Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Time: night

Tamara Smirnov and a friend were leaving the local cinema when they spotted a red light descending over the area. The light increased in size and as it approached their position they could see that it was a capsule shaped object that as it descended meters from them appeared to create a strong air displacement. The object appeared to have a transparent glass like compartment on the front and inside two helmeted figures sat, apparently operating some controls. One of the figures was a man the other a woman and both were human like and very handsome. After flying above the cinema and shining a beam of light towards the ground the object disappeared towards the east.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Ukraine

Type: A


Location. Near Caracas Venezuela

Date: 1967

Time: midnight

Mandy Klark was out late watering his garden when he suddenly heard a whistling sound and looking up saw a large disc shaped craft descending overhead. Afraid he ran to the house but then heard a voice coming out of the object hat instructed him to be calm and not to be afraid. He was told to approach the object. Now completely unafraid he approached the now landed craft and saw an opened door and went inside. As soon as he entered the door closed behind him and he found himself in a small room. Another door opened and he entered a larger room where a human like figure wearing a tight fitting white coverall awaited him. He was then given a tour of the craft and onboard met 10 men and eight women, all very human like. Only the first man he met spoke to him, the others were busy at controls and just stared and smiled. He was then invited into a large circular room by the "captain" and there saw a great lens and through it saw a large hovering cigar shaped craft apparently in space. He was then shown numerous complicated machines and was taken into a blue room where there appeared to be some form of static energy floating in the area. There he spoke to the "captain" for two hours. Later the craft landed on top of a mountain and there he was shown the outside of the craft. Nearby was a cave entrance and he was told that it was one of the their earth bases. Soon Klark was brought back to the field outside his home and was told that they would meet him someday again.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: G


Location. Near Landry, Quebec, Canada

Date: 1967

Time: midnight

Rodrigue Harvey was at home at night when an invisible "force" compelled him to go to a nearby road outside the village where he was struck by a luminous beam of light coming apparently from above him. He was then apparently abducted onboard a UFO where he met invisible "presences" no other information. Involved in other encounters.
HC addendum

Source: LeDuc CASUFO, Denys Breysse Project Becassine

Type: G


Location. Leningrad region, Russia

Date: 1967

Time: early morning

Zinaida Volovoj (a young pregnant mother) was awakened by the sounds of engines revving early one morning and looked out the window of her small wooden house to see a bright yellow sphere hovering above the window of a house across from her. Suddenly the yellow sphere rushed towards her. She ran to her bed and covered her head and heard the sphere fly over the house. A week later she was again awoken by the sounds of motors, she looked out to see the yellow sphere hovering above the same location. She stepped outside to hear a strong voice say, "Look she has come out, she has escaped, we should leave today we have finished." Again the sphere rushed towards her and she ran into the house. The sphere then hovered above the roof and the witness ran outside again in time to see the sphere rise and vanished in plain sight. A couple of days later Zinaida was awoken by loud booming voices coming from outside her home. She approached the window and again the yellow sphere hovered above the house. This time the sphere is hovering closer to the ground and behind a window like opening she could see two persons. Zinaida steps outside her home. Minutes later three human like figures, 2 men and a woman come down from the sphere. These are described as tall, very handsome, and wearing dark tight-fitting coveralls, the aliens noticed the witness and the woman began speaking to one of the men apparently admonishing him for not "taken control of the witness and lulling her so she could not see us". The witness stood paralyzed staring at the aliens, unable to move. At this point one of the tall men, seemingly the older one approaches her. He speaks to the witness telling her that they have searched for humans for a long time but that we were not necessary for their survival since we lagged behind them in development. They simply study the humans and their "primitive" ways. He asks the witness about the source of two recent explosions in the area (mining operations) and at this point the woman intervenes and tells the man that the witness is far to young and does not know. She then turns to the witness and asks her if she knows, the witness is to stunned to speak. The group then confers amongst each other debating what to do with the witness. Incredibly one of the men suggested that they burn down her wooden house (!). But the woman thankfully rejected this suggestion. And mentioned that they had to go visit other locations and were short of time. At this point the younger of the men spoke and told the others that he had "influenced" the witness brain so she would be ill, using a hand movement the older man catapulted the witness back into her home and onto her bed. Her head was covered with a pillow and a blanket and she had difficulty breathing. She could hear the sphere directly above the house apparently spinning. She heard the woman say, "Lets search the cellar" and felt strong beams of energy directed towards her head and stomach apparently from the hovering sphere. By now the aliens had realized that the witness was pregnant and one of the men said, "let us make her give birth already" She felt increasing pressure on her stomach. But at this point the woman spoke, "Leave her alone she has suffered enough, we have to leave." The witness indeed gave birth prematurely soon after the incident and the baby died as a result of a brain hemorrhage. Before leaving the strangers spoke among themselves again, saying that it looked like the witness was feigning her death, which they found amusing. At this point all three aliens vanished and the sphere also disappeared. Soon after this incident the woman and her husband moved from the location to the Poltava region. She rarely spoke of the matter since very few people believed her.
HC addendum

Source: Leningrad Commission for Abnormal Phenomena

Type: E & F?


Location. Near Warminster Wiltshire England

Date: January 1967

Time: unknown

An old age pensioner saw a UFO come down to hover 4-6 ft above the grass; 2 helmeted figures descended from it & walked stiffly into the woods, 100 ft away. They were fairly tall and wore dark gray close fitting clothing "with a peculiar sheen", with black "plastic" helmets. When the witness approached to within 65 ft of them, one raised a gloved hand, and both vanished. A cloud of thick yellow smoke or vapor surrounded the UFO; he saw a light fly up out of this smoke.
Humcat 1967-2

Source: Arthur Shuttlewood

Type: B


Location. Poyace Cundinamarca Colombia

Date: January 1967

Time: unknown

A shepherd lad named Martin told of seeing "angels" who came from heaven in a "gigantic oval house" surrounded by a "luminous halo." The "angels" were somewhat shorter than the boy, dressed in "brilliant clothing" and with "eyes set far apart." While they did not have "wings," they were able to "fly in the air when they walked."
Humcat 1967-3

Source: Richard Heiden

Type: B?


Location. Near Frankfort Kentucky

Date: January 1967

Time: unknown

Lola Dills was driving when she saw " a black object with long spindly legs or stems at the bottom and sides." The "side stems" were weaving and gesturing and appeared to end in pincers. The creature moved by placing the lower stems one in front of the other. The head consisted of a "round part" about 8" in diameter that protruded from the top. The sides had a "shaggy look" and the front was white with two eyes; a bump with two small holes lower on the head may have been a nose. The mouth was a slit below the "bump," and from it issued a "shrill sound," heard just as she was passing. Then she saw "another and another with slight variations." (Insectoid?)
Humcat 1967-4

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: E


Location. Near RAF Hullavington England

Date: January 1967

Time: 0600A

Mr. H Tyrell, 64, was taking his usual way to work and had turned his car right onto the main road, just past Burton Hill House School for Physically Handicapped Children. His headlights were not full on and he suddenly saw the figure of a man appear in the middle of the road; he seemed to be dressed in gray coveralls and a bright buckle shone near his waist. Fearing he might hit the man, though he was not driving fast, he tried to pull up, but said it seemed he could not stop the car. Suddenly the man in gray turned and his face could be seen. He seemed a sharp-featured man of about 40,with a very white face. He turned sideways towards the verge, raised his arm, and just vanished in plain sight.
HC addendum

Source: Mike Rogers, The Warminster Triangle

Type: E


Location. Vienna Woods, Austria

Date: January 1967

Time: evening

Following a sort of presentiment a Filipino woman was walking in the wooded area when suddenly she was paralyzed, unable to even move her eyes, as a strange object descended. It resembled two saucers edge-to-edge, with a domed top and three sphere "landing gear." Three thin but strong men, 1.5 - 1.65 m tall descended via a ladder. They wore dark brown one-piece suits and transparent helmets, through which humanoid faces could be seen. One held a small box, which flashed a red beam at the witness when the figure pressed a button on it, which enable the witness to hear them talking in English. They asked if she would like to visit their planet, then flashed another light and gave a warning about the wickedness of humanity. They warned her she might die of cancer as she was of no further use to them, then re-entered the craft "with a smile of either mockery of pity."
HC addendum

Source: Peter Rogerson in Magonia

Type: B


Location. Near Elfers Florida

Date: January 1967

Time: night

Four teenagers parked in an isolated area suddenly noticed a terrible smell around them. Moments later a short hairy chimp like creature jumped onto the hood of the car. The hairy creature was greenish in color and had glowing green eyes. The witness started the engine and the creature ran back into the woods. Later a sticky green substance was found at the encounter site.
HC addition # 1898

Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E


Location. Athens Ohio

Date: January 3 1967

Time: unknown

A small humanoid, human like in nature, dark hair, and with an odd behavior, entered the local court house to asked directions. Was fascinated by a ballpoint pen. No other information.
HC addition # 2426

Source: Hans Holzer, The Ufonauts

Type: E


Location. Aveyron France

Date: January 6 1967

Time: 2300

Six luminous spheres were seen flying over the area. A luminous shaft of light descended towards the ground near the witness. A humanoid figure is seen standing inside the luminous shaft. The being communicates via telepathy with the witness and tells him that someday "He will write a book."
HC addition # 2427

Source: Jacques Vallee

Type: B


Location. Wildwood New Jersey

Date: January 9 1967

Time: 1730

At 1730 there was a knock at the Edward Christiansen residence (involved in a previous UFO encounter), 17-year old Connie Christiansen when to the door, stunned she reported back, "It's the strangest looking man I've ever seen." Mrs Christiansen went to the door, unbolted, and unlatched it. It was growing dark and was bitter cold outside. There was no car in view and this seemed peculiar because the Christiansen home was removed from other houses in a rather isolated spot. A tall man stood at the door, he asked if Edward Christiansen lived there. And then said he was from "the Missing Heirs Bureau" and asked to be led in. The stranger was then invited him. The visitor must have been at least 6'6" tall, enormously broad. He wore a Russian fur hat with a black visor on it and a very long black coat that seemed to be made out of thin material, too thin for the cold weather. He told the family "this will only take forty minutes." As he removed his hat he revealed an unusual head, large and round while his face seemed angular, pointed. He had black hair, which was closely cropped, to his head. There was a perfectly round spot on the back of his head as if that area had recently been shaved. His nose and mouth seemed relatively normal, but his eyes were large, protruding, like "thyroid eyes," and set wide apart. One eye appeared to have a cast, like a glass eye, and did not move in unison with is companion. During the course of the conversation Mr. Christiansen noticed a badge on the stranger's shirt pocket, which he quickly covered with his hand and removed, placing it in his coat pocket. It resembled a gold or brass badge and it seemed to have a big K on it with a small x alongside and letters and numbers around the edge, according to Connie Christiansen. Underneath his thin outer coat he was wearing a short-sleeved shirt made of a Dacron like material. His trousers were of a dark material gray or black, and were a little too short. He wore dark shoes with unusually thick rubber soles. A strange feature on his leg fascinated Mrs Christiansen & Connie. When he sat down they could see a long thick green wire attached to the inside of his leg. It came up out or his socks and disappeared under his trousers. At one point it seemed to be indented into his leg and was covered with a large brown spot. The Christiansen's noted that the visitor had an unnatural pallor. His speech was also strange, with a high "tinny" voice that seemed especially peculiar coming from such a large man. He also spoke in a strange, hard to understand, singsong like manner. At one point as his face gradually grew redder he asked for a glass of water and swallowed a large yellow capsule which he gulped down. He then returned to normal. After about 40 minutes he donned his hat and coat and told Mr. Christiansen that he would be in touch. When he reached the road, he made a gesture and a black 1963 Cadillac drove through the trees and pulled up. He climbed into the car and it drove away with its headlights off.
HC addendum

Source: John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: E


Location. Acton Vale, Quebec, Canada

Date: January 9 1967

Time: night

60-year old Jules Derome reportedly encountered and photographed several 90cm luminous humanoid forms in his garage. The strange forms disappeared by moving through the wall of the garage and presumably outside. The photos only show a vague luminous area. The witness apparently had additional encounters. No other information
HC addendum

Source: CASUFO, & Denys Breysse Project Becassine

Type: E


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: January 11 1967

Time: daytime

Mrs Park McDaniel was outside her home when she saw what she first took to be a small plane approaching; as it drew closer she saw it was man-shaped and had wings. The creature swooped low over the witness and circled above a nearby building before going out of sight.
Humcat 1967-5

Source: John Keel

Type: E


Location. Aveyron Basses Pyrenees France

Date: January 11 1967

Time: night

Having just seen a "shell" shaped object taking off from his farm, the witness proceeded to chase in his car a ball of light, which stayed 150 yards ahead of him. Then his engine died and his lights went out, and he noticed a "saucer shaped" object descending; it was slightly bigger than a Peugeot car, 9-12 ft above the ground and about 60 ft away. On top of this object were two transparent cupolas, in each of which he could see a helmeted figure, human like and dressed in green and white coveralls. He felt a wave of heat and a transient sensation of paralysis. With a whistling sound, the UFO rose to a 50 yard altitude, dropped back again to near ground level, then, becoming brilliantly yellow-white luminous, took off at tremendous speed. As it did so, his lights came back on and he was able to start the car normally. Several days later the witness experienced trouble in sleeping, followed by some weeks of excessive sleepiness. The area had been the site of repeated UFO incidents for a year.
Humcat 1967-6

Source: G Canouges, J Chasseign, Fernand Legarde & F Dupin de la Gueriviere

Type: A

Location. Iola Kansas

Date: January 13 1967

Time: 0130A

9-year old Freddie Amos woke up at 0130A to see a round object hovering motionless low over an adjoining field. It was 25 feet in diameter, had a dome on top, short wing-like protrusions, and 3 wheels on its underside. There were red lights on the ends of the "wings," and a blue light on top of the dome, and a man stood looking out, another man being visible, sitting at a desk, behind him. He was wearing a "crinkly" green uniform that covered him all over; his face was in shadow, its features not seen. This "terrible" man frightened the boy, though he could not say why. He got back into bed and watched the object, which circled the house and hovered again for 5 minutes at its original position before flying off. In the morning some of the cows were found to have broken through the fence around their pasture, so violently that one broke her leg. A pond in the pasture near the site continued to remain unfrozen although the temperatures were well below freezing. This encounter occurred during a minor concentration of sightings at nearby locales.
Humcat 1967-7

Source: Mary Conger for Nicap

Type: A


Location. Wildwood New Jersey

Date: January 15 1967

Time: late night

Two nights after the family heard strange metallic sounds over the house, Mr. & Mrs Christiansen returned home to find their children in a very distraught state. They had heard the strange metallic sound again, and then heard heavy footsteps crunching through the thick woods outside. A 19-year old man present looked out the window to see a tall man like figure hurrying away from the house. He was wearing a long white cape and when it reached a five-foot high fence it leaped effortlessly over it and disappeared into the woods.
HC addition # 3367

Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: E


Location. Indiana, exact location not given

Date: January 19 1967

Time: 1600

The witness, a 15-year old boy was in his room when he heard a sound like a rumbling train. He went to his window to check and was startled to see a shiny object moving slowly 25 feet above the ground. The object was described as jar shaped with a silver quilted surface, with an opening on its top. The object seemed to follow the ground contour and made angle turns around trees. The witness grabbed a small plastic camera and snapped several photos. One of the photos appears to show the head of a humanoid like figure protruding from the opening on top.
HC addition # 1841

Source: Francis L Ridge, Regional Encounters The FC Files

Type: A


Location. Near Howard Lake Minnesota

Date: January 25 1967

Time: 0430A

Harold Lenz was driving to work in Winsted when the engine of his pick up truck stalled. He got out to check under the hood and saw a brightly luminous object, 75 feet long by 30 feet wide, approach, and land on 3 legs on the highway. It made a loud whirring noise. Something like an elevator descended from the bottom, and a man walked out dressed in a silver-blue, tight fitting coverall suit with a "fish-bowl" helmet over his head. He was about average height and human appearing. The occupant seemed to examine something on the object, and then got back into the UFO, which took off. Duration was 3-4 minutes.
Humcat 1967-8

Source: USAF Blue Book Files

Type: B


Location. Pittsfield, Pennsylvania

Date: January 25 1967

Time: around 1800

On January 20 at 2330 Mrs. Walter J Kushner and her two daughters, Susan (17) and Tanya (14) and a close friend of the girls, Marianne Williamson (16), witnessed a brilliant aero form with a distinct disk shape drop below the cloud cover and execute a sharp turn before cruising parallel to a mountain ridge while the group was returning to their residence. All members of the party were awed by the lack of the sound and high speed of the object. On January 21 1967 @ 0200A, Susan, Tanya and Marianne were enjoying a typical teenage pajama party and were doing anything but sleeping when all three girls simultaneously spotted a peculiar light shimmering through the closed curtains of Susan's bedroom. Without warning the drapes parted of their own volition and a midget triangular object hovering a few feet from the house began beaming pinkish light of a painfully brilliant intensity into the bedroom. When the triangle moved to the second window, the curtains repeated their opening act and the intensity of light emanating from the object increased several fold. At this point the girls became quite frightened and decided to get the hell out of there. Suddenly, all three girls became paralyzed and weak, unable to cry out or do more than whimper helplessly. Not able to move, their terror at this point became so strong that prayer became a viable option. After a few more torturous moments that seemed like an eternity, the light effect dissipated and their freedom of movement was restored, although a weird dizzy sensation continued to haunt the girls for the better part of an hour. On the 28th things were back to normal when shortly after the dinner hour, two men arrived at the Kushner household. They identified themselves as military investigators and flashed what appeared to be USAF identification. Mrs. Kushner described the ID card as having black printing on a durable white stock. Both men wore tan trench coats, which they kept buttoned from knee to collar. The taller of the two, who, according to the family's testimony, did all the talking, was described, as having blond hair, green eyes, was thin and deeply tanned. The other gentleman was heavyset with dark hair, piercing blue eyes and was also deeply tanned. The men were very polite but very insistent about one thing: they wanted every shred of information about the girl's experience. Neither parent could explain why they allowed their children to be so intensely grilled by these "government agents." The men moved about the house with apparently total knowledge of the whereabouts of rooms, furniture, objects, etc. Their clothing looked as if it had been purchased 10 minutes before and the bottom of their shoes seemed un-walked on. When the mystery men left, they backed their vehicle out onto the roadway turned off their headlights and powered away down the road. At one point one of the men was seen writing strange symbols in vertical columns, starting from the left, going down one column, up the next, down the third. This on a small booklet. (Typical MIB report of the period).
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