Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1967-29

Source: Dr J Allen Hynek USAF Blue Book, Robert Loftin & William P Courter for Apro

Type: G


Location. Moulton Iowa

Date: early April 1967

Time: evening

Jimmy D and his wife, a young farm couple, were driving home when they saw 3 strange men standing in a ploughed field; as they approached, these figures literally faded from sight. The couple, perplexed, turned around and drove back past the site, this time observing 7 men, who likewise disappeared from view. Later in the evening the couple saw an object, or something "like a dust cloud" coming from the same field that frightened so they fled to town where they stayed for the next several days.
Humcat 1967-30

Source: Taylor M Jackson for Nicap

Type: C?


Location. Near Chief Cornstalk Hunting Grounds West Virginia

Date: April 1967

Time: night

On a rainy night a man was driving along Route 2 when a large black form rose from the woods and flew over his car. "It was at least ten feet wide," he claimed. He stepped on the gas but it kept right up with him at about 70 mph. It then moved ahead of him and turned toward the river.
HC addition # 3102

Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: E


Location. Conifer Colorado

Date: April 1 1967

Time: 0230A

A light like a flashlight came halfway down the hill; D F Davies fired 10 38-caliber bullets at it, and it disappeared. At 0230A, Randy, who was still awake, saw a man with a light on walking past the house; he ran out calling to him. The light went out, & the man ran away. At 0330A, Louise looked out the window and saw a man in the yard, who wore dark clothes & a mask that covered his face down to his shoulders.
Humcat 1967-31

Source: Oleta Havelock & David Saunders

Type: D


Location. Michigan, exact location not given

Date: April 2 1967

Time: night

Jean Sheldon was out driving in a rural area and had stopped for a breath of air, when she saw a 50 ft disc surmounted by a glowing red dome. It descended, and an opening appeared in the underside, through which she was levitated on board. Here she encountered three naked male humanoids with green eyes. They told her they wanted to mate and she had "very exciting" sex with them for over an hour. Although this was supposed to indicate they were biologically compatible, Jean did not become pregnant.
HC addendum

Source: Peter Rogerson, quoting The National Tattler

Type: G


Location. Medina New York

Date: April 2 1967

Time: late night

The witness, Shane Sia or Kurz who had been seeing UFOs maneuvering over the area for the past several nights, had gone to bed after seeing another object. She suddenly felt paralyzed and next thing she remembers is being awakened by a bright light outside her window and a loud humming sound. Her next memory is waking up with her foot covered with mud, her eyes swollen shut, and a triangular shaped burn mark on her abdomen. Later under hypnosis she remembered being somehow taken into an egg shaped gray metallic craft with lights around a revolving rim. She found herself inside an octagon shaped room with lights that seemed to emanate from all around her. She was then placed on a black slab like table and is unable to move. Later she sees a being with an oval shaped face; very light skin and large black almond shaped eyes. The being apparently communicates by using telepathy and tells the witness that she would not be harmed.
HC addition # 1937

Source: personal from witness, Shane Sia

Type: G


Location. San Cataldo Italy

Date: April 4 1967

Time: 2000

The witness had walked out to his terrace under a light rain and upon opening the terrace door he was confronted by a hovering metallic disc shaped object about 80 meters in diameter. In front of the object stood three men wearing tight fitting overalls. They appeared to have been looking at a caged bird nearby. The men were human like and from the center of their chests they emitted a green beam of light. They made an awkward hand gesture towards the witness upon seeing him. The witness watched unable to move as the three beings entered the object through an opening in the bottom, they went up in a beam of light as if walking up an invisible ladder. The object then departed at high speed.
HC addition # 1511

Source: Maurizio Vega, Itacat

Type: B


Location. Frostproof Florida

Date: April 5 1967

Time: 2245

At least 9 persons in the Mullinsville area saw a hat shaped UFO "come out of a grove" and fly over the area, "shooting fire from the bottom." The object hovered over a small lake at tree top level and was seen to have windows "all the way around." One of the witnesses, Robert Edwards, said he was able to see several human like figures inside the object; "they were all bald headed, sitting around a table of something."
Humcat 1967-33

Source: Jesse Moore for the Lakeland Ledger

Type: A


Location. Conifer Colorado

Date: April 6 1967

Time: 0030A

David L Davies saw two lights like flashlights on the hill, and later saw a lighted object that hovered at horizon level for some time, then moved upward & disappeared. Kay, driving home earlier that night, had encountered "on top of the big hill" a man in dark clothes wearing a hood, who ran toward the area where the lights appeared. Davies had seen lights on the hill every night since March 26.
Humcat 1967-32

Source: Oleta Havelock

Type: C?


Location. Near Gallipolis Ferry, West Virginia

Date: April 7 1967

Time: 2215

Mabel McDaniel, John Keel, and two other women went to a hill, when they spotted the usual reddish glow on a nearby hill. A second one popped up a short distance from the first. Keel flashed his light at them but nothing happened. So he climbed a fence and walked into a field to try to get a closer look. As he crossed the field he suddenly noticed a pale bluish ball of light hovering high in the trees of an orchard behind the nearby farmhouse. The light moved about from tree to tee as though it were following Keel's movements. He flashed his light at it and it flared with a dazzling brilliance, dimmed, and vanished. The lights on the southern ridge also brightened for a moment and then went out. Coming back to the car, Keel found all three women in a very frightened state. Later they related how they had seen a very tall man in the field, which climbed over a fence then crossed behind their vehicle. Terrified they locked the doors and ran the windows up.
HC addition # 3099

Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: C?


Location. South Wellington Texas

Date: April 11 1967

Time: 2130

Eleven days after his first encounter with a UFO, Carroll Watts again saw a light near the same farmhouse. This time, as he drove near in his truck, his motor died and the lights failed as he approached. The cylindrical object was high in the air; a much smaller object, like an egg flattened at the bottom, was hovering at ground level, and four occupants invited him inside to be examined. The beings were 4.5 to 5 feet tall, were muscular and had "wrap around" eyes, with rudimentary ears and nose; their mouths were slit like and did not move when they communicated. They wore white coveralls. Watts was invited to sit in a contour chair, into which he sank slightly as the object apparently ascended. After several minutes, there was a slight "bump" and the door opened into a large room, into which he was escorted. The humanoids removed his clothes and placed a series of small wires over his body; following this, his examiners studied the results over a screen in a small adjoining room. While they were doing this, Watts picked up a small cube-like device on a table and pocketed it; one of the occupants then reached into his pocked and retrieved it, and Watts grabbed his arm, whereupon he immediately lost consciousness. When he came to, he found himself sitting in his truck again.
Humcat 1967-34

Source: J Allen Hynek et al

Type: G


Location. Sjaellands Denmark

Date: April 13 1967

Time: dusk

Two young boys saw a dark gray object overhead; one ran home, the other hid in a ditch. The object descended and put out three legs as if to land, then retraced them and moved out over the Kattegat; as it passed over the shore, it threw out some "boxes." Hovering low over the water, the object lowered a box, or car on an arm thick cable, and 8 small humanoid figures emerged from the large object and descended on the cable. They were the same size as the boy and all but one wore striped suits and had scuba like packs on their backs form, which tubes led to their mouths; the eight occupants wore a blue uniform and had no pack. They all wore striped caps and had lights on their shoulders, and carried objects like binoculars or cameras. They waved to the boy before the object disappeared. On the shore was later found a lump of strange material, which was analyzed and found to be an unprecedented mixture of substances.
Humcat 1967-35

Source: FSR Vol. 13 # 5

Type: B


Location. Near Melville New York

Date: April 14 1967

Time: 2100

A motorist saw a glowing object overhead, suddenly his car engine stalled, and a smaller circular metallic object landed besides the road. His car radio, which had been turned off, began to broadcast in a strange language. A tiny metallic robot like figure appeared in the doorway of the object. It then dug up some dirt and placed it inside the craft. The doorway then closed, the object then turned a bright red color and rose into the sky emitting a whirring sound. It appeared to join the large glowing craft overhead.
HC addition # 1328

Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference

Type: B


Location. Near Estacion Casalegno Santa Fe, Argentina

Date: April 20 1967

Time: 0330A

The conductor of a train, Enrique R Galimberti and another crewmember saw what appeared to be bright multi-colored lights about 120 meters away from the tracks. Thinking it was a fire Galimberti stopped the train and both armed with fire extinguishers attempted to approach the area. As they approached the area they saw what appeared to be multicolored lights moving around in a circular motion, both then observed behind the light what appeared to be a square metallic object over 3 meters in width and about the same in height. It had several lighted windows around its edge. At the front it had what appeared to be a "rotating wheel" that emitted multicolored flashes of light. Around the object several short humanoid figures were walking about. These were wearing silvery gray shiny uniforms, appeared to be bareheaded and appeared to be carrying what resembled a "rifle" or weapon on their shoulders. At one point the witnesses used the train horn to observe any reaction from the figures but there was none. Another railway employee, Salvador Pomidoro reported seeing the square metallic object on the ground in the same location about 15 minutes before.
HC addendum

Source: S von Wurmb, "Hoy" Asuncion Paraguay

Type: C


Location. Near Rapid City Michigan

Date: April 21 1967

Time: 2100

While driving home from work, Charles D, saw a large round, blue white-lighted object descend to earth in a wooded area. After arriving home, he notified the sheriff's office, and drove back to the site with his wife and children, and accompanied by the deputy sheriff. While Mrs Scott and the children waited in the car, the witness and the officers searched the wooded area, becoming separated. Although the deputy found nothing, the witness encountered a craft resting on small legs in a marshy area; standing beside it was a medium sized man. The witness called out, "Hello," but received no response; he repeated the greeting and this time received a mental impression of the warning, "Get away from here!" He turned and fled to his car, badly frightened and in an agitated state; at home, when he told his wife about the encounter, he was unable to account for his great alarm.
Humcat 1967-36

Source: Richard Hall for Nicap

Type: C


Location. Between Ramstein & Manheim Germany

Date: May 1967

Time: unknown

A UFO was detected by radar in the vicinity of Ramstein UFSAF Air base in Germany. A couple of interceptors were immediately scrambled. The UFO was chased, but it escaped the fighters. Accidentally and quite unexpectedly for the alien crew, the alien craft was shot down by a surface to air missile from Ramstein AFB, somewhere between Manheim and Ramstein. Possibly the attention of the alien crew was distracted by the aircrafts and they did not react in time to the missile launch from the ground or had enough time to disable it. An explosion of an AA-class missile knocked the disk down. An American retrieval team quickly rushed to the scene from Ramstein and found the flat disk-shaped object, about 10 meters in diameter, resembling to flat plates joined together at the rim, the upper plate higher than the lower one. In the lower section the disk had a cylinder shaped central prop or pedestal-like section moving inside and outside the disk, with the encircling band beneath segmented squares. A crew of two aliens was found inside. Both were killed by the explosion and hard impact. They were tall, about 2 meters in height, of the "Nordic" blond type, with long red hair, slanted blue eyes, dressed in tight-fitting silver metallic suits. The disk was moved in top secret by sea to the USA, and then moved to the S4 base in Nevada at the Nellis range in 1970. The first disk of the very same type was recovered in 1958 in Vietnam; so, using pass experience a team of experts was successful in its examination of the engineering section of the disk. The disk from the Vietnam also contained two "Nordic" occupants on board. Both disk were witnessed and drawn by Derek Hennessy (a guard from US Navy Seal Team 6) at the S4 underground base, level 2 in 1987, bays 2 and 3. In February 1993, the disks were moved to a new underground base on the White Sands range, New Mexico, as well as the other disks from S4. These disks belonged to the planet "Troon" civilization, Tialubba star system.
HC addendum

Source: Anton Anfalov, Lenura Azizova, also Leonard H Stringfield And Col. Ret. Philip J Corso

Type: H


Location. Alberton South Australia

Date: May 1967

Time: evening

A movie film was hot of a light in the sky. Upon developing and playing it, some frames, were enlarged. These enlargements were said to show an object with an illuminated window. In this window a shape moved across it several times.
HC addition # 2710

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: A


Location. Owatonna, Minnesota

Date: May 1967

Time: evening

One man, five-foot-nine inches tall, with olive complexion and pointed face and long dark hair (too long for Air Force regulations or so the Butlers felt) arrived at the Butler household and identified himself as Air Force Major Richard French. Speaking perfect English and plainly well educated, he claimed that he was interested in CB (citizen's band) radio and UFOs. He was dressed in a neat gray suit, white shirt and black tie and everything he owned appeared to be brand new. Even the soles of his shoes were un-scuffed and un-walked on. He drove a white Ford Mustang. "He said his stomach was bothering him," said Mrs. Butler, who then told the air force officer that what he needed was some Jell-o. He said if it kept bothering him, he would come back for some. Major French returned to the Butler residence the next morning. His stomach was still bothering him, so Mrs. Butler slid a big bowl of Jell-o in front of him. Incredibly, according to Mrs. Butler, Major French picked up the bowl and attempted to drink it. She had to show him how to eat it with a spoon.
HC addendum

Source: John Keel

Type: E


Location. Simoca, Tucuman, Argentina

Date: May 1 1967

Time: 2200

Nine witnesses returning from a hunting expedition were on a trailer being pulled by a tractor when they observed a very bright object in the sky, which at first they thought it was the moon. The object emitted an intense orange-reddish light and suddenly approached their position at high speed, appearing as a huge illuminated object. It then it briefly moved away but returned as one of the witnesses signaled at it with a flashlight. It hovered above the tractor, balancing itself back & forth like a pendulum. It was shaped like to plates put together and it had a crystal-like dome on top. Around its edge the witnesses could see several square window-like openings, from which a bluish light emanated. They also saw the figure of a man come out of one of the windows, and moved up to the dome, and then come back to the window and enter. Finally the object moved away, gaining altitude and disappearing at high speed.
HC addendum

Source: Proyecto CATENT, Argentina

Type: B


Location. Moesgaard Strand Denmark

Date: May 5 1967

Time: 2325

The witness had gone for a walk along a quiet forest area and as she walked down a hill and past a local monument, he saw a strange light besides the monument. It was a bluish light that then became a circle on the ground; no source of the light could be seen. Suddenly from out of the sides several small grayish figures moved into the light. The figures were very short and no arms or legs could be seen. They seem to float back and forth, at times going into the forest and returning. Several more figures now appeared and also entered the light. As the witness stood looking at the light and figures, one of the figures floated towards him apparently increasing in size significantly as it approached. The witness became frightened and quickly left the area.
HC addition # 617

Source: Per Andersen, for SUFOI

Type: C?


Location. Holbaek Denmark

Date: May 11 1967

Time: 1300

A domed saucer shaped object was seen hovering above a farm field. Through a large window a form is seen moving inside. Angel hair like substance was found at the site.
HC addition # 2424

Source: Brad Steiger

Type: A


Location. La Paz Baja California Mexico

Date: May 15 1967

Time: 2300

After an amateur astronomy club meeting, the witness, Benito Hamburgo Valenzuela returned to his home where there appeared a colossal man at least 9-feet tall, who pulled up a large piece of wood and sat down on it. The man had large blue eyes, red hair, and very large ears; he wore a tight fitting red coverall like garment with short sleeves, bracelets on both arms, and boots. On his chest was an insignia of white dots, and on his head a white cap that looked nickel-plated. From a wide belt hung a small box with a little antenna. He greeted Hamburgo in slightly accented Spanish, introducing himself as "Wirkle, Chief of the Guard," and answered Benito's questions, anticipating them before the witness actually phrased them. He said he was from a very distant "region" and that they were an advanced race, concerned over the misuse of atomic energy. When he left he refused to shake hands, explaining that contact with him would aggravate Benito's cardiac condition.
Humcat 1967-39

Source: Mike Culbert & Paul Cerny

Type: E


Location. Nieva Segovia Spain

Date: May 16 1967

Time: unknown

Roman and Jose Arribas observed an object land in a pine forest north of Nieva-Segovia; they saw "people" enter the ash colored craft, which took off straight up at high speed. No other information.
Humcat 1967-40

Source: Jacques Vallee quoting LDLN

Type: B

"Peter is coming..."

Location. Mount Misery Long Island New York

Date: May 18 1967

Time: 1030A

The day after being instructed by a metallic sounding voice in her phone to go to the small local public library, Jane Paro did as was instructed. The library was deserted except for the librarian, who stuck Jane as being unusual. The woman was "dressed in an old fashioned suit like something out of the 1940's with a long skirt, broad shoulders, and flat old looking shoes." She had a dark complexion, with a fine bone structure, and very black eyes and hair. When Jane entered, the woman seemed to be expecting her and produced a book instantly form under the desk. Jane sat down at a table and began to riffle through the book, pausing on page 42. The metallic voice had told her to read that page. Suddenly the print became smaller and smaller, then larger and larger. It changed into a message about contact with earthlings. The print became very small again, and then the normal text reappeared. As soon as Jane left the library she became quite ill. In early June she began to see the "librarian" wherever she went. Unable to sleep one night, Jane gout up at the crack of dawn the following morning and went for a walk on an impulse. The dark skinned woman stepped out of an alley and approached her shyly. "Peter is coming," she announced. Jane asked her a question and she repeated, "Peter is coming very soon." Next a large black Cadillac came down the street and stopped next to them. It was brand new, very shiny, and polished. The driver was an olive skinned man wearing wraparound sunglasses and dressed in a neat gray suit, apparently of the same material as the woman's clothes. The rear door opened and a man climbed out with a big grin on his face. He was about five-feet 8 inches tall, with dark skin and Oriental eyes. He had an air of someone very important and was dressed in a well-cut, expensive looking suit of the same gray material that was shiny like silk but was not silk. The stranger said his name was "Apol."
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