Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Fabio Picasso

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HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: E


Location. Near Punta Arenas Magallanes Chile

Date: March 6 1969

Time: 2145

Osvaldo Dominguez, driving his van, got out to check his battery when his lights grew dim. He noticed only 20 feet away and floating in the air a saucer-shaped object some 4 meters in diameter. An opening appeared and two shadowy entities emerged; one of them approached and Dominguez asked what he wanted, but received no reply. The figures were about 1.60 meters tall and one leaned on the right side of the vehicle, leaving 3 scratch marks, similar to cat’s claws. Then they returned to the object, entered and the object ascended and disappeared from view, silently and at a prodigious speed.
Humcat 1969-21

Source: LDLN # 118

Type: B


Location. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Date: March 10 1969

Time: night

A witness reported being abducted onboard an object by three human-like aliens, one a woman with long blond hair, wearing blue coveralls and boots and two tall men with dark hair and wearing tight-fitting gravy coveralls and boots. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil

Type: G


Location. Trejorningsjo Angermanland Sweden

Date: March 12 1969

Time: 1830

K. Maslund, a radio and TV station technician, was at work when he heard the station’s transmission alarm system go off. Opening the door, he saw outside about 50 feet away an object 150 meters wide and 5-6 meters tall, hovering in the air. A “tunnel of light” extended from the object through which the witness saw 7 or 8 entities, 1.30 meters tall by 30-40 cm wide, floating towards him. They passed Maslund within inches and he found that he could not move; after 5-10 minutes, they left the station and re-entered the object through the tunnel, which then closed. The object then took off toward the north and the witness was again able to move. The entities were non-humanoid in shape, looking more like boxes than anything; he had the feeling the entities were inside the boxes and did not want to be recognized in their “true form.”
Humcat 1969-22

Source: Richard Heiden, Quoting Swedish UFO Group

Type: B


Location. Near Barra Da Tijuca Brazil

Date: March 17 1969

Time: 0245A

The witness, at the time a retired army general, had become stranded along a dirt road after his car engine had quit. Moments later he saw a light rising above a nearby hill and felt a strong compulsion to walk towards it. After a short walk he came upon an object with translucent walls that gave off a dazzling light. Despite being translucent, the object appeared metallic. Part of the wall of the object flung itself back and an opening became visible. Three human like figures stood in the opening, one was a woman. The witness was then invited inside by one of the men that informed him that the other two were also humans. After a short ride in the object he was told that time, as we know it did not exist, he was eventually released back to his vehicle, which quickly started without any difficulty.
HC addition # 1483

Source: Irene Granchi, Intl. UFO Magazine Vol. 1 # 3

Type: G


Location. Lincoln Nebraska

Date: March 17 1969

time: night

Herbert Lancaster told police that a saucer shaped UFO landed in front of his car at a crossroads and “turned off the car’s engine.” An occupant “an ordinary average guy,” was seen peering from a window in the UFO. A short time later, the saucer “took off at a high rate of speed.”
Humcat 1969-27

Source: Humcat, quoting newspaper source

Type: A


Location. Caltanissetta Sicily Italy

Date: March 19 1969

Time: 0135A

Renato Bifarella, looking at the sky with binoculars on a night of the full moon, saw a “tortoise” hovering in the sky. It was green in color with pale brown spots, and had “legs” underneath. It was 5-6 meters wide and 4 meters high, with a brilliantly lit turret in which he could see figures moving. It approached him, and emitted a beam of pink light, which struck him and caused him to faint. When he regained consciousness, he could see that the UFO had led down 2 thick “ropes” 1 meter in thickness, upon which 2 men—one in red overalls and the other in white ones, with blue helmets---were climbing. The witness fainted again; when he came to, the object was gone.
Humcat 1969-26

Source: F Izzo’s Italian CEIII Catalogue.

Type: A & B


Location. Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil

Date: March 22 1969

Time: 2000

Two unidentified girls were returning to their home in the Colegio Batista district when they saw a luminous object with a blue light hovering in the west. It had a ring of white lights around it and appeared to spin. At home later, one of the girls went to the window and saw a little man 10 meters away near the gate, standing erect and facing the window. He wore a kind of diving suit with a soft green luminosity, and a helmet, through which she could see a pair of glowing eyes, like a cat’s. She told her companion and a third girl; the second girl also saw the entity, which was then standing facing to the side; the third girl went to the aid of the first who was so frightened by the figure’s appearance that she went into shock. That same evening, the boyfriend of one of these girls was walking on the other side of the city when the streetlight went out; he saw a few meters away, the faintly illuminated silhouettes of two small figures standing on a precipice high above the street. Frightened, he hurried on; on passing through the area later, the lights were once again on and the figures nowhere in sight.
Humcat 1969-23

Source: CICOANI group

Type: D


Location. Nova Iguacu Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Date: March 31 1969

Time: mid afternoon

Dozens of residents (possibly 200 in all) of the Coenze neighborhood saw the descent of a “mystery airplane” on Maxambona Hill, falling in an unusual manner, slower than usual and appearing to be “controlled.” Among the many witnesses was an elderly man and his children, whom he told to go immediately to the landing site to assist possible casualties. As he watched hundreds of townspeople converge upon the hill, he saw “two beings come out of the craft,” which seemed to be slowly “slowly moving like a wing” which was shifting slightly. As the first of the people neared the site, the object and its occupants vanished abruptly from sight; when they arrived there was nothing to be found. No one heard any engine noise when the “plane” landed, and investigations at the site by members of the military police disclosed no wreckage.
Humcat 1969-24

Source: Fernande Cleto Nunes Pereira & Dr. Walter Buhler

Type: B


Location. Clayton County Iowa

Date: late March 1969

Time: unknown

A ball shaped object was seen to land and to direct a beam of red light at each of the young witnesses. Two occupants, 3 ft tall with long arms, were seen, in white “space suits” with large yellow-brown “helmets.” Many sets of marks were found by an investigator, with one set, as of landing leg imprints, found within a scorched circle.
Humcat 1969-29

Source: Brad Steiger & Ted Phillips

Type: C


Location. Balizac France

Date: April 1969

Time: late night

The witness was sleeping alone in a room with a fireplace and recalls suddenly awaking and seeing several short white figures standing near the fireplace. She hid under the covers. The next morning she woke up and found a peculiar injury or scar on her ankle. No other information.
HC addition # 1272

Source: Joel Mesnard, Mufon Journal # 309

Type: E?


Location. Near West Nyack New York

Date: April 5 1969

Time: 1900

The two witnesses were parked in a remote area when they saw a light approach; they got out of the car and saw a large oval shaped craft with lights around its edge and a beam of light shining from its center. A memory lapse occurred, with one witness vaguely recalling the object landing and shining a beam of light towards them. Later one of the witnesses remembered being inside a circular room lying on a white Formica table. He was surrounded by several humanoids described as being five-foot tall with play gray skin, large round heads, and large black eyes, these beings were well built and wore tight fitting gray green coveralls. One being who appeared to be the examiner wore a turtleneck garment and peered intently into the witness face. At one point one of the witnesses remembered struggling and thought it felt that he had been ripped to pieces and then reassembled again.
HC addition # 489

Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery

Type: G


Location. Ouro Preto Minas Gerais Brazil

Date: April 10 1969

Time: 2200

During a spate of UFO observations in various parts of Brazil, student Marco Antonio von Kruger noticed interference on his TV; glancing out a window, he saw a “vague shape in movement” and heard garbage cans being overturned; next day, he found the garbage cans had been “investigated.” At about the same time, a worker returning to his home not far from the student’s residence observed an enormous round object hovering near the ground from which were emitted “strange measured, muffled sounds.”
Humcat 1969-30

Source: FSR Case Histories # 6

Type: D


Location. Between Bridgeworth & Shrewsbury England

Date: April 12 1969

Time: 1830

A ex-schoolmistress, exercising her dog in some fields, observed on the far side of a hedge, a top-shaped object about 3 meters high, which was resting on gray colored legs. Around the object she saw 3 beings about the size of 11-year old children; they had pear shaped heads, were dressed in black outfits with white belts, and appeared to lack hands. Nevertheless, they seemed to be collecting samples, which they placed on the side of the object; the samples seemed to disappear into the solid craft. The woman’s dog fled at the outset of the sighting.
Humcat 1969-25

Source: Roger Stanway & Anthony Pace

Type: C


Location. Itaucu, Goias, Brazil

Date: April 20 1969

Time: afternoon

25-year old Adelino Roque was on his way to the local Serradinho ranch on his horse when suddenly a bright beam of light originating from somewhere above struck him. Soon he found himself inside what appeared to be a dark drum-like object totally silent and moving at what appeared to be a very excessive speed through the sky. He could not remember anything after that and woke up next to he River Paranaiba lying on top of rock and miles from his original location. Meanwhile his horse had been found earlier tied up at another ranch, apparently unharmed. Roque also appeared to be unharmed except for a strange bruise on his side. He did not remember seeing any entities or hearing any one talking to him during the time he had been gone. Soon after this experience, Roque began neglecting his work and began drinking heavily and apparently fell in love with his 17-year old niece. A month later Roque again was reported missing this time along with his niece. On June 12, both Roque and his niece were found dead under unusual circumstances, some said apparently poisoned.
HC addendum

Source: Willy Silva, Revista Brasileira Ovni

Type: G?


Location. Berwick Nova Scotia Canada

Date: April 24 1969

Time: night

There were several reports of a “phantom” 18 ft tall, “a tall, very dark form,” either walking or floating about at 20 mph. large numbers of cars were assembling at Berwick to observe the monster. No other information.
Humcat 1969-31

Source: Humcat, quoting newspaper source

Type: E


Location. Calgary Alberta Canada

Date: April 26 1969

Time: evening

David Arychuk, walking his dog, saw 200 yards away a circular object with 3 pulsating red lights around the top. It was about 30 ft in diameter and 20 ft high, cream-colored with a pitted surface. A rather nauseating smell, of “sweet bitterness” was in the air. 100 yards away were 2 beings, “taller than normal,” in dark clothing. David yelled out “Hey you,” and they walked around the UFO. The dog refused to go on, and was shivering from fright. By the time David brought his stepfather, the UFO was gone, but the odor was still present the next day.
Humcat 1969-44

Source: William K Allan

Type: C


Location. Wisconsin, exact location not given

Date: May 1969

Time: 0300A

The witness was sleeping in her sleeping bag in a wooded area next to a stream when she awoke to see a streak of light shoot overhead and come down into the nearby forest. Later as she lay down half sleep she became aware of some movement in the forest and what appeared to be the sounds of men and women singing. Suddenly several small figures with large heads and with grotesque facial features stepped out of the woods, they all seemed to be carrying small flashlights. They had very large eyes and resembled large reptile-like beings. One carried a box-like object in his hands that emitted strange crackling sounds and beams of light shot out of it. Suddenly the being carrying the box stopped and began making high-pitched squeaking noises. The other beings gathered around and began looking into the forest. The frightened witness thought that the beings were searching for her and as she was about to run form the area she felt a touch on her shoulder, as she turned around she was confronted by a very handsome man with golden shoulder length hair and large beautiful blue eyes. The witness by now had forgotten about the short humanoids and had become sexually aroused. She remembers having intercourse with the golden haired man then waking up the next morning on the forest floor. (Apparently the witness became pregnant and gave birth to a child that resembled the golden haired entity)
HC addition # 1096

Source: Brad Steiger, The UFO Abductors

Type: G


Location. Orlando Florida

Date: May 1969

Time: morning

The young witness was waiting outside the school for it to open when a strange 1965 black Cadillac pulled up. The occupants sat motionless for a few moments. Finally they got out of the car, both were dressed in old-fashioned black suits, dark tinted glasses, and hats. One stayed by the car, the other walked up to the witness and other students and began asking questions about a fellow student. The stranger was apparently dressed in drag, (lipstick, white pancake makeup) and disheveled clothing. Eventually they left. The student that the stranger was inquiring about had experienced several strange incidents and was reported missing soon after the black Cadillac episode.
HC addition # 3875

Source: CAUS

Type: E


Location. New Westminster British Columbia Canada

Date: May 1969

Time: 0930A

Pearl Ardron and her 5-year old niece were walking along 6th Avenue when they came up with a couple of “big children,” as she thought at first, who had their arms around each other. Their skin was copper toned and they had very slanted eyes; they were about 4’9” tall. Both wore dark blue 2 piece suits with some gold brocade on the chest and sleeves, and high peaked caps also with some gold brocade; they wore black boots. Their heads were “round as a ball.” They kept looking up at the sky, Mrs Ardron “got a very scared feeling” about these people, even though they smiled at her as she passed. “I have never had such an uneasy feeling,” she told the investigator. She is sure they were not merely Orientals.
Humcat 1969-45

Source: Soren Buus, for Mufon

Type: E


Location. Gibbonsville, Idaho

Date: May 1969

Time: 2300

18-year old Bettina Comfort was walking through a pine forest when she experienced a period of confusion and apparently suffered a period of missing time. Later under hypnosis she recalled encounter a 2.50 m tall gray colored humanoid with huge red phosphorescent eyes and a flat nose. The humanoid apparently scanned her with an unknown instrument and then sexually assaulted her. She apparently blacked out again and woke up on the ground in the woods.
HC addendum

Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine

Type: G


Location. Bebedouro Espirito Santo Brazil

Date: May 4 1969

Time: 1500

Jose Antonio Da Silva, a soldier, was fishing when he heard a cry and felt his legs struck and numbed by a burst of “fire” coming from bushes. He was seized and dragged by two little beings only 4-foot tall, clad in shining, light colored garments and wearing aluminum masks or helmets. Tubes ran from the masks to small containers on their backs. They dragged him to a craft that was shaped like a vertical cylinder terminated by wider saucer shaped top and bottom; rods from the base of the cylinder supported the upper disc. It was only bout 6 ft high and 9 ft wide. Inside was a cubical room, brilliantly lighted from no visible source. Here they fitted on him a helmet like their own, then tied him down to a seat. He felt a sensation of taking off; during the flight, which lasted for hours, they talked among themselves in an incomprehensible language with many R’s. At one point in the journey the craft seemed to turn on its side for a while. When they landed, he was blindfolded and dragged into a large room, where a little man without a spacesuit confronted him; he had long reddish hair and a beard that flowed to his waist. He was strongly built, and his skin was pale; he had large round, green eyes and a big nose, and his mouth appeared toothless, “like a fish’s.” To the side of the witness were laid 4 human cadavers, one a Negro’s. A dozen more little men, all much resembling the leader, were in the room. They examined his fishing tackle and other possessions. Several carried weapons. The leader then addressed him in his incomprehensible speech, making sketches simultaneously on a light colored slate beside him. He was given, from a stone cup, a bitter green liquid that restored his energy and made him better able to comprehend what the alien meant to express. The latter was able to convey to Da Silva the idea that he was expected to help them land on Earth, a proposition that the soldier rejected, fingering his rosary. The leader irritated, snatched the rosary away, and showed it to the others. At this point a kind of vision appeared to Da Silva of a Christ-like man with long fair hair and beard, dressed like a monk, who spoke to him in Portuguese, giving him a message, which he was sworn to keep secret. After this vision had vanished, Da Silva was again blindfolded, dragged back to the spacecraft, and returned to the earth in the same manner as he had been taken away. Released during the night, when morning came he found that he was near Vitoria, more than 200 miles from Bebedouro, and that four and a half days had passed since his abduction. He suffered various physical ailments later. (Did a different more benign force attempted to help the abductee in this case?)
Humcat 1969-32

Source: Hulvio Aleixo & Dr. Walter Buhler

Type: G


Location. Jaboticatubas Minas Gerais Brazil

Date: May 5 1969

Time: daytime

About the same time as the Bebedouro incident, a deaf mute named Antonio Rodrigues, 60, of the Fazenda Constantino on the Rio Das Velhas, was fishing when he was confronted by apparently the same type of being encountered by Da Silva at Bebedouro, 20 km to the east. When they made signs for the man to approach, he fled, terrified; he was pursued and knocked to the ground by an implement one of the little beings drew from his belt. They gathered around the deaf mute, felt his arm and conversed amongst themselves in an unintelligible language, and shook their heads, departing toward a machine parked nearby, into which they climbed and ascended vertically. The witness identified the beings from various drawings, including Da Silva’s that were shown to him by the investigators.
Humcat 1969-33

Source: Hulvio Aleixo & Dr. Walter Buhler

Type: B


Location. Rockville, Virginia

Date: May 11 1969

Time: 0145A

20-year old Mike Luczkowich, a student at Manakin, Virginia, was returning home after a date with his girlfriend. Just a he passed the Rockville General Store; Mike noticed something about 50 yards ahead of his car. At first he thought it might be a couple of deer, but he soon realized that he was observing two figures about three and a half to four feet tall. The creatures were wearing spherical helmets that looked as large as basketballs. Circling each helmet was a pale green band that reflected the headlights of the vehicle. The beings were motionless at first, but they soon scurried off and ran up an embankment to the left of the witness. The first two creatures had barely disappeared when a third small creature appeared from the right side of the road and quickly joined the others by climbing over the embankment. Luczkowich reported that the little men were dressed in light-brown coveralls that were somewhat baggy in the legs but were tight-fitting at the ankles. He did not see any arms, and he could not detect features behind the oversized helmets. The student was shaken by the experience, and he did not tell anyone of the encounter until Sunday. On Monday Luczkowich and three other men returned to the site. They were able to locate a definite trail through the poison ivy and honeysuckle on the embankment the three beings had scaled. Beyond the embankment they found a barley field with a path through it, such as the three humanoids might have made. After a few feet they noticed two flattened areas, where small entities might have thrown themselves down in the grain field. The crushed barley at one of the impressions, according to Luczkowich showed the imprint of two small bodies, while another impression outlined one small body. About a half mile west of the area, and about two hours earlier 18-year old Debbie Payne had reported seeing an oval-shaped luminous object over her house as she arrived home from a date. The object appeared rather bright, then dimmed and became bright twice more before she and her date reached the house.
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