Called “Reading” till 7/24/2010 and then changed to “18c r

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Ross, Sydney (ed.). The Catalogue of the Herschel Library Compiled by Isabella Herschel[:] Being a Catalogue of the Books Owned by Sir William Herschel, Kt.[,] and by his Son Sir John F. W. Herschel, Bart [d., 1871]. Troy, NY: For the Editor, 2001. Pp. xii + 578. [Isabella Herschel's MS catalogue typically provides author's surname, title, place and date of publication, and volume size or format. Ross transcribes Miss Herschel's entries in a larger font to distinguish them from his own annotations, which provide biographical and bibliographical information and refer to Sotheby's catalogues, histories of astronomy, Michael Crowe's Calendar of the Correspondence of Sir John Herschel (1998), etc. Ross includes a listing of the "individual offprints and pamphlets bound in the volumes of Memoirs and Tracts," not detailed by Miss Herschel, thus providing an index of those volumes (xii).]

Ross, Trevor. "The Emergence of 'Literature': Making and Reading the English Canon in the Eighteenth Century." English Literary History, 63 (1996), 397-422.

Ross, Trevor. The Making of the English Literary Canon: From the Middle Ages to the Late Eighteenth Century. Montreal and Kingston, Ontario, 1998. Pp. x + 400. [Rev. by Thomas Bonnell in University of Toronto Quarterly, 69 (Winter 1999/2000), 143-45; by Nicholas Hudson in Dalhousie Review, 78 (2000), 480-81; by Lawrence Manley in Modern Philology, 99 (2002), 582-87.]

Rosseaux, Ulrich. "Landesgeschichte und Landesbibliothek." Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden, 55 (2006), 47-50.

Rossi, Federica, and Paolo Tinti (eds.). Belle le contrade della memoria: Studi su documenti e libri in onore di Maria Gioia Tavoni. Bologna: Pàton, 2009. Pp. 478; bibliography of the writings of Maria Gioia Tavoni; illustrations; portrait. [Contributions to the festschrift involve bibliography, book history, the booktrade, printing, and reading. These include Elide Casali’s “Il Museo fisico matematico e gli almanacchi di Carlo Cesare Scaletta da Faenza (1666-1748) tra astrologia, enciclopedismo e nuova scienza” (81-98; illustrations); Anna Giulia Cavagna’s “Leggere a Milano nel primo Settecento: Il governatore Colloredo e il libraio Argelati” (193-202); Arnaldo Ganda’s “Richieste di dedica a Carlo Firmian, ministro plenipotenziario a Milano del governo austriaco (1758-1782)” (99-120; illustrations); Anna Rosa Gentilini’s “Tre donne accudiscono una biblioteca patrizia” (287-98); Mauro Guerrini’s “Verso una nuova struttura catalografica dei dati bibliografici” (351-59); Giuseppe Lipari’s “Quadam profeti: Lamento storico e/o meditazione religiosa?” (397-405); Anna Maria Matteucci Armandi’s “Donne coraggiose,” on Maria Fortunaa Mazzoleni, d. 1793 (407-16); Federico Olmi’s “Alle radici della Nazione: I Catalogi bibliothecarum Italici Mediae Aetatis di Albano Sorbelli” (241-52); Giuseppe Olmi’s “Lavorare per i libri degli altri: Padre Matteo di S. Giuseppe, medico, botanico e disegnatore di piante, ‘qui nomine suo nihil edidit’” (53-80; illustrations); Antonella Orlandi’s “Il caso ligure della bibliografia seicentesca: Il repertorio di Michele Giustinianni” (41-52); Martine Poulain’s “I paradossi della lettura” (231-40); Davide Ruggerini’s “Un libraio savant del Settecento? L’ebreo Moïsè Benjamin Foà” (203-12); Marco Santoro’s “La Vita di Pietro Perna di Domenico Maria Manni,” printed in 1763 by Jacop Giusti (173-82); Nicolangelo Scianna’s “Le filigranne bolognesi di Charles Moïsè Briquet” (365-78); Paolo Tinti’s “Una rara insegna da una bottega di antico regime tipografico,” involving the Dalla Volpe press of Bologna (183-92); Giancarlo Volpato’s “Il fondo Pariani presso la Biblioteca civica di Verona” (309-28); and Françoise Waquet’s “Il libro nell arredamento” (163-72).]

Rossi, Marielisa. Bibliofilia, Bibliografia e Biblioteconomia alla corte dei Granduchi di Toscana Ferdinando III e Leopoldo II: Itinerari esplorativi fra cataloghi e documenti della biblioteca Palatina lorenese. Manziana [Rome]: Vecchiarelli Editore, 1996. Pp. 242. [On the collection developed by the Grand Dukes of Tuscany after 1771 that, as their former collection had been, was donated in 1861 to the Magliabechiana, or National Library in Florence.]

Rossi, Marielisa. Biblioteche in frammenti e frammenti di biblioteche: Libri in acquisto, in cambio, in dono, per copia e per vendita nei ‘Ricordi’ (1774-1795) di Angelo Maria Bandini. Manziana, Rome: Vecchiarelli, 2011. Pp. 379. [Rev. by Giancarlo Petrella in L’Almanacco bibliografico, no. 18 (June 2011), 10-11.]

Rössner, Lutz. Pädagogen der englischen Aufklärungsphilosophie des 18 Jahrhunderts: Philosophische Studies zur empirischen Pedagogik. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1988. Pp. 384. [Rev. by Fritz-Peter Hager in Pedagogica Historica, 26 (1990), 101-08.]

Rostenberg, Leona. "The Huguenot Booktrade in London 1685-1700." Friends of the Brigham Young University Library Newsletter, 38 (1991), 27-50.

Rostenberg, Leona. The Library of Robert Hooke: The Scientific Book Trade of Restoration England. Santa Monica, CA: Modoc Press, 1989. Preface by Nicolas Barker. Pp. xix + 257. [Part I is “The Scientific Book Trade of the Restoration”; Part II is “The Library of Robert Hooke”; and Part III reproduces in facsimile the 1703 auction catalogue of the library, “Bibliotheca Hookiana.” Rev. (in a review essay) by Hugh Amory in Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Ameica, 85 (1991), 423-31; (fav.) by Maureen E. Mulvihill in Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography, 15 (for 1989 [1996]), 12-13.]

Rostenberg, Leona. “Robert Hooke [1635-1703]: Restoration Bibliophile.” American Book Collector, 8, no. 4 (1987), 9-15.

Rostirolla, Giancarlo, and Maria Spadrowska. Una biblioteca musicale del Settecento: Il fondo Companoni Marefoschi della Biblioteca Casanatense di Roma: Storia e catalogo. (Cataloghi di fondi musicali italiani, 17.) Rome: Torre d'Orfeo, 1995. Pp. cli + 664 + 8 leaves of plates; genealogical table; illus.; indices; music.

Rotaru, Florin (gen. ed.). Actes du Symposium international: Le Livre, La Roumanie, L’Europe . . . 20-23 Septembre 2011. 3 vols. Bucharest: Biblioteca Bucurestilor, 2012. [Papers from a conference in Bucharest. The title page begins “Bibliothèque Métropolitaine de Bucarest. Proceedings of the fourth International Symposium”; titles and contents are typically given in French and English, and papers are in French and English. The three volumes are divided into three sections, with a different editor for the first two volumes and three for the subdivided Volume/Section III. The relevant essays in Vol. 1, Histoire et civilisation du livre, edited by Frédéric Barbier, are often of interest also, particularly to library history: Barbier’s “Les nobles comme ‘passeurs culturels’ et le rôle de l’imprimé en France aux XVIe-XIXe siècles: L’exemple des La Rochefoucauld” (75-107); Monok István, “Transformations linguistiques et thématiques dans les bibliothèques aristocratiques de la Hongrie du 18e siècle” (108-21); Doina Hendre Biro, “La Bibliothèque Batthyaneum fondée à Alba Iulia par l’évêque de Transylvanie, le comte Ignace Batthyány” (122-39); Radu G. Paun, “Lectures et bibliothèques de la noblesse dans les Principautés roumaines (XVIIIe siècle): Bilan et perspective de recherche” (140-68); Christine Lebeau, “Les Bibliothèques Kaunitz: Des catalogues et des lectures multiples” (179-88); Raphaële Mouren, “Un Grand commis bibliophile: Le marquis de Méjanes” (189-97); Charles-Éloi Vial, “Une place de bibliothécaire aupres d’un héros législateur ne doit pas être facile à remplir: Les bibliothèques de Napoléon Ier” (198-213); Andrea De Pasquale, “Les Éditions de Jean Baptiste Bodoni dans les bibliothèques des nobles d’Europe au XIXème siècle: L’inventaire du Marquis de Monte Alegre” (214-26); Milan Grba, “The British Museum Library and Romania: The Beginnings of a Romanian Collection” (277-97). Also, the B part of this Section III, edited by Iona Feodorov, has some essays related to our fields and period: “Europeans and Levantines in the 16th-20th Centuries: History, Society, and Culture,” including her own introduction in French (135-37); Geoffrey Roper, “The Habsburg Empire and Printing in Languages of the Ottoman Empire, 16th-19th Centuries” (330-46); Andrei Timotin, “Une histoire universelle traduite en roumain aux XVIIIe siècle” (382-88); Emanuela Timotin, “Traduire de l’italien au roumain au XVIIIe siècle: La Vie de Skanderbeg traduite par Vlad Botulescu” (389-401).]

Roth-Lochner, Barbara, and Livio Fornara. "Bibliothèques d'architectes genevois au XVIIIe siècle." Pp. 347-66 in Des pierres et des hommes: Hommage à Marcel Grandjean: Matériaux pour une histoire de l'art monumental régional. Edited by Paul Bissegger and Monique Fontannaz. Lausanne: Bibliothèque historique vaudoise, 1995.

Roth-Wölfle, Lotte. "Der 'Musenhof' der Franziska von Hohenheim: Ammerkungen zur Person und Bibliothek der Herzogin von Württemberg." Imprimatur, n.F. 14 (1991), 177-89; illus.

Rougemont, Martine de. “Mercier et Rétif: Lectures croisées.” Etudes rétiviennes, 38 (December 2006), 87-98.

Round, Phillip H. Removable Type: Histories of the Book in Indian Country, 1663-1880. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010. Pp. 296; bibliography; 38 illustrations; index. [In large part on the impact on and responses to the book by Indians. Winner of the Modern Language Association’s James Russell Lowell Prize. Rev. by Sigrid Anderson Cordell in SHARP News, 20, no. 1 (Winter 2010), 12-13; by Nicole Gray in MELUS, 38, no. 1 (2013), 176-78.]

“Round Tables on Clandestine Literature.” Pp. 760-86 in Transactions of the Ninth International Congress on the Enlightenment: Münster, 23-29 July 1995 / Actes du Neuvième congrès international des Lumières: Münster, 23-29 July 1995. (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 347.) Vol. 2 [of 3]. Edited by Werner Schneiders. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1996. [Abstracts of papers, within the second of three volumes of the Transactions of the Congress, include Miguel Benítez's "Les différentes versions de la lettre de Voltaire sur Locke" (760-63); Elisabeth Quennehen's "Les différentes versions autorisées: Le cas d'Isaac de Lapeyrère" (764-66); Antony McKenna's "Le cas de quelques petits traités et de quelques traductions" (767-71); Roland Desné's "Histoire critique de Jésus-Christ: Du manuscrit clandestin à l'édition de d'Holbach (1770)" (772-74); B. E. Schwarzbach's "La critique biblique dans les Examens de la Bible et dans certains autres traités clandestins" (775-76); Geraldine Sheridan's "Essai de métaphysique dans les principes de B*** de S*** de Henri de Boulainviller: Problèmes et méthode de l'édition" (777-780); and Oliver Bloch's "Les Lettres à Sophie: Un traité clandestin dans son rapport à la culture des Lumières" (781-83).]

“Round Tables on Manners of Reading.” Pp. 731-58 in Transactions of the Ninth International Congress on the Enlightenment: Münster, 23-29 July 1995 / Actes du Neuvième congrès international des Lumières: Münster, 23-29 July 1995. (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 347.) Vol. 2 [of 3]. Edited by Werner Schneiders. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1996. [Abstracts of papers, within the second of three volumes of the Transactions of the Congress, include Roger Chartier's "Peut-on parler de révolution de la lecture au dix-huitième siècle?" (731-34); Wijnand W. Mijnhardt's "Reading in the Dutch Republic, 1770-1850" (735-37); Uta Janssens's "Manners of Reading Visualised in Art" (738-40); Hans-Walter Schmidt's "J. A. Bergk's Enlightened Kunst, Bücher zu lesen" (741-43); Lodovica Braida's "Lecteurs libertins et lectures prohibées en Italie au dix-huitième siècle" (744-47); Véronique Costa's "La lecture romanesque: Une expérience coupable" (748-51); Margareta Björkman's "August Lafontaine (1758-1831) and his Swedish Readers" (752-55); and James Smith Allen's "Eighteenth-Century Reading Styles in the Modern Period: The Paratextual Revolution of Literary Genre in Modern France" (756-59).]

Rovelstad, Mathilde V. "Two Seventeenth-Century Library Handbooks, Two Different Library Theories." Libraries and Culture, 35 (2000), 540-56. [Musei sive bibliothecae tam privatae quam publicae (1628) by Claude Clement, and Avis pour dresser une bibliotheque (1627) by Gabriel Naudé.]

Rowe, Steven Edward. “Writing Modern Selves: Literacy and the French Working Class in the Early Nineteenth Century.” Journal of Social History, 40, no. 1 (2006), 55-83.

Rowland, William G., Jr. Literature and the Marketplace: Romantic Writers and their Audiences in Great Britain and the United States. Lincoln: Nebraska U. Press, 1996. Pp. xiii + 230; index. [Rev. by Paul Baines in MLR, 94 (1999), 506-07; by Kenneth Dauber in AL, 70 (1998), 186-87; by R. J. Dingley in Notes and Queries, n.s. 45 (1998), 126-27; by Caroline Franklin in Byron Journal, 26 (1998), 137-39; by Beverly Schneller in European Romantic Review, 9 (1998), 564-68; by F. W. Shilstone in South Carolina Review, 32 (2000), 220-22; by William St Clair in RES, n.s. 49 (1998), 375-76.]

[Royal Horticultural Society.] Treasures of the Royal Horticultural Society. Introduction by Brent Elliott. London: Herbert Press in association with the Royal Horticultural Society; Portland, OR: Timber Press in association with the Royal Historical Society, 1994. Pp. 158; erratum slip; illus. (chiefly colored plates); indices.

Rózsa, Mária. “Magyar Könyvek Bécsben.” Magyar Könyvszemle, 126 (2010), 255-61. [On the orientation of research on the private library during the period 1958-2008.]

Rozzo, Ugo. "L’Advis di Gabriel Naudé e la nascita della biblioteconomia." Bibliofilia, 97 (1995), 59-74.

Rozzo, Ugo. "'Bibliothecae selectae' e storia delle biblioteche." Bibliofilia, 96 (1997), 77-90.

Rozzo, Ugo. “Le Biblioteche friulane del Settecento.” L’almanacco bibliografico, no. 3 (September 2007), 1-2.

Rozzo, Ugo. “Furor bibliographicus ovvero la bibliomania.” Preface by Alfredo Serrai. Macerata: Biblohaus, 2011. Pp. 218. [Rev. (briefly) by Edoardo Barbieri in L’Almanacco bibliografico, no. 22 (June 2012), 36.]

Rozzo, Ugo (ed.). La lettera e il torchio: Studi sulla produzione libraria tra 16 e 18 secolo. (Libri e biblioteche, 10.) Udine: Forum, 2001. Pp. 487; index. [Rev. by Jean-François Gilmont in Nouvelles du livre ancien, 113 (2003), 21-22.]

Rozzo, Ugo (ed.). Nel Friuli del Settecento: Biblioteche, accademie, e libri. (Il patrimonio della famiglia Manin.) 2 vols. Edited by Ugo Rosso. Udine: Arti Grafiche Friulane, 1996, 1997. Pp. 102; 98; illus. [Vol. 1 contains Michela Catto's "Leggere 'per imparare ad essere vera religiosa': Tipologie di libri nella biblioteca delle Cappuccine di Udine (ca. 1781-1798)" (65-74); Giovanni Comelli's "L'editoria del Settecento in Friuli" (91-102); Maria Teresa Molaro's "La Guarneriana: Una biblioteca tra passato e presente" (27-36); Cristina Moro's "Un'istituzione culturale udinese al temp dei Folfin: La biblioteca del Seminario" (45-53); Ugo Rozzo's "Tra biblioteche, accademie e tipografi nel Friuli del Settecento" (1-22); Andrea Trangoni's "La biblioteca udinese dei Barnabiti nel Sei-Settecento" (55-64); Rossella Tess's "L'acquisizione di libri in una biblioteca del Settecento friulano: G. G. Gradenigo e lo Biblioteca Patriarcale di Udine" (23-26); Ugo Rozzo's "Tra biblioteche, accademie e tipografi nel Friuli del Settecento" (1-22); Vol. 2 contains Liliana Cargnelutti's "La biblioteca di Daniele Florio in Udine" (9-21); Dorit Raines's "La raccolta manoscritta e a stampa della Casa Manin tra Venezia e Friuli" (67-98); and Francesca Tamburlini's "Le biblioteche dell'erudito Gian Franceso Liruti e dei conti Tartagna di Udine: Note sulle edizioni udinesi del Settecento" (43-66). Rev. by Angelo Nuovo in La Bibliofilía, 101 (1999), 95-97.]

Rubin, Davida. Sir Kenelm Digby F.R.S. (1603-1665): A Bibliography based on the Collection of K. Garth Huston, Sr., M.D. San Francisco: Norman, 1991. Pp. xvi + 130; illus.

Rubino, Marta. “Giovanni Vignoli [1667-1730, jurist] dalla Maremma alla Biblioteca Vaticana: Dalla storia nasce altra storia.” Pp. 1343-50 in“Books seem to me to be pestilent things”: Studi in onore di Piero Innocenti per i suoi 65 anni. Edited by Cristina Cavallaro and Varo A. Vecchiarelli. 4 vols. Manziana (Rome): Vecchiarelli, 2011. Pp. xxvii + 1448.

Rubino, Marta, and Gaetano Alfano. “Il fondo Giovanni Vignoli [1667-1733] a Pitigliano: Storia e digitalizzazione dell’archivio privato di un custode della Biblioteca Vaticana.” Culture del testo e dei documento, no. 23 (May-August, 2007), 51-62.

Rudnicka, Jadwiga. "Biblioteka Stanislawa Augusta na Zamku Warszawskim: Dokumenty." La Bibliothèque de Stanislas Auguste au château de Varsovie. Documents. (Archiwum literackie, 26.) Wroclaw, Poland: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, 1988. Pp. 347; facsimiles.

Ruffini, Graziano. La chasse aux livres: Bibliografia e collezionismo nel viaggio in Italia di Étienne-Charles de Loménie de Brienne e François-Xavier Laire (1789-1790). (Fonti storiche e letterarie. Edizioni cartacee e digitali, 32.) Florence: University Press, 2012. Pp. 160; illustrations. [Rev. by Luca Rivali in L’Almanacco bibliografico, no. 24 (December 2012), 5-6; by Piero Scapecchi in La Bibliofilia, 115 (2013), 400-01; by Vincenzo Trombetta in AIB Studi, 53, no. 1 (January-April 2013), 193-99 [available in open-access PDF at].

Rufi, Enrico. Le reve laïque de Louis-Sébastien Mercier entre littérature et politique. (SVEC, 326.) Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1995. [See the chapter "La bibliothèque de Mercier" with a transcription of his manuscript, at the Arsenal, "Dialogue entre un auteur et un libraire."]

Ruggeri, Fausto. "La Donazione della Biblioteca di Mons. Gaetano Oppizzoni [1768-1849] al capitolo metropolitano di Milano in documenti inediti." Aevum, 64 (1990), 445-59.

Ruiz de la Peña Solar, Álvaro. La Hora de Asturias en el siglo XVIII. Oviedo: Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Sigla XVIII, 2012. Pp. 500 + xxiv; illustrations. [Chapter 6 is entitled “Instrucción primaria y cultura popular”; Chapter 7, “Gutemberg ilustrado: El circuito de la lectura: Impresores, libreros, bibliotecas, y lectores.” Other chapters involve institutions of higher learning, the church, women writers, and the Asturian tongue. Rev. by María Dolores Albiac Blanco in Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 15 (2014), 369-74.]

Ruíz Martínez, Eduardo. La librería de Nariño y "Los derechos del hombre." Bogatá: Planeta, 1990. Pp. 503; index. [Antonio Nariño, 1760-1823.]

Runcie, Frank. “Mary Wollstonecraft, lectrice de Jean-Jacques Rousseau.” Revue de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Textes et Médias, 5 (2005). E-journal.

Ruppelt, Georg, and Sabine Solf (eds.). Lexikon zur Geschichte und Gegenwart der Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel: Paul Raabe zum 29.2.92. (Lexika europäischer Bibliotheken, 1.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1992. Pp. 179; illustrations (some colored). [Rev. (with another book) by Jeremy Adler in TLS (Jan. 29, 1993), 25.]

Ruszajowa, Krystina. "Der Forschungsstand zur Geschichte polnischer Privatbibliotheken im 18. Jahrhundert." Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte, 18-19 (1993/94), 37-51.

Ruwe, Donelle (ed.). Culturing the Child 1690-1914: Essays in Memory of Mitzi Myers. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, in association with the Children's Literature Association, 2005. Pp. xiv + 266; bibliography; index. [Myers died in November 2001. After Ruwe's introduction come eleven essays, most relevant to eighteenth-century studies: Ruth B. Bottigheimer's "The Book on the Bookseller's Shelf and the Book in the English Child's Hand" (3-28); Karen E. Rowe's "Virtue in the Guide of Vice: The Making and Unmaking of Morality from Fairy Tale Fantasy" (29-66); Julia Briggs's "'Delightful Task!': Women, Children, and Reading in the Mid-Eighteenth Century" (67-82); William McCarthy's "Mother of All Discourses: Anna Barbauld's Lessons for Children" (83-112); Marjean D. Purinton's "Gender, Nationalism, and Science in Hannah More's Pedagogical Plays for Children" (113-36); M. O. Grenby's "'A Conservative Woman Doing Radical Things': Sarah Trimmer and The Guardian of Education" (137-61); and Gillian Adams and Ruwe's "The Scholarly Legacy of Mitzi Myers." Ruwe contributed a bibliography of Myers' "Scholarly Works" and Patsy Myers a "Memoir" of Myers. Rev. by Anne H. Lundin in The Lion and the Unicorn, 30 (2006), 405-09; by Marilyn Olson in Children's Literature Association Quarterly, 30 (2005), 338-40; Kimberley Reynolds in Victorian Studies, 48 (2006), 564-66; by Naomi Wood in Children's Literature, 34 (2006), 218-21.]

Ryan, Barbara, and Amy M. Thomas (eds.). Reading Acts: U. S. Readers' Interactions with Literature, 1800-1950. Knoxville: U. of Tennessee Press, 2002. Pp. xv + 289. [At least one of the essays, Elizabeth B. Nichols's "Blunted Hearts': Female Readers and Printed Authority in the Early Republic" is relevant to our period. And Alison M. Scott contributes an essay also on women's reading habits in early national period ("Reading Women / Women Reading: The Making of Learned Women in Antebellum America"). Rev. by Les Belikian in SHARP News, 11, no. 4 (Autumn 2002), 9-10; by Christine Pawley in Library Quarterly, 73 (2003), 224-25; by Ed Tallent in College and Research Libraries, 64 (2003), 246-47.]

Saada, Anne. “Französische Bücher in der Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.” Bibliothek und Wissenschaft, 41 (2008), 67-78. [In an issue entitled “Forschungsbibliothek im Aufbruch.”]

Sabato, Milena. “Leggere per sovvertive: Biblioteche, lettori ribelli e potere nel Mezzogiorno d’Italia.” Pp. 11-54 in Tutti creano, nessuno lette: Studi sulla lettera in Italia. Edited by Gianfranco Tortorelli. Bologna: Pendragon, 2012.

Sabba, Fiammetta. “La Biblioteca dell’abbazia di S. Pietro a Pergugia fra Medioevo ed Età moderna.” TECA, 5 (2014), 31-54.

Sabba, Fiammetta. “Dalla corrispondenza di Paolo Maria Paciaudi i ‘prolegomena’ ad una storia della Biblioteca Parmense.”, 3, no. 1 (2014), 185-230. [E-journal edited by Alfredo Serrai at Paciaudi, 1710-1785, letters include those to prime minister Guillaume-Leon Du Tillot, 1711-1785, as well as letters to Paciaudi.]

Sabor, Peter. “Women Reading and Writing for The Rambler.” Pp. 168-84 in Women, Popular Culture, and the Eighteenth Century. Edited by Tiffany Potter. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012.

Sabor, Peter, and Paul Yachnin (eds.). Shakespeare and the Eighteenth Century. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008. Pp. xii + 189. [Relevant essays include Nicholas Hudson’s “The ‘Vexed Question’ and the Nature of Middle-Class Appropriation” (43-54); Fiona Ritchie’s “The Influence of the Female Audience on the Shakespeare Revival of 1736-1738” (57-70);Rev. by Katherine Scheil in Scriblerian, 43, no. 2 (Spring 2011), 248-49; by John D. Staines in Shakespeare Quarterly, 62 (2011), 295-98.]

Sabov, Peter. “Podiel cirkevných osobností v procese šírenia knihy a vzdelávania v 18. a 19. storoèí na Slovensku” [The participation of the clerics in the process of spreading books and education during the 18th and 19th century in Slovakia]. Studia Bibliographica Posoniensia 2011 (2011), 99-106; bibliography; 2 illustrations; summary in English.

Sagredo García, Santiago. “Jovellanos, educator.” Cuadernos de Investigación, 4-5 (2010-2011), 281-312.

Sahlin, Gunnar. "1700-talets lanebibliotek och den litterära publiken." Pp. 228-41 in Bibliotek: Tradition och utveckling: Festskrift till Lars-Erik Sanner den 18 januari 1991. Stockholm: Stockholms universitetsbibliotek, 1991.

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