Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal


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– Scientific and educational complex, which trains the necessary staff and leading 
international research related to oncology;
Technopark ensuring expeditious and effective commercialization of scientific and medical 
– A complex business infrastructure that promotes the effective interaction of basic 
components of the project.
Solution of important social problems require a significant level of funding. This example 
fully reflect the need for an infusion of private capital in the implementation of social PPP 
models [18].
Social projects in the framework of public-private partnership is more difficult to assess 
because of the need to calculate the social effect. The calculation formula of this indicator 
must be differentiated for different types of social impact [2]. Social effect of environmental 
protection measures, for example, is determined in reducing the incidence of diseases, the 
improvement of working conditions, conservation of natural resources: Social effect is 
accompanied by a number of economic outcomes: cost savings for social insurance and the 
treatment of patients, elimination of product loss for days of illness and loss of productivity etc. 
Hence in General the form of social impact can be defined through economic indicators and 
presented in the form of a formula:
∆E = ech.p. + es.s. + eath.l. + EP.t.,
where  ∆E – social effect, Ech.p. the effect of the prevention of losses net production( 
created by the company) due to morbidity of workers because of pollution; Es.s. – the effect 
of reduction of payments from the social insurance Fund (for sick leave) as a result of the 
same reasons; Ez.l. – the effect of cost reduction on the treatment of workers as a result of the 
same reasons; EP.t. the effect of the productivity improvement due to the normalization of the 
ecological situation. Data should be considered in the dynamics. That is calculated considering 
the time.
Any common scientific knowledge required to systematize. What you must enter for 
organizing models and PPPs? As part of a systematic approach should note the following points:
a) determine the acceptable region of the PPP model, which can be used to attract private 
capital to achieve socially important goals (management contracts objects of culture, service 
contracts (outsourcing [8]), long-term lease with investment commitments, concession 
agreements, and so on. n.);
b) make a list of state (budget) services, the provision of which may be transferred to non-
state providers [16], as well as the respective kinds of state property, the operation of which 
may be subject to PPP;
c) determine the criteria for the selection of PPP projects; PPP classify objects by placing 
them in line PPP model [3]; put the framework conditions of partnership;
d) to determine the list of necessary legal acts at the regional level, allowing to remove 
obstacles to the use of PPP models in the existing conditions;
e) to consider the advisability of PPPs in the formation of regional programs of development.
f) to prepare proposals for the implementation of pilot PPP projects in the social sphere and 
to inform them about the number of potential participants.
It must be emphasized that the social sectors have the possibility of selecting a relatively small-
scale projects, can be made in the framework of existing legislation [10]. The implementation 
of such pilot projects will work out the principles and rules of interaction between participants 
of PPP and good experience will have a profound impact because of the high social significance.
PPP is self-organizing system [9], which is due to mutually beneficial terms for both parties. 
Involuntarily there is a question about the position of “economic man” with respect to the 
mechanism of enrichment. “Economic man” in a society, should behave so as not to be rejected 
by society. Achieve a certain goal of “economic man” should not jeopardize its future activities. 

VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
Consequently, the interests of economic man may coincide with the interests of society. 
Moreover, the interest of the benefits and opportunities provided can be assessed higher than 
the non-recurring gains.
Not the state’s ability to fully meet the full range of social programs, in my opinion, is not 
the cause of the phenomenon of PPPs in the social sphere. However, the mechanism of light 
that certain activities will help to reduce public spending is appropriate. Moreover, you need 
to be interested in the required volume of business to increase social impact. From this figure, 
much depends.
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