Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1965-10

Source: Major Damon B Reeder, Air Force Sam Vestal & Paul Cerny

Type: G


Location. Near Chicago Illinois

Date: early February 1965

Time: dawn

Walking along the shore of Lake Michigan about sunrise, Harvey Keck aw a saucer about 6 ft high resting on a 4-legged landing gear. Near it was a 5 ft “robot or being, stocky in build and similar to the entity reported by Reeves in Florida;” the being’s skin was tanned, eyes set far apart, and he had a pointed chin. His head was encased in a glass-domed helmet.
Humcat 1965-11

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: C


Location. Bulach, Switzerland

Date: February 3 1965

Time: 0200A

Billy Meier was summoned telepathically to a place on a severely cold morning. The site was on top of an isolated hill. He had barely arrived when he saw, shooting down from the sky, a brilliantly luminous flying object that immediately landed near him on the hard frozen ground. The bright light went out and he could see a matt-silvery disc shaped object, which stood majestically on its three landing spheres and seemed to wait for him. Following a brief telepathic instruction and some gentle urging, he went toward the ship, and was immediately lifted into it through an opening, by some unknown force. Inside he only saw one seat, and there was nobody around. He was alone. He sat on the single but very comfortable seat. As he was getting settled, a powerful change took place. The bright light coming from everywhere inside the ship suddenly went out, and then he felt like he was sitting in free space. He could see nothing of the ship and its equipment and when he raised his hand before his eyes he couldn’t see it either. The ship rose up and apparently traveled through space since he saw from an opening a blue-white greenish sphere, resembling planet earth. Soon the entrance door opened and he looked out, and was surprised to see that completely unnoticed to him the small ship had landed. He step out and found that he softly “floated” down to the ground and landed on hard, dry soil. The soil was warm and was a reddish color. Soon a larger luminous object appeared and landed nearby. After awhile a beautiful female figure appeared from the behind the object. She walked confidently up to him and greeted him in a way that was familiar to him but he could not figure out why. She seemed strangely familiar. She wore a foot length pleated gown of a peculiar silver white color, girdled at the waist. Her long blond hair fell to her shoulders. She invited Meier to join her in her ship, which he did, and that ship sped up into the sky and seemed to become invisible. The ship then landed in area near what Meier could see were the pyramids of Egypt. Some nearby Bedouin Arabs did not seem to notice the landing of the ship. The woman identified herself as Asket and explains many things about his future mission on earth to Meier.
HC addendum

Source: Galactic 2. Net

Type: G


Location. Torrent Corrientes Argentina

Date: February 11 1965

Time: night

A group of citizens in that neighborhood saw the landing of a strange transparent craft near their homes. 5 creatures a little larger than human beings stepped out, and the terrified witnesses saw that the visitors had---like Cyclopes---a single eye in the middle of their foreheads. The witnesses ran back to the road. Then it was stated that one of the figures entered a house to look it over. A few moments later, with his companions, he went away in the UFO. Another reports states, that in a field belonging to Mr. Souriou, 2 of his sons and several peasants met gigantic creatures whose stature was more than 8 ft. One of the peasants had his right arm paralyzed when he tried to attack the creatures, and the automatic rifle of one of the sons of the owner of the field inexplicably failed to work. Frightened, the men ran to the house and shut themselves in. From outside, a light came in through the walls, illuminating the interior. At no time did they see any type of flying craft.
Humcat 1965-12

Source: Dr Robert Banchs, & Antonio Ribera

Type: B & E


Location. Near San Jose, San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Date: February 12 1965

Time: unknown

19-year old Francisco Estrada Acosta encountered on the road to San Jose a tall scaly creature that extended a cold hand as an attempt to possibly greet the witness. Panic stricken Jose fled the area on foot. He further described the being as having phosphorescent eyes, a large toad like mouth that suddenly appeared next to him on the road. Its hands were like “flippers” and it was well over 2 meters in height.
HC addendum

Source: Ruben Manrique

Type: E


Location. Guarani Minas Gerais Brazil

Date: February 14 1965

Time: evening

On a beach near Guarani, five local residents saw a large object land. Three went to look for other witnesses and while they were gone the remaining two approached to within 60 ft where, hiding behind a sand dune, they saw three beings that had left the object. They were tall and thin, nearly 8 feet in height and wearing dark, tight fitting one-piece suits. Before the others could return, the object took off, leaving traces, including footprints, at the landing site.
Humcat 1965-18

Source: Timothy Green Beckley, Saga UFO Special # 3

Type: C


Location. Chalac, Formosa Argentina

Date: February 21 1965

Time: 2100

A group of UFOs were seen flying overhead for a while and then one landed. Three tall beings enveloped in luminous halos emerged, causing the local population, fifty Toba Indians, to go down on their knees. The beings approached slowly, with gestures dissuading one Indian from approaching the UFO. Then a voice was heard telling the witnesses to remain calm, for there was nothing to fear, and that the space people would return to bring peace on earth. The humanoids then returned to their craft, bathed all the time in beams of light emanating from small wing-like projections; it then took off with blinding luminosity. Photographs were said to have been taken by local police officers.
Humcat 1965-13

Source: Local police & FSR Vol. 11 # 4

Type: B


Location. Silver Springs Maryland

Date: February 26 1965

Time: 1530

Several witnesses that included, George Adamski, watched a silvery gray metallic object perform several intricate maneuvers over the house. At one point it lowered a pod-like projection emitting a gentle humming and swishing sound. It then descended close to the roof and several human like figures were clearly seen inside several large portholes. After a few moments the craft rose vertically and disappeared. A color film was allegedly taken of the maneuvering craft.
HC addition # 1439

Source: Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, The Worldwide UFO Cover-up

Type: A


Location. Sorgues, Provence, France

Date: Spring 1965

Time: evening

A 12-year old schoolboy was walking on a field near a forested glade when he came upon a landed craft, square in the bottom and topped off with a round transparent dome. As he stood about 20 feet away from the object a small man emerged from the craft and approached the young witness. The humanoid was described as about 40cm to 50cm in height, wearing a tight-fitting combination that covered him from head to toes. He had an egg-shaped head and large slanted eyes, small mouth and otherwise human features. He carried what appeared to be a futuristic pistol in his right hand and pointed it to the witness; at this point a ray of light illuminated the witness who became instantly paralyzed. The humanoid approached the witness and emitted sounds resembling “hic�hic”. He then walked back to the craft and entered. The object, which was about 3 meters in diameter then took off and flew silently away. At this point the witness regained his movement again.
HC addendum

Source: H. Julien, M. Figuet, OVNI en Provence, Raoul Robe

Type: B


Location. Greenville, Texas

Date: March 1965

Time: 2300

A woman had just helped haul her somnambulant husband to bed, and he was snoring when he hit the pillow. She crawled in beside him, kissed him goodnight, and rolled over on her side. There standing in her hallway was a being. “He had on a helmet type, clear type helmet. He did not look like one of these weird beings, he looked like we do, kind of I would say ruddy complexion. He had on a gray type spacesuit with zippers down the arms, zippers down the front, zippers down the legs, and he held a glass round---all I could think of was a crystal ball, in his hands. I had a feeling he wasn’t going to hurt us. It was just---I don’t know---like mental telepathy or something, because it was like he would say, ‘I m not going to hurt you. I m just here observing you.’ Our galactic peeping Tom was not all that reassuring, and she was constantly reaching back and trying to get her happily snoring husband to wake up (which he never did). When her coughed in the other bedroom, the astronaut took his eyes from the glass ball and looked that way. That was too much, and maternal instincts took over, and she got up with “Don’t hurt my children!” in her mind. She got as far as the door “and he disappeared. Just like that.”
HC addendum

Source: Michael D. Swords, “Grassroots UFOs”

Type: E

Comments: Bedroom visitation by time traveler?


Location. Weeki Wachi Springs Florida

Date: March 2 1965

Time: 1400

John Reeves, retired, was out hunting snakes when he saw a flying saucer, reddish purple, and bluish-green, standing on 4 legs on a sand hill. It was 20-30 ft in diameter, with a clear dome on top and a row of vanes around the circumference. Creeping to within 100 ft, Reeves saw a figure about 5 ft tall, wearing a silver gray one-piece “space suit” with a transparent “fishbowl” helmet. His hands were gloved and his feet were in metallic looking boots. His eyes were far apart, and his chin pointed. The humanoid raised to his chin a round dark objects which emitted two bright flashes; the witness took it for a camera. He then re-entered his craft by waking up a small retractable stairway, and the object rose vertically with a whistling noise. Reeves found at the site many dumbbell shaped footprints, and 4 roughly equidistant 6” holes, left by the landing gear. There were also two folded sheets of thin tissue like paper that bore messages written in an unknown alphabet. Reeves subsequently had further sightings and contacts.
Humcat 1965-14

Source: Marshall S Cleaver, Robert M Snyder & R S Carr for Nicap

Type: B


Location. Red Rock Pennsylvania

Date: March 5 1965

Time: afternoon

Two radar technicians were repairing the height finder radar antenna located northeast of the 648th Radar squadron site @ Benton Air Force Base when a small metallic saucer shaped object landed near them, a beam of light came out and struck both technicians. That was the last they could remember, and they failed to report to the command post. A search by both military and civilian police ensued. Sixteen hours later, a state trooper found the two men walking on Route 487 in a dazed state. They were taken to a local hospital and found to be dehydrated. Later trace amounts of Alpha radiation were found on their clothing and strange marks were discovered on their necks. Later one of the men briefly recalled seeing strange short creatures poking instruments into his eyes, ears, and mouth.
HC addition # 3376

Source: Filer’s Files # 36

Type: G


Location. Mobile Alabama

Date: March 6 1965

Time: 1915

Mrs B. S. Crutchfield was on her front steps when she saw a “basketball shaped” object come from the southwest. It “looked like it was going to crash in the street.” It was encircled around the middle by windows, through one of which she was able to see an entirely human appearing occupant, dressed in a silver garment. She was able to see a second figure as the object rotated, through another window, as he stood in front an instrument panel. Closest proximity was 150 feet, and lowest altitude about 60-70 feet above ground. Duration was about 2 minutes. The object disappeared in a westerly direction. The witness had subsequent sightings.
Humcat 1965-5

Source: Ted Bloecher

Type: A


Location. Fort Myers, Florida

Date: March 15 1965

Time: 0100A

Experienced woodsman, James Flynn spotted something unusual that he judged to be slightly 1 mile away. Whatever it was, it was hovering, shaped like a broad, upside-down cone, an estimated 200 meters in the air above some cypress trees. After awhile it began flying off toward the northeast. After 2 to 3 minutes it returned to the same place, and hovered again, this time for an estimated 5 minutes. Then it took off toward the southwest at a high rate of speed. Soon however, it returned to the same location again. At this point Flynn was only about a quarter mile away, and the object seemed to come down among some trees in a small knoll. Suspecting he was watching some type of secret aircraft from Cape Canaveral, Flynn approached it. Flynn described the object as some 25 ft high, and twice that in its diameter. Up near the top were four by two foot square window-looking sections that emitted a yellowish glow. The thing was metallic and seemed to be made of four by four plates that appeared to be held together by rivets. Around the base of the object was an orange red illumination that seemed to cast a glow on the ground some 75 ft around its rim. After some 40 minutes into the sighting, Flynn decided to approach closer. He reasoned the crew of the “experimental craft” might need some assistance. He noticed a deafening ringing noise he compared to a high-powered transformer. The dog in the cage is howling and trying frantically to get out. Some 200 yards away Flynn stops his buggy and waves his arms in the air. He can see the object is hovering a mere 4 ft over the grass; a blast of wind nearly knocks him off of his feet. He approaches closer, within an estimated and mere 75 ft from the craft, he again waves his arms. Then, from under one of the apparent windows, a beam of light like a “welder’s torch” suddenly appears and strikes him in the forehead. He states later that it felt like he’d been struck with a sledgehammer. He soon blacked out. Sometime later he regains consciousness. Finding himself initially blind he lays there for a long while until he recovers a small amount of vision in his left eye. Its already Tuesday morning and Flynn gathers up his dogs and makes his way to the home of Henry Osceola a Seminole Indian who lived in the Everglades swamp. Flynn suffers from permanent damage to his right eye. Later Flynn and two others find a burned circle some 72 feet across under where the object had been hovering.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Casebook, Jerome Clark, Brent Raynes

Type: F

Comments: This could be another one of those unexplored abduction events.


Location. French Lick, Indiana

Date: March 15 1965

Time: night

Several local youngsters reported seeing a 10-foot tall “monster” that was green in color and had glowing red eyes. It was apparently seen in a wooded area. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: John Green, Sasquatch, The Apes Among Us

Type: E


Location. Jose de San Martin Argentina

Date: March 30 1965

Time: unknown

Three objects were seen flying over the city. Outside of town one of the objects appeared to land. Local police responded to the site, and upon arriving, saw two humanoid type creatures standing 15 feet southeast of a landed bluish white cigar shaped object. After apparently hearing the police car, the beings ran to the object and scampered up a ramp leading to one of the ends of the cigar. The object then rose straight up until it was lost to sight. An area of flattened grass was found on the landing site.
HC addition # 2196

Source: Flying Saucer Digest, summer 1969

Type: B


Location. Monte Grande Entre Rios Argentina

Date: April 1965

Time: daytime

While hunting, Felipe Martinez saw a large egg shaped craft hovering a few yards above the ground, with a revolving ring around it. He ran toward it shouting “Amigos!” but was stopped short by paralysis. A door opened, and a little figure wearing a “diving suit” descended a ladder; two cables linked his helmet to the saucer. He was not much over 3 ft tall. He spoke to the witness in Spanish, speaking slowly and with difficulty, and said that his people were friendly and came from “near the moon.” He called his machine a “sil,” and said he would meet Martinez again.
Humcat 1965-15

Source: FSR Vol. 13 # 4

Type: B


Location. Near Fortaleza Brazil

Date: April 3 1965

Time: 2320

Two traveling salesmen were driving toward Fortaleza when they saw something in the sky that looked like a bright infrared lamp. It shined a ray of light on the car. The object then descended just above the car, the car then began to shake, and its lights went out. They then saw a ray of light come down on the vehicle, at the same time the driver lost control of the vehicle; it skidded sideways and came to a stop. The object then landed in front of the car. Two humanoids, that resembled robots came out from the object and began moving toward the car. Both men got out; one had a rifle and fired at the entities. Suddenly there was a terrible explosion and the two men were temporarily blinded, but they heard no sound. 15 minutes later they could see again, but the object and the two entities were already gone.
HC addition # 2591

Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone

Type: B


Location. Near Albuquerque New Mexico

Date: April 18 1965

Time: 1600

Close to the bed of the Rio Grande Paul Villa saw a craft about 150 ft in diameter that projected a beam of light that caused a small bush fire, then another beam shot out and extinguished it. The craft also produces a “miniature tornado” causing the lower branches of some trees to appear blurred. The turbulence was so high, Villa reported, that he thought he and his truck would be blown away. Suddenly, the wind ceased, and the surrounding air became quite hot and there was dead silence. The ship landed on telescopic tripod landing gear. The three occupants had light brown hair and tan skin and appeared to be about five ft eight inches tall. Villa claimed to have talked to them for nearly two hours about personal as well as general matters.
HC addendum

Source: Timothy Good, Alien Base

Type: B


Location. Orlando, Florida

Date: April 20 1965

Time: dusk

The young witness was riding his bicycle home from a store when he spotted a craft to the east and low to the ground at about 1,000 feet up or so. As he watched fascinated, a small piper aircraft would approach the craft, which would then descend low beyond the witness view. After the plane passed it slowly rose and then made its way towards the witness location. The craft came over to his location and hovered over him. As he looked at the craft it appeared to be metallic and had lights around the edge. He saw struck by a domed section of the craft that seemed to have some sort of window, which seemed to be metallic but transparent in nature. He couldn’t see inside it, but could see light inside and the silhouette of what appeared to be a “being” or figure. The witness thought of his friends which lived nearby and began riding towards their house about a block away. As he approached his friend’s house he heard him yelling for his brother Lloyd to come out and see. Several other neighbors also heard the commotion and stepped out to see the craft. Moments later it made a sudden turn and disappeared almost instantaneously upwards and towards the west.
HC addendum

Source: NUFORC

Type: A


Location. Scoriton Devon England

Date: April 24 1965

Time: 1730

Mr. E A Bryant was out walking when he was confronted by a large aerial object that oscillated to the left and right before coming to rest, 3 ft from the ground. An opening appeared, and 3 men clad in “diving gear” emerged and beckoned to him. When he approached, they took off their helmets. Two had very high foreheads, blue eyes, and fair hair; the third, which called himself by a name something like “Yamski,” had brown eyes and hair. They spoke in English, saying they came from Venus, and regretting that “Des” or “Les” was not present; they promised to return in a month bringing “proof of Mantell,” and left some fragments of metal.
Humcat 1965-17

Source: Eileen Buckle & Norman Oliver

Type: B


Location. Rivesville West Virginia

Date: April 25 1965

Time: 0800A

A woman observed an object land near he house while she was working in her kitchen. It was shaped like a disk, showed portholes and a cylinder about 1 meter high, with a sliding door from which a small creature, about 1 meter tall, emerged and jumped to the ground. Its face was not clearly visible, but it had pointed ears, a sort of tail, and was linked to the main object by a cable. It wore white clothing, appeared to pick up something from the ground, and re-entered the cylinder, which then slid up into the larger white disk. The outside rim started spinning in a counterclockwise motion with a soft whistling sound, and the object rose straight up, out of view. Estimated diameter of the disk was seven meters.
Humcat 1965-16

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B


Location. Murdochville, Quebec, Canada

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