Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1967-112

Source: Cpl Thomas Harper & C Reed Ricks

Type: B


Location. Between Ririe & Rigby Idaho

Date: November 2 1967

Time: 2330

An anonymous witness, two hours after the previous case, was driving to Rigby in his truck; a few miles northwest of Ririe, "a small UFO came down in front of his truck and stopped it," and a small humanoid being got out and tried to get in the truck, tapping on the side window and scratching on the windshield. The man, who had been drinking, thought he was losing his mind. He confided the story to a co-worker the following day when news of the Begay-Tossie sighting was known, and the co-worker told Ricks. The man was very reluctant to co-operate in Rick's inquiries and, a year later, when follow up inquiries were made, the man had moved away.
Humcat 1967-113

Source: C Reed Ricks

Type: B


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: November 2 1967

Time: late night

A woman working in her kitchen heard a loud squeaking sound coming from outside, she looked out and saw a huge shadow spreading across the grass, and then a figure described as tall, man-shaped, and gray in color appeared. It glided quickly across a field and disappeared into the woods.
HC addition # 1405

Source: John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: E


Location. Manaus Brazil

Date: November 8 1967

Time: night

A creature described by police as a "mini skirted" vampire reportedly terrorize locals on a beach. Several people who were attacked described the creature as a blond haired woman with sharp and pointed teeth, wearing a mini skirt and black stockings. Two small round marks were said to have been found near the jugular vein of a child that was bitten.
HC addition # 3031

Source: Jacques Bergier for INFO

Type: E


Location. Erin Tennessee

Date: November 9 1967

Time: 2340

Miss Dianne Marable & Mrs Pearl Robins were driving home to Tennessee Ridge and had reached Erin when they noticed a luminous object in the sky, which they at first mistook for the moon. It approached and landed 50 ft in front of them, covering the whole highway. It was dome shaped, in part of a color that varied between fiery orange & light yellow, and in part "grayish black; ash-colored." Inside it they could see a number of dark green creatures, 4 ft tall, "milling about inside some type of machinery." After at least 5 minutes of watching it, they started to approach more closely, but the object then swiftly rose, after which it traveled beside the car. It landed again in a field, which the witnesses approached by a gravel road, upon which its lights went out, though they could see a bright red light in the sky. The young women then drove home.
Humcat 1967-110

Source: Budd Hopkins Type: A


Location. Coma De Vaca, Girona, Spain

Date: November 16 1967

Time: 0200A

At an isolated mountain climbers refuge, alpinist Antony Pujador Estany and a young priest, J M A, were resting that night sleeping in separate cots when suddenly a weird sensation described as a mixture of sadness and fear invaded them. They jumped out of their cots and walked outside to see a hovering reddish colored triangle-shaped craft that appeared to balance itself a few meters from the refuge. Upon returning inside both men were almost overcome by the strange compulsion to attack and injure each other, a bizarre turn of events given their great friendship. Terrified they both fled the location convinced that both had been guinea pigs of some type of mind control "experiment." Several months before at the same location, Ana Maria Brunet, Carmen Martin & Ramona C had woken up in the middle of the night terrified upon hearing footsteps of what they thought could had been a "child" outside their cabin. Something attempted to push open the door which had been luckily shut with the help of a large rock, propped up against it. Soon they heard the footsteps apparently climbing up the outside wall and onto the roof. At daybreak they fled the location in terror. Soon they learned that at the nearby refuge of Uli De Ter a mysterious red triangular-shaped object had landed near the cabin.
HC addendum

Source: Iker Jimenez, Encuentros, Las Historia De Los Ovni En España

Type: F?


Location. Storrington Sussex England

Date: November 16 1967

Time: 1700

Leone Quick was walking toward the Downs at sunset when she saw an object that at first looked like a steam roller some half to three quarters of a mile off on the Downs. Through opera glasses she could see that it showed a vertical ellipse of gunmetal gray, with a trumpet shaped projection at the left from which shone a bright whitish-yellow beam, and another extension on the right that was illuminated by a blood red glow. This curious object changed its position once or twice at great speed, and then it took off rapidly for the sea. "At one moment I noticed a dark figure approaching the craft, apparently 8-10 feet tall, and appearing to glide rather than walk. It disappeared suddenly." Another woman, passing by, saw Mrs Quick looking at the object and saw the same thing through the glasses. There were earlier sightings.
Humcat 1967-114

Source: Omar Fowler

Type: C


Location. Calgary Alberta Canada

Date: November 17 1967

Time: 1745

David Seewalt, 13, started a 3 minute walk home at 1745, but did not arrive until 1830 when he dashed in and tried to hide under the bed, saying "I've been chased by a flying saucer!" He seemed to be in shock and one if his shoe was missing, found later in the road nearby. Five months later, he had a nightmare, after which he told his father he knew what had happened to the missing time. Under regressive hypnosis, the boy recounted having been abducted into a low flying UFO by means of an orange light beam; inside the object he was undressed and examined by a being with "a rough brown skin like crocodiles;" he was assisted by at least 3 other similar creatures and they communicated with each other in voices that sounded "like a kazoo." Their hands had only 4 fingers. David was wheeled into an "operating like" room for the examination; at the conclusion, they put his clothes back on and beamed him back into the field where he had been abducted.
Humcat 1967-115

Source: William K Allan

Type: G


Location. Bowie Maryland

Date: November 18 1967

Time: 0400A

A group of college students saw 2 figures in black running towards a hovering oval shaped object on campus grounds. No other information.
Humcat 1967-116

Source: Bowie State College campus Newspaper

Type: C


Location. Rio De Janeiro Brazil

Date: November 24 1967

Time: 1430

Ugo Battaglia, a radio technician, and his 14-year old assistant, Carlos Alberto do Nascimento, were in an eight floor apartment building repairing a phonograph, when they heard a high pitched sound and, looking out the window facing the coastal hills, saw a brilliant metallic disc shaped object land on a hill opposite the apartment building. The object struck and shattered a tree as it came down. Underneath, at either end, was a red light, and on top a spinning cupola with slat "windows." Three men clad in white coveralls came out of the UFO (which was actually hovering and not on the ground), and walked about it side by side, their arms hanging by their sides; then they returned to the disc, after about five minutes, and disappeared underneath it. The two continued their work and left the building at 1455, noticing that the object was still at the same spot as they came out into the street; by the time they reached a nearby corner, the object was no longer in view. They had not seen it depart.
Humcat 1967-117

Source: Irene Granchi for Apro

Type: B


Location. Alexania, Brazil

Date: November 28 1967

Time: 0218A

Farmer Wilson Gusmao (involved in other encounters) was suddenly awakened by a telepathic voice that called his name. He got up from bed and upon raising the curtain on the window he noticed a huge bright light resting on the ground about 100 meters from the house. Immediately he attempted to wake his wife but to no avail "she seemed dead" according to Gusmao, he also attempted to awake his brother in law but with the same results. Walking over the living room he could now clearly see a landed object encased in a bright blue glow, that was about 5 meters in diameter. He left a written note to his wife telling her that he was going to check a landed "spacecraft" and grabbing a flashlight walked outside. It was also raining very heavily as Wilson approached to within 3 meters from the object, at this point a bright beam of light from the object struck Wilson around the waist area, this caused him to levitate closer to the object completely paralyzing him. A door now opened and Wilson could clearly see inside the craft. He could see four humanoids, all dressed in tight-fitting coveralls. They wore a belt with a large buckle that had what appeared to be "piano keys" on it. The beings started at Wilson intently. Wilson somehow felt inferior as the humanoids observed him. He described them as human-like, with long blond hair. Their skin appeared porcelain-like, as they had never been exposed to any sunlight. The leader of the group apparently conversed with Wilson and gave him several messages dealing with the nuclear armaments on Earth. He was to have later contacts along with members of the Brazilian defense establishment including General Uchoa.
HC addendum

Source: Revista Brasileira de Ovnis

Type: B


Location. Near Americana Brazil

Date: November 28 1967

Time: 0230A

An unidentified Brazilian highway patrolman saw an immense object, "as high as a 15 story building, apparently made of aluminum and with enormous rivets on it," come down to hover 50 yards from the ground. It carried searchlights too bright to look at and made a loud humming sound that made the patrolman's head ache. His police car would not start, and its lights went out, as well as the lights in the police booth; they came back on as soon as the object departed. Two nights later, the UFO returned, stopping 100 feet up, 50 yards away from him. From its underside descended a sort of open elevator, in which he could see two men dressed like frogmen in skin-tight clothing, wearing wide belts with lights on them. One of them spoke to the patrolman, telling him to put his gun away and not to be afraid, saying that they would be coming back again. Then the object immediately took off. The officer was unable to move during the encounter; "His legs would not obey his will." The object apparently did not return, as promised by the humanoid.
Humcat 1967-118

Source: Methodios Kalkaslief & Dr. Max Berezavsky

Type: B


Location. Warminster Wiltshire England

Date: early winter 1967

Time: unknown

A witness encountered two fairly tall figures wearing dark gray close fitting garments with a peculiar sheen. They also wore rounded helmets, resembling black plastic. When the witness approached the figures one raised a gloved hand and both vanished instantly.
HC addition # 1495

Source: Steve Gerrard, quoting Warminster UFO Newsletter # 8

Type: E


Location. Near Karup Denmark

Date: Winter 1967

Time: 2130

Just after coming home the witness heard a sound like the flapping wings of geese. For a few minutes she followed the sound, which went towards the neighbor's farm. Looking towards the farm the sound disappeared; instead lights similar to a roundabout were lit in the upper part of a large object. It seemed to have been "parked" by three beings, similar to humans that could be seen through a window the size of a man. The beings were busy "setting something up inside the object." The witness was not frightened, but her 4-year old daughter who was with her began screaming and they went back inside the house.
HC addendum

Source: Martin Lyck, SUFOI

Type: A


Location. Barcelona Spain

Date: December 3 1967

Time: unknown

A woman reported seeing a strange cactus-like entity with four members, leaving deep footprints. The witness does not want to discuss the incident. No other information.
Humcat 1967-119

Source: Antonio Ribera

Type: E


Location. Near Ashland Nebraska

Date: December 3 1967

Time: 0230A

As patrolman Herbert Schirmer's police car approached the junction of Rtes 6 and 6-63, the witness saw a row of blinking red lights, which proved to be on a football shaped object about 25 feet long, with a Saturn-like rim. Almost immediately, the object began to rise with a sound like a pulsating siren. At the police station he made out a report, recording a time lapse of some 20 minutes. A few days later, a Geiger counter showed significant levels of radioactivity at the site. Schirmer took a polygraph test about the same time, which he passed. Under hypnosis, Schirmer disclosed further details; as he drove toward the UFO, his engine stalled and his lights went out; as he reached for his gun, a beam of light from the object paralyzed him, and he saw a white, blurred figure 4-5 feet tall emerge from the object and approach the car, which had been displaced from the highway from up a slight grade well off the road. By telepathy, he was told that the craft was from another galaxy and its occupants were here "to prevent earth people from destroying the earth." A few months later, under still another hypnotic regression, still more information was forthcoming; he had been conducted inside the object by the figure who approached the car. The details of the occupants were now more detailed; they wore tight fitting pale-gray uniforms, and only their faces were visible; their skin was a pale gray white color, with wide set eyes like a cat's, a slit like mouth and rudimentary nose. They wore boots and gloves and had an emblem in the shape of a winged serpent on the left side of their chest. Additional information was disclosed to Schirmer onboard the object; the humanoids "borrowed" electricity from our electric lines; they have bases at the poles and on nearby planets; they are able to monitor all our communications systems; they desire their presence to be known, but not clearly or in detail; their vessels are protected by force fields that are erected around the objects; they operate from large "mother ships" based in nearby space.
Humcat 1967-120

Source: Dr Roy Craig, Dr Fred Ahrens, Dr Leo Sprinkle, Ralph & Judy Blum, Eric Norman & Loring Williams

Type: G


Location. Pierre Buffiere, Haute-Vienne, France

Date: December 6 1967

Time: 0600A

Mr. and Mrs. Pealon were in car when they saw a being about 1.10m in height, wearing an outfit resembling that of the "Michelin" man, the head is like a globe. The figure slides down the embankment near the road, apparently floating in mid-air. He held his hand up twice before disappearing.
HC addendum

Source: LDLN # 195

Type: E


Location. Near El Paso Texas

Date: December 7 1967

Time: evening

William C Collins observed an object hovering about 200 feet up; there appeared to be a humanoid figure onboard the object. No other information.
Humcat 1967-121

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: A


Location. Idaho Falls, Idaho

Date: December 8 1967

Time: 1940

That night 15-year old Marilyn Wilding went out on her front step to look for a friend coming to pick her up. The evening was dark and overcast, cold, with snow on the ground. Miss Wilding's attention was attracted to a light source reflecting on the snow and glancing upward she saw a large light above, partially obscured by the roof of the house. As she stood looking, the object tipped and rotated partly so that she was able to see that it had a domed top. In the dome, which was transparent, she could make out the indistinct outlines of two figures, but she was unable to make out any details because of the glare. She ran into her house and called for her younger sister to come and look, but the youngster was barefoot and did not come out. Miss Wilding then ran back outside in time to see the object begin to rotate, in a clockwise direction as seen from below. It maintained its tilted attitude while rotating, and therefore gave the appearance of wobbling. With this motion it began moving away toward the north. As it receded into the distance, the light dimmed and turned orange in color. The object's departure was observed from inside the house by her younger brothers and sister, who had been alerted by the witness.

Humcat 1967-122

Source: C Reed Ricks NICAP

Type: A


Location. Deputy Indiana

Date: December 8 1967

Time: after midnight

A woman saw a large orange bowl shaped object hovering over a field. The woman was then apparently levitated into the object. Inside she was examined by several small gray humanoid beings and apparently suffered severe physical after effects. She later claimed subsequent visitations by the small humanoids.
HC addition # 1842

Source: Francis L Ridge, Regional Encounters, The FC Files

Type: G


Location. Near Adelphi Maryland

Date: December 10 1967

Time: 0115A

College student Tom Monteleone was driving alone outside of Washington DC. As he was crossing the then partially completed cutoff on Interstate 70, he saw a large object on the road directly ahead. At first he thought it was a tractor-trailer jackknifed across the road. Then he realized it was a bone white reflective object shaped like an egg and standing on four legs. As he pulled to a stop a few feet from the object he could make out two figures standing next to the craft. One of them walked to his car with a broad grin on his face. He was about 5-feet, ten inches tall, wore light blue coveralls, thick soled boots and he had a ruddy suntanned complexion with large eyes "like thyroid eyes." The grin remained fixed on his face throughout the episode. "Do not be afraid of me," he said several times in an audible voice. His name, he said, was Vadig. He spoke with the witness for several minutes, asking ordinary questions. Finally he said pointedly, 'I'll see you in time," and walked back to the object. A small door opened and a metal ladder folded down. A hand reached out and helped Vadig aboard, and then the object rose silently into the air and disappeared.
HC addition # 3095

Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: B


Location. Alexania Goias Brazil

Date: December 12 1967

Time: unknown

Eunapio Gusmao was partridge hunting on his brother Wilson Gusmao's Fazenda when he saw a dish-shaped object land only a few yards away. He found himself paralyzed. A door opened in the UFO and 3 beings looked at him for some seconds, then the door was closed and the object departed at high speed. Gusmao dug for treasure at the spot where the UFO had landed, but found none.
Humcat 1967-124

Source: SBEDV

Type: A


Location. Near North Lansing New York

Date: December 12 1967

Time: 1930

Rita Malley, driving home to Ithaca from Auburn, on Route 34, saw red lights in her rearview mirror that she first thought were on a police car; then they passed her and she saw that they were on a disc "about the size of a box-car." As the object hovered ahead of her at about telephone pole height, her car stopped and the electrical system went out. The object was domed, elliptical in shape with square red and green lights or windows, a white dome, and a white beam of light that shone from its center to the ground. It lit up the inside of the car with a blood red color. The car was displaced from the side of the highway up an embankment and into a field along the side of the road. She became hysterical and she shouted for her son, but he "seemed to be in a trance." For ten or 15 minutes she sat in the car, which would not start; the horn would not work and her lights, although dimmed, did not go out altogether. While she was in this situation, she heard a humming sound and then a "chorus of voices," which told her that her son would remember nothing of the experience, and informed her that a friend of hers had just been killed in an automobile accident---statements that she later found to be true. Eventually she got the car started and "fled without looking back."
Humcat 1967-123

Source: Lloyd Mallan & Dr James E McDonald

Type: F


Location. Winterfold Surrey England

Date: December 16 1967

Time: late night

The main witness had stopped his vehicle outside a deserted mansion in order to clean the windshield. His girlfriend meanwhile remained in the car. He suddenly noticed a very acrid smell. He went back into the car and then noticed a strange figure looking at them from nearby. The humanoid was about four foot six inches tall with an oblong shaped luminous head. The odor seemed to come from his body. The figure approached and put an arm on the roof of the car. At this point the witnesses drove away at high speed.
HC addition # 1640

Source: Fortean Times # 10

Type: E


Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia

Date: December 22 1967

Time: late afternoon

Soon after the local Silver Bridge had tragically collapsed killing dozens, Mary Hyre, a local newspaper stringer sat in her office sifting through the list of casualties, when two strangers walked in the office. They seemed almost like twins, both were short, with dark complexions, & somewhat Oriental in appearance. Both wore black overcoats. They seemed only interested on the UFO activity in the area and asked several peculiar questions, including: "What would you do if someone did order you to stop writing about flying saucers?" Mrs Hyre did not see them leave. Later that afternoon another stranger walked into the office. He was slightly built, about five feet-seven inches tall, with black piercing eyes and unruly black hair. His complexion was even darker that the previous two visitors & he also looked Oriental. His hands were especially unusual, with unduly long tapering fingers. He wore a cheap looking ill-fitting suit, and his tie was knotted in an odd fashion way. He did not wear an overcoat, despite the fierce cold outside. He spoke in a peculiar stammering monotone and argued with Mrs Hyre about UFO's. He soon left and later visited the home of several local witnesses.
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