Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1966-57

Source: John A Keel

Type: B


Location. Cheshire Ohio

Date: November 17 1966

Time: night

On Route 7, a gray man shaped creature with red eyes & a 10-foot wingspread pursued a boy's car. No other information.
Humcat 1966-58

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: November 18 1966

Time: night

Capt. Paul Yoder & B Enochs saw a huge bird like creature, with big red eyes, in the TNT dump area. No other information.
Humcat 1966-59

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Campbell's Creek West Virginia

Date: November 20 1966

Time: unknown

Six teenagers saw a gray man sized creature with red eyes flying over the area. No other information.
Humcat 1966-60

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Charleston West Virginia

Date: November 21 1966

Time: 2215

Richard West called police to report that a "batman" was sitting on a roof next to his house. "It looks like a man 6 ft tall & has a wingspread of 6-8 ft," he said. "It had great big red eyes. It flew straight up like a helicopter.
Humcat 1966-61

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: November 24 1966

Time: 0715A

Mr. Thomas Ury was driving home in daylight when the "Mothman," a bird-like creature 6 ft tall and with a 10 ft wing spread, circled over his car. He speeded up to 70-75 mph, but it kept up with him. He had been in the area of the TNT dumpsite.
Humcat 1966-63

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: November 24 1966

Time: night

Mary Myer, a reporter, saw the glowing red eyes of the "Mothman" when she visited an abandoned power plant in Point Pleasant, where it had been seen before.
Humcat 1966-62

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Lowell Ohio

Date: November 26 1966

Time: afternoon

Marvin Shock and 3 others saw 4 giant birds; standing 4-5 ft tall and with a 10-foot wing spread & bills 5-6 "long. They kept them in sight for 2 hours.
Humcat 1966-64

Type: E


Location. St Albans West Virginia

Date: November 26 1966

Time: evening

Mrs Ruth Foster saw the "Mothman" standing on her front lawn. It was about 6 ft tall and had a "funny little face" with "big red eyes that popped out." She screamed and ran into the house.
Humcat 1966-65

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. New Haven West Virginia

Date: November 27 1966

Time: 1030A

Miss Connie Carpenter saw the "Mothman," a tall figure in gray, standing on a golf course. It unfolded 10-foot wings & flew directly at her windshield; she saw its red eyes; then it veered off & disappeared. Her eyes were red, swollen, & itchy for 2 weeks afterwards.
Humcat 1966-66

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. St. Albans West Virginia

Date: November 27 1966

Time: night

13-year old Sheila Cain and her sister were walking home when they saw a being standing by the road; it was 7 ft tall, and gray & white with big red eyes. They screamed & ran home; it flew low over them.
Humcat 1966-67

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Near Brooksville Florida

Date: November 30 1966

Time: night

A young woman was changing a tire on a lonely road when she was approached by a huge hairy biped creature with large green eyes and encased in an eerie greenish glow. No other information.
HC addition # 1578

Source: Fortean Times # 51, quoting John Keel

Type: E


Location. Near San Mateo California

Date: December 3 1966

Time: 2300

Police officer Vern Morse and his wife were driving home on Route 101 when they saw what at fist looked like a parachute flare, which crossed the highway in front of him at 200 feet altitude and began to climb. Stepping out of the car, he saw that it was a glowing cylindrical object about 5 ft in diameter and 8-9 ft long. Struts connected the lower, solid portion with the cone-topped upper portion, and inside these a man was standing. Morse followed it for a mile or so, at 50-60 mph. Finally the light suddenly went out. Another driver also saw it.
Humcat 1966-69

Source: John A Keel

Type: A


Location. Gallipolis Ohio

Date: December 4 1966

Time: 1500

At the Gallipolis Airport, 5 pilots saw what at first they took for an airplane. It was a winged form about 300 ft up, traveling at 70 mph without flapping its wide wings; it had a long neck & was turning its head from side to side.
Humcat 1966-70

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: December 6 1966

Time: night

Two adults, one a high school teacher, were driving near the local TNT dump site when they saw a giant gray man like figure with glowing red eyes.
Humcat 1966-71

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Cheshire Ohio

Date: December 7 1966

Time: 0400A

Charles Hern & his wife were walking their dog when they noticed a red light on the opposite riverbank. Several short men like figures could be seen moving about. Other witnesses joined in, then red and orange lights began flashing on and off. A beam of light seemed to be constantly directed at the water. Finally the lights went out and a bright greenish light came on. Then the craft shot up into the air and disappeared into the sky.
HC addition # 1398

Source: John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: C


Location. Near Gallipolis Ohio

Date: December 7 1966

Time: night

Four women driving on Route 33 saw a brownish silver man-shaped flying creature with glowing red eyes. No other information.
Humcat 1966-72

Source: John A Keel

Type: E


Location. Strongsville Ohio

Date: December 13 1966

Time: 1553

Mrs Elsie Vargo and her daughter, driving over a newspaper delivery route, saw a low flying object cross the road about 100 ft away and at a 100 ft altitude, then turn toward them, terrifying the girl. It was about the size of an automobile and bright silver in color with the outer edges glowing red, of a "batwing" shaped with a bubble cupola on top. It carried an antenna bearing a flashing red light. Inside the bubble was visible a small human form dressed and helmeted in black. Mrs Vargo did not see where the object went. There was no sound, & no interference with the car's radio.
Humcat 1966-74

Source: Richard Straka & E J Neff, The Cleveland Ufology Project

Type: A


Location. Near Leticia Peru

Date: late 1966

Time: daytime

Ludwig Pallmann a health food sales representative and expert on nutritional plants was searching the jungles deep within the rain forest. Near the Mari River his boat paddlers told him the next district was "very mysterious" and not well known. They mentioned that the tribe living there was secretive and was thought to be working with some "Americans" up there. Soon as he explored the area several Indians armed with crude hand made weapons approached him. He was then conducted to a small village of plastic like cones, resembling American Indian teepees, but the material was firm, like metal. There he saw a couple of persons dressed in calf-length toga like garments. They were light skinned and seemed to be of a white race stock. Pallmann addressed them in English, which they seemed not to understand. He tried other languages without any results. Then one of them went in a hut for something and came out with a translating device. It was adjusted and they began to understand him. These Aryan looking light skinned humans told him that they came from a planet much like Earth in many respects. They were operating this plantation site with local Indians in an attempt to develop hardier and higher yield species of plants and fruits. Pallmann stayed with them for nearly a month. The strange visitors, that called themselves, Itibians from the planet Iti-Bara traveled in 30-foot diameter disc shaped objects, ceramic in appearance. These ascended and descended vertically, and flew in horizontal flight with prodigious speed.
HC addition # 3524

Source: Wendelle C Stevens

Type: G?


Location. DMZ Vietnam

Date: late 1966

Time: afternoon

At a landing zone called "Oasis" the witness was working as a door gunner. On that date he was pulling perimeter guard duty. As they came under attack, a C-130 gun ship called "Puff the Magic Dragon" flew just outside their position and was working out their guns. It looked like fire coming from a hose in the dark. The next morning the other gunners and the witness decided to rearrange out-linked ammo to have all the tracers together to give the same effect as the night before. That afternoon they went out on a reckon mission. As they approached the landing zone they opened up with their machine guns. The LZ (landing zone) was large and mostly clear waist high dried grass. As they landed they received enemy fire. Small fires started all over from their tracer rounds. He heard on the intercom that a helicopter behind them was down with main rotor problems and fires had them enveloped, his captain ordered him to go back with a "fire bottle" and see if he could help. The witness grabbed the bottle but did not think to take his rifle. As he ran to their position the crew chief waved him back. It seems like the rotor was fine and they were about to take off. As he ran back he became disoriented, and became lost. As he ran around looking he heard someone shout "Dung Li" which means stop or halt in Vietnamese. He looked around and saw a North Vietnamese soldier pointing his AK at him. Feeling helpless, since he was completely unarmed he dropped to his knees, hands up. At the same time the soldier spoke to him things that he could not understand. As the soldier backed up, the witness knew he was going to die. From fear he then felt overwhelming sadness. As his whole life past in front of his eyes, he just hoped that it did not hurt so much. Suddenly a total peace came over him, a feeling he could not describe. He then heard a loud crack. He jumped up thinking that he had been shot. He heard a thump and saw the enemy soldier fall to the ground. As he looked up, he saw the tallest person he had ever seen. He saw what appeared to be a GI about 7 or 8 ft tall. He just stood there motionless, perfect in dress, incredibly with no soil marks or sweat, a perfect looking figure. His eyes shaded by the helmet showed through; an aura appeared to be all around him. He then spoke to the witness clearly. He told him that it was Ok that he was going to be safe. He added: "Thomas, go back to your bird." The witness realized that the stranger's lips never moved, apparently he had communicated with him telepathically. Thomas jumped up and ran to his "bird" (helicopter). As they lifted up, he looked down to see the dead enemy soldier, but no sign of the giant figure. He never mentioned what really happened to anyone for over 30 years.
HC addendum

Source: UFOs, Paranormal stores archive

Type: E

High Strangeness Index: 8

Reliability of Source: 7

Comments: Do we have here some kind of divine intervention? The height of the stranger is significant. Was the witness somehow not meant to die on that fateful day?

Total Cases: 153
Addendums to be included as they become available.

"There was no mistake. The leathery wings, the little horns, the barbed tail

---All were there. The most terrible of all legends had come to life, out of the unknown past. Yet now it stood smiling, in ebon majesty, with the sunlight gleaming upon its tremendous body, and with a human child resting trustfully on either arm."
Arthur C Clarke, Childhood's End 1953.
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at:
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.



Compiled by

Albert Rosales

Humanoid Reports 1967. At the height of the "Age of Aquarius" 1967 was indeed a memorable year, a sampling of things to come. An unprecedented "wave" enveloped the US and Canada, mysterious characters were walking among us. So-called "Men in Black" reports were frequent and bizarre. A reported abduction of one "Betty Andreasson" in late January opened the gates to a much deeper mystery. The files for 1967 are thick and strange. High strangeness reports were distributed worldwide not too many places were spared. Following is a list of reported humanoid encounters for 1967.

"We come from a dying planet..."

Location. New South Wales, Australia, exact location not given

Date: 1967

Time: unknown

The witness recalled, partly under hypnosis, being abducted by several short beings with large eyes, a slit like mouth, small nose, no ears, and huge heads. They wore elastic style body suits and seemed to glide above the floor. The beings communicated telepathically, informing the witness that they had come from a dying planet and that they were having difficulty in their reproduction. She was later examined and something resembling a long thin needle was inserted into her left ear. Onboard the object she met a being that apparently attempted to camouflage himself as tall and handsome & man like. She also saw a group of old men who resembled a group of Greek philosophers.
HC addition # 2024

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: G


Location. Mosque Point Lake Worth Texas

Date: 1967

Time: unknown

Witnesses reported seeing a strange creature described as satyr like or looking like a gargoyle, near a local lake. No other information.
HC addition # 1903

Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E


Location. Clare South Australia

Date: 1967

Time: unknown

It was reported that a disc shaped craft had landed and a hairy dwarf like being was seen jumping out and disappearing into the ground. (?) No other information.
HC addition # 1306

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: B


Location. Near Chenou Seine et Marne France

Date: 1967

Time: unknown

A farmer observed, on a date impossible to reconstruct, a flying saucer hovering motionless above the ground, through the transparent dome of which he was able to observe a large number of small figures dressed in navy blue, "laughing and singing."
Humcat 1967-1

Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne

Type: A


Location. Cordillera Nahuelbuta, Chile

Date: 1967

Time: afternoon

Harmington Garay and a friend were exploring an area filled with old conquistador tombs and other relics and towards the afternoon had retire to their campsite by a river. While fishing, Hamilton noticed a man standing on the old rustic bridge apparently watching them. Immediately he was surprised to see anybody else in the area but soon was filled with a strange state of aloofness and sleepiness. Suddenly the stranger is standing next to Harmington, also standing in the river. The stranger asks in perfect English, "Is the fishing good?" Hamilton does not remember what his answer was. His next memory is walking on a trail, carrying his backpacks along with his friend and the stranger, and feeling very hot. He described the man as a typical Caucasian, tall, blond haired, of athletic build, whose face did not possess the typical local traits. A curious detail was that the stranger seemed to possess "extra" skin surrounding his face. He wore local striped pants, boots, a typical Indian hat, but his shirt appeared out of place, it seemed foreign and brand new. Feeling somewhat perplexed Harmington continued the walk with the stranger and his friend, without remembering what they talked about. At a given moment they arrived at a fork on the road at which time the stranger bade farewell telling the men that he will go take the route on the left and they should take the route on the right. Suddenly both men seemed to snap out of a stupor, feeling exhausted as it appeared they had walked a very long distance, the stranger is nowhere in sight. Both asked each other who the stranger was. Feeling extremely curious both men then take the route on the left, the same one the stranger had taken in the hope of meeting up with him again. As they followed the road both men felt a very strong heat, and the weight of their backpacks seems to increase. The more they walked the more tired and breathless they feel, they feel as if something is preventing them from moving any further. Suddenly both men seem to loose consciousness. Harmington regains his senses back at the camp at the edge of the river, and sees his terrified friend on top of a tree. The camp appeared to have been searched or ransacked, while attempting to calm his friend he notices that there is a shot had been fired in his rifle, he was sure he had not touched the weapon. Moments later in total silence both men collect their belongings and return to the city of Concepcion. Both men never talked about their experience and eventually loose track of each other.
HC addendum

Source: Raul Nuñez Galvez, IIEE Chile

Type: G?


Location. Ponnampet Coorg India

Date: 1967

Time: 1300

During his lunch break from school the witness visited a small half-dried lake, where him and several others saw a small 3 ft in diameter very shiny silvery disc-shaped which had apparently landed on the sand at the lake. Several school kids age 10-12 had first seen the shiny disk. When the witness reached the spot where the disk was on his bicycle, he stared at the small object and felt like picking it up, thinking that it was a huge diamond that had fallen from the sky. He asked the kids what had they seen and they told him that they had actually seen several very small figures come out of the craft and walk around. He did not see them. Concerned that it had it had something to do with "black magic" he rode back home to get his father, but couldn't find him. He then returned to the location but the shiny silvery disk was now at the other side of the dried up lake. He rushed to the other side but by the time he got there the small disc had vanished.
HC addition # 2620

Source: UFO India, and direct from main witness,

Type: B

Comments: This case reminds me of the similar events reported from Malaysia describing tiny aliens or humanoids.

Recently received info from the original witness - thanks Albert.


Location. Indianapolis Indiana

Date: 1967

Time: evening

While sitting in the living room watching television several young children saw mysterious lights outside. One of them went outside to investigate and saw a hovering saucer shaped object and inside several creatures (not described) operating some controls. No other information.
HC addition # 1968

Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter January 1995

Type: A


Location. Near Marion Ohio

Date: 1967

Time: night

The witness was driving home when she felt compelled to drive into a state park area. She drove into the area, stopped the car, and got out. A bright light was hovering high in the sky above the trees. The witness stared at the object as it descended and landed behind the trees. He then walked towards the object and entered it. Two tall black beings without any discernible features waited for the witness and assured her that everything was going to be all right. She was eventually allowed to leave.
HC addition # 1932

Source: Kenneth Ring PhD, The Omega Project

Type: G


Location. Nottinghampshire, England

Date: 1967

Time: night

The seven-year old witness woke up one night to see a small football shaped light, brilliant white in color just bouncing around the room. Her room was then lit up with a brilliant light and in a dream like state she felt being sucked up into the air and finding herself in a strange room where bizarre little creatures were fussing around her. No other information.
HC addition # 2285

Source: Jenny Randles, Star Children

Type: G or F?


Location. Chartak, Russia

Date: 1967

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