Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Roy Sandbach, NUFON # 153

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HC addendum

Source: Roy Sandbach, NUFON # 153

Type: C?


Location. Holsenoy Bergen Norway

Date: July 1965

Time: 1400

The witness was in her cottage sitting by a window reading a magazine when she noticed a bright yellow light approaching her from the roof of the neighbor’s house. As the light came closer, she could see the outline of an object resembling a miniplane without a tail. Inside a plexi glass like cockpit sat a very small pilot, human like, with a large head and very large dark eyes. He wore a helmet and his hands were resting on some kind of steering wheel. The being seemed very pale. The object hovered briefly outside the window as the small pilot looked intently at the witness, who at this point felt paralyzed; she suddenly yelled and banged the table with her fist. This seem to startle the pilot who jumped back, the craft then rose up vertically at high speed, the witness ran out and was able to see a circular dark color section of the bottom of the object as it left the area.
HC addition # 621

Source: Ole Jonny Braene

Type: A


Location. Rosemont Quebec Canada

Date: July 1965

Time: 2200

Two young women were out walking when they heard a peculiar noise resembling that of “roller skates,” when they looked in the direction of the noise they saw the torso of a beautiful smiling man with deep penetrating eyes, both women felt into a five minute trance, when they recovered the figure had apparently vanished.
HC addition # 31

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: E


Location. Lake Forest Illinois

Date: July 1965

Time: 2330

An unidentified woman, in her second floor bedroom talking on the telephone, heard a rustling sound outdoors and saw a bright flash. When she finished her conversation, she looked out the window and saw a globe of light, “diffuse at the edges,” hovering about 5-10 feet above a neighbor’s lawn 100 feet away. It appeared transparent and inside were several figures (possibly as many as six) laying on their backs and making “rowing motions.” They were about 5’ tall and dressed in white suits, with bare heads and arms, disclosing deep “suntans.” The object was stationary and silent. After about 5 minutes, it disappeared simply by extinguishing its light.
Humcat 1965-72

Source: Jerome Clark

Type: A


Location. Near Milnthorpe Cumbria England

Date: July 1965

Time: late night

A couple and their baby son were making an overnight journey when they pulled over for a cigarette break at a rest area. Shortly after pulling in they noticed an intense red light, which appeared lens or domed shaped, behind a nearby dry stonewall. Within this light were three small creatures that seemed to give off a slight green luminescence. The humanoids were described as having large round staring eyes and a long nose that looked like a “small elephant trunk” with a mouth that appeared as just a slit. They had large heads and almost turnip shaped, and their bodies were round with hands with digits that were not defined. Two of the three entities had their arms held out in front of them as if gesturing. No definite muscle tone or bone structure was seen, and they did not appeared to be wearing any clothing. The humanoids appeared about 15 feet from the car in front of the wall when the object’s brilliance was noticed. Both witnesses became frightened and drove off without seeing the humanoids depart. Later both witnesses felt silly for reacting in a frightened manner towards the creatures, because they had an impression that they meant no harm.
HC addition # 3391

Source: David Sankey for BUFORA

Type: C


Location. Valensole Basses Alpes France

Date: July 1 1965

Time: 0530A

Maurice Masse, 41, had just reached his lavender field, ‘L’Olivol,” when he heard a whistling noise. Walking around a hillock, he saw an oval shaped object with a dull metallic finish about 30 yards away resting on a central column and with four legs splayed out; it reminded him of a big spider. Beside it, examining the lavender plants, was a being the size of a 6-year old child, dressed in an orange coverall or suit but with bare head and hands. His baldhead was twice the size of a normal human head; his chin was pointed, and the mouth was merely a small hole. Inside the craft was another of these beings; they were talking to one another with a “gurgling” sound. The witness approached to within 15-18 ft, when the little man pointed a tube at him and he found himself paralyzed. The being then re-entered the object through a sliding door and it then took off with a whistling noise, seeming to vanish in mid-air. Where the craft had rested there was later found a central hole 20” deep surrounded by 4 others, and the soil was hardened like cement. Several days later Mr. Masse became inordinately sleepy, a condition which lasted for some days; no lavender plants would grow at the site at lest five years later.
Humcat 1965-20

Source: Victor Nathan, Aime Michel & Charles Bowen

Type: B & A


Location. Quilmes Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: July 20 1965

Time: 0800A

Ramon Eduardo Pereyra, 38, was driving when he saw something like a “luminous parachute” fall from the sky. On walking into the woods the found a metallic ovoid craft 12 ft in diameter. Inside its upper portion, which was a transparent dome, were two “form fitting” chairs, back to back, and a human like figure wearing a spherical plastic helmet, who did not see the witness, occupied one. About thirty yards away from the object stood another man, about 6 ft tall, looking up at the sky; he was blond, similarly clad in a lead gray one-piece garment with a monk-like hood, and he was holding a piece of paper in his hand. When he saw Pereyra, the man hurried back into the craft; as he passed the witness asked him if there was some sort of trouble, but got no answer. The man was carrying a pair of large binoculars and he had a sort of cartridge like pouch on one leg. When he got back in his seat, the vessel took off vertically with a slight humming sound, becoming luminous as it gathered speed. There was no mention in the report of traces at the site.
Humcat 1965-21

Source: Fabio Zerpa & Omar Pagani

Type: B & A


Location. Macias Entre Rios Argentina

Date: July 21 1965

Time: 2300

Felipe Martinez for the 3rd time met the little humanoids contacted earlier, and was told that the space people would soon show themselves to people everywhere on earth. He was told also that on December 3 1965, they would return to take away Martinez and his family, and would then burn up the whole earth as punishment for disbelieving in their existence. Martinez also said that on some unspecified occasion he was received inside the UFO; four of the crew were little men last than 3 ft tall, and the fifth man was blond and 6 ft tall, who bore on his arms metallic plates with numerous small lights.
Humcat 1962-22

Source: FSR Vol. 18 # 4

Type: G


Location. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Date: July 22 1965

Time: 1920

Ruben Angel Napoli spotted an object floating in mid-air and next to it, two human like figures also floating about. Apparently he was able to take two photographs of the scene. One of the photos supposedly shows a glowing object and a “robot-like” figure next to it.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: C


Location. Parico de San Antonio Jujuy Argentina

Date: July 23 1965

Time: 1910

The postal employee Domiciano Diaz stated that, returning with his wife and son from the “El Carril” ranch, he was surprised by a light in the air, which looked like a mercury lamp and burned like the rays of the sun. It came down gently on one side of the road, near a carob tree, and extinguished its upper lights. Diaz was able to see some humanoid silhouettes, which were starting to come out through a little door in the object. The observation lasted 20 minutes. The place were it alighted was found to be scorched, as well as the side of the tree exposed to the phenomenon.
Humcat 1965-73

Source: Dr Roberto Banchs

Type: B


Location. Carazinho Rio Grande Do Sul Brazil

Date: July 26 1965

Time: 2000

Adilon Batista Azevedo saw two rounded objects land not far away, the larger one about 16 ft in diameter. Hiding behind a well, he saw 3 entities emerge from the larger machine, 2 from the other. They were about 5 ft tall and wore helmets and one-piece dark spacesuits; one carried a brilliantly luminous object like a wand. They spoke to each other in sibilant tones while they walked around the craft, apparently inspecting them. Then they re-entered and took off at fantastic speeds. The boy soon felt a violent headache that lasted 3 days.
Humcat 1965-23

Source: The Humanoids by Hanlon

Type: B


Location. Coteaux, near Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canada

Date: July 27 1965

Time: 1630

10-year old Andre sees an object near the ground resembling a vertical binocular (2 cylinders 1m50 in height linked by bars) it makes zigzag movements at a low height in the sky and disappears behind a cliff. Andre briefly approaches the object, which seems to disappear and appear at will. Later Andre returns to his home and inside encounters a strange being about 1.50m in height, with red scabrous skin resembling hard plastic, long arms and legs and an elongated and flat face. The being seems aggressive and afraid the witness flees.
HC addendum

Source: Musgrave “UFO Occupants”, H. Bordeleau, “J’ai chasse les pilotes de souccoupes volantes”

Type: D?


Location. Valensole, France

Date: end of July 1965

Time: 2200

Several witnesses saw on the side of the road an oval shaped object hovering about 5 meters from the ground. Numerous short figures seemed to be coming in and out of the object without using any visible entrance point.
HC addendum

Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine

Type: B


Location. Phoenix Arizona

Date: July or August 1965

Time: 1800

Mrs V T and her daughter observed a triangular shaped object fly overhead low and slowly, the witness counted 13 windows around the perimeter of the object, and in one window she saw a figure, who walked into view with his arm raised as though touching something on the inside wall. He then dropped his arm, turned to the window, and looked out directly at the two witnesses, who felt that he was “looking at us.” The daughter did not see the figure, but she observed a red light in the forward point of the triangle, and two blue lights at the rear points. The figure the witness saw was slim, of human shape, and wore tight fitting clothing. He appeared to be of average height, although she saw him only from the waist up. The object passed over a treetop height, or just above, and the witnesses started waving at it; she ran inside to get her camera and when she returned, the object was no longer in view.
Humcat 1965-24

Source: Cufos

Type: A


Location. “Ozarks”, Arkansas (exact location not given)

Date: August 1965

Time: unknown

While in an isolated area a man and his son encountered a large round, orange object which seemed to glow but did not emit heat. It hovered about a foot off the ground just below the trees. The main witness was in front of it, he then spoke to it and the object seemed to come toward him. He blacks out and looses about an hour, his son does not remember anything.
HC addendum


Type: G?

Comments: Unexplored abduction event?


Location. Near Nisqually, Washington

Date: August 1965

Time: afternoon

On several occasions a nightmarish creature was reportedly sighted near this town. A composite description from eyewitnesses revealed something that stood nearly 7 ft tall with a hairless, egg shaped head. It reportedly had large, pink glowing eyes, a small nose and ears and a slit like mouth. The upper body was thin, but it had ham-sized hands. The lower portion of its body was described as “stumpy.” Several witnesses reported the creature appeared to be wearing a white garment resembling a doctor’s smock. On one occasion, a teenage boy claimed he shot the creature with a .22 rifle from a distance of 25 ft. The boy and a companion said that the bullet knocked the creature down momentarily but that it quickly got back on its feet and ran off.
HC addendum

Source: Phillip L Rife, America’s Nightmare Monsters

Type: E


Location. Fragosa, Spain

Date: August 1965

Time: afternoon

Brother and sister Juan & Isabel Dominguez were returning home with a load of peaches when they noticed what appeared to be a tall shadowy figure moving back and forth in front of a nearby garden wall. Curious they approached the figure and were horrified to see a tall translucent human-shaped figure that was now moving over a vegetable patch near the river. They could see that the entity had very long arms that moved in harmony with its body, the rest of the body was proportional and “gelatinous” in appearance. The creature was well above 2 meters in height. When the giant turned and walked in the direction of the witnesses these dropped their bundles of peaches and fled in terror. During the whole encounter both witnesses heard a sound resembling that of a “rattler”.
HC addendum

Source: Iker Jimenez, “El Paraiso Maldito” (Cursed Paradise)

Type: E

Translated by Albert S. Rosales


Location. Near Elizabeth, New South Wales, Australia

Date: August 1965

Time: night

After seeing luminous dart-like objects flying over the area and receiving communication from supposed alien entities on a Quija board a couple, Dora and Derek, were told to go to an isolated area near Lake Illawarra. As they walked through the night, they felt that something was wrong. A light aircraft was flying backwards and forwards across the lake, as though searching for something. This apparently scared off the aliens and they did not show up that night. Later that same week, the couple again had made contact with the “visitors” and was told to go to the same general location. Soon they reached the rendezvous point and leaving the cover of the trees they stepped into the clearing. The couple paused for a moment and peered into the darkness. Suddenly Dora grabbed Derek’s arm and pointed to a nearby tree. The tree stood out from the others, it was on the edge of the woods and clear of the undergrowth. Derek could just make out a shadowy figure standing by the trunk. Dora was able to see more, she described the figure as tall, and human-like. It appeared to be dressed all in black, in a type of one-piece suit. It was tall and slim, but not thin. The couple stood transfixed, peering through the darkness at the stationary shape. After a few minutes they saw movement as the hands of the tall dark figure reached towards its middle. It seemed to touch its belt, and then quite suddenly it disappeared. Later as they examined the tree, they came to the conclusion that the figure must have been about 8 ft tall.
HC addendum

Source: Omar Fowler, FSR Vol. 38 # 3

Type: F & E?


Location. Carlington Heights Ontario Canada

Date: August 1965

Time: 2100

A man named Harris and his woman friend were parked by an underground reservoir when they saw an object with 4 searchlights on the bottom slowly descend to within 15-20 ft of the reservoir. Then a sliding door opened and one, then three figures were visible standing in the doorway. The figures were in silhouetted, dark, and shiny, and after 15 minutes the witnesses drove away.
Humcat 1965-25

Source: Louis J. Normandin for Apro

Type: A


Location. Citrus Heights, California

Date: August 1965

Time: 2100

During a heavy storm the four witnesses were in the farm living room discussing the weekend plans. Suddenly one of the men heard sounds coming from outside and thought it was the sheep that had gotten out. While the other two (a husband and wife) stayed inside he and his wife went outside to check. The man chased the sheep back into the pen while the woman held the gate. When she turned around she saw the man staring, as in a trance into the sky. He called out his name but there was no response. Out of nowhere a metallic object had descended over the man and hovered 20 ft above him. He remembers seeing “people” inside the craft wearing what look like blue jump suits. He also said that the people looked human, and they all had long blond hair and blue eyes. His wife saw the same thing, confirming the account. After about a minute she yelled at him to get away from the object. He ran in a full sprint to the house. He later confirmed that the reason why he was not answering his wife was because he was in some sort of trance and couldn’t take his eyes off the craft.
HC addendum

Source: Castle Of Spirits

Type: A


Location. Lima Peru

Date: August 1 1965

Time: 1900

Alberto San Roman, a 15-year old boy was on the roof of his home when he saw a saucer shaped UFO land nearby and a strange being, 3/5 ft tall, emerge, it was “a greenish” entity “with hair all covered with green lights, and looking like a toad.” As the boy fled, a red light was shone on him; then the object flew away toward the sea. Police later found circular marks on the roof.
Humcat 1965-26

Source: The Humanoids by Hanlon

Type: B


Location. La Punta near Lima Peru

Date: August 2 1965

Time: afternoon

A medical student, accompanied by a doctor, saw a strange “dwarf” on the beach of La Arenilla. The two refused to give the newspaper any more information.
Humcat 1965-74

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: E?


Location. North East Pennsylvania

Date: August 3 1965

Time: 1030A

Two boys, Doug Knopka, 9, and Tim Dietz 8, vacationing at Doehler’s Beach with their families, were walking along a wooded road when they saw a “dirty white” disc shaped object 15 ft in diameter, with a transparent dome, 50 ft away. Beside it was a small figure with yellow eyes about 4.5 ft tall, and inside the dome another moving figure was visible. Frightened, the boys ran from the spot; then they heard a “swishing” sound and saw a round object rise over the treetops and disappear from sight out over the lake.
Humcat 1965-28

Source: Louis Spizarny for Nicap

Type: C & A


Location. Near Caracas Venezuela

Date: no later than August 5 1965

Time: unknown

A farmer saw a mysterious object land on his property, leaving a scorched area 40 yards wide in the corn. Three “strange beings from outer space” emerged, but when the farmer approached they were “whipped back into it” and the object took off.
Humcat 1965-29

Source: The Humanoids by Hanlon

Type: B


Location. San Pedro de Los Altos Venezuela

Date: August 7 1965

Time: 1600

Three anonymous witnesses, one “a well known gynecologist,” saw a yellow luminous disc about 50 ft in diameter descend and hover over the ground 100 ft away. Then a shaft of light was projected downwards from its bottom, and in this shaft two “men” 7-8 ft tall, with shoulder length blond hair, descended to the ground; they wore seamless one-piece coveralls that appeared metallic. These beings approached the witnesses, telling them telepathically not to be afraid. The gynecologist asked them a number of questions to which they replied; they said (for example) that they came from Orion and that robots piloted some of their ships.
Humcat 1965-30

Source: Horacio Gonzalez Ganteaume

Type: B


Location. Grand Forks North Dakota

Date: August 8 1965

Time: 2330

Sylvia Hoialman, 21, Becky Evanston, 21, and Becky Aanstad, 21, were driving near the Lincoln Park Golf Course when they saw a yellow-luminous object that they took at first for the moon. It “blinked black and white” and the silhouettes of several little figures could be seen inside. Three men in a nearby car also saw the object; a 16 year old boy ran toward it and the object disappeared with a bang.
Humcat 1965-31

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: A


Location. Lima Peru

Date: August 9 1965

Time: 2200

The anonymous witness, a “sedate” music teacher and “high public employee,” was driving in the outskirts of Lima when his car’s motor started to miss, and then stopped. At that moment the car, surrounded by a beam of light from above, rose up from the road and was then carried through the sky for an unknown distance, at an altitude such that the witness could see the coastline and a peninsula, La Punta, west of the city. He was paralyzed. The car was returned to the ground at a place he could not identify (but near the coast, for he could hear waves breaking), where a voice speaking perfect Spanish asked him to get out. He did so, and “could barely make out” little men with big ears. Apparently no UFO was seen, but there was a luminous screen nearby, on which he read; “We are using calming rays on you to remove your fear.” He then asked several questions, in response to which the spokesperson told him that they came from a place more distant than Mars, that they had visited Earth on various occasions in the past, & that they did not appear in public because that might cause panic. Asked if they knew music, he caused the witness to hear “something that might be considered as music, but that had the power of raising the feelings to the highest exaltation.” Then his car was transported back through the air to the spot from which he had been picked up. He told his story to an uncle, an official in the Peruvian police, who informed reporters.
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