Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1968-93

Source: Zenith Contact Group Bristol UK

Type: E


Location. Mt. Airy North Carolina

Date: August 1968

Time: 0230A

When Mrs Harold Eggers went to her front door to let her barking and dog scratching dog in, she heard a sound like a swarm of bees, and saw about 50 ft away, a circular UFO with a dome on top, 15 ft in diameter and about 6 or 7 ft high, hovering 50 ft up. Its upper part glowed yellow, and had short 12 square windows that shone with a reddish orange light. From her bedroom window she could see in one of the object's windows a small being 3 to 4 ft tall, wearing a silver helmet and a tight fitting uniform. The UFO continued to hover across the street for 20-25 minutes. In the morning she found that the 3 electrical clocks in the house had each lost about an hour, and that a power outage had occurred in the immediate neighborhood.
Humcat 1968-53

Source: George Fawcett

Type: A


Location. Mojave Desert, California

Date: August 1968

Time: evening

While riding bikes and listening to the CB radio in the high desert area one evening the main witness heard a commotion on a nearby hill and heard someone yell "flying saucer!" Going up to look he noticed an aircraft down on the other side of the hill about 60 to 100 yards away. The object was sort of rounded. Its base was larger than its rounded top and it was sitting on three or four legs, which all had round feet. A door was opened---like a chopper door that folds out and down. The underside of the craft was lighted with a beige diffuse light. The door was open facing the witness and there was a yellowish light inside. There were three men outside doing something. One seemed to notice the witness. The men all looked to be in their twenties, had short blond hair and were dressed in what appeared to be a gray, silvery jumpsuit. After some minutes the men got back inside the object, the door closed in a normal manner, and it started an easy vertical take off. There was no noise as the object rose to about 40 ft up, turned off its bottom light and blue and red lights came on. The take off seemed to change the local air pressure considerably. The craft then shot away slowly into the night and vanished.
HC addendum

Source: UFORCE Case Studies

Type: B


Location. Madeira Beach Florida

Date: August 1968

Time: 1900

Athena and Sarah were vacationing with their husbands at Madeira Beach. While sitting on the verandah of their motel, the women were looking out over the Gulf of Mexico when from the horizon there appeared a globular craft that approached to within 200 yards of the witnesses; it was about 7 ft in diameter, with a red illuminated window in which could be seen the hooded head of a man. After hovering over the water for 3 or 4 minutes, it went back the same way it had come, vanishing in 4 or 5 seconds.
Humcat 1968-55

Source: Dr J A Hynek Cufos

Type: A


Location. Near Brasilia Brazil

Date: August 1968

Time: night

A group of individuals, under the leadership of General Alfredo Moacyr Uchoa, had taken up residence at the plantation of Wilson Da Silva, near the capital; several sightings were recorded and photograph taken. After five months of observations and as predicted by Da Silva, who had been in telepathic communication with the aliens, a brightly illuminated disc came down at the designated spot on his property, hovering 4 ft above the ground. The party of observers took photographs. As Da Silva left the group and walked toward the landing site, he saw a door open in the object and a normal sized man, wearing a blue coverall with a wide belt, descended. Upon his return to the group, Da Silva could remember nothing except the message he had received, which was, "We are peaceful. Your atomic experiments are causing an imbalance in our world." The craft shot up into the sky while he was returning to the group. Additional contacts were claimed subsequently, into 1969.
Humcat 1968-54

Source: General Uchoa & Gordon Creighton, FSR Case Histories # 12

Type: B


Location. Montreal Quebec Canada

Date: August 4 1968

Time: 0500A

Three young men walking along a road noticed a three-foot tall hairy heavyset figure lurking in some nearby shadows. It had long curving arms and was hunched over; it suddenly made a tremendous leap and disappeared. No other information.
HC addition # 22

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: E


Location. Cordoba, Argentina

Date: August 4 1968

Time: evening

11-year old Graciela Lourdes Gimenez was playing outside her home when she experienced a bizarre event. "I wanted to go back indoors and watch TV," she told reporters from the newspaper Cordoba, "and then just as I was about to turn around...a white cloud, like mist, appeared on the front path. It gradually came towards where I was, and then I could no longer see the other houses, and I couldn't move or call out to Mummy...and after that...I don't know anything more...until I found myself on a square where there were lots of people and lots of little boys..." She knocked at a nearby house, and the residents turned her over to the police. How had she traveled from a Cordoba suburb to the Plaza España in the heart of the city? After the incident, the child suffered fits of weeping and cold chills.
HC addendum

Source: John A Keel, Our Haunted Planet

Type: G As far as I know, no hypnotic regression was attempted in this case; it is possibly an unexplored abduction case.


Location. Brooksville Florida

Date: August 6 1968

Time: afternoon

Obeying an inner urge, John Reeves went to the woods and there encountered 2 men in silver space suits with helmets under their arms. They took him to their spaceship, where he met 6 others, including a beautiful young girl in a brown jumpsuit named Detzee. On take off he backed out from acceleration and came only 2 hours later. After a six-hour trip they landed on the moon, where he found the air breathable, though thin. They also flew over the "dark side," where he noticed 18 people along the banks of a stream. He was returned to earth 48 hours after being taken aboard, but could remember only one day's experiences. He was promised a later trip to the humanoid's home planet.
Humcat 1968-56

Source: Jim Twithy for the Tampa Tribune

Type: G


Location. Near St. Gertrude Quebec Canada

Date: August 6 1968

Time: 2130

Four young men were outside when they heard their dog barking furiously, and then they heard a creaking sound and saw a four-foot tall luminous figure leave a nearby hedge. The figure had large shoulders and long arms, which hung down; it suddenly vanished in plain sight in front of the witnesses.
HC addition # 21

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: E


Location. Lake Champlain Vermont

Date: August 7 1968

Time: sunset

At a private camp two staff members had stayed behind by the dock, when they saw a large glowing cigar shaped object swooped low over the lake. Three small round objects left the large "mothership" which departed, two of the small objects also left, but the third one descended close to the witnesses. It was described as a classic disc with a transparent dome and a revolving rim. The craft approached the dock and hovered very close to the witnesses. Two beings could be seen inside the dome, these had large elongated heads, huge eyes, two nasal openings, and a small mouth. The beings apparently communicated telepathically with the witnesses. Both witnesses were in an apparent trance state and recalled being taken inside the object where they were examined on a table. They both recalled seeing instrument panels and other instruments.
HC addition # 349

Source: Walter N Webb, Mufon Journal # 241

Type: G


Location. Canuelas Argentina

Date: August 8 1968

Time: 0200A

Miguel Bitschko was sleeping in his home when he suddenly woke up surrounded by a bright light coming from outside. Going out he was surprised to see a huge disc shaped object on the ground at a nearby field. The object had a dome on top on which a revolving red light appeared. As he stared at the object in disbelief a door opened on the craft, a ladder then descended to the ground. Soon a huge man like figure over 2 meters in height emerged from the object. The figure wore a shiny metallic close fitting outfit. At the same time the object was emitting a loud humming sound. The giant being began walking towards the witness, who remained paralyzed with fear. The figure suddenly stopped and then walked back to the object and entered it. The craft then climbed up vertically at high speed and disappeared from sight.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: B


Location. Mercedes Argentina

Date: August 12 1968

Time: 2000

A woman staying by herself at a house on the outskirts of town heard a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking. Looking out she saw a brightly lit object that gave off bright flashes of light, sitting on the ground. Smaller lighted objects emerged from the object and hovered above the treetops. At one point one of the lighted objects silently approached the house. The witness then saw a second object on the ground from which the figure of a man wearing a brilliant silvery outfit was seen to emerge. Suddenly there was a brilliant reddish blue flash and the whole scene disappeared. The next day several ground traces were found in the same area where the objects were seen.
HC addition # 6

Source: Richard Heiden, quoting Banchs

Type: B


Location. Sierra De Almos Tivissa Terragona Spain

Date: August 16 1968

Time: 0600A

A farmer named Mateu, walking toward a light, found a very luminous hemispherical object hovering 3 ft above the ground. On the far side of it he saw, about 100 yards away and hurrying toward it, 2 creatures resembling octopus, about 3 ft high, with "4 or 5 legs," very light in color and "thoroughly disgusting." The UFO left a large area of burnt grass, and "watches stopped 3 times at the site."
Humcat 1968-57

Source: Julio Roca Muntanola, FSR Special Bulletin # 4

Type: C


Location. Near Townsville Queensland Australia

Date: August 25 1968

Time: 0200A

Mr. and Mrs Hector Davis were asleep in their camper when Mr. Davis awoke with a "suspicious feeling." Looking toward a tree about 12 ft away he saw a small man 4.5 ft tall, in the tree approximately 6 ft off the ground. The being had long blond hair and bright blue eyes and was dressed in a one-piece suit of gray color, including gloves and shoes, and corrugated all over. He wore a kind of cap with an antenna, from which came a faint glow. Mr. Davis jumped up and the figure, who had been watching the sleeping couple, stared guiltily and floated from the tree, moving across the road 40 ft away, and about 2 ft off the ground, moving with a slight undulation, "legs swinging, like walking away, only not touching the ground." He was lost to view in the distance. The encounter lasted approximately a minute. Mrs Davis was asleep throughout.
Humcat 1968-59

Source: Dr. D Herbison-Evans for UFOIC Sydney Australia

Type: E


Location. Aldaya Valencia Spain

Date: August 25 1968

Time: 2000

A man riding his bicycle from work, was crossing a cultivated field when as he turned a bend, he saw a gray silvery object on the ground resting on four legs. Next to the object stood two short beings, the witness approached the object and stopped 40 meters away from it, then looked at it. The craft had a small dome with antennae on top and an open door from which a silvery ladder extended to the ground, both beings wore helmets with visors from which a rubber hose like protrusion was apparently connected to their chest area. They also wore a wide belt and small boots and their outfits were white in color. The beings stood by the object ignoring the witness. The witness then rode his bicycle away from the area and did not see the object depart.
HC addition # 95

Source: Ballester Olmos & Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia De los Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis

Type: C


Location. Naplo Beach Peru

Date: August 25 1968

Time: night

Twelve anglers reported that 3 beings of strange appearance, dressed in black suits emerged from the sea near Naplo Beach. Their faces "looked cold and pale like marble." When they saw the anglers they re-entered the water. No other information.
Humcat 1968-58

Source: Richard Greenwell for Apro

Type: E


Location. Lins Sao Paolo Brazil

Date: August 27 1968

Time: 0500A

Awakened by a flapping noise outside, hospital receptionist Maria Cintra opened the door to find a "foreign looking woman" wearing white light colored, shiny clothes and a tight fitting hood, and holding an engraved glass bottle and a mug. Mrs Cintra filled these for her from the drinking fountain; while she did so, the woman placed her hand on the witness shoulder and repeated several times the word "Rempaua." Then the woman went out and entered a luminous craft, pear shaped with a flat bottom that was hovering 3 ft above the hospital's lawn; another person could be seen in the craft. It took off and climbed slowly in a spiral, with a repetition of the flapping sound.
Humcat 1968-60

Source: Dr. Max Berezowski for Apro

Type: B


Location. Ucero Soria Spain

Date: August 28 1968

Time: 1930

Pedro Aylagas saw a lighted object in his fields, descending and emitting an upward directed beam of light; making an abrupt maneuver, the object then shone its light on the witness, blinding him and making his hair stand on end. The object descended in a spinning motion, stabilized, and displayed 4 large windows on top, and 4 smaller underneath. As he watched, he saw 4 "small dark objects" ejected from its central part, which landed on the ground; after about one minute they arose and re-entered the hovering UFO, which then ascended and disappeared in seconds. The entire incident lasted about 7 minutes. Others independently reported seeing the object depart.
Humcat 1968-61

Source: Felix Ares De Blas, Bernani Labro Begule & David S Lopez

Type: B?


Location. Coleraine Quebec Canada

Date: August 29 1968

Time: 1830

A group of children on four consecutive days saw a strange being hanging onto a boulder overlooking a cemetery. He was a dwarfish humanoid about 4 ft tall, with a shaven head, naked chest and a heavy black beard, and with a red and bumpy skin, "like that of a lizard." This being would disappear into thin air unexpectedly. Also a roaring noise was heard in an excavation at the foot of the boulder, and a kind of "flying saucer" was seen, about 30 ft wide and colored blue, white and red; it left a long trail of smoke, and each time it "looked as if it were trying to land behind the boulder." The children were Denis Bogus, 7, who saw the object; his brothers Michael and Andre, and their uncle, George Bogus; other adults who subsequently observed the phenomena were Normand Daigle and Luc Cadorette.
Humcat 1968-62

Source: Saucers Space & Science, fall 1968

Type: C?


Location. Bahia Blanca Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: August 31 1968

Time: 2000

Emilia de Salazar was alone with her children at home that night when she heard very loud knocking at the front door. Without opening the door, she pulled back the curtain and saw a very tall man like figure over 2 meters in height, that appeared to have no hair or ears, with a large mouth and teeth. The being wore a tight fitting dull black outfit and had very long dangling arms. The being's eyes also shone with a brilliant light. The stunned witness could not move and watched the strange figure move away backwards without taking his gaze off her. Emilia thought she could hear a muffled laugh coming from the figure.
HC addition # 3449

Source: Eduardo A Tucci & Alberto Giordano

Type: E


Location. Santiponce Sevilla Spain

Date: August 31 1968

Time: 2000

Four little girls, ages 4 to 8, saw a round object with green and white lights that "arrived from the sky and landed between two trees, about 50 yards away; it had two black wheels and two small windows. Then the girls saw a tall man in black trousers and a black and brown shirt appear near the object; there was nothing unusual about his appearance. The object was not reported to be seen leaving, but later, at the landing site, there was found a circle of pressed down grass.
Humcat 1968-63

Source: Manuel Osuna, Felipe Laffitte, Rafael Llamas & John Ruesga

Type: C


Location. Hull England

Date: Autumn 1968

Time: 0030A

Mr. John Scarrah was walking to work along St. Nicholas Avenue when he encountered a strange entity. The figure was man-like about six-foot tall, dressed in a tight fitting metallic boiler suit. The man had his hair brushed back and as he confronted the witness he stared at him with considerable alarm for a few seconds, as if shocked to confront anyone. He then turned around and vanished in plain sight. In amazement and fear the witness went to the spot at once and tried to find a means by which the figure could have appeared to vanish.
HC addition # 761

Source: Derick Shelton, Northern UFO News # 37

Type: E


Location. Point Isabel, Ohio

Date: Fall 1968

Time: 2200

Hearing a sound outside the farmhouse Larry Abbott, his father and a relative, Arnold Hubbard, went outdoors to look. Then, from the opposite side of the house, they heard a rustling of weeds. Grabbing a flashlight they saw a "monster" rising from the tall brush about 50 ft away. It was walking toward them, and appeared to be about 10 ft tall and about 4 ft across the shoulders. Its arms were long, like an ape's. In the flashlight beam the monster's hairy body was a beige color; its eyes glowed over a nose that was beyond Larry's ability to describe. The teeth were prominent and protruding, the ears pointed. But the feature that Larry remembered most was the thickness of the shoulders. "The thing put me into a sort of trance," said Larry. "I couldn't talk. Maybe it was just fright, but I couldn't open my mouth. And nobody else talked either. Maybe we were all in a trance." Larry said when he played the light beam on the monster it dropped down to the ground and was lost from sight. Then, a few minutes later, they could hear it again, near the garage. Alarmed, Larry's father returned to the house and brought back a .22 rifle and gave it to Hubbard, who wanted to stalk the beast. As the men moved across the open field, the creature suddenly stood up in clear view about 50 ft away. When Larry got it in the beam of the light, Hubbard fired. His first shot was a direct hit. The creature screamed hideously, a scream that Larry will never forget. Two more shots were fired. Unbelievably, before the eyes of all three men, the creature was suddenly enveloped in a white mist. In less than a minute the mist vanished, then darkness. The three men searched the spot where the creature was shot and found no trace of it.
HC addendum

Source: Leonard H Stringfield, Situation Red The UFO Siege

Type: E


Location. Evijarvi Finland

Date: Fall 1968

Time: 2300

While driving from Haapajarvi to Helsinki, Mr. Helge Lindroos picked up a hitchhiker at Evijarvi. During the course of driving, Lindroos felt "electric vibrations" through his body. The stranger then told him that he "came from space," and was last on Mars and had landed on earth only a short time before. He said there were "thousands" of them on Earth but that they didn't show themselves to all humans, since people "are still afraid of humanoids." The man appeared completely normal, about 170-cm. Tall and weighing about 170 kilos. He urged Lindroos to relax, assuring the man that he meant no harm, that they were here to protect humanity "from destruction." At some unspecified point the stranger asked Lindroos to stop and got out. Lindroos was about to remove the key and get out for something to eat when he saw the stranger had vanished; he could see in every direction for 50 meters, but the stranger was nowhere in sight, and the fastest sprinter in the world could not have covered the distance in so few seconds. For several weeks after this encounter, Lindroos felt the electric vibrations throughout his body.
Humcat 1968-103

Source: Ilkka Serra of Helsinki

Type: E


Location. Duque De Caxias Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Date: September 1968

Time: 0100A

Mrs Kok awoke in the early hours of the morning and gut up to make coffee. Seeing a light in her backyard, she looked out her window and was surprised to see three normal looking men standing in the yard, one of who was standing with his back to her. Three bright beams of light shone down on them from above, coming from a Saturn shaped UFO that gave off a shrill sound like "electronic music." The semi-spherical underpart of the object was rotating, and the object appeared metallic. It was slightly higher than the two adjacent buildings. Mrs Kok could see the men's faces and was surprised by their entirely human appearance since, seeing the object directly above them, assumed they were "spacemen," who she felt must look different than humans. Apparently aware of her presence at the window, the three figures suddenly began rising into the air in the beams of light, disappearing into the underside of the object, which the began rotating more rapidly and, with an increase in sound, took off straight up at a moderate speed.
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