Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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HC addition # 2098

Source: D Douglas Graham, Fate November 1995

Type: E


Location. Blowing Cave, Arkansas

Date: 1966

Time: late afternoon

Several spelunkers, among them George D Wight, were exploring the cave when they spotted a light at the end of the tunnel. As they approached it, Wight noticed a narrow crevice, just big enough for him to squeeze inside it. Then he found artificial steps. He called to the others and they climbed through the opening. The tunnel expanded and they suddenly came into a large corridor, 20 by 20. The walls and the floors were smooth and the ceiling had a curved dome shape. Soon they encountered blue skinned but otherwise human-like individuals. The strangers communicated with the witnesses, telling them that they had instruments that could measure people's emotions. They learned that the tunnels went on for miles. They were led to underground cities populated by entities that included serpent-like creatures and large hairy bipeds. Soon using an elevator-like device they were taken to a glass like city. Soon after this incident, Wight apparently returned to the cave and was never seen again.
HC addendum

Source: Richard Toronto

Type: G?


Location. Washington D.C.

Date: 1966

Time: afternoon

The 16-year old witness and a friend were at the Library of Congress when out of the blue and out of the elevator doors a stunning figure, with a perfect body; radiant beautiful blue eyes and blond short hair stepped in. The witness believes there was some sort of telepathic communication. The witness had the extreme urge to touch the stranger, but this one would simply but pleasantly not allow it. He just smiled, laughed at the same time radiating some sort of inner peace and kindness. He seemed amused at the witness childish behavior. They then followed the stranger down the corridor leading to the exit. He stood and looked back, and smiled. The witness ran out the building to see the stranger enter a yellow car that was parked just in front of theirs. The yellow car disappeared in the heavy traffic. That same night in Silver Spring Maryland both witnesses heard a voice in their dining room and kitchen. They both then looked out the window to see an unknown object hovering high in the sky. Minute's later air force planes were seen over the area.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Casebook Forum

Type: E?


Location. Richmond British Columbia, Canada

Date: 1966

Time: 1800

A man riding with his girlfriend on his motorcycle on highway 99 had just driven out of the tunnel when they noticed a yellowish rectangle hanging in the air in the distance, just north of the airport. Lifting his helmet visor the witness noticed that the object was still there and was not a reflection. As they drove through Richmond they continued glancing at the object, as they approached the end of Oak Street, they could see what appeared to be shadows of people moving about inside the rectangle, which suddenly began to close. It was just like a door had swung shut and it was gone. They both had the impression that they had been looking through a doorway into some sort of large room, of an object that was completely invisible from the outside. The weather had been clear and sunny.
HC addendum

Source: UFO BC

Type: A


Location. Congonhas do Campo Brazil

Date: 1966

Time: after sunset

Just after sunset, Fazenda owner Walter de Freitas saw a bright white light come down from the sky and land by the river, 500 yards away. He walked to within 50 yards and could see a metallic lens shaped object standing on legs. Underneath it were moving figures-he was not sure whether like people or like animals-and he could see & hear that they were digging in the earth. When he got to within 30 yards, these 3 or 4 figures disappeared into the craft, which shot out fire and smoke and rose straight up. Many small fresh holes were left at the site.
Humcat 1966-4

Source: Andrija Puharich

Type: B


Location. Forster New South Wales, Australia

Date: 1966

Time: 2130

Two men going out for a drive on a hot night remembered seeing a circular shaped object land on a clearing in a paddock. Red pulsating lights could be seen coming from rectangular windows. A very tall luminous figure was then seen. The beings had a conical shaped head and stood with its right hand on its hip. As the entity approached, the witnesses fled the area.
HC addition # 1305

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: C


Location. Arkansas, exact location not given

Date: 1966

Time: night

A "man" that used to be a boarder in her house awakened the witness one night. He blindfolded her and told her to follow him. He drove her for miles before stopping; she was then taken inside a landed object. Inside she saw a type of laboratory and several humanoids wearing long dark cloaks and hoods, with shadowy facial features. She was examined on a table and told that she would not be "useful" for their purposes, since she has had an operation that prevented her form having offspring.
HC addition # 1090

Source: Brad Steiger, The UFO Abductors

Type: G


Location. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Date: 1966

Time: night

A man and his fiancée were parked on the outskirts of the city and were listening to the radio, when they suddenly heard loud stomping noises behind their vehicle. Frightened they sped away from the area, and as they arrived home they realized they had lost almost two hours of time. Later he was able to recall that both had been taken out of their vehicle by four dark thin beings with yellow eyes and apparently taken inside an object and medically examined. No other information.
HC addition # 1294

Source: Kandy Turner, UFO Vol. 6 # 5

Type: G


Location. Near Gallipolis Ohio

Date: 1966

Time: night

A woman who lived in a farm had reported her cattle being mutilated by unknown assailants. One night she went out armed with a shotgun to investigate and encountered several tall men wearing white coveralls. She chased them but they ran very fast and were able to easily jump over the fences.
HC addition # 1904

Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E


Location. Vereeniging, South Africa

Date: 1966

Time: night

MB was lying in bed when she suddenly became aware of a far-off whirring vibration, suddenly a small metallic Saturn shaped object appeared and hovered quietly over her bed, it seemed to have numerous oval shaped portholes around its rim. As she lay there staring at the object, she suddenly found herself inside of it. She was seated on a stool next to a porthole looking outside at what appeared to be ploughed fields and fences. Suddenly the craft swept up and nothing more was visible except for the interior of the object. She noticed sitting on a seat facing her, a very handsome man. He appeared to have perfect looks, build and immaculate in dress. He wore green "spectacles" with square frames and a hat. He stared intently at the witness. Besides him, where three more men and a woman. The woman wore a silk scarf tied around her head; a pleated woolen skirt in brown tones and a finely knitted woolen twin-set and a pair of brown brogues. She saw in the pit of the craft machinery and several crewmembers operating machinery. One of them operated a central steering column, which stood upright in the middle. Suddenly she found herself inside a large room, empty but for a white painted dining room table, oval shaped, and six tall backed chairs around it. From the wall protruded an elbow-arm with a large green disc light over the center of the table. She was alone in the room and noticed several white painted closed doors. She went to one of the doors then opened it, there was a long passage, and she went in and then found herself back in the central control room of the craft. When she became aware that they were returning to earth she panicked and pleaded with the crew not to take her back. But without any knowledge how she got there, she suddenly found herself lying in her bed again.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Afrinews, July 1988

Type: G


Location. Alamogordo, New Mexico

Date: 1966

Time: night

Because of his high clearance, Air Force Sergeant Bill Holden was assigned to top-secret flights and special air missions. On trip took him to the above location on a mission called Project Mercury. It consisted of Air Force officers and civilian scientists. Although ordered to remain at a distance Holden said he could see a vehicle shaped like a saucer and parked on three legs. And to his surprise he said he also saw two aliens wearing silver/gray metallic coverall uniforms. Before the mission he had to sign a 20-year non-disclosure statement and was asked if he objected to being involved in other similar projects.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Chronicles

Type: H?


Location. Esterhazy Saskatchewan Canada

Date: 1966

Time: late night

The three-year old witness saw a being standing in her bedroom, described as otherwise normal but with very bright eyes. No other information.
HC addition # 3546

Source: CUFORN Type: E


Location. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Date: 1966

Time: late night

The witness was in bed and felt restless; she then went to the outside toilet. There was a large silvery object present. A ramp led to it and she went inside. The ramp closed behind her. The next morning she only had vague recollections of what happened. Later she recalled some details. Inside she met four beings, and there was communication. She felt very happy about the experience. She was given a choice to stay with them or return. She chose the latter because of her children. The next moment she found herself in the kitchen.
HC addition # 2719

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: G


Location. Dead Man's Pond, Wanaque, New Jersey

Date: 1966

Time: late night

The 9-year old witness had gone into a desolate area in order to catch insects for a school project. After about 10 minutes he noticed a huge shadow moving back and forth across the pond. He looked up into the sky and saw the biggest and scariest bird-like creature gliding across the pond, silently and with glaring eyes. It looked like it had fur rather than feathers and its wingspan was about 20 ft. Terrified the witness beat a hasty retreat from the area. (Mothman in New Jersey?).
HC addendum

Source: Weird New Jersey

Type: E


Location. Near Marshall, Michigan

Date: 1966

Time: night

Three young itinerant crop workers, Phillip Williams, Herman Williams and Otto Collins reported being attacked by a green-eyed, rotten-stinking Bigfoot type creature in a wooded area, where a farmer said a luminous object had landed.
HC addendum

Source: Magonia database

Type: E?

Location. Near La Harpe, Illinois

Date: January 5 1966

Time: 0815A

Driving 2 miles north of La Harpe on Rte. 94, Violet Bricker observed the flash of lights on what she first believed was an approaching plane; as it neared, she saw it was more dirigible-shaped and closing on her rapidly on a collision course. It stopped and hovered over the telephone lines opposite her car; silent, it was egg shaped, about as long as a Piper Club and 10 feet thick, and had a single bright yellow-white light on the end facing her. No doors, ports, or landing gear were seen; a lateral line like a seam encircled it. It began revolving in a clockwise motion on its axis, bringing the other end in view and exposing a two-foot platform on which stood a "man" wearing a bulky, white one-piece suit. He was about 5 1/2 feet tall, stocky in build, and he stood with his left hand against the object and his right hand on his hip, staring directly down on the witness. His face had a ruddy complexion and his eyes were dark; he looked entirely normal otherwise. The object drifted about on its axis again and the figure was lost from view, rapidly disappearing from view. She was so taken aback by the experience she could not recall if she actually stopped her car or not; she recalled seeing a man and a woman on foot not 20 feet away to whom she signaled frantically to catch their attention, but to no avail.
Humcat 1966-1

Source: Michael Hervey, Walter Andrus & Robert Smulling

Type: A


Location. Haddington, Scotland

Date: January 6 1966

Time: 0210A

A witness reported three silver suited human-like figures that suddenly materialized in her bedroom. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Essex UFO

Type: E


Location. Crockerton England

Date: January 21 1966

Time: midnight

Near Shearwater Lake a resident of Frome, on a motorcycle, saw 3 "gray garbed and white faced" persons; looking like frogmen, enter a hedgerow. They had wide-spaced eyes and no mouths. One figure was seen to have fair hair. They were shorter than normal humans, but with big shoulders, rather large heads and thin legs. He came back and saw a "large saucer of light" rise from the lakeside. The saucer hovered briefly before flying off in the direction of Cley Hill.
Humcat 1966-2

Source: Arthur Shuttlewood

Type: C


Location. Near Essex California

Date: January 23 1966

Time: 2345

The anonymous witnesses were changing a tire when they saw a flying saucer land 200 yards away. On investigation they found an object 75-100 ft in diameter and 25 ft high. A door slid open and a 7-foot spaceman appeared, called them by name, and conversed with them by telepathy. He said his race was from another star & that 400 American citizens are actually of his race.
Humcat 1966-5

Source: Nicap

Type: B

The Original Monkeyman???

Location. Malaga Spain

Date: February 3 1966

Time: 0030A

Trinidad Gomez Sanchez was getting ready to go to sleep late at night when she decided to go out to her terrace to check the doors and the garden, as she looked around without knowing how, a strange creature appeared in the patio area, which had no access to the street. She described the creature as very thin, gaunt, covered with long black hair; it was about a little bit over a meter in height. It had a round hairless head, like that of a "newborn", terrified she screamed and ran into the house. A later search for the creature proved fruitless.
Humcat 1966-6

Source: FSR Vol. 13 # 2, Iker Jimenez

Type: E


Location. Near Ballard Washington

Date: mid February 1966

Time: night

The witness, a mechanic, was helping a man deliver some barrels of oil by truck; the man placed a homing device in a field, and soon a round object 30 ft in diameter settled down on 3 legs. It looked like a disc with a pillbox on top, and was non-luminous. He was allowed inside, where the 5-foot pilot told him, in Spanish, that the craft was used only for travel around the earth. "The whole outside was a sort of giant fan;" there was a control seat with instruments & gauges. The pilot said it took 18-20 years to get to Earth from their system. The witness also had received letters from "M", a spaceman living in Seattle, giving further information.
Humcat 1966-7

Source: Don Duncan, Seattle Times

Type: G


Location. Quipapa Pernambuco Brazil

Date: February 25 1966

Time: 2215

3 young women were walking home after dark when they came upon an object hovering just above the road which resembled an upside down dish, 9-12 ft wide, with 2 large "headlights." Beside it were 3 small individuals the size of 9-year old children, wearing "large headgear," who seemed to be conversing; all wore one-piece garments with an extremely luminous band across the chest, whose colors constantly changed. There was also a man more than 6 ft tall, wearing a brightly luminous headgear likewise of varying colors, whose face could not be seen. The girls ran past the object & the beings, but soon found it had landed in front of them again, though the beings were not now to be seen. They had to run past it again. Arrived home, they went back with the mother of the Da Silva girls, but met the object flying toward them, 18 ft above the ground. The UFO, its luminosity waxing & waning, flew in circles above the house before rising & vanishing.
Humcat 1966-8

Source: Rubens do Couto Soares, SBEDV

Type: C


Location. Rome, Italy

Date: February 26 1966

Time: 0200A

Postal employee and painter Luciano Gasbarri woke up in the middle of the night when a bright light illuminated his bedroom and a loud voice called his name. Standing in front of him was a humanoid almost 2 meters in height wearing a silvery helmet and a coverall. On his chest area he had a scintillating multi-petal "daisy" that appeared to be moving and emitting flashes of light. The humanoid said his name was "Nicodemo" and that he was an extraterrestrial that could materialize into a tangible body whenever he needed to. The helmet had a transparent visor and inside Gasbarri could see an "anatomically diverse" human face with glowing red eyes. The humanoid suddenly disappeared. After this encounter the witness would go into trances and paint bizarre scenes.
HC addendum

Source: Moreno Tambellini, Archivio S.U.F.

Type: E


Location. Wetaskiwin Alberta Canada

Date: Spring 1966

Time: 0200A

Two members of a family sleeping in their house, observed a man-like figure standing in the hallway, he wore a gray metallic divers suit. The figure suddenly vanished. The witnesses felt relaxed during the encounter. No other information.
HC addition # 29

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: E


Location. Rural area Long Island New York

Date: Spring 1966

Time: night

A man was alerted by his daughter that there where several two foot tall men in skin tight silvery suits darting around their backyard. As he glanced out the door he was able to see three very short figures in silvery metallic outfits. The witness stepped out and the figures ran into the brush and vanished.
HC addition # 1219

Source: John Keel, UFOs Operation Trojan Horse

Type: E


Location. Near Drogheda County Louth Ireland

Date: Spring 1966

Time: night

Two witnesses were driving along a remote country road passing a local estate when suddenly a huge figure appeared on the road ahead. They stopped the car and one of the witnesses looked out and saw a creature resembling a huge horse with a man's face with large bulging eyes. Both witnesses were paralyzed with fear and could not move. The being had a huge hairy man like face and was standing across the road completely blocking the car's path. The creature stood there for a few moments then left.
HC addition # 708

Source: Graham J MacEwan, Mystery Animals of Britain & Ireland

Type: E


Location. Eliot Maine

Date: Spring 1966

Time: night

During some unusual UFO activity in the area a group of prominent people from nearby Portsmouth decided to go to the area to watch for UFOs. After driving around in a caravan of 3-4 cars, they decided to pull over in a gravel pit and watch the skies. Suddenly they all got out when a huge dark "dog" ran through the pit. The dog was larger than any they knew sot they decided to try to follow it. They ran through the pit, but the last one in lien was stopped by a strange odor. He could not identify it, and as he stood there, a large form glided towards him. The form was giving off this odor and he had the feeling he was to follow this gliding form. He broke away and ran back to the car. He told a person there to call the others back, & she did. As they walked back, the man jumped out of the car, saying that he had to go back, and started for the woods. The others grabbed him and held him until he quieted down, and they all left the area.
HC addition # 2890

Source: Jerome Clark, Loren Coleman, "Creatures of the Goblin World"

Type: D?


Location. Near McGuire Air Force Base New Jersey

Date: Spring 1966

Time: night

A female air force sergeant returned home late at night when she heard a sound in her bedroom. She went to investigate and found her window opened and a pair of very pale hands with extraordinary long fingers resting on the windowsill. She screamed and the figure left. Air force police searching the area reportedly chase a very tall figure apparently wearing a dark sweater over his head. No other information.
HC addition # 1906

Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: March 1966

Time: daytime

A "reliable woman" said that she had observed a silver disc hovering above a Point Pleasant school. A male figure in a tight fitting silver coverall was "standing" (floating) outside the open door of the object in midair, gazing intently into the school playground. He had pointed features and shoulder-length hair. A similar object, she said, landed sometime later in the yard behind her home, and was witnessed by her teenaged children. A similar being was seen in this occasion as well.
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