing beside the road. The being was clothed in a one-piece silvery garment that covered hands and feet, and moved its arms slowly and stiffly, as though trying to stop cars. An unidentified waiter, driving in the opposite direction, also saw the figure at the same time. An opaque helmet covered the being's head. Investigating police officers found no sign of the being.
Humcat 1967-91

Source: Humcat source Missing from files

Type: E


Location. Valencia Venezuela

Date: September 4 1967

Time: 0510A

Police officer P A Andrade was on duty at City Hall when heard a humming noise and footsteps in a garage. He met a dwarf, 1 meter tall, with a big head and bulging, reddish glowing eyes, wearing a silver colored, metallic looking coverall. Andrade pointed his machine gun at the creature, but a voice from a hovering disc shaped object said in Spanish that he should not harm the creature. The dwarf then tried to convince Andrade to come to "their world," adding it was "very distant and much larger than the Earth, and with many advantages for earthlings." When Andrade declined, the creature flew back into the object, which left.
Humcat 1967-92

Source: Jim & Coral Lorenzen

Type: B


Location. Caracas Venezuela

Date: September 8 1967

Time: 0230A

As Miss Alicia Rivas Aguilar, 23, was getting ready for bed she noticed a strange being just outside her bedroom window. It seemed to be gesticulating but she did not get a good look, for she began screaming and the creature flew off. Her brother in law, as well as her parents, saw the creature flying off over neighborhood roofs. He was surrounded by a yellow glow. Her brother in law, Gumersindo Neiro, got the best look from his own room; when he heard her screams, he looked out his window and saw the little being "shoving off" from the window sill; he "soared as if he were lighter than air, with is hands and feet pointed backwards." The creature flew east and out of sight among the tall buildings in that section of the city. They all claimed he was wearing a kind of metallic suit, and the odor of "melted iron" lingered in the air.
Humcat 1967-93

Source: Horacio Gonzalez Ganteaume for Apro

Type: E


Location. San Joao Pernambuco Brazil

Date: September 11 1967

Time: 0800A

A brief report indicating that a saucer had landed and two 70-centimeter tall entities were observed by one witness, apparently coming out of the object. No other information.
Humcat 1967-94

Source: Mark Rodeghier

Type: B


Location. La Baleia Minas Gerais Brazil

Date: September 14 1967

Time: 0900A

A 16-year old youth, Fabio Jose Dinis, noticed a brown mushroom shaped object (domed supported by a short central pillar from its flat bottom), 60 feet in diameter, in the middle of a football field. It had round portholes around the edge and flashing red, yellow, and blue lights from the underside of the dome. When he approached, a glass like screen dropped from the edge of the dome to the ground, and at the same time an opening appeared at the base of the central column. Two men, nearly 7 feet tall, emerged from this opening and addressed him in Portuguese; "Don't run away---come back!" While the one entity made a complete turn around the column, the other again addressed the youth, saying: "Appear here tomorrow, or we will take your family." Then they re-entered the object and the transparent curtain was retracted and the UFO, rotating, rose slowly in a vertical ascent. The beings were dressed from head to foot in green, tight fitting "diver's suits" leaving only part of the face visible. Their skin appeared greenish, with two large round eyes set far apart, surmounted by triangular eyebrows; the nose and mouth were hidden by the helmet (of one piece with rest of the outfit), from which a thin tube ran downward, through the legs and to the back. One of the entities carried in his arm a large cylindrical implement. Later, at the site, a small quantity of scorched granular material with an unpleasant odor was found and analyses showed it to be comprised of iron, aluminum, magnesium, and silica. The youth went back to the site the next day, as instructed, with the investigators, but the UFO failed to appear.
Humcat 1967-95

Source: Dr Hulvio B Alexio

Type: B


Location. Winsted Connecticut

Date: September 15 1967

Time: 2045

Looking out of a second floor window, Carol Luke and Ruth Passini (both 14) saw a white to red glowing elliptical object as large as a Volkswagen going back and forth at low altitude over nearby fields. After they had watched it for half an hour (they later alerted their mothers, who also viewed the UFO), they heard some strange noises from the barn, about 50 feet from the house, and a "put-put" sound as though a lawn mower was being started up. Then they saw two figures dart out of the barn and stand by the road, where they seemed to be looking at the Luke house. After several minutes, they darted across the street and stopped by the Passini house. They were no more than 4-feet tall, and one seemed to have a disproportionately large head. When a car approached, the light of the luminous object was extinguished, and the two figures ran back across the road where they were joined by a third, and all three disappeared in the darkness. Independent observations of a UFO (possibly the same one) were made that night, and during the following week, the object was seen on at least 3 occasions.
Humcat 1967-96

Source: Ted Thoben for Nicap, Dr Fred Ayer for The Colorado Project

Type: C


Location. Near Langley British Columbia Canada

Date: September 17 1967

Time: 0200A

In a wooded area an anonymous witness observed an eight-foot tall humanoid, apparently pink colored and covered with scaly skin. No other information.
HC addition # 25

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: E


Location. Santa Coloma-La Roca Barcelona Spain

Date: September 21 1967

Time: 0030A

Jose M Edrosa, driving home to Granoliers, saw a "casserole"-shaped object, very bright, on the ground. Near it were several small beings, with large heads, approaching the UFO. At that point the car "reared" and Edrosa, panic stricken, fled on foot. Unstrung by the experience, he was hospitalized for an extended period.
Humcat 1967-97

Source: Alberto Adell

Type: C


Location. Caracas Venezuela

Date: September 22 1967

Time: night

An unidentified horse trainer was awakened from sleep by the presence of an intruder who first tugged at the trainer's pillow, then grasped his arm tightly. As the man tried to sit up, the being encircled the man's neck with its arm, nearly choking him. A horse in the nearby stables began neighing and the attacker quickly let go and fled. The man screamed for help and was found to have numerous minor cuts and abrasions where he had been scratched by either claws of sharp fingernails. A short while later, on hearing a horse acting up again, another man investigated; as he approached the stall, a small figure about the size of a boy (3.5 feet tall) "zoomed" out of the stall and was gone in seconds. The figure was described, as "hairy" and looking like a chimpanzee or monkey.
Humcat 1967-98

Source: Jim & Coral Lorenzen

Type: E


Location. Seaford Long Island New York

Date: September 26 1967

Time: 1500

The witness was alone in her house when she heard a loud humming sound coming from outside. Looking out the window she saw a hovering silvery disc shaped object, perfectly smooth without any visible openings. While she watched her doorbell rang, she answered the door and was confronted by a tall dark skinned woman wearing a shimmering long gray gown. The woman asked some questions apparently confusing her with somebody else. She then asked for a glass of water and salt claiming that she had to take a pill. She then walked away into the bushes. Moments later the humming sound got louder and the witness saw the silvery disc rise up and shoot up into the sky.
HC addition # 1404

Source: John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: C?


Location. Near San Feliu de Codines Barcelona Spain

Date: end of September 1967

Time: 2130

Mauricio Weisenthal and his fiancée, Rosa Maria Font, were about 4 km, from San Feliu de Codines, driving to Barcelona, when they saw in the headlights of their car a humanoid being, about 2-feet tall, with a protuberant stomach and buttocks, with a bright green skin, short thick legs, and long arms. They had to swerve to avoid hitting it and were shocked by its appearance.
Humcat 1967-99

Source: Joan Crexells

Type: E


Location. Missancourt, France

Date: end of September 1967

Time: 0130A

Two men were hunting in an isolated area and they sat under an apple tree waiting for a third companion. They see a gleam in the trees and think is a burning car. However everything is quiet. Without speaking they advance towards the phenomenon, with rifles loaded. They then see a mushroom shaped object hovering at about 20 cm from the ground, bright pink in color it has a shiny red rectangular section in the middle. The upper portion of the mushroom is bright white. As they arrive to within 25 meters from the object they are suddenly stopped cold, totally paralyzed. They feel heat as the mushroom emits a gaseous substance that floats towards them. The craft then passes over their heads and one of the men has a vision of holding "a young dead son in his hands". Both men suffer from serious physiological and psychological effects after the incident.

(Actually the witness did have a sun, which was a healthy 30year old man in 1979).
HC addendum

Source: Erich Zurcher, "Appearances of Humanoids"

Type: F

Location. Ithaca New York

Date: early October 1967

Time: daytime

An unidentified angler encountered a peculiar being in broad daylight. No more than 3-feet tall, he was wearing what appeared to be a diver's suit made of material similar to black rubber. He wore a helmet; through a glass plate on the front of the helmet, the skin appeared very brown, and the face "looked something like a monkey's. But he had no hair at all." The little being "planted himself" in front of the witness and began to gesture and to speak, "but I couldn't make out any words that I understood." Making swimming and drinking motions, the angler decided he wanted water and pointed to the nearby stream, "and he walked away at a great clip."
Humcat 1967-100

Source: Lloyd Mallan

Type: E


Location. Greenland, Long Island, New York

Date: October 1967

Time: early morning

Awakened by the sounds of his dogs barking Joseph Henslik looked outside and was surprised to see a strange circular object circling over the post office building near his house. Reacting quickly he grabbed his camera and ran to the patio. He took several photos of the luminous disc-shaped object that appeared to have a turret on top on which he could see several lighted windows. Two days after once he had obtained the negatives two strange men visited Henslik at his home. After returning home at about 0300A that morning he noticed that two men were waiting for him. He described them as being of medium height, black hair and very tanned skin. Both wore very tight-fitting black slacks; black turtle necked sweaters and what appeared to be a black "smoking" jacket. One of the men approached Henslik and in a strange Scandinavian sounding accent he told him that they were representatives of the government and that they needed to speak to him. They refused to show him any credentials since they claimed to belong to a "top secret government agency". The stranger told him, "We know that you took some photographs that can be considered authentic and in the name of your family, the government and the world (!) We request you give those to us". Henslik told them that he did not have the photos yet, the men then left promising to return the next day. Precisely at the same time the next day Henslik received another visit, this time from three similarly dressed strangers, totally dressed in black. Afraid Henslik gave them the negatives, which they examined closely with a flashlight, then, warned him not to tell anyone about the photos and walked away into the darkness. Henslik was surprised since he did not see a vehicle or any other mode of transportation in the area.
HC addendum

Source: El Fuego del Dragon # 62, October 2003

Type: E


Location. Caledon Ontario Canada

Date: October 1967

Time: daytime

A man and his daughter were taking photographs of the surrounding foliage in a field when they saw a large hovering domed disc shaped craft near them. The object had a large rectangular opening in one side and a figure or entity could be seen inside. Five color photographs were supposedly taken, however their current whereabouts is unknown.
HC addition # 1224

Source: Cuforn Bulletin, Vol. 10 # 1, Jan/Feb 89

Type: A


Location. Reseda California

Date: October 1967

Time: night

The witness was abducted out of her home by several humanoids, described as having wrinkled grayish skin with huge dark eyes and large baldheads. The beings wore tight fitting uniforms. The witness described the inside of the object as having gray walls and a rounded ceiling. The beings apparently attempted to perform some type of procedure on the witness's brain and she apparently fought back. Later she experienced additional bedroom visitations by small balls of light that would paralyze her and communicate with her telepathically.
HC addition # 2055

Source: Preston Dennett, UFO Encounters Vol. 2 # 4

Type: G


Location. Near Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: October 1967

Time: night

Three men driving along Route 2 sighted a tall broad shouldered dark caped man walking besides the road. They stopped and looked back but the figure had disappeared. There were open fields on both sides of the road.
HC addition # 1907

Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E


Location. Ashton under Lyne, Lancashire England

Date: October 1967

Time: night

Albert Lancashire (involved in other encounters) remembers seeing odd lights manifest in his house. During a vivid dream like experience he remembered waking up in his room and seeing an Oriental woman lying on a bed, and being given "goggles" to put over his eyes. A man in white was also present.
HC addendum

Source: Jenny Randles, Abductions

Type: E?


Location. Tibidabo Barcelona Spain

Date: October 1 1967

Time: 2230

Valeriano Ruiz Fontes, a radio technician, observed an illuminated object, which he took at first for a large Jeep, hovering just above the ground, about 700-800 yards away. It was about 14 feet long, with half a dozen oval illuminated windows, and having on top a square turret. Near the UFO were 4 people of normal stature wearing dark uniforms and bright helmets. Two of the beings climbed up the turret, manipulating or fixing some fittings there; the other two were examining the underside of the object. After watching for about half an hour, the external lights were extinguished, showing only the illuminated portholes; the object then rose vertically with no noise to about 500 feet, then showed yellow, red orange and a triangle of blue-green lights, and took off at extremely high speed.
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