Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Paris Flammonde, The Age of Flying Saucers

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HC addendum

Source: Paris Flammonde, The Age of Flying Saucers

Type: B

Comments: Poorly documented case that could have modern day correlations if true.


Location. Graves Park Sheffield Yorkshire England

Date: Autumn 1965

Time: 2100

A group of youngsters, age about 8, were playing in a garden overlooking a local cemetery, when they saw a strange sight. It was a figure, but with no clear shape & no apparent facial features. It stood about 6.5 to 7 ft tall and “glowed” with a strange white pallor. It moved out of some woodland and lurched forward in a strange stiff gait, and then turned suddenly and walked straight through a tall hedge of prickly growth. Upon inspecting the hedge nothing was found that indicated the passage of a material object through it.
HC addition # 2271

Source: Nigel Lockwood, Northern UFO News # 111

Type: E


Location. Near Roosevelt Utah

Date: Fall 1965

Time: night

Two young girls were driving back home after visiting a nearby town and were on an isolated stretch of road when as they neared the top of a hill they noticed a very bright light. As they approached the light they both suddenly panicked and apparently became disoriented. Next thing they were aware of was of both of them screaming and pulling into town very late. Years later both recalled seeing on top of the hill an object shaped like a “sawhorse.” Next to the object stood three tall men wearing dark shiny tight fitting wetsuits. They appeared to have very pale complexions. A bright light shone from behind them and no other features could be seen. They could not remember anything else and both felt a sense of unnatural evil emanating from the men.
HC addition # 1647

Source: James L. Thompson, Aliens & UFOs

Type: C?


Location. Astoria, New York

Date: fall 1965

Time: night

A five-year old girl had gone to bed with her mother and spoke for a while as the mother fell asleep. Soon after, the girl saw a dark figure “flow” through the window panes. The black figure came towards the little girl and touched her on the forehead. Then the dark figure backed out the same way it had come in. The little girl woke up her mother and asked her if she had touched her. The mother said no. After the incident the little girl was afraid of large bodies of water and dreamt of flowing waves.
HC addendum


Type: E


Location. Holbaek, Denmark

Date: Autumn 1965

Time: 2300

Noticing some strange lights in a field a farmer went to investigate and was confronted by a large landed round object on the ground. The object had a large illuminated window and inside the farmer could see a human like figure that appeared to be operating some equipment. As he approached to within 100 meters from the object, the light dimmed and the object rose up flew over him and vanished. The farmer soon felt weak and tired and retired to bed. The next day as he inspected the field he found ground traces and a colorless substance, which he collected but dissipated into nothingness after 3 days.
HC addendum

Source: Danske UFO Obsevationer

Type: A


Location. Not given

Date: autumn 1965

Time: midnight

The witness was at home when she saw an object like a full moon changing shape. When she went outside a humanoid being in dark boots and clothing approached, and she next remembered being at home at 0500A. Under hypnosis she remembered that two men took her and her brother into a round room and examined both of them. A conversation followed about psychology and the human brain.
HC addition # 2223

Source: Dr Leo Sprinkle

Type: G


Location. Northwest of Kandalaksha, Kola Peninsula, Murmansk region Russia

Date: September 1965

Time: unknown

A UFO reportedly crashed in the location. The retrieved fragments were very small particles of melted debris. The craft was totally pulverized, no bodies were found at the site. The craft was apparently shot down by another alien craft. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Alexander E. Semyenov, Gennadiy Alexandrovich Korneyev

Type: H


Location. Litchfield New Hampshire

Date: September 1965

Time: 0145A

Six young persons, including five siblings suddenly awoke in the bedroom at the same time. The room was filled with a heavy, bright red mist and was very hot and stifling. The source appeared to come from beyond a high window in the room. They then heard noises coming from a metal door at the other end of the house, which led to the cellar. They went to investigate and the oldest climbed on top of a chair to look outside the window. She was then confronted by a gray-faced humanoid with large dark eyes. She leaped down, but the others being curious opened the door to go outside. She then recalled sanding outside with her younger cousin looking at a hovering domed disc shaped craft. A gray humanoid figure stood nearby. They both felt compelled to walk towards the object and were then levitated through an opening on the object’s underside and into a brightly lit room. Each felt paralyzed and found themselves on an examining platform. A humanoid performed an unknown type of procedure on the girl’s lower body using a long pencil like instrument. After this procedure they both were levitated back to the ground. They ran back to the house and all the children now watched two hovering domed disc shaped objects over the area. Ground traces were found the next day on a nearby field.
HC addition # 725

Source: Kathleen Morel, Jean Waller, Richard Seifried & Dr Jeannie Byrne, Mufon UFO Journal # 270

Type: G


Location. McCullough Park Muncie Indiana

Date: September 1965

Time: afternoon

A student at nearby Ball State University had gone to the park to do some studying and was getting ready to leave when she was astonished to see two little men about two-foot tall standing in the nearby underbrush watching her. She closed her eyes and shook her head, but when she looked again they were still there. They appeared to be wearing clothing made out of bark and were bareheaded. One was thin; the other one was plump and had a beard. After a few moments they turned and silently disappeared into the brush along a river.
HC addition # 2053

Source: Paul Startzman, Fate Vol. 48 # 3

Type: E


Location. Peoria Illinois

Date: September 1965

Time: evening

J. A. Covolo & 5 teenaged boys, loading a truck, looked up to see a triangular object in the sky. About 60 ft wide, it had lights 5 ft apart all along its edges, and was tilting gently from side to side. It seemed about a half a mile away. Covolo & the boys got into the truck & drove toward the object, arriving in the part of town called “the knolls.” Here they heard footsteps, then saw 3 oriental looking men in black, 6 ft tall, walking toward them. “They were huddled together, leaning slightly forward” and passed Covolo so closely he could have touched them.
Humcat 1965-69

Source: Search Magazine Fall 1976

Type: C?


Location. Gunnison River Valley, Colorado

Date: September 1965

Time: evening

The witness saw a black triangle from the highway heading toward the mountains in the northeast. It flew about 40 mph not more than 300 ft off the ground, made no sound and had no outside lights. If the moon had not been out full he would have never noticed the object. He got out of the car and watched it gliding almost overhead, on its left side nearest to the witness he noticed a number of porthole shaped windows. A yellowish light was emitted from within and he could see the outline of a number of small humanoid creatures with large heads coming to the windows to peer down at him. It continued on and out of sight in a few minutes. The object was very large and very black.
HC addendum

Source: Norm Buckallew, CAUS

Type: A


Location. Ciudad Valles, Mexico

Date: September 1965

Time: night

At the same time that numerous locals were reporting low level encounters with UFOs several youngsters reported apparently abduction attempts by a tall, blond, blue eyed individual of “Italian appearance” that apparently attempted to lure juveniles under 10-years of age away. A similar individual was seen in nearby San Luis Potosi.
HC addendum

Source: Ovnis En Mexico

Type: D


Location. ¾ mile from Ross, North Dakota

Date: September 1965

Time: 2300

On the farm land belonging to the Keith Meiers family, on a moonlit night the witness noticed a UFO after seeing some flashes of light, he then grabbed a rifle with a strong scope sat on the window ledge and viewed the craft. He could see that it had two occupants in flight helmets and wearing military style flight suits. He could see their faces through the helmets after he switched to his refractive telescope. They were human and he presumed most probably military. The craft was grayish silver, saucer-shaped with three tripod shaped struts. A window wrapped partly around the front of the craft. It had what he assumed were flight surfaces, but no flaps or such as traditional winged craft use. It remained in the area for perhaps less than an hour. As the witness sat on his desk in the room he continued watching the craft. His eyes eventually tired while viewing through the scope and when he looked up it was gone, no engine sound or roar. He did go to where he thought the craft had sat and in a rather freshly cultivated field the landing props had made imprints about an inch & ½ to 2 inches. Days later while driving the back roads, the witness and other men noticed an enclosed wagon sitting off the road in a very rural area with an Air Force pickup truck parked next to it. An airman was standing with an M-16 rifle on guard. The men stopped and began talking to him, and eventually with the others inside and asked what they were doing. As the wagon had a radar dish on top, they replied they were supporting helicopters while the Minuteman missiles were being installed (likely at Grand Forks strategic missile base). However, perhaps after 2 hours or so the witness asked the first airman what they were really doing and told him about the craft he had seen. The airman said that’s what they were really doing, “supporting this new surveillance craft”. (In fact they were probably sent to investigate the landing of this UFO which was probably detected by radar (this comment by A Anfalov).
HC addendum

Source: MUFON UFO Journal January 2003 # 417

Type: A


Location. Huanuco Peru

Date: September 1 1965

Time: 0500A

After obeying a “strange inner urge” a foreigner of undisclosed name and country saw, at very close range, an oval shaped UFO land on an airstrip belonging to a big estate. An entity 33” tall, with a head twice the size of ours, emerged and made gestures as though trying to communicate. Failing to do so, the being re-entered the machine, which became luminous and took off vertically. The witness had felt an odd sensation that had led him to the spot where the UFO landed, before it had appeared,
Humcat 1965-45

Source: Donald Hanlon for FSR

Type: B


Location. Near Des Plaines Illinois

Date: September 3 1965

Time: night

Mrs. M. G. had retired but suddenly found herself awake and driving on a rural asphalt road when she came to a spot where a man was standing on the road, waving a lantern. She stopped, believing there had been an accident, and got out. The man was tall, normal in appearance except for a very high forehead, and was dressed in a white coverall with a metal buckle at the waist. She was led across the grass to an area that was suddenly brightly lighted from an opening door of a large round mass sitting on legs about 100 ft from the road. There were three more cars stopped along the road and the occupants of these were also being escorted into this object. Their abductors were all over 6 ft tall, with very high foreheads, and bald; inside the vessel were two “normal appearing” men, also in white coveralls, one with white hair. He was the only one who spoke during the experience and he did so in a language unknown to the witness. The other “human” looked Italian, and was younger. The four tall occupants each appeared to be in charge of the four abductees and in appearance were identical. The room was filled with electronic equipment and control knobs, and telepathically she was told that she would not recall the incident; the next thing she remembered was being led outside again by her “host,” and being helped into her car. The other three men were likewise being assisted to their cars. Mrs G made a U-turn, and drove straight home, where she went directly to bed. Self-hypnosis indicated that a medical examination had been conducted.
Humcat 1965-46

Source: Fred Merritt for Cufos

Type: G


Location. Green River Gorge Washington

Date: September 4 1965

Time: unknown

In an isolated area a man named Salsbury encountered a landed craft from which a loud voice resembling a “loud speaker” originated. It told him not to be afraid, & to put down his gun. Once he did that, an oval shaped door opened under the lower part of the white disc-shaped object and a man came out walking slowly towards the witness. The man was described as six ft tall, about 30 years of age. He was dressed in a one-piece tight fitting suit made of some sort of metallic coating resembling aluminum or chrome, dull reflecting. He also wore a helmet that was very close fitting on his skull. On his side he carried an odd-looking sidearm with a barrel about the size of a regular flashlight, but instead of a hole in it, it had some sort of oval lens of a purplish-bluish color. He spoke to the witness in a very refine voice telling him “Don’t be alarmed, I am no here to cause you any injury or harm.” The man told the witness that he was the captain of his craft and invited him onboard for a brief tour. No other information.
HC addition # 2580

Source: Andy Page UFO

Type: G


Location. Puno Peru

Date: September 8 1965

Time: night

A 12-year old boy saw in the patio of his home a landed object and seven or eight 31” tall humanoids, with only one eye. He ran for his family, but when they came nothing was to be seen but a brilliant light rising into the sky. Other encounters occurred in nearby towns about the same time.
Humcat 1965-49

Source: Donald Hanlon

Type: C


Location. Colonia Navarrete Mexico

Date: September 10 1965

Time: unknown

Esperanza M de Medina, her daughter Sara Rosa, and a friend, Elena saw three tall beings standing motionless on the corner of Xola and Universidad. The woman thought at first they were “Judas” figures (burned at Easter in Mexico). The beings were 10 ft tall and shaped like humans, but the only noticeable facial features were their enormous and brilliant red eyes. They lacked nose, mouths, and ears. They had gray hair on their heads and wore leotard-like suits of shiny gray, with boots on their feet. The most impressive features were their eyes, which “shone with an intense red glow.” The women fled in terror, although the figures made no move toward them. They later returned to the scene to look for traces, finding none. The same day other residents in the area reported that a UFO had been seen, and the incident occurred during a wave of reports throughout Mexico.
Humcat 1965-48

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: D


Location. Sao Joao Pernambuco Brazil

Date: September 10 1965

Time: 0830A

Antonio Pau Ferro, a farmer, was working in his cornfield when he heard a rushing noise and saw two luminous discs 5 ft wide and two feet thick coming down nearby. They discharged two small beings, 27-31” tall and then rose to hover a 15 ft. The entities had reddish brown wax-like complexions and wore tight fitting one piece-garments. They spoke an unknown language, smiled at the witness, and picked a tomato; then the discs came down and picked them up, rising vertically with a whistle. The farmer said that they appeared quite human, except for the strange skin color and their size.
Humcat 1965-50

Source: Dr Walter Buhler, SBEVD

Type: B


Location. Jalapa Veracruz Mexico

Date: September 10 1965

Time: night

A hovering object was seen in a Jalapa street which discharged yellow, blue, and orange lights from slits around its circumference, as well as “a black-clad being with eyes glowing like a cat’s, holding a gleaming metal rod.” This entity vanished suddenly after being seen by four witnesses, a local reporter, a bullfighter, and two taxi drivers.
Humcat 1965-51

Source: Humcat quoting Reuters Dispatch

Type: C


Location. Near Santa Barbara Huancavelica Peru

Date: September 12 1965

Time: 0500A

A Mr. Mancha observed two 80cm. tall figures walking in the snow near Lake Caulacocha. After watching them for about two minutes, the little figures disappeared “like a spark,” accompanied by a very loud noise. There is nothing in the account describing the presence of any object. There were, however, other reports of flights of UFOs over Huancavelica Province at about the same time.
Humcat 1965-47

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source & Reuters dispatch

Type: D


Location. Denver Colorado

Date: September 15 1965

Time: evening

Dale Clymer, 17, and Mark Martinez, 4, saw an object hovering overhead that appeared to haves figures in it. No other information.
Humcat 1965-52

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: A


Location. Pichaca Peru

Date: September 20 1965

Time: 1630

A shepherd girl saw six beings 2.5 – 3 ft, in height emerge from a landed UFO; they wore white clothing that emitted flashes of light, and talked to one another in a language resembling “the cackling of geese.” She fled and hid; at the site was found a liquid resembling oil.
Humcat 1965-54

Source: The Humanoids by Hanlon

Type: B


Location. Felixstowe Suffolk England

Date: September 20 1965

Time: 2230

Three young people, Geoffrey Maskey, Michael Johnson, and Mavis Forsyth, were parked in Maskey’s car in a lane when Michael Johnson hastily left the car. Then a high-pitched hum was heard and an orange glowing object, 6 ft long, was seen flying over the car. Shortly after, Johnson staggered from the hedge and fell unconscious. In the hospital, he recovered consciousness and said he had been drawn from the car by an involuntary compulsion, and later spoke of a “man in the flames pointing at him.” He had suffered severe shock, and there were burn marks on the back of his neck.
Humcat 1965-53

Source: Dr Bernard Finch for FSR

Type: C?


Location. Derby Derbyshire England

Date: September 21 1965

Time: 2130

Barry Swan and Keith Rowland were walking along a footpath when they heard a whining noise and looked up to see two round objects in the sky. One of them came down toward the witnesses and they could see that it had a round base and a diamond shaped top, with green-lighted windows around the circumference. A shadow passed across one of the windows as the object hovered, spinning on its axis; then the object tilted on one side, then the other, and departed silently.
Humcat 1965-55

Source: FSR Vol. 11 # 6.

Type: A


Location. Kennewick, Washington

Date: September 23 1965

Time: 1400

The main witness and some of his friends were “road hunting” on Badger Road west of Kennewick and south of Benton City when they see an ice-blue oval shaped craft landing on a hay field. The witnesses decided to investigate the site since they were armed with several guns. They drove into the field when the truck suddenly stopped running. The witnesses then approached the craft on foot and noticed that there was an open hatch on the hull. As they circled around the object they noticed four “beings” taking what looked like readings (with instruments?). His next memory was of standing at the doorway of the craft and he walked outside there were some other people around the craft, some in uniform. When the craft left it shot a beam of blue-white light into the sky and then the sky sort of turned into “water”, the craft then followed the beam and was gone. The main witness’s next memory was being at home in bed while his friends could not remember anything.
HC addendum

Source: NUFORC

Type: C or G?


Location. Warminster Wiltshire England

Date: September 26 1965

Time: afternoon

On that afternoon Arthur Shuttlewood received a phone call from someone claiming to be from another planet (Aenstria), calling himself Karne. Shuttlewood wanted proof so he invited the man over. Seconds later there was someone at the front door. This man looked like any ordinary man, except for an apparent absence of pupils in his eyes; he also had blue blotches on his cheekbones and lips. He spent a total of nine minutes with the journalist. He also acted in a manner that unnerved Shuttlewood, who felt that if provoked, this man could instantly destroy him. The stranger spoke of an imminent war in the Middle East and of further UFO appearances. He said a 3rd world war was almost inevitable at some point in the not so distant future. Shuttlewood noticed that at times Karne would have difficulty breathing. At times he would glanced at a pale gold disc on his wrist. At the conclusion of the meeting Shuttlewood gripped Karne’s wrist and left thumb in what he intended as a gesture of good will, but the visitor winced in pain. The stranger walked away in a slow and deliberate gait.
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