Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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HC addition # 3368

Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

Type: E


Location. Between Ashland & Lincoln Nebraska

Date: December 25 1967

Time: night

Gary Lambert, a student from Omaha, was driving home at Christmas when he saw a dimly outlined object with a row of lights hovering over an underpass; the sighting precipitated a number of vivid dreams, in which he believed he had somehow been "contacted" by the beings aboard the object, and that he may have experienced an actual abduction, the memory of which was erased from his mind. There was no evidential proof of such an abduction that the witness was able to provide.
Humcat 1967-125

Source: Nicap & Condon Committee

Type: G?


Location. Near Bilcala Queensland Australia

Date: late December 1967

Time: 2000

Silvo Milno was driving near Ballentyne's Lookout, from Gladstone, when he noticed 3 men in silvery uniforms standing in the road, 100 yards below the lookout. He claimed to have hit one of the men, after which he turned around and drove back to report the incident. The car bore the mark of an impact, although it was first suspected that he had driven into a post. An hour after the above, a car was seen with five occupants, two girls and 3 men. The car stopped and the three men were seen to have silver suits; the girls left the car, running toward Gladstone, apparently terrified. Report was made to Bilcala police, who investigated, and sustained a flat tire in the area. They apparently found nothing. Mr. S Dale, a Bilcala ambulance driver, took a sick man to Rockhampton Hospital. The patient told the driver of an overturned car on the Galliope Range. It was noted that a number of small men in silver uniforms emerged and put the car right side up.
Humcat 1967-126

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: E?

Total Cases: 243
Addendums will be added as they become available.
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Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.


Compiled by

Albert Rosales

1968 Humanoid Reports. 1968 the year we lost Martin Luther King & Robert Kennedy, the days or rage in Chicago during the Democratic presidential convention. Nixon came to power. The Tet offensive in Vietnam. The students of the Prague revolt. But other events worldwide were occurring behind the scenes. 1968 could be the most overlooked year as far as UFO and Humanoid high strangeness reports. It was a strange but important year something did happened behind the scenes, but maybe the scenes were even more bizarre in nature. We have reached a mountaintop, would we learn from it? Following is the list of known Humanoid encounters for the year 1968.


Location. Nellis Air Force Base Nevada

Date: 1968

Time: unknown

Military personnel reported watching a large object hovering above the base for three days consecutive. Three small objects were seen departing the larger craft and one landed on the base grounds. A Colonel accompanied by an armed security detachment was sent to meet the landed craft. While waiting outside the men watched a short stocky humanoid disembark from the craft. A green beam of light was then aimed at the Colonel from inside the object causing him to become paralyzed. Orders were then issued to fire on the object and humanoid but all weapons mysteriously jammed. The object and humanoid eventually departed into the larger hovering craft. No other information.
HC addition # 1828

Source: Len Stringfield, UFO Ohio Yearbook 1979

Type: B

High Strangeness Index: 8

Reliability of Source: 9

Comments: Interesting report there has been several reports of alleged contacts in American military bases between aliens and military personnel.


Location. Savsjon, Varmland Sweden

Date: 1968

Time: evening

Lyyli Nilsson, had been out fishing with her 11 year old daughter. The girl left her and went home. As the child came to a ridge she saw two persons wearing overall like outfits and a bit further up a brownish bell shaped object. A while later her mother passed the same place and saw the men who talked between themselves in an unknown language. Hiding about 40 meters from them, she saw that they were of a Nordic type and wore silvery overall like outfits. Their craft stood a bit further up on the ridge. When she came home her daughter confirmed Mrs Nilsson observation.
HC addition # 2517

Source: Sven Olof Svensson

Type: C


Location. Near Mansfield Dam Texas

Date: 1968

Time: evening

C W Hickman saw a lighted, oval shaped object land on 4 legs 40 ft away. From an opening, unlike a door, emerged 4 women and 2 men; the women 6 ft tall, slender and light complexioned, with curly hair under 3 inch headbands and dressed in two piece suits with short skirts and high boots, reassured him as they escorted him back to their craft. The men remained silent and were of dark complexions, wearing tight fitting uniforms. He was taken on board the craft into a large central room, then into a smaller adjoining room where he was compelled to inject some white powder, after which his clothes were removed. He was sponged with a fluid while being monitored by a small device like a camera. The ship took off, arriving at its destination after a short flight. He was taken into an oblong white building, in a landscape covered with white sand. In the building he saw complex electronic equipment. He felt no fear, but believes he was heavily sedated. He believes he may also have been sexually molested. He was then taken back aboard the craft and returned, after another short trip, to the site where he had been abducted. He suffered no ill effects upon his return but did develop pneumonia about 3 weeks later. The signification of the experience eluded him, although he later reported seeing one of the women in an Austin Texas supermarket; "Oh, they're right here with us. They are all around us," he told the investigating reporter.
Humcat 1968-4

Source: Jack Unger for The Calvert Tribune

Type: G

High Strangeness Index: 7

Reliability of Source: 7

Comments: Early abduction report describing human-like occupants. I believe the witness was not hypnotically regressed. Apparently this type of "alien" is able to easily mingle with humans without being noticed. I believe hypnotic regression would have discovered more disturbing information in this case.


Location. Western Australia, exact location not given

Date: 1968

Time: night

The 7-year old witness saw two small beings enter his bedroom and tried to persuade him to leave with them. He refused to go with the entities. Has experienced further incidents. No other information.
HC addition # 2678

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: E


Location. Kern County California

Date: 1968

Time: night

The witness, who had been experiencing several strange events and other visitations in her home, woke up one night feeling paralyzed and with difficulty breathing. She then saw grotesque faces with large, round baldheads, dark slanted eyes, thin lips, no nose, and light skin. The beings seemed disembodied as they floated in the air. They were only 3 feet tall and were dressed in shiny suits, which made them shimmer. No sound was heard but her paralysis lasted half an hour, during which the beings told her telepathically that they wanted control of her body.
HC addition # 2250

Source: Ann Druffel & Idabel Epperson

Type: E


Location. Delaware County, New York

Date: 1968

Time: night

Farmers reported encountering a giant broad shouldered grinning man with silver hair. He was described as very agile and when chased made impossible leaps across wide ditches. He reportedly had small eyes and a fixed grin. No other information.
HC addition # 1905

Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E

High Strangeness Index: 7

Reliability of Source: 7

Comments: Apparently around the same time there were reports of cattle mutilations in the area.


Location. Walcha, New South Wales, Australia

Date: 1968

Time: night

Two young girls had gone outside to check why the family dog was barking. They rushed in saying they had seen a small man walking out the side gate. The whole family then ran outside and saw a large circular red object hovering over the front gate. It moved away five minutes later.
HC addition # 1308

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: C


Location. Smithfield, New South Wales Australia

Date: 1968

Time: night

A young woman walking home across a small park saw an object moving at slow speed nearby. Arriving home she took out a telescope and was able to see that it was a disc with a square window on the top. In the window she watched a black figure with its arms outstretched surrounded by a yellow light.
HC addition # 1307

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: A


Location. Potomac Maryland

Date: 1968

Time: night

Pat Hill and a group of her friends saw an enormous humanoid creature bolt through their backyard. The creature had a head the size of a pumpkin. The youths were paralyzed with fear as they watched the creature run off into the woods.
HC addition # 3072

Source: Mark Opsasnick, The Bigfoot Digest

Type: E


Location. Odenton Swamp Maryland

Date: 1968

Time: night

The witnesses were driving down a dirt road when they came upon something huge blocking their way. They turned on their high beams and were then able to see a ten-foot tall creature, three foot wide covered with slimy green hair. The witnesses apparently left the area quickly. No other information.
HC addition # 684

Source: Mark Chorvinsky & Mark Opsasnick,

Strange Magazine # 5

Type: E

High Strangeness Index: 7

Reliability of Source: 7

Comments: Apparently a bizarre variation of a Bigfoot type creature.


Location. South Central Louisiana, exact location not given

Date: 1968

Time: 2100

The witness was getting ready to go to bed and was clothing the bedroom window when she noticed, not 6 ft from the trailer a "being", Sasquatch in appearance. She told her husband but this one ignored her. The being suddenly got up, as it had been sitting under a tree and walked toward the window. He was tall, about 8 to 9 ft tall. The being was looking directly into her eyes. He was completely covered in light and dark tan fur, except for its face which was a light tan color, the eyes were large, dark, dark brown not black as she could see the pupil and slightly protruding as they seemed to be the most prominent feature. As she started to back away from the window, it raised its right hand (huge and there were 4 fingers and a thumb) and she heard in her mind a soft voice saying, "Do not be afraid, I will not harm you." As she heard this a feeling of peace and calm came over her and the being smiled and started talking to her...telepathically. Her next memory was of waking up the next morning sleeping next to her husband and not remembering what had happened.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Casebook Forum

Type: E

High Strangeness Index: 7

Reliability of Source: 7

Comments: Not the first or last report describing apparently intelligent and psychic behavior on the part of Bigfoot type creatures. Recall an incident in January 1975 Dade County whereas a Bigfoot type creature also communicated telepathically. There are other cases.


Location. Malaga Spain

Date: 1968

Time: late night

The eight-year old witness woke up one night to see three short humanoids with rough skin and very large heads standing in her bedroom. The beings apparently took her from her room and led her into an object where she was examined and apparently implanted with a microscopic device. No other information.
HC addition # 1129

Source: Antonio Huneeus, UFO Universe, Fall 1992

Type: G


Location. Huelva Spain

Date: 1968

Time: late night

Eight-year old Julia G was in her bedroom when she suddenly saw the figure of a dark skinned woman that was at the same time extremely luminous, standing at the foot of her bed. The entity wore a white robe and was smiling at the witness. Julia became frightened and hid under the covers; she then felt the entity approach and touched her several times.
HC addition # 2602

Source: Pedro P Canto, Visitantes de Dormitorio

Type: E


Location. Sacramento California

Date: 1968

Time: late night

The witness was suddenly awakened in the middle of the night to see a large disc shaped object hovering just outside her front door. The object had sort of a hypnotic effect on the witness, which suddenly found herself being pulled from her body and out of the bedroom window. She then found herself in a garden adorned with oriental statues, standing in a long line of people who all waited silently. Soon she was on a chair surrounded by several beings. The room she was in was dark and she was unable to see the being's features clearly, but they were apparently humanoid. She was handed an object and was told to do something, she refused, thinking that the beings were evil. She began screaming and suddenly found herself back on her bed.
HC addition # 2075

Source: Jeane Davis letter, Fate Magazine, January 1994

Type: F?

High Strangeness Index: 7

Reliability of Source: 7

Comments: This could have been a sort of out of body experience or maybe a brief sojourn to another dimensional state.


Location. Derinkuyu, Turkey

Date: 1968

Time: late night

Archaeologists exploring burial chambers, tunnels, and catacomb-cities (several of which are linked together at the lower levels) had reached a depth of 900 feet when they were suddenly attacked by a group of 7 ft tall albino haired creatures. One team member was killed and another was hospitalized for several months, and all had serious wounds.
HC addendum

Source: Raymond Bond, UFO Annual 1980 & Kurt Braun Beyond Reality December 1968 Type: E?

High Strangeness Index: 8

Reliability of Source: 7

Comments: There is no additional detail on this intriguing case however I can recall another case also in Turkey where a witness was killed by a huge hairy humanoid that apparently was dropped off by a UFO (1964 Koyulhaisar). This case appears to describe a colony of hairy humanoids living underground. Other cases are on record.


Location. Otoco Potosi Bolivia

Date: early 1968

Time: 1800

Valentina Flores was bringing in her llamas when she discovered that her sheep pen was covered with a net made of some plastic like material, and that inside the pen was a helmeted being, 3.5 ft tall, who was engaged in the killing of her sheep by a tubular instrument having a hook on the end of it. Mrs Flores threw stones at the being, whereupon he walked over to an instrument resembling a radio and, moving a wheel on it, quickly absorbed all the netting. The farm woman approached the pen with a cudgel, upon which the being threw his instrument at her several times; it returned to him like a boomerang, after inflicting superficial cuts on her arms. The entity picked up the machine, which had absorbed the net, as well as a bag containing sheep entrails, and put them into a rucksack on his back. Two legs emerged from the rucksack and extended down to the ground, at which time the entity rose straight up into the air with an "extraordinary" sound, and vanished. 34 sheep were found dead and from every one, "certain small portions of the digestive organs were missing."
Humcat 1968-5

Source: Col. R Ayala & son, & Oscar A Galindez

Type: E

High Strangeness Index: 8

Reliability of Source: 8

Comments: Very important and intriguing case actually describing some sort of humanoid performing mutilations on animals. This incident occurred well before the start of the Chupacabra craze and before the 1972-1980 worldwide animal mutilations.


Location. Viamao Rio Grande Do Sul Brazil

Date: early January 1968

Time: 2100

The owner of the Lagoa Negra Fazenda, his wife and two children, and the Fazenda manager all saw a UFO that was disc shaped, about 9 ft high and 30 ft wide, with a round hat shaped dome on top. It had a metallic gleam and emitted a very powerful reddish light as it hovered about 6 ft above the ground, 400 yards away. Two 6-foot tall men appeared beside it, dressed in white coveralls with broad sashes, they had shoulder length hair and ware barefoot. These beings walked stiffly, without bending their legs. Then appeared 3 more beings less than 4.5 ft tall, wearing chestnut brown coveralls, likewise with long hair, these 3 walked about rapidly, but remained near the UFO. The two tall beings walked further away, finally opening a gate in the fence around the yard and advancing to within 60 yards of the house. When the wife opened the door and called out to her husband, in fright, the two turned around and walked to the object; all five entered and the object rose vertically. The family's 5 dogs remained unusually docile throughout the visitation. Footprints, both large and small, were later found at the site.
Humcat 1968-8

Source: Jader Pereira, FSR Case Histories # 5

Type: B


Location. Wynyard Tasmania Australia

Date: January 1968

Time: early am

Several witnesses watched a dark metallic Zeppelin like craft hovering low over the area. Several lighted windows were on the side and moving figures could be seen inside. No sound was reported.
HC addition # 39

Source: Keith Roberts from Tufoic

Type: A


Location. Golden Valley Hennepin Minnesota

Date: January 1968

Time: night

Jean D was awakened by a whirling sound from outdoors; going to the window and wiping the steam from the cold, she saw circling nearby a 3 foot disk of highly polished metal. At the same time, she "heard" messages, such as "we have to get into position on the east side of the bedroom to clasp." The feeling was that "they' were frantic, and she "heard" then speak of a tube like casing for entry, then a drilling sound; next, a round metallic material appeared on the wall, growing in size. The sound stopped and with a "light feeling" all around, a number of 3-foot beings entered the room through the casing. The next thing she remembers is being on a table, with a cloth; certain entities were preparing her for an operation; according to the continuing "messages," the beings needed her "substance" or they would not "make it back." Using an implement like a thin flashlight with a needle at each end, they made a circular incision in her stomach from which they extracted blood. They seemed to be shrinking until each, in turn, was given a sample of the blood. She described them as having large gray green heads with large ear fixtures, eyes, nose, and a mouth that did not open as they "communicate." They indicated that they wanted her son, and Jean became hysterical; they told her never to reveal what had happened or they would take him. The next she remembers is the whirring sound, and they were leaving through the hole in the wall. She found herself at the window again, wiping it in order to see outside, searching for tracks in the snow. When her husband returned she tried to tell him what happened; when he did not believe her, she accused him of "being one of them." This feeling persisted for a long time, and she warned that she would be committed to an institution.
Humcat 1968-10

Source: National Enquirer

Type: G


Location. Leon West Virginia

Date: January 1968

Time: night

Three teen aged boys, Russell Fox, Richard Nutter, and Mike Cain, were out hunting when they saw a huge bird that waddled sideways; their dog took after it and the creature ran into a decrepit barn. With a flashlight, they could see that it was almost as large as a man, with large glowing eyes. Fox, who was about to shoot it, inexplicably dropped his gun, walked forward in the darkness, and offered it his new hunting jacket. Then a glow lit the barn, and instead of the bird, he saw a youth wearing only a loincloth, "who looked as if he were made out of gold." This figure picked up the jacket and held it up, and then began to weep; then it vanished.
Humcat 1968-7

Source: Gray Barker, Saucer News Spring 1970

Type: E

High Strangeness Index: 8

Reliability of Source: 6

Comments: It seems to indicate a sort of Mothman type creature transforming itself into a human type being. I am not sure if the town of Leon is anywhere near Point Pleasant where the now famous Mothman visitations were reported.

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