Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1966-3

Source: John Keel, FSR Vol. 17 # 3

Type: B


Location. Edinburgh Scotland

Date: March 1966

Time: afternoon

A man talking a walk in the Royal Botanical Gardens suddenly experienced a state of heightened perception. He then became aware of a figure or nature spirit resembling the God "Pan" standing nearby. The being had a pointed chin and ears, shaggy legs with cloven hooves with two little horns on his forehead. He was apparently naked. The witness saluted the being that seemed startled by the intrusion. During a brief conversation the being told the witness that he lived in the garden and that his task was to help the growth of trees. He also stated that they no longer were interested in humans since we no longer believed in them.
HC addition # 1127

Source: Colin Wilson, Poltergeist

Type: E


Location. Temple Oklahoma

Date: March 23 1966

Time: 0505A

The witness, Eddie Laxson, was an electronics instructor & a veteran pilot. Driving to work before dawn, he found a brightly lit metallic object blocking the highway ahead. The fish-shaped hull, 10-12 ft high & 60-75 ft long, was resting on stilts; a central door was open, with steps beneath it. The object bore 4 lights, "the brightest I ever saw," one directed to the front, one to the rear, and 2 to the ground. On top was a long, curved antenna, on one end a horizontal "tail" and near the middle a porthole. Near the tail end was a vertical inscription reading "TL 4168 or TL 4768." Kneeling beside this craft was a man wearing something like an Air Force uniform, with peaked cap, and a chevron insignia resembling that of a master sergeant. Laxson got out & ran toward the object, then turned back to get his camera. Meanwhile the man entered the door, and the object took off, rising vertically with a sound "like an electric drill" and then moving south very fast. "As it rose, it seemed to have a magnetic effect on the hair of my arms."
Humcat 1966-9

Source: Dr James E McDonald

Type: B


Location. Bridgeton New Jersey

Date: March 24 1966

Time: 2000

Ruth Jefferson watched for half an hour a revolving object that was "transparent on the left side and fiery red on the right." There "seemed to be a lot of activity inside the transparent side."
Humcat 1966-11

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: A


Location. Monroe Township-Williamstown New Jersey

Date: March 24 1966

Time: night

A police reservist saw a saucer like object flying low enough so that he could distinguish 2 "objects" moving about inside it. He chased the object to police headquarters, and then it disappeared.
Humcat 1966-10

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: A


Location. Mansfield Ohio

Date: March 30 1966

Time: 2200

A man in a parked car near the Ohio University campus saw a round object with 2 lights land. A door in the object opened and he could see a child-sized figure, "very thin." The object moved toward his car, then rose and disappeared.
Humcat 1966-12

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: A


Location. San Francisco California

Date: March 31 1966

Time: 0630A

Helen Sugiyama & Chiz Satow saw an object 60f t long pulsating with blue and orange lights; 3 windows were visible, inside which "creatures" could be seen moving. When it took off, one looked as if it was waving. No other information.
Humcat 1966-13

Source: Frank Pyne for Nicap

Type: A

Location. Liberty Missouri

Date: April 1 1966

Time: midnight

Darlene Underwood and her mother saw 2 luminous objects land on a nearby hill, and observed then through binoculars. They were egg-shaped & about the size of a large car. Presently they saw the shadows of one or two human-like beings, & heard the beings shouting at one another very loudly in a foreign language. After this they heard the sound of a pig squealing. A point of green light issued from one of the objects; then they took off & flew rapidly away.
Humcat 1966-15

Source: Flying Saucers 4/68, Ray Palmer

Type: C


Location. Calgary Alberta Canada

Date: early April 1966

Time: 0545A

A young boy heard loud noises from outside, looking out he saw three silvery discs land on a nearby field, several small men emerged from the objects and appeared to look around discussing something among themselves. They ran back into the discs, which took off to the north at high speed.
HC addition # 28

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: B


Location. Los Alcazares Army Base Murcia Spain

Date: April 1966

Time: 0200A

A soldier at the local military base observed two little figures crossing a nearby highway and disappearing in a grove of date palms. They were 65 cm tall, humanoid in form but with pronounced stomach and buttocks, short legs and very long arms. Their heads were shaped like inverted pears, and they wore what appeared to be goggles of a phosphorescent yellow color. The figures appeared to be unclothed and green in color; no sexual organs could be discerned. The soldier was in a state of panic and nervous excitement as a result of his observation. The figures were similar to the one reported at San Feliu de Codines in September 1967.
Humcat 1967-21

Source: Center for Interplanetary Studies Barcelona, Spain

Type: E


Location. Newport Oregon

Date: April 1966

Time: afternoon

16-year old Kathy Reeves & a girl friend came upon a dome shaped object "as high as a room" with a ruddy glow & smoke boiling around it, looking as if on fire. After this she saw in a meadow near her home three creatures described as resembling tiny "tree stumps," orange, blue, white, yellow and pink colored. The three beings walked silently across the meadow and soon disappeared from sight. By mid-October, a total of 5 persons in the vicinity had reported seeing moving stump like creatures, at 2 locations east of Toledo Oregon. During the same time there was other phenomena reported in the area, including low level UFO sightings, strange globes of bluish light, poltergeist like phenomena and the reported sighting of a group of cyclopean like beings by a local elderly couple.
HC addition # 1469

Source: Loren Coleman, Mysterious America & Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: D?


Location. Northwestern Minnesota, exact location not given

Date: April 1966

Time: 2330

The witnesses were driving on an isolated road when their headlights illuminated three large men walking abreast and toward them on the highway. The men wore black cowls that covered the upper half of their faces; there were slits for where the eyes would have been. The strange trio paid no attention to the car and continued on their way.
HC addition # 1908

Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E


Location. Trenton Ontario Canada

Date: April 4 1966

Time: night

Two UFOs were seen over Trenton's airport, and one landed on runway 113; it was about 20 ft in diameter. Two small men were seen near it; when the service police approached, they got back in again & took off.
Humcat 1966-16

Source: Nicap

Type: B


Location. Clayton, Victoria, Australia

Date: April 6 1966

Time: 1100A

In a confusing and covered up incident numerous independent witnesses including dozens of schoolchildren and teachers from the local Westall High school watched a metallic disc shaped craft land on nearby field, then take off again, while several Cessna-type aircraft and other silvery "plane-like" objects circled the area. Some witnesses found a perfect circle of flattened grass on the ground while others encountered military or government personnel in the area who warned them to stay away. Some witnesses described seeing a cow in the paddock, where the object came down. It was alleged to have been in such a distressed state that it eventually had to be put down. One student who arrived before the others was found to be in a dazed trance like state. Other schoolchildren saw the object on the ground and a normal looking man in white coveralls walking around it, telling everyone to stay back. Another man appeared, this one wearing a dark uniform with an emblem or a logo on it. One of the men was seeing entering the object, while the other disappeared. The object emitted a loud humming sound then took off.
HC addition # 3125

Source: Bill Chalker, The OZ Files

Type: B


Location. Daniels Park Colorado

Date: April 7 1966

Time: 2130

Six 17-year-old boys & girls in a shelter in the park heard footsteps on the shelter roof. Two boys went out to investigate, and heard a buzzing noise that seemed to surround them; in a field they saw 2 red lights a foot in diameter. Meanwhile those left in the shelter had seen a very tall man, dressed in black, standing outside. They left and started back to their car, when the buzzing was heard again, and they saw 2 blue lights low in the sky, which were joined by a very bright white light. Watching from the car, they continued to hear the sound, and saw "4 things like footballs with domes on them." They drove away---with difficulty, for the engine kept stalling---and were followed by a "hug light" which did not reflect in the rearview mirror.
Humcat 1966-17

Source: Herb Roth for Nicap

Type: C


Location. Near Thackerville Oklahoma

Date: April 22 1966

Time: 0200A

Dr. Eula Page, a psychologist, was driving homeward from Texas with her 2 children & a friend when she noticed a luminous object as big as the moon, darting back & forth across the highway. Just after she had crossed the Red River Bridge she came directly underneath it, and stopped; it descended & hovered very close to the car. A luminous horizontal lens shaped body, more than twice the length of her station wagon, was surrounded by a spherical framework that was revolving around it. On one side of the disc was a long window through which 4 human occupants were to be seen; one stood regarding her, while the others busied themselves with instruments & controls on the rear wall, on which multicolored lights were flashing. They wore tight-fitting silvery gray uniforms and had slanted "Oriental" eyes. Her daughter said that one was a woman. Standing outside the car, Dr. Page watched the UFO for about 20 minutes. A "force field" around the craft made it difficult for her to breathe, and a hot wind blew from the sphere that smelt "electrical." Finally another car approached, and the UFO quickly moved away toward the river.
Humcat 1966-19

Source: Dr R Cedric Leonard & Walter Andrus for Mufon & Hayden Hewes

Type: A


Location. Near Randlett Oklahoma

Date: April 22 1966

Time: 0230A

Two teenagers see a large disc shaped craft swinging back & forth over I35. Four men are clearly observed inside through a transparent opening. The area around the witness is brightly lit & there is a smell of ozone in the air.
HC addition # 2407

Source: Larry Hatch database

Type: A


Location. Bagley Minnesota

Date: April 22 1966

Time: 1530

A saucer flew down the main street of Bagley at a low altitude, jumping over a school bus and landed in the outskirts of the town. Four beings of small stature got out of the UFO, seemed to do some work on it, got back in & took off.
Humcat 1966-18

Source: Flying Saucers 3/67, Ray Palmer

Type: B


Location. Bingham Maine

Date: April 23 1966

Time: 1415

Kim Baker, a 6-year old girl, saw a lens-shaped shiny metallic object, 18 ft wide, descend, & land a few yards from her in a field. It had red lights on each side & a flashing green light on top, and a rectangular window, through which she saw a man's face. He winked and smiled at her, & said something she could not hear. He had a "bubble" on his head, which he took off before speaking; then he stood up, and she could see that he was wearing "shiny white" clothing with numerous black buttons on his chest. Then the object took off again. At the site her parents found a circular area of broken down pussy willows about 15 ft in diameter.
Humcat 1966-20

Source: Richard Bonenfant

Type: A


Location. Marisela-Caracas Venezuela

Date: May 10 1966

Time: 1652

A man observed the landing of an oval object and 2 beings, which came out of the object through a system of light beams. They used strange instruments to examine a number of objects, especially plants. They were 6 ft tall, had oversized heads, and appeared bright & "transparent." Their eyes were slanted, their shoulders very broad. They wore no apparent weapon, but their belts were very wide & emitted light rays. They did not touch anything without first illuminating it with these beams. They went back aboard the craft "as if carried by the light."
Humcat 1966-23

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B


Location. Whiteman AFB Missouri

Date: mid-May 1966

Time: daylight

At least 11 security guards posted around the site and the base and other independent witnesses reported an object descending in broad daylight into the woods, damaging tree limbs and branches on the way down. It was circular and according to rumor it landed on four structured legs (several children with their parents) that were about 100 to 200 ft from it witnessed this. As they approached the area they were able to see a small humanoid entering the base of the object. The craft quickly ascended vertically and moved away rapidly. The witnesses contacted the tower and security teams were dispatched to cordon the area off. According to the security guards, the vegetation was burnt at the center of four imprints, which were several inches deep and about a foot square. The base photographer was ordered to take pictures of the sight; his negatives and photos were confiscated. The base was a missile silo location at the time. In one occasion a motion alarm went off at one of the missile sites and two strike teams were sent there and observed a hovering circular object with many lights on it. It was at least 50 feet from the site and the strike teams experienced radio interference. They asked their commander what they should do and they were told that "if anything came out shoot it" after several anxious minutes the object flew silently away.
HC addendum

Source: Ted Phillips

Type: B


Location. Cordoba Spain

Date: May 16 1966

Time: 0730A

Farmer Manuel Hernandez was returning home from the fields walking on Los Morales County Road when at about 100 meters away from him he observed a disc shaped object. The craft was metallic and had a protruding rim that reflected the early morning sunlight. Carefully, he approached to within several meters of the object, which appeared to be about 3 meters in diameter. Suddenly out of nowhere and without any opening becoming visible on the object, several bizarre beings appeared. The humanoids flew around the object and over the nearby field. Afraid, Hernandez began moving away from the area and noticed that the creatures appeared to be short in stature with bird-like wing-like protrusions and gray-green skin color. He could not distinguish any facial features, but did see that the strange humanoids wore dark coveralls and transparent glass helmets that covered their heads. Terrified he ran all the way home. Later, upon returning to the site with several family members, the object and the bizarre creatures were nowhere in sight.
Humcat 1966-25

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia and Iker Jimenez Encuentros, La Historia de Los Ovni en España

Type: C


Location. Morristown New Jersey

Date: May 21 1966

Time: dusk

Four hysterical witnesses watched in a local park a strange creature described as at least seven-foot tall, apparently faceless, covered with long black hair and with scaly skin. It had broad shoulders, and it walked on two legs in a stiff, rocking movement. The witnesses were in a parked car when they saw the creature walk by.
HC addition # 1482

Source: Loren Coleman, Mysterious America

Type: E

"My name is Zo..."

Location. Near Fort Knox Kentucky

Date: Summer 1966

Time: daytime

The witness was alone sitting in a wooded area when a man wearing a peculiar outfit suddenly confronted him. The man wore a one-piece outfit closed at the neck, long sleeves, and pants that seemed to go right into the boots. The beige outfit had a single metallic belt with a silver box attached on the front. A small blue light flickered occasionally on the box. The man had very fine blond hair, and friendly pale blue eyes. He communicated with the witness telling him he was from a world a great distance from earth and that his name was "Zo." Eventually the being left, leaving behind a low buzzing sound that lasted a few minutes. The witness claims additional contacts.
HC addition # 1888

Source: Joseph Randazzo, Witness ET, The Contactee Manuscript

Type: E


Location. Toppenish Ridge Yakima Washington

Date: Summer 1966

Time: evening

Two men sitting outside their homes watched a huge cigar shaped object moving slowly towards their house. It was described as "as long as a football field," with layers of observation decks and giant well lit portholes. Numerous moving shadows could be seen moving back and forth behind the portholes. It had a massive round hold on its bottom from which a bright white light poured out. A lime green fog suddenly shot out from the luminous hole floating down to the ground, then a green ball of light entered the witness house and circled around several times, it then left leaving a pale green glow behind.
HC addition # 1629

Source: Greg Long, Examining The Earth Light Theory The Yakima UFO Microcosm

Type: A


Location. Gulfport, Mississippi

Date: Summer 1966

Time: evening

12-year old Eve was playing in her backyard with her cousins when she began to feel a strange sensation, like something or someone was calling her, or watching her. She turned to look behind her, and was stunned by the sight of a craft in the distance. The craft had an array of colored lights. The lights were blinking on and off. They encircled the strange craft, and these lights seemed to be of a color she had not seen before, and were extremely bright and clear. She said: "The more I looked, the more I wanted to keep looking." The sight of the beautifully colored lights somehow made her feel happy. She could not taker her eyes off the craft and its twinkling lights. While some of the other children ran inside the house, Eve remained outside staring at the craft, which now appeared to be much closer. Now she could see two beings through a window, she could make out part of one of their bodies and another being seemed to be controlling the UFO. The two appeared to be conversing among each other. The beings appeared thin, with long dangling arms. Suddenly a beam of light shot out of the craft and seemed to head towards her, she ran into the bushes with the beam of light close behind her. She was now kneeling, shaking and crying to herself. The beam was moving, apparently scanning the ground close to her. The object was totally motionless as the beam angled towards the ground. Soon the light disappeared up into the craft, not turned off, but drawn into the craft in one motion. Within a moment, the craft disappeared. Looking up into the sky, Eve now saw three other similar craft that appeared to be moving in unison. Soon the objects made a type of jerking motion and in a flash they were gone.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Casebook Newsletter, Issue # 27

Type: A


Location. Cherry Hill New Jersey

Date: Summer 1966

Time: night

Four witnesses in a car watched a huge metallic blimp shaped object hovering low over the roof of a local computer plant. Several men on the roof appeared to be transferring boxes onboard the object. No other information.
HC addition # 1688

Source: John A Keel, Disneyland of The Gods

Type: B


Location. Near Topolevka, Trygorodskaya district, Russia

Date: June-July 1966

Time: afternoon

Moscow geologist Oleg Ivanovich was involved in a geological expedition and along with the others in the group had camped out in a thick forest northwest of Topolevka. One day their horse got badly stuck in the swamp mud and decided to camp out for the night. Soon they were awakened by a deafening noise from the sky. Running out of his tent, Ivanovich found that, all around them, the forest was on fire. The trees were burning, the heat was intense and they jumped into the river to escape from it. The next morning, pockets of forest here and there were still burning and they set out to see where the explosion appeared to have been. Then queer things began to happen. Their compass went spinning out of control. The radio would not work properly, and they began to experience a sensation of "powerlessness". The trees were seemingly all bent over in one direction, and their tops were lopped off as though by a gigantic knife. Approaching cautiously over the very swampy terrain, they saw the wide outline of a burnt object, like two washbasins set face to face, with flashing lights around its central part, they could see a small door from which dense smoke was coming. And, emerging from the dark interior, through the door, a sort of "tentacle" sticking out. Owing to the swampy soil they could not get no nearer. They were about 25 meters from it. They began to take photographs, but none came out very well. They suspected that it was due to radioactivity---because even during that brief period they all felt overcome by vertigo and nausea. Ivanovich eyesight was also impaired somehow, so they decided that it was safer to retreat to a safer distance. By then it was getting dark and they heard the sounds of approaching helicopters. The witnesses counted over 5 helicopters heading to the site where the crashed UFO lay. They thought of going back to the scene but it was getting dark and their compasses no longer worked. So the next morning around 1000A they returned to the location and there wasn't a scrap of the burnt and crashed object left. They however found human footprints on the swampy soil and marks left by the helicopters. Later other eyewitnesses surfaced, Anna Egoronovna had been awakened in the middle of the night by a roar and found the walls of the house shaking. Half sleep she looked outside and found that it was all lit up, just like daytime. The ground began to shake and she saw a great glowing light descending towards the forest, a light as bright as the sun. It made her eyes sore and affected her eyesight. The thing fell somewhere in the forest and she felt a powerful blast of wind and then everything went dark again; all that remained was a great glow off into the distance. Also Michael Kuzmich, a 79-year old hunter had been fishing in the area late at night when suddenly he heard a tremendous noise, a sort of "howling". Then the sky lit up as though all in flame. He ran seeking shelter and then there came an explosion and he was struck by a tremendous blast of air. The tops of the trees were catching fire and crackling as the flames leapt up. He thought that the Chinese had launched a nuclear missile.
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