Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal


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VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
Yuhin K.E.,
postgraduate student, Russian State Social University, 
The Synthesis Process 
and Communication Approaches to the Description 
of Organization’s Activities
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Annotation: nowadays, more and more organizations are busy by modeling their business processes 
through the implementation of its activities. This task is defined as the most important one. in this article we 
propose to discuss two approaches to the description of business processes, as synthesis of the process and 
communication approaches to the description of activities of organizations. It is supposed that the stated 
information will help top management to choose the optimal model for the description of business processes, 
contributing to the goals achievement.
Key words: process approach, communication approach, a synthesis of approaches, management, 
The understanding of business process is based both on the communication acts 
(communication within and out company), and on the material acts (companies’ inputs and 
outputs).That is why we shouldn’t take into account only process or collaborative approaches 
while studying business processes of the company.
So, it is necessary to specify what exactly we mean by business processes. Nowadays many 
companies, as well as hotels, pass from the functional management to the process one [5–11; 
The most significant research works in the field of business processes are written by M. 
Hammer, J. Champi, M. Robson, F. Ullakh, K. Gausmayer, R. Farvinkel. Among domestic authors 
we should mention A.V. Bandurina, K.A. Volkova, G.Ya. Gorbovts, A.P. Gradov, I.P. Dezhkina, 
F.K. Kazakova, M.V. Melnik, E.A. Utkina and others.
The process approach allows to increase the efficiency of administrative decisions. Process is 
defined as a set of the interrelated resources and activities that transform inputs and outputs. 
Obviously, any action or work is performed during some period of time as a process. Accordingly, 
control is performed as a continuous process of evaluating, providing and correction of services. 
Process approach focuses on technologies, i.e. production processes. Basic understanding of 
the term ‘process approach’ came to the understanding of the organization as unique systems. 
System approach began to gain its popularity in the early eighties in various scientific directions: 
information technologies, biology and sociology. John D. Sterman, Peter M. Forrester, Ludwig 
von Bertalanffy, Jay W. Forrester investigated this topic from the point of view of the theory of 
management of the organization as complex system.

According to the system approach, every object is connected with something, and it is 
necessary to model the organization with its business processes in terms of stream and 
feedback [1].
The main objectives of business processes are fast reaction to the changing market conditions 
and increase its client-centeredness. The effective mechanism of intra-organizational and 
economic interaction is necessary for the achievement of such goals [6].
The basic mechanism of organizational management (a real mechanism of the organizational 
systems functioning) is a complex set of procedures, rules and regulations for the decision-
making person. By analogy all above mention economic activities can be referred to the concept 
of economic mechanism. The mechanism of economic interaction is a set of rules (procedures, 
functions, operators, instructions, regulations, laws, etc.) regulating actions of all elements of 
the integrated structure.
Theoretical and methodological basis of the research was conceptual provisions of the 
theories of market economy, socio-economic systems, strategic management, marketing, 
economics, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists and experts in the field of 
business management of hotels [3].
Scientific tools are methods and techniques for systematic and logical analysis, where object 
is an interconnected collection of components; the functional approach, determining the 
purpose of each component of the system; synthesis of management decisions and approaches; 
methods of scientific classification, comparison and generalization of objects and phenomena; 
factorial approach, allowing to identify and classify the contradictions of the economic system 
and economic-mathematical methods of analysis.
Information base of researches is relied on the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation 
and Moscow City, statistics, publications in special periodicals, accounting records and other 
hotels and banks documentation [22].
Mikael Lind suggested a hybrid approach to the study of transformational and collaborative 
business processes. Further there described the most frequent sample of business process of 
order processing. Operations with the order consist of some communication and material 
action for harmonization, implementation and transfer of the executed order. On the one 
hand, communication contributes to the implementation of elements of this process, and, on 
the other hand, to the conversion of a base element into outputs. Thus, communication and 
transformation mechanisms are the cornerstone of the order implementation.
Based on theories of social action, working practices and empirical studies, Mikael Lind came 
to the following conclusions regarding the business process as a phenomenon:
• It is necessary to separate work for potential and exclusive customers;
• Transformational and coordination processes should not be considered in isolation from 
each other;
• Processes should not be considered as a sequence of related sub-processes, but as a series 
of related sub-processes;
• It is important to pay attention to suppliers and other business partners, but not only to 
• It is not enough to take into account the customer’s satisfaction, you sgould keep in mind 
that an effective relationship between the client and the supplier of goods and services is a 
prerequisite for the satisfaction of both sides.
Almost every organization’s activity is a set of specific business processes. Consequently, the 
management of the organization can be represented as a business process management. Such 
managing approach to the organization is called process or process-oriented.

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