Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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HC addition # 3388

Source: Fabio Picasso, Strange Magazine # 20

Type: E


Location. New York City, New York

Date: November 9 1965

Time: night

Trapped in his room on the 12th floor of a hotel during the famous 1965 power blackout, actor Stuart Whitman heard a “whistling” sound outside the window and then saw 2 luminous discs, 1 blue, the other orange, hovering outside. A loudspeaker like voice told Whitman. “They are fearful of earth because earthlings were messing around with unknown quantities and might disrupt the balance of the universe and their planet---the blackout was just a little demonstration of their power, and they could do a lot more with almost no effort. They said they could make the whole planet stop from functioning.”
HC addition # 3046

Source: John Keel

Type: F


Location. Mogi Guacu Sao Paolo Brazil

Date: November 13 1965

Time: night

Two nights following the above incident, Mr. Dario Anahaua Filho alerted neighbors and associates to the appearance of the objects. On hand this time were the director of the local bank, their priest, Longino Vartbinden, two police officers and, in addition, several neighbors. As darkness approached, an object appeared, hovered briefly, and then landed 100 yards away, focusing a light beam upward. The local sheriff and a police clerk had observed it independently as they drove nearby. The bank manager became so excited at the object’s appearance that he dropped his camera and could not find it in the dark. At this time, two beings the size of a 7-year old child were seen at 20 yards distance; one was wearing overalls, the other chocolate colored pants and a gray collarless shirt. A third entity, seen through the mirror-like beam of light, had a square, flat head, and was wearing a surgeon’s apron. Both the UFO and the beings were brightly luminous.
Humcat 1965-66

Source: Prof Flavio Pereira, Dr Leo Godoi & Dr Renato Bacelar

Type: C


Location. Colsham England

Date: November 20 1965

Time: 0230A

Four men, all members of a local “rock band” were traveling by car through the village when they noticed something strange on the roadway ahead. It was a huge man-like figure that seemed to glide just above the pavement while emitting a pale white light. All the witnesses panicked and began yelling at the top of their lungs. They then drove away from the area at high speed.
HC addition # 1803

Source: Salvador Freixedo, Los Contactados

Type: E


Location. Cooper City Florida

Date: no later than November 24 1965

Time: 1845

James Allen Aldridge and his family heard a loud blast outside their trailer home and saw a flash in the western sky. Aldridge went to his barn to check his stock and there he saw a man about 5 ft tall, with wide shoulders and a narrow waist. He shouted to the man but got no response. His dog was shaking with fright at the sight of the strange figure. Aldridge then drove for the police; when they returned, they could find nothing.
Humcat 1965-67

Source: Local police & Newspaper source

Type: E


Location. Shasta Lake, California

Date: December 1965

Time: 1300

Several students from the local Deer Creek middle school were outside meeting the principal or something similar which called for most of the student body to attend. The weather was clear. Suddenly a silver disk shaped craft flew over the school grounds without noise. It flew north to south, very low, just above the tall pine trees. Over 45 witnesses watched, which included, teachers, students, etc. As the object went over them it appeared to land in back of the school grounds, behind some trees. The area was wooded, without houses. The students were immediately sent back to their classrooms until 1400. While in the classroom the main witness observed a man walk by the class window. He was not a sheriff, as they had been told that the sheriff had been called. The man wore a black suit, and carried a black briefcase. He did not see any others. He was walking towards the craft, to the south. At 1400 the dismissal alarm sounded and the students were told that they could go. The main witness and a girl then headed towards the direction of where the craft had landed. The tall pine trees had covered its descent, but they did not see it leave. They then met other students coming back from behind the school from the landing site; some had gone to find the ship. They were told that it was gone, but they still went to the site where they found a large, approximately 40ft diameter ring. It appeared to be burned all around the edge. (Later on the main witness would return to the scene to find that for years nothing grew there). At the landing site they saw nothing else, so they left. Something then scared them and they began to run, the main witness could not recall what scared them. The main witness told his mother who went to see the ring.
HC addendum

Source: NUFORC

Type: D?

Comments: Who was the mysterious stranger carrying the black briefcase?


Location. Lexington Kentucky

Date: December 1965

Time: night

Three women attending the “Blue Grass Fair” saw an object that at first they thought it was a clever contrivance to attract attention to the fair. Because it was dark the part of the object, which they could best observe, was that portion of the craft, which was illuminated. The object had a rounded top, a wide rim, or platform encircling it, and just above the platform was a lighted, transparent section through which they could see the silhouettes of people who seemed to be “working” at something. The “band of light” or transparent section had upright pieces at regular intervals which the witness took to be structural support members. They watched the object hovering for about 5 minutes, then went about their business and did not see how it departed.
HC addendum

Source: Coral and Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants

Type: A


Location. Birmingham, England

Date: December 1965

Time: night

One night Margery was told by her first husband to prepare for a shock and some kind of test. It was obvious that he was being quite serious. They got into his car and drove off, although her memory of the trip became hazy and confused and she does not know where they went. Then she was in a room that was dimly lit and there were people standing around a long table or flat bed. She was put onto it and seemed “drugged” and unable to resist. The most memorable of the men in the group was tall and thin with a long nose and white beard. He had thick eyebrows and supposedly said to Margery. “Remember the eyebrows, honey.” A strange medical examination, using odd equipment, was performed on her. Her husband then took her on a trip to all the houses she would occupy in the future. This was accomplished by a click of the fingers, followed by a barrage of images. Her mind was filled with information but she was told that she would remember it only bit by bit as the future unfolded. The memory of the experience did return only from 1978 onwards. At one point one of the “examiners” in the room said to Margery, in a tone that made it seem as he were amused, “They will think its flying saucers.” Her husband also revealed who he really was---but she declined to tell the investigator or source. The day after the “abduction” to a house somewhere in Birmingham her husband left, said he was going abroad, and Margery never saw or heard from him again.
HC addendum

Source: Jenny Randles, Abduction

Type: G?


Location. Birmingham, England

Date: December 1965

Time: night

A young man was returning home, after dark, along a lane on the outskirts of Birmingham after an evening spent with his girl friend. He had not partaken of anything alcoholic and was in perfectly happy and normal state of mind. Suddenly he looked around to find that he was being followed by something he describes quite adamantly as a luminous man emitting a green glow from head to foot. His immediate reaction was of disbelief fear and then panic, he ran to his home, which was nearby, as fast as he could. When he arrived there in a sweat of fear, his mother would not believe his story, but she did in fact peer out of the window and admits seeing a green glow coming from behind nearby bushes. In spite of this she still found her son’s story incredible. The witness stated that the figure was that of a man of normal size.
HC addendum

Source: Charles Bowen quoting BUFORA in FSR

Type: E


Location. Nairobi, Kenya

Date: December 1965

Time: night

Michael Mudachi was sitting in his home near Eastleigh Airport when he saw a point of light approaching from the horizon. As it neared he saw it was an elliptical object with transparent windows. It landed vertically and three humanoid figures emerged from it, wearing what looked like tall hats. They had human appearance, seemingly a synthesis of all races. They spoke in an incomprehensible language but were able to make Mudachi understand that they were not hostile and wanted to take his photograph. To get him to agree they first photographed his brother and another witness, and then they put him on a platform where there was an implement like a birdcage, which emitted a white light, like sunlight. A powerful ray shot out from a red bulb at the center of this contraption, which hit Mudachi on the chest leaving him spluttering and fighting for breath. Suddenly the beings left without him seeing how. After the incident he fell into an unusually deep, dreamless sleep. Later he suffered from hallucinations, depression, loss of appetite and general malaise.
HC addendum

Source: Peter Rogerson, quoting Kenyan news sources

Type: B


Location. Uddevalla Sweden

Date: December 9 1965

Time: unknown

The witness felt a strong urge to take his dog for a walk on a nearby frozen lake called “Grindhultsjon.” There he observed a disc shaped object land and four entities, three men and one woman emerge. They all wore translucent overalls. They were described as being of normal height with very large dark slanted eyes and large pointed cat like ears. They were completely hairless. The beings communicated with the witness using hand signals. One of the men obtained a cylinder like object from the landed disc and slid it along the witness back. After about an hour the beings re-entered the disc and left. The witness was apparently cured of a severe case of kidney stones after the incident.
HC addition # 1243

Source: Hakan Blomquist, UFO Contact, Igap Journal February 1986

Type: B


Location. Kecksburg, Pennsylvania

Date: December 9 1965

Time: 1930

In the late afternoon many people witnesses a large orange-colored light in the sky above Lake Erie and several other locations to the north. Small lights were seen breaking away from the larger object and smoke was reported as far away as the bordering New York State. The emergency services had been contacted with reports of an aircraft, which was possibly in trouble and a Mrs. Jones from Mount Pleasant reported that an object had crashed into the woods near her home. Soon State Police cordoned off the area. Soon the military took command and the local Kecksburg Fire Department headquarters became a temporary base. Military vehicles, including a flatbed truck and a crane, were seen heading towards the woods, and there was talk that a high-level team of military and scientific personnel had arrived on the scene. Later that night a large truck was seen leaving the area at high speed. It carried flashing lights to signal its importance. A large tarpaulin concealed an unknown cargo. An 18-year old firefighter, James Romansky recalled seeing the object on the ground, after being called on duty following concerns that an airplane had crashed. He described the object as bronze colored and shaped like an acorn. Some 12 ft long and 25 ft in diameter, it had a slightly raised “blunt” end and strange markings. “It had writing on it, not like your average writing, but more like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.” It had a sort of a bumper on it, like a ribbon about six to 10 inches wide, and it stood out. It was elliptical the whole way around and the writing was on the bumper. Another witness, Don Sebastian, who ventured to the area to check on the commotion reportedly, heard two unearthly screams coming from the woods. The screams did not sound human and frightened Sebastian so much that he left the area immediately.
HC addendum

Source: Stan Gordon, PASU

Type: H


Location. Sheridan Indiana

Date: December 11 1965

Time: 1305

Charles Jones, who is a psychic and has frequently seen UFOs since 1947, was driving home when he saw a lighted object coming down from low clouds. It was shaped like a cigar cut off in the rear on a bevel, and bore a red and white blinking light. The front was transparent and Jones could see a “very stocky built” occupant 6 ft tall who was hiding his face; he wore a tight headpiece, continuous with a coverall, that obscured hair and ears. Jones did, however observe one eye, which was three times normal sized and set toward the side of the head; the face wide nosed and jowls. The complexion was dark bronze, and the entity was wearing a one-piece brown coverall. The object was less than 60 ft off the ground and approximately 150 ft to the left of the road, traveling north.
Humcat 1965-68

Source: Janet Bord for FSR

Type: A


Location. Near Colloway Clump, England

Date: December 16 1965

Time: 1950

Reginald Roberts from London reported that on this night a gray clad figure with “steaming fair hair” had jumped in front of his car. Mr. Roberts stopped and ran back but there was nothing and no one to be seen.
HC addendum

Source: Mike Rogers, The Warminster Triangle

Type: E


Location. Herman Minnesota

Date: December 20 1965

Time: 2345

15-year old Edward Burns was driving his father’s pick up truck toward home late at night, when his headlights picked up a dark, oval shaped craft hovering about six feet over the road ahead of him. The object covered the entire road and looked like a huge light, a mixture of red, and white. He came within a telephone pole distance of the object and then immediately the engine and lights of his pickup went out. He felt his truck moving and wound up in a ditch. He claimed he saw something inside moving. It was shaped like a “man” but green in color.
HC addition # 2581

Source: Andy Page UFO

Type: A


Location. Shearwater, England

Date: December 21 1965

Time: night

A smallholder and his wife were shocked when they felt the front and rear wheels of their car bump solidly over a figure that rushed blindly from a bordering hedge and threw himself beneath the wheels. When the car halted, the wife was sick by the roadside. Her husband searched the vicinity in vain for 10 minutes. The figure was described as “long haired and wearing gray jeans or tight fitting trousers.” The sex was indeterminate.
HC addendum

Source: Mike Rogers, The Warminster Triangle

Type: E


Location. Oroville California

Date: December 24 1965

Time: late night

The witness was awakened by noises in the room, sounding as if a rubber kick ball was being bounced around. He sat up in bed and was startled to see standing at the foot of his bed, a short, elf, or dwarf-like little man, sporting a huge grin from ear to ear. He looked old and rough. Frightened the witness dove under the covers and did not see the peculiar creature depart.
HC addition # 3415

Source: Joseph Held, Themestream

Type: E


Location. Panama Canal Zone

Date: late 1965

Time: unknown

While several US military personnel were out on a field, a large disc shaped object reportedly descended and landed apparently paralyzing all the soldiers on the spot. Several orange-colored, thin humanoids, with long arms, four fingered hands, heads slightly larger than humans, emerged from the object and apparently examined the soldiers. The beings had huge yellow colored eyes and wore tight-fitting outfits. The moment the beings returned to their craft it flew away, the soldiers were then able to move again.
HC addition # 2564

Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia Ovni # 12

Type: B or G?

Total Cases: 206

Addendums to be included as they become available.
Note: Images have been used by Albert with permission or in good faith. If you have any objection to his use of them please write to Albert at the address below. Also contact me (John Hayes) with details of the image(s) and it/they will be removed from the website.]
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at:
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.



Compiled by

Albert Rosales

1966 Humanoid Reports. The year 1966 will be remembered as the year when a bizarre entity made its appearance in a little town called "Point Pleasant" West Virginia. It was a winged oddity that for reasons unknown made that little section of West Virginia his home for almost two years. Along with his appearance there were numerous high strangeness reports in the area, including MIB encounters, UFO sightings, and animal mutilations. Of course its origin has never been determined, and its purpose will remain hidden. A tragic event was to unfold in that little town at the end of the year, that some investigators link it to the enigmatic appearance of the "Mothman." Besides the bizarre encounters in West Virginia, there were scattered reports worldwide of humanoid encounters, mainly in the US, which continued in the throes of an unprecedented UFO wave. Other incidents of note were reported in Australia, and Canada. Following is a list of summaries of known Humanoid encounters for 1966.

A taste of things to come??

Location. California, exact location not given

Date: 1966

Time: unknown

Schoolteacher, Cordelia Donovan reportedly met a man in a long white robe that kidnapped her in a black Cadillac and gassed her. When she awoke she was onboard a flying disc where she was reportedly raped by a well-endowed human-like spaceman.

No other information.
HC addition # 3338

Source: John Keel, Our Haunted Planet

Type: G


Location. New South Wales, Australia, exact location not given

Date: 1966

Time: unknown

Under hypnosis the witness remembered being in a moving vehicle in a rural area when the car engine stopped. It then started again; the witness then drove and then walked to the location of an abduction. He recalled being inside an object with four to six beings around him. The beings were short with elongated heads, very large wrap around lizard like eyes, and tiny noses, mouths and ears. No clothing was noted. They had pointed feet and moved extremely quick and seemed indifferent to him. The beings communicated by using telepathy apparently warning the witness of upcoming global disasters.
HC addition # 2023

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: G


Location. Arizona desert

Date: 1966

Time: unknown

In the desert there was an alleged skirmish between the military and aliens landed near a UFO. One alien was captured but died. There are few details or sources for this report, according to this source.
HC addendum

Source: William F Hamilton, The Phoenix Light Mystery

Type: H


Location. Willagee Western Australia

Date: 1966

Time: late afternoon

Several young children were playing outside when suddenly their chickens created a great commotion and their dog flew into frenzy, its hair stood on end and it began chasing its tail. The children then saw a metallic saucer shaped object dip down over them. The craft had a dome with portholes on top, and inside several figures wearing dark shirts with round white collars could be seen looking out. The object then flew north and disappeared from sight.
HC addition # 2683

Source: Brian Richards, UFORUM

Type: A


Location. Peter Bottom Arkansas

Date: 1966

Time: late afternoon

Two boys were traveling on horseback in an isolated area when a man in a tractor suddenly emerged from the valley, moving at full speed in their direction. The man was extremely agitated and told them to leave the area, that a "monster" was living in the Bottom, he had seen it only moments before. The two boys, unafraid, decided to investigate as the farmer drove away. As they entered further into the wilderness area, the horses refused to go any further, so they continued on foot. A few minutes later they found themselves in a gorgeous mountain meadow lush with flowers and sweet smelling grass. One of the boys then noticed what appeared to be clumps of white fur lying near the trunk of an old tree. It looked like a dead dog or animal. Suddenly the clump stood up and ambled toward them. It was a creature nearly 9-feet tall, and almost completely covered with thick, snow white fur. Where the skin was exposed it was a strange, pinkish color. Its face and posture was human like. It also emitted a powerful odor, and made a sound like a radio signal as it slowly approached the two boys. The signal sounded like "beep, beep, beep." The terrified witnesses fled the area immediately. A posse was formed to hunt the creature down, but it was never found. Dead and mutilated cows were found in the area & also a human corpse, missing its limbs from its battered torso.
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