Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Arthur Shuttlewood, The Warminster Mystery

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HC addendum

Source: Arthur Shuttlewood, The Warminster Mystery

Type: E


Location. Bonnert, Luxembourg

Date: September 26 1965

Time: 1900

A farmer was working the fields in a valley when he saw a luminous globe approaching his location. The globe appeared to have luminous concentric circles inside. The globe landed nearby and became red in color and transparent. Inside the globe the farmer saw what appeared to be a feminine figure staring at him. The figure appeared to be wearing a luminous robe and had two large (beautiful) blue eyes. The globe then suddenly rose up again and disappeared silently into the distance. The superstitious farmer interpreted the incident as a Holy Virgin apparition.
HC addendum

Source: Catalogue Boitte in Project Becassine

Type: A


Location. Arequipa Peru

Date: September 29 1965

Time: unknown

Julio Lopez de Ramana and Antonio Chaves Bedoya, while driving, nearly ran down a strange being in the road. It was 31” tall, had only one eye, and had silver and golden stripes running down its body. Soon afterwards, a UFO flew above their car for some time. That night others in the area reported seeing low flying UFOs too.
Humcat 1965-56

Source: Donald Hanlon

Type: C?


Location. Rio Verde, San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Date: September 30 1965

Type: unknown

According to two locals, Juan Gutierrez & Rafael Raul Torres they encountered a bizarre humanoid described as having “three heads and only one eye.” They watched the creature from 15 meters away. It emitted bright flashes of light from its eye. It had apparently come out from a nearby landed disc-shaped object. No other information.
HC Addendum

Source: Contacto Ovni

Type: C


Location. Ermington Devon England

Date: October 1965

Time: morning

A Mrs G, while hanging clothes in her backyard, saw a blue light whirling towards her from the north. It hovered over the garden, and the woman was extremely frightened, and dropped her washing. The she was enveloped in bubbles of light, and she saw three humanoid beings, about 5 feet tall, dressed in bluish metallic like clothing. They said nothing but took the woman by the arms and all were lifted up into a kind of room. There were more of these beings there. A little later she found herself back in her yard, at which time she felt a sharp blow on the back of her neck, which stunned her. She then noticed the UFO departing at high speed.
Humcat 1965-75

Source: Bernard Delair

Type: G


Location. Morales, San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Date: October 1965

Time: daytime

Francisco Estrada Acosta had gone out on a small game hunting expedition near a local mining area; he followed the local Santiago River and arrived at the San Jose dam. There while bending down collecting rocks for his slingshot he felt the presence of someone standing next to him. Standing up he was startled to see a tall figure with a large oval-shaped head huge reddish phosphorescent eyes and a large toad-like mouth. The strange humanoid extended a “flipper” like hand to Acosta and touched one of Acosta’s hands on his palm, the touch felt cold and scaly like that of a reptile or an amphibian. Terrified, Acosta stepped back and ran like a man possessed from the area, looking back he noticed that the creature had membrane wing-like protrusions on its back and was apparently preparing to leave the area also.
HC addendum

Source: Luis Ramirez Reyes, “Contacto Mexico”

Type: E


Location. Mexico City Mexico

Date: October 1965

Time: evening

At 0430A a man and his wife had stepped out to empty an ashbin on a nearby empty lot when they saw a bright orange disc shaped object flying low over the area. Two days later at the local Tacubaya Plaza, witnesses saw four very tall human like figures, 2 meters in height. They wore tight-fitting silvery clothing, with knee high boots. They had long silvery hair and large slanted eyes. They remained silent and did not speak to anybody. Several witnesses followed the strangers until they disappeared from view. They were apparently seen again around 2000.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: D


Location. Pocomoke Forest Maryland

Date: October 1965

Time: night

Several men were in a wooded area near a local poultry farm when they noticed a glow among the trees. Their dogs began barking and then they noticed four or five whitish glowing figures with large egg shaped heads. The witnesses fled the scene in terror.

HC addition # 686

Source: Mark Chorvinsky & Mark Opsasnick, Strange Magazine # 5

Type: E

Comments: Date is approximate


Location. Monaca Pennsylvania

Date: October 1965

Time: 2100

The witness was returning home when he noticed a strange object in a hayfield, and stopped his car to observe it better. It was about 45 ft in diameter and 20 ft high, shaped like an inverted bowl, and dull silver in color. In the upper part were three portholes, in one of which a dark shadow could be seen moving about. The object seemed to rest on 8 to 10 beams of light. The witness drove off and returned with his wife, at which time the object rose vertically and flew off. At the site he later found a perforated disc of stainless steel 20” in diameter.
Humcat 1965-57

Source: Stan Gordon, Mufon Skylook # 84

Type: A


Location. Aguas Blancas Salta Argentina

Date: October 1 1965

Time: unknown

A schoolchild, Luis Ramirez, and two girls, Maria Abela Cabana and Rosa Carbajac, were on their way to a local reservoir to get water when they came upon a gigantic being that rolled on the ground and then disappeared in a cloud of dust.
Humcat 1965-58

Source: The Humanoids Citing newspaper source

Type: E


Location. Toquepala Peru

Date: October 4 1965

Time: 0200A

A night security guard at a local mine reported seeing a landed luminous disc shaped object. A short humanoid figure briefly exited the craft then went back in. Others in the region reported nightly flights of large lighted disc shaped objects.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: B


Location. Santiago De Estero Salta Argentina

Date: October 4 1965

Time: morning

Three schoolchildren, Santos Vallejo, Antonia Aparti and Adela Sanchez, were on their way to school when, passing through a wooded hill, they encountered “several creatures of short stature, greenish skin, and only remotely resembling human beings,” who tried to catch them; they fled in terror to the school.
Humcat 1965-59

Source: The Humanoids by Hanlon

Type: E


Location. Rio Vista California

Date: October 4 1965

Time: evening

During the evening, Mrs Betty Valine was sitting outside with her 12-year old son Robbie when they sighted a large plate shaped machine with a dome on top. Inside this dome stood three “people,” plainly visible. No other information.
Humcat 1965-60

Source: Jerome Clark, FSR Vol. 10 # 3

Type: A


Location. Heytesbury England

Date: October 7 1965

Time: 2332

Annabelle Randall & John Plowman were driving at night when at a railway bridge they nearly ran over a figure sprawling beside the road, his legs in the road. They stopped & ran back, but no one was there.
Humcat 1965-61

Source: Arthur Shuttlewood

Type: E


Location. Near Norton Bravant England

Date: October 8 1965

Time: 0025A

Annabelle Randall was driving back along the same road as before, when at the same bridge she saw beside the railway embankment a large brilliant orange-glowing ball. Her headlights dimmed, and her engine began to miss. Then she noticed an unlit circular object beside the road. The luminous ball then moved in front of her car, red & blue sparks flying from its spinning rim; it turned bright crimson, & flew off. When it moved, her engine stopped. Immediately after this, she saw 2 people in the middle of the road, wearing dark balaclava hoods & dark skin tight clothing like frogmen, which glistened as though wet below the thighs. Her engine now working again, she swerved to avoid them, just barely missing them, and drove on.
Humcat 1965-62

Source: Arthur Shuttlewood

Type: C


Location. Near Farellones, Parcela Rucacura, Chile

Date: October 17 1965

Time: unknown

A young student, Hector Abarca, who suffered from poliomyelitis, was walking home when he reported being enveloped by a strange cloud or fog. He was reportedly carried away for a short distance, but does not remember much of the incident. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Ovnis Extraterrestres y Otros en Chile

Type: G

A possible unexplored abduction attempt.


Location. Guaymallen, Mendoza, Argentina

Date: October 21 1965

Time: 0100A

A man named Quinteros reported that he heard loud knocks at his front door and when he opened the door he was confronted by a strange “deformed” being that emitted loud guttural sounds and struck him with a “metal wand,” however according to Quinteros the blows did not hurt. The bizarre being also emitted flames that did not burn. According to local police the witness had numerous scratches on his body.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: E


Location. Canhotinho Pernambuco Brazil

Date: October 22 1965

Time: noon

Jose Camilho, a mechanic, came upon two small men sitting on a stump; when they jumped to their feet, he saw that they were only 31-35 inches tall. Their hair was white, their heads rather large, with slanted eyes, and their complexions brown and wrinkled; one, who had a sparse beard, wore a cap. One wore shiny clothing, blue and green, as well as a broad luminous “belt” across his chest, which emitted dazzling flashes of yellow, purple and green light. The other carried a rod-shaped object like a long flashlight. Between them stood a cylindrical object 4 ft tall and 6” wide; the man with the flashing light grabbed this and ran off with it, staggering and bumping against his companion. At about this same time, two local people reported seeing a luminous object fly over.
Humcat 1965-64

Source: The Humanoids, quoting newspaper source

Type: D


Location. Long Prairie Minnesota

Date: October 23 1965

Time: 1915

James F. Townsend, 19, was driving outside Long Prairie when his engine failed and his headlights went out. 20 ft ahead, in the middle of the road, was a metallic rocket shaped object illuminated “as bright as the sunlight,” 30-40 ft high, and standing on leg-like fins about 10 ft wide. He got out of his car to go up to it, but stopped upon seeing three tiny entities emerge from behind the object and approach him. Not more than six inches high, they looked like tin beer cans with matchstick legs and arms. After a confrontation of about three minutes, they went back to the object and a few seconds later it began to rise slowly. When it had attained some altitude the car’s lights and motor both came back on. Three streaks of an oil-like substance were later found at the site.
Humcat 1965-63

Source: Sheriff James Bain, Jerome Clark in FSR Vol. 10 # 3 & Apro

Type: B


Location. Near Vaggaro Sweden

Date: October 29 1965

Time: 2200

A married couple had parked their car on the road near a hillside to practice meditation sitting in their car. The woman had received a “mental” impression that they should visit the spot in question on the evening and that they ought to be careful “because there is a fight for power going on the earth.” As they parked, they spotted about 5 or 6 small creatures in the twilight falling over the nearby field. They were floating in the air at a continuous speed and came up to the car, at times approaching very close to the witnesses. The creatures moved around the car, one by one, not in a group. They were between 120 and 150 cm tall with oversized heads and glowing eyes. The eyes had a reddish, phosphorus glow and lacked pupils. The battery radio in the back seat was playing all the time while they watched the creatures. A while later the creatures disappeared and then suddenly the car jolted and the radio turned on, roaring. Extremely frightened the witnesses hid under the dashboard, thinking the car would break into pieces. The incident lasted for about five minutes. They arrived at home at 0400A, which seems to indicate a considerable loss of time, but the couple does not want to relive the incident under hypnotic regression. They went back to the site the following day but found no traces.
HC addition # 2521

Source: Sven Olof Svensson

Type: E or G?


Location. Storrey California

Date: Winter 1965

Time: late night

The witness and his brother were staying at a work camp for the power company and on that date had decided to go to bed early. A strange feeling suddenly awakened the main witness, he then noticed his brother lying on his side in bed staring at him. He could not move and felt some type of electrical force holding him down. A blue light again filled the room. The door opened and a being entered the room. The being was described as five foot seven inches tall, with a large head and very thin body. He had huge black eyes and extremely long arms. The being did not come in but several other smaller humanoids entered the room, these were almost four foot tall, with gray pale skin and large black eyes. They all wore black robes. One of the beings walked over to the witness’s brother placing his hand on his shoulder apparently soothing him. Then both witnesses were taken by their arms and taken outside. They were then taken to an isolated clearing where a craft had landed. Other beings stood by the craft. The craft was crescent shaped and elongated. The two men entered the object and were taken to a very bright room. There they were placed on reclining chairs. The taller being approached them and began communicating by telepathy with the main witness. They were both physically examined and numerous samples were taken. The main witness was also told that the objects were powered by using gravitational fields.
HC addition # 1234

Source: Richard J Boylan PhD & Lee K Boylan, Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Type: G


Location. Cubatao, Brazil

Date: November 1965

Time: midnight

The witness, 14-year old CJM, accompanied by her cousin, (involved in other encounters) had just left her cousin’s house and were on their way to her house just around the corner. Suddenly both saw something at about 80meters from their location. It appeared to be a hovering object with rotating, red, green and blue lights. Looking at it more closely they noticed that the object was a metallic concaved disc, about 3 meters in diameter. Concerned they turned to flee the area and at that point observed at about 30meters away, 2 short man-like figures about 1.40m in height, wearing astronaut like suits walking in her direction in a leisure pace, terrified, both witnesses fled from the area and did not see the object or humanoids depart.
HC addendum

Source: Analigia Santos Francisco UFOVIA, Brazil

Type: C


Location. Seattle, Washington

Date: November 1965

Time: 0100A

Two young men in the northern section of the city noticed an intense light coming from their backyard. Going out to investigate they saw an oval object about 15 ft in diameter, sitting between their house and the neighboring one, about 6 feet away from them. A seven-foot tall humanoid creature was standing beside the craft, pounding against the side of the house. Unable to wake their parents, one of the boys suggested communicating with the tall humanoid through telepathy. After setting up a sort of mental Morse code that somehow made the object respond by increasing its humming sound, the witnesses communicated for about an hour. The humanoid finally re-entered the object and left, not before telling the boys that he would return someday. A month later at the site of the landing an investigator using a compass found a strong magnetic distortion.
HC addition # 3504

Source: Robert J Gribble APRG Journal

Type: B

Comments: Unfortunately there are no details as to what was allegedly communicated between the witnesses and the alien. It is important to note that the following case occurred around the same time.


Location. Lake City, Washington

Date: November 1965

Time: 0400A

The witness, DV, had woken up early one morning and was preparing lunch in the kitchen sink when a very bright light at the front window alerted her. She had never seen such a bright light before and fearing the worst (gas explosion or fire) the raced to the window and peered out. Stunned she saw a large oval craft that emitted both a hum and a bright, hazy blue light that pulsated noticeably. Both the color and the tone of the light seemed unearthly to the witness. The craft appeared to be sitting on three short tripod-like legs and appeared to be made out of some metallic looking material. It had small windows around the portion of the craft that was visible from her direction. The windows were like a ribbon around the horizontal girth of the craft. Shadows of persons or beings could be seen at the windows of the craft. The witness felt mesmerized. When the witness attempted to alert the other members of her family the object abruptly vanished.
HC addendum

Source: UFOs North West,

Type: A


Location. Near Norton Bravant England

Date: November 1965

Time: 0130A

A retired RAF group captain and his wife were returning to their home near Warminster when their car headlights illuminated a tall form walking alongside the road. It was dressed in black clothing, wearing “a hooded sort of hat or balaclava helmet.” Both had the impression that the figure wore a black mask that covered his features, except for the nose. Suddenly on the opposite side of the road, seconds later, they caught sight of a “figure staggering over a hedge by the roadside.” It was described as a youth, who was stark naked, apart form a jacket of sorts. He looked as though he had been roughed up considerably, or had been involved in a serious accident. The couple after natural hesitation turned the car and stopped at the scene. Both the youth and the figure in black had disappeared.
HC addendum

Source: Ken Rogers, The Warminster Triangle

Type: E


Location. Near Durango Mexico

Date: November 3 1965

Time: unknown

In an isolated desert area a man and his 15-year old son encountered a disc shaped object that stopped and hovered close to the ground nearby. After a few minutes a round opening became visible on the top of the object and reddish vapor or smoke was seen coming out. A strange being then emerged, it was described as short, reptilian in appearance with very long ears, six tubular arms like protrusions and a long greenish tail. It carried a strange object resembling a metallic umbrella that it moved around as if making signals. The being spotted the witnesses and jumped to the ground. At this point both witnesses ran away from the area in a panic and did not see the object and being’s departure.
HC addition # 1605

Source: Peter Kolosimo, “Sombra en Las Estrellas”

Type: B


Location. Nacaome, Honduras

Date: November 5 1965

Time: 1600

The 15-year old witness was working in his parent’s plantation and was tired and thirsty and had sat down under a large rock to drink some water. As he rested he suddenly looked up to see a multi-colored oval shaped craft descend to the ground close to him, emitting a loud “electronic” noise. At first he was scare and thought about running back home but decided to stay and watch. A door on the craft opened and he walked over to see a small man wearing a tri-color (blue-red-white) jumpsuit emerge. The little man then proceeded to hook up a hose-like implement to his shoulders; the little man then looked around and pulled out of a pocked a small object, which he put on the ground for about 30 seconds. The witness stood about 100 ft away and was surprised when the little men saw and invited him over using hand signs, pointing towards the door of the UFO. The witness then approached and climbed up a ladder onboard the object. Inside he encountered two more little men, which sat in front of a computer-like console. The little men greeted the witness by crossing their hands on their chest and slightly bending over. The witness was shown around and saw an area filled with what appeared to be samples collected by the aliens behind what appeared to be crystal like windows. The witness was then eventually brought back to the same location where he was originally picked up.
HC addendum

Source: NUFORC Type: G


Location. Maracaibo Lake Venezuela

Date: November 8 1965

Time: unknown

Three families reported seeing a bizarre creature, reported as resembling a large serpent with three human-like heads. No other information.
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