Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1966-32

Source: Hans Holzer, The Ufonauts, quoting Frank Edwards

Type: G


Location. Clemery, France

Date: August 14 1966

Time: evening

At the chapel across from the Grotto at Lourdes a local parishioner was lighting a candle in the anteroom when he noticed a foot of enormous dimensions nearby. He approach the area and came upon three men with long blond hair and blue eyes of gigantic proportions. The three men sat on a couch looking at the witness and smiling. The witness made the sign of the cross and kneeled down in front of the men, dazzled by such amount of "beauty". The men suddenly disappeared in plain sight. (There had been other reported encounters with strange figures in the area).
HC addendum

Source: Raoul Robe Regional Catalogue

Type: E?


Location. Edinboro Lake Pennsylvania

Date: August 17 1966

Time: night

7 witnesses reported meeting a 6-foot tall creature in the park around Edinboro Lake; a local story had it that another man saw the same creature a few days previously and was so terrified that he was unable to speak for 3 days. A local posse was formed and they claim not only to have glimpsed the monster, but also to have fired at it with rifles on two occasions. (Description of the humanoid is not given)
Humcat 1966-37

Source: FSR Vol. 10 # 2

Type: E


Location. Bozeman Montana

Date: about August 20 1966

Time: daytime

Dan Duggleby was up in the hills with a 22 caliber rifle when he heard a "whooshing" noise & looked up to see a large rocket-shaped object about 60 ft in diameter & 300 ft high, which landed close by. An opening appeared in its side & a ramp slid out; down this came 5 metal "boxes" with small wheels on the bottoms & 4 "arms" on the sides. One took ground samples; 3 others took "air, grass, flower" samples; one "just stood there." When finished they rolled up the ramp, the ramp slid in, & the ship took off straight up & vanished in the fog. The witness had seen disc like UFOs on many previous occasions.
Humcat 1966-33

Source: Witness letter to the FBI

Type: B


Location. Malvern Arkansas

Date: August 22 1966

Time: night

Six days after several UFOs were seen in the area; local residents reported seeing an eight-feet tall "thing" humanoid in shape, that changed color from red to orange to yellow. A witness named Mr. Niles reportedly was able to snap a picture of the "thing" from his window as it passed by the house.
HC addition # 2582

Source: John Keel, UFOs Operation Trojan horse

Type: D


Location. Uddevalla Sweden

Date: August 24 1966

Time: unknown

The witness again felt a strong urge to visit another lake in the vicinity of town. There he encountered a landed disc shaped object, surrounded by several humanoids, described as hairless, with large dark slanted eyes, and pointy ears. He was given a strange metal plate by one of the entities and told to go on a special mission to the "Bahamas" and to always wear the metal plate.
HC addition # 1244

Source: Hakan Blomquist, UFO Contact, Igap Journal February 1986

Type: C


Location. Algeciras Cadiz Spain

Date: August 26 1966

Time: 1630

A 36-year old doctor riding his motorcycle heading for a nice quiet spot to take photographs, was taking a turn on the road when suddenly he stopped overcome by an eerie feeling and noticing a strange silence dominating the area. He became frightened and turned his motorcycle around, he then saw a short being that crossed the road in front of him at high speed, entering a wooded area. The being had a large head and was totally dressed in black, the witness thought he resembled a large ape, the witness overcame his fear and ran after the being, which took great leaps and bounds at high speed, the being was finally lost from sight after entering a heavy forested area. The witness who had been following the being came upon a clearing and saw a strange dark metallic oval shaped craft, with a rectangular shaped rear section and a cockpit like area on the front. The witness did not see the being anywhere around, but became frightened and left the area. It is rumored that he took a photograph of the craft which was later lost.
HC addition # 89

Source: Ballester Olmos, Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia de Los Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis

Type: C


Location. Tupancireta, Brazil

Date: August 28 1966

Time: night

Witnesses observed a group of fourteen short humanoids wearing tight fitting green uniforms and helmets with antennas. This occurred in the outskirts of town. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: GEPUC Brazil

Type: E


Location. Southern Arkansas, exact location not given

Date: Fall 1966

Time: unknown

The six-year old witness was in the backyard when a large spherical object appeared to come out of nowhere. It apparently landed and several beings described as huge, heavily muscled, bipedal, and resembling pterodactyl like creatures emerged out of the craft. The beings communicated with the witness and invited him inside the craft. There he was shown a squid like creature in a large purple crystal that was apparently used for its biological energy field, or aura. This assisted the aliens in their interdimensional travels. They also told the witness that they came from a race called the "Sestis."
HC addition # 3580

Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World

Type: G


Location. Near Elkin North Carolina

Date: Fall 1966

Time: unknown

A truck driver reported that he almost ran over a small man dressed in a silver space suit, while driving between Winston-Salem and Elkin. The little man ran into the woods and disappeared.
Humcat 1966-48

Source: George Fawcett

Type: E


Location. Near Chesterfield Massachusetts

Date: Fall 1966

Time: 2215

Driving after dark, Mr. Sanborn heard a sewing machine like sound and then saw a dark basin-shaped object, 80 ft wide, tilted at a 45 degree angle, which crossed the road. It then turned so that he could see in the tilted basin a horizontal gold-lit dome, at the center of which was "a large man," at least 9 ft tall. After re-crossing the road the UFO came to a stop hovering 5 ft from the ground, and another occupant walked from the center to the edge of the dome. Both occupants wore long black overcoats and broad rimmed hats. Sanborn drove past it; he had it in view for 5 or 6 minutes in all. Afterwards the 78-year old witness experienced a wasting illness, losing more than 50 lb and requiring B12 treatment.
Humcat 1966-49

Source: David Webb & E F Mallove for Mufon

Type: A


Location. Wollaton Nottinghampshire England

Date: Autumn 1966

Time: night

15-year old Frank Earp was playing with two friends beside a disused canal. He admits that they were looking for UFOs. As darkness came, a mist began to rise from the watercourse. This was not unusual. But then a cloud, the size of a fairground dodgem car detached itself in the shape of a doughnut (without a central hole). It drifted towards them. Becoming disturbed they set off for home, quickly breaking into a trot as the apparently intelligent "cloud" pursued them. They could all see it, glowing inside with a strange luminescence. As they approached the edge of the village they decided to stop. Frank was delegated to confront the intruder for they were now close enough to home and could escape, should anything go wrong. Frank turned to find the cloud just 20 feet away. He tried to ask if it was friend or foe, but his words were cut short by one of his friends, clearly terrified, tapping his shoulder and urging, "When I say run---run!" He looked ahead into the gloom and understood the reason for this fear. For there stood a 6-foot furry figure, silhouetted in front of the glowing object. In claw like hands it gripped two red "pencils" and its legs faded into nothingness. The third boy stood only inches from the creature. As the other two fled he called after them, bemused. It later transpired that although he was almost touching the figure he had not seen it. But he had seen the cloud.
HC addition # 406

Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain

Type: E


Location. Rockford Illinois

Date: Fall 1966

Time: late night

A young couple was parked in a rural and isolated area, when a powerful white bright light suddenly appeared. The man started the car and attempted to drive away from the area, he crossed over an old steel bridge and realized that the road led to a wooded field. He turned the car around and accelerated. As they drove away they both saw two gray colored figures, short with large slanted eyes and what appeared to be a square "emblem" on the chest area. The figures did not move and just stood by the dirt road watching the car. As the witnesses left the area, both smelled a very pungent "metallic" odor resembling sulfur.
HC addition # 902

Source: IUR March/April 1984

Type: C?


Location. Island Lake Manitoba Canada

Date: late Fall 1966

Time: unknown

A homemaker of Island Lake said that for several days, dogs had been barking ceaselessly and little children had been disappearing for hours at a time. The children told of "little men" who had been entertaining them, 3.5 tall, with large egg shaped heads and long arms. These little men, who wore shiny silver suits, reportedly gave the children candy which could be chewed on for days and still retain its flavor.
Humcat 1966-68

Source: Wade D Rowland & Nicap

Type: E?


Location. Rockville, Maryland

Date: early September 1966

Time: evening

The main witness, Mary Cozzens heard shouts from the neighbors and her family outside. Running she watched a huge dark metallic disc-shaped object descending slowly over the area. It had blinking orange-white lights blinking along its perimeter. Helicopters seemed to be following the object but these soon leveled off and left. The craft then hovered silently as everyone including Cozzens and her brothers and mother ran into the house and watched the object from the window. Soon the orange blinking lights detached themselves from the main object and began to land. Terrified the witness hid among the house including Mary who hid in the shower stall. Before she ran into the bathroom she saw several short humanoid figures coming into her yard. As she hid in the shower stall long skinny fingers pulled back the curtain and a tall thin being with large dark eyes looked at her reassuring her that she would be all right that they were there to help. The being was apparently a female and held a long thin device with a small ball shaped object at the end of it. The being wiped a gooey substance on the back of the witness neck and inserted the ball shaped tip into her nose. Her next memory was of floating up the basement stairs, inches above the floor accompanied by her little brother that was being escorted by two little men. She saw her mother screaming in fear begging her not to go with them. But she assured her mother that she was going to be ok. Once inside the object she was accompanied by the tall thin humanoid female most of the time. She was shown what appeared to be star-maps and other apparatuses onboard the object that apparently had to do with the propulsion system. She was apparently given numerous information that she has slowly remembered throughout the years. Her and her brother were eventually brought back to their home around 2200. Most of the area neighbors could not remember the incident days after and Mary suffered from periods of levitation soon after the encounter.
HC addendum

Source: Nightwatch 2001 Abduction stories

Type: G


Location. Terre Haute, Indiana

Date: September 1966

Time: 0300A

The pregnant witness had stayed up late doing some laundry and had falling asleep when she was suddenly startled awake. At first she laid still trying to discern if someone had entered the house before she made any move. Then in the doorway between the boy's room and her bedroom she saw a glowing white bright orange globe floating about 4 ft above the floor. It appeared to be so hot that it was almost totally white. Slowly she sat up. The object emitted a low hum and when she sat up, it conveyed a mental threat of electrocution if she moved any more (!). She felt it scan her children with beams that she did not consciously saw. Two of the boys were in the room it was in and it scanned her pregnant belly, then a child in another room. It seemed to convey that it discounted the child in the other room, a girl, but took note of the 2 sleeping boys and the infant in the womb, telling her that the baby was a boy. The it began to dim, turning from white to bright orange, to a faded dark orange, becoming transparent, then to gray and finally it disappeared. The witness then got up, looked around but saw nothing, then lie back in bed and quickly fell asleep again.
HC addendum

Source: NUFORC

Type: F


Location. Monserrat, Catalunya, Spain

Date: September 1966

Time: 1400

Jean Soler and several friends had been out camping in an isolated area when Soler decided to go fetch some water at a nearby stream. As he crossed some fields he noticed a bizarre object that appeared to be on the ground in a clearing area not to far away. As he approached the object he noticed that it was a white elongated cylinder shaped contraption, about six meters in length and about 1 meter & a half in height, it was roughly shaped like a bullet or torpedo and rested on two rectangular supports. He saw two lights on the object that seemed to dim as he approached. On top of the object he could see two transparent individual domes separated from each other by about 3 meters. These were opened and he could see what appeared to be black leather like seats inside. Suddenly, from behind the object two men appeared. These two wore shiny white outfits that covered them from head to toe, and helmets with transparent visors. Their suits appeared to be slightly inflated. The men moved as if they were tired or had been sitting for a long time. They stared at the witness with a surprised look on their faces. He described them as tall, about 1.85meters in height, Eurasian features, blond haired, blue eyes, and light tanned skin. At this point a farmer was approaching the scene from a nearby field (it was later determined that he was the owner of the fields). Using his instincts Soler decides to run from the area brushing quickly past the men, looking back he saw them boarding the strange craft which floated up silently and began following Soler. Looking back he could see the two transparent cabins and in each of one, a seated figure staring at him. Running down a path, with the craft closely behind him, Soler suddenly felt an electric shock in his body, causing him a severe pain on the right side of the head, neck, and back. Stunned he stopped, feeling confused, he stopped and begged for the craft to go on and leave him alone. Looking up one more time he saw the two men again which seemed to exchanged a signal between them, at this point the craft rose up at a 90 degree angle shooting away to the nearby pine forest emitting a loud buzzing sound. It was quickly lost from sight behind a nearby mountain. Later when he returned to the site of the landing, Soler found some footprints and other ground traces.
HC addendum

Source: Ciudad, Encuentros en Monserrat

Type: B


Location. Vardo Norway

Date: September 1966

Time: 1600

Near the Svartnes Ferry area an anonymous witness experienced total car failure. He then noticed a large reddish round object that appeared to be on the road just ahead of the vehicle. Two man-like figures wearing blue clothing and wide belts stepped from behind the object and approached the witness, who by now had stepped out of the vehicle. The witness described the aliens as having yellowish skin and six fingered hands. In apparent perfect Norwegian the aliens spoke to the witness about the poor conditions on earth and man's constant warfare. The humanoids then began to ask several questions on different subjects. The communication was done completely via telepathy. After warning the witness about the future of humanity and then walked back to the landed object and boarded it. The UFO then rose and quickly left the area. His vehicle then restarted without any problems.
HC addition # 622

Source: Ole Jonny Braene

Type: B


Location. Near Greensboro North Carolina

Date: September 1966

Time: 1930

Three witnesses were in a car waiting for a nightclub to open when the driver suddenly turned off the main road and stopped. An orange light hovered over some nearby trees, swinging back and forth like a pendulum. They next remembered being 2200 and driving towards the club. One of the witnesses remembered under hypnosis feeling helpless and floating into an object accompanied by several short humanoids with large heads. Inside he was examined and felt pain and had difficulty breathing. He seemed to float from one area to of the ship to another. A humanoid held his hand and took him back to the car. There he found his two friends sitting paralyzed.
HC addition # 490

Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery

Type: G


Location. Scott Mississippi

Date: September 1 1966

Time: 1400

Mrs James Ikart reported seeing what looked like a man fluttering about the sky. Several other people also said they had seen it. No other information.
Humcat 1966-39

Source: John A Keel, FSR Vol. 13 # 2

Type: E


Location. Near Latacunga, Ecuador

Date: September 3 1966

Time: sunset

Manuel Pereira, 15 and Jose Sotuyo, 14 were walking along a path high in the mountains when they saw strange lights maneuvering in the sky. Manuel frantically signaled the UFO with his flashlight, using International Morse Code he sent the following message:

"Friend, please land." He repeated this message several times. A few seconds later they heard a faint whirring sound and the UFO descended to within a few feet from where the boys were standing. The craft settled just above the ground and three long tripod-like supports telescoped downward. The glowing of the UFO dimmed until it was a dull white light, and then a ramp opened and lowered to the ground. Then three tiny man-like figures emerged from the craft and began to walk stiffly down the ramp. The frightened boys were tempted to run but remained there. Just then they heard a loud voice that sounded strangely metallic speak: "Do not fear us. Stay and talk." Manuel and Jose, speechless, nodded. They stared in utter astonishment as the three little men in their suits of shiny brass-like material came toward them. A voice that seemed to come from all directions at once, asked them: "What are you?" The boys asked the little men where they were from but the question was ignored. For nearly an hour the questioning continued. The boys answered whatever the voice asked but whenever they asked a question they got no reply. Finally the voice inquired, "Would you like to come aboard our space craft?" Both boys agreed to go inside. The little men in their gleaming brass-colored uniforms and pear shaped helmets led the way up the ramp. They kept turning around as if looking to see if the boys were following. Their features in the helmets were obscured because of a cloudy vapor, which they seemed to be breathing so the boys had no idea what they really looked like. When they entered the craft they were surprised at the roominess of the interior. All around the craft were hexagon shaped sections like small cubicles. Tiny lights and buttons were to be seen on a console panel in the exact center. They saw no other little beings, although they had a strong feeling that other eyes were closely observing them. The little men asked the boys if they would like to go with them, and added that they would not be harmed. But the boys replied that their parents would be worried. After several more questions by the little men, the craft began to make a loud humming sound and the voice announced that it was time to leave, that perhaps they would visit them again. Manuel asked for a souvenir from them to prove their encounter. There was a peculiar high pitched humming noise and one of the little men came forward and held a small cylinder in his hand. They were told to take it as a token, that it was a small hand held light, that whenever they wished for the light to come on, they merely had to squeeze it. The little men demonstrated. There was a brilliant light form the lens. Manuel removed its own flashlight and gave it to the little men, as an exchange. Several minutes later on the ground the boys watched the saucer-shaped object rise up noiselessly and vanish in a wink. Just as the boys began to hurry toward their homes several helicopters swooped down from the night skies overhead, playing searchlights over the area. At the same time three Army jeeps came down the path at breakneck speed. They were interrogated numerous times by the military personnel and their strange flashlight device was examined and then taken away. Manuel Pereira and Jose Sotuyo vanished from their homes about a week before Christmas 1966, and were never seen nor heard from again.
HC addendum

Source: Robert Tralins, Children of the Supernatural

Type: G


Location. Harlingen Texas

Date: September 5 1966

Time: night

Mr. Morrison, propped up in bed, saw a small person, 3.5-4 ft tall, dressed in white tight fitting clothing, enter his son's bedroom. About 10 minutes later he saw something like "a bar of light, which appeared to crumble." The boys and their mother had seen no one enter the bedroom, but they had seen the bar of light.
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