Ministry of education and science of ukraine

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5. Мельник В. К. Підвищення управлінської кваліфікації керівника загальноосвітнього навчального закладу в системі післядипломної педагогічної освіти: дисертація канд. пед. наук: 13.00.01 / Центральний ін-т післядипломної педагогічної освіти АПН України. – К., 2003.

6. Мармаза О.І. Стратегічний менеджмент : траєкторія успіху / О. І. Мармаза. – X. : Вид. група “Основа”, 2006. – 160 с.

7. Мармаза О.І. Проспект-карта студента з “Стратегічного менеджменту”: навч.-метод. посіб. / О. І.Мармаза. – Х. : Видав група “Основа”, 2009. – 59с.

8. Мармаза О.І. Курс лекцій з “Стратегічного менеджменту”: навч.-метод. посібник для студентів та слухачів ІПО зі спеціальностей “Управління навчальним закладом” (8.000009) та “Менеджмент організацій (освіти)” (7.050201) / О. І. Мармаза. – Х. : Видав. Група “Основа”, 2009. – 122 с.

9. Наказ “Про експертну кадрову комісію з розгляду питань діяльності керівників навчальних закладів, установ професійно-технічної та позашкільної освіти” від 23 грудня 2011 р. № 1511.

10. Управление высшим учебным заведением : учебник / под ред. д-ра эконом. наук. проф. С.Д.Резника – М. : ИНФА, 2011. – 768 с.

11. Закон України “Про загальну середню освіту” від 13 травня 1999 р. № 651-ХХV із змінами. П. 2. ст. 24.

UDC: 378.147:379.85

I. Dashevska,

Senior Lecturer

(Classic Private University)
Setting of the problem. In modern professional tourism education, protuberant attention is paid to the selection of forms and teaching methods that are in increasing demand for a variety of travel services with a high level of training future professionals of tourism. An important task of professional specialization of tourism of high school students is to create and develop their skills and complex skills excursion activities as leading in tourism. Professional growth, development of professional competence of future specialists of excursion business are carried out in the system of continuous vocational tourism education. This is reflected in a new approach to training future professionals of tourist and excursion areas, particularly in the implementation of interactive learning technologies. Training forms of learning are used along with other forms of entering of future professionals of tourist and excursion areas into the professional activity. The requirements of modern excursion need focus on the development of not only professional knowledge, but also practical skills and attitudes for professional activity.

Analysis of last researches and publications. Attention of academicians and practicians to training as a powerful method of training that gives possibility to intensify the process of mastering and growing new knowledge, create new behaviors and professional activities [8], defined on the opinion of the developer of the acmeological training of О.P Sitnikov. He values the main means of improvement of professional skills and can perform antropotechnologies’ unique role that allows to train professionals in the context of an integrated professional skills.

The forms of education as trainings are extremely common in pedagogical sphere. To various aspects of training are devoted scientific works of foreign scholars: K. Fopel, M. Kipnis, E. Christopher L. Smith, G. Parker, R. Kropp, S. Stout, J. Stewart, M. Balakshyn, O. Sitnikov etc, and national researchers: R. Bezpalcha, G. Bevz, L. Zhyvotovska, A. Grechishkina, S. Kalashnikov, L.Karamushka, V. Fedorchuk, V. Kutishenko etc. Ukrainian researcher L. I Bondariev defines it as a teaching learning technology, based on occupational characteristics and models of the future teacher trainer and has a wide range of applications in the educational process: a mini-training , training module for the studied subject, comprehensive training, intersubject training, training seminars, training of high complexity etc. Group of national scientists – L.M. Karamushka A.V. Vynoslavska, M.V. Voytovych, O. Kovalchuk, N. Kolominsky, A.V Kredentser, O. Topolenko, G.L Fedosov, O.P Schotka proposed a number of socio-psychological training for managers and staff organizations. However, the researchers left aside the issue of research and application of targeted training technologies in the educational process of future professionals of tourist and excursion study in specialized higher education institutions.

The purpose of the article. The purpose of this paper is to outline the features of educational training of future professionals in the excursion business system of vocational tourism education, to study the role and the place of technology of training the practical skills and abilities of excursion activity.

The main material of article. Training is considered as active learning, aimed not so much at acquisition of knowledge, as their application in practice as a form of training that creates certain patterns of behavior, as training for practicing certain skills, as a form of active learning, as a method of creating the conditions for self-searching ways to solve psychological problems of the individual. In modern vocational education training technologies are emerging as an important component of the learning process. Active learning in which students are trained for future careers, based on subject-subject interaction of its members, actualising their experience and expertise the development and formation of personal and professional competencies.

Being the modern form of the educational process in studying of future professionals in tourist-excursion sphere the training promotes intensification of training exercises with focus on various types of practical tourism activities, including the skills and abilities of the tour as a future profession.

Teaching methods for tourism in high school has a wide variety of active techniques that allow to build efficient model of the training process. A future specialist is understood as an expert of tourists guide, who must have several qualification requirements and a certain professional qualities, which are important in the process of their training in tourism universities to use a variety of training forms of skills formation.

In the choice of specific methods of active learning, training in particular, take into account not only the specificity future of the profession, but, first, goals and tasks, the system of educational process of higher education. Undoubtedly, the most common type of education is training in the course of the implementation of future specialists who perform training exercises adapted to future professional activities on the basis of specially trained instructional and teaching materials prepared in accordance with the current requirements of professional activity. Among the basic principles of training sessions that meet the requirements of professional training of future specialists of tourist and sightseeing areas, it is worth noting such as the principle activity of: involving participants to specifically developed exercises, games, situations; principle of research creative position when the training is modeled, problem situations, the principle of objectivization of behavior, that provides behavioral changes of position of participants from stereotypical to objectivization, the level of the principle of partnership (subject-subject) communication. In the course of the training of future professionals in tourism for the excursion of educational trainings, their combination with other forms of education are relevant at all stages of the educational process. During the traditional training lectures the training performs a supporting role – providing the participants with starting knowledge "for the analysis and understanding of the next active phase. In the simulation training sessions in the practical development of students of various disciplines cycles use various active learning. Most favorable to the use of training technologies, including such as discussion methods (group discussion, brainstorming, case studies, video analysis, etc.), playing techniques (situationally-role, simulation, creative), training of professional competence, communicative competence training, personal development training, form of training of future business in the sphere of education are seminars and workshops. Some students' independent work aimed at the development of specific skills of excursion of such assembly process documents tours can also take the form of training sessions the main "training" character. Study and production practices that are directly aimed at the development of professional skills of the future specialists of tourist-excursion areas are most favorable field for modeling and effective use of education technologies. There is a Curriculum of education and training of tourism worker. According to the State Branch standard of higher education in Ukraine the complex practice of passing students is in the form of educational and industrial training in the business travel industry. Acquiring the necessary practical skills by students, mastering their organizational processes of excursion activities during these training sessions can be carried out in the form of training of travel agencies or tour incubator (similar to business incubators). The aspects of practical training programs could be leading workshops guides, tourist and excursion workshops and more. Professional training of future professionals in tourism for the excursion activities is carried out after educational and vocational programs and curriculum for Bachelor direction 6.140103 "Tourism" is the study of many disciplines of various cycles. However, the leading discipline in this direction is a cycle of practical discipline and training "excursion activities" [7, p.145]. Its purpose, objectives, scope, competence as a result of mastering the knowledge and skills are sufficiently focused on the future acquisition of specialist practical skills such as the type of tourist guiding tour. Methods of teaching of this subject needs to be expanded forms and methods of active and interactive education with regard to technology training tours and methods of its implementation. First of all, this communication training, which is aimed at creating communication skills not only in the "Person-Person", but special "tour" type of communication between trippers and sightseeing objects. Ability and skills to work with internal and external information field of historical and cultural monuments, which are often objects of excursions, the ability to analyze, interpret this important for understanding and creating of the individual image information can be generated during simulated special training of excursion communication. Information systems of education developed by scientists and extensively implemented in the training process [1], answer the needs of development of practical skills of excursion activity of future specialists in tourism. Combined with Intrenet-products similar to interactive maps Google Maps, Google Maps API, Open Street Map, navigation systems GPS-track, Sreet-line, Street View, etc. Computer training provides high efficiency of the educational process by communicating with the computer aided companion in simulated situations, such for example as the selection and study of tour sites, charting the tour route, route optimization, selection and use of instructional techniques and stories during the tours etc.

Conclusions. Thus, education forms of studying of future professionals in tourist excursion business in higher education allow building an effective model of the educational process, in which the leading role is played by the practice-oriented component of training.

Prospects for further research in the sphere of the study. Introduction of different education models in the process of training of future specialists of excursion business in tourism in higher education are becoming increasingly important. Reproducing, simulating professional activities, training becomes an integral part of the learning process, effective form of training future specialists excursion business, hence the need to further their theoretical understanding and implementation of teaching practice training tour training.

1. Балакшин М. Е. Информационная система тренингового обучения / М. Балакшин, А. Евдокименко // Инновации в образовании. – 2008. – № 7. –

С. 48–51.

2. Бондарєва Л. І. Навчальний тренинг як засіб професійної подготовки майбутніх менеджерів організацій в економічних университетах: дис. … канд. пед. наук : 13.00.04 / Бондарєва Любов Іванівна. – К., 2007. – 250 с.

3. Галузевий стандарт вищої освіти України. Освітньо-професійна програма підготовки бакалавра напряму 140103 “Туризм”. – К.: КНТЕУ, 2010. – 16 с.

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6. Оліфіра Л.М. Принципи організації навчальних тренінгів через застосування ІКТ в системі післядипломної педагогічної освіти [Електроний ресурс] // Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання. – 2009. – № 6 (14). – Режим доступу:

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8. Психологія управління в освіті: курс лекцій та завдання навч. практикуму для слухачів очно-дистанційної форми навчання в системі післядиплом. пед. освіти / [О. І.Бондарчук, Л. М. Карамушка, Н. Л. Коломінський та ін.] – К. : Валевіна, 2006. – 160 с.

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UDC: 378,147

I. Drozdovа,

Doctor of Education, professor

(Kharkiv National

Automobile and Highway University)

Statement of the problem. The purpose of higher education is to train highly qualified personnel, the development of science and innovative approaches in different sectors of the university with a focus on training highly qualified specialists. Information technology cause qualitative changes in society in general and in particular, interpersonal relationships, requiring new methods of preparing young people for life. V. Andruschenko calls this supplement traditional pedagogy “pedagogy of information” that forms the personal information culture – knowledge and skills to use the information, and most importantly – brings up the values that define the human guide of this process, its humanistic value [1, p. 7].

Currently, research in this area aimed at adapting the general principles of scientific organization of labor to the specifics of the educational process in higher education in order to obtain knowledge, development of professional skills, the development of professional broadcasting of students in the selected specialty. We believe that the plan for building the learning process as the scale of a single class, and the full cycle of training bases on technology learning as a process of mastering a certain amount of knowledge and skills in order to use them in practice, reflecting a system of mutual dependency between the key components of educational process.

Analysis of research and publications. After reviewing and analyzing special literature, we noticed that scientists (A. Aleksyuk, O. Bilyayev, O. Horoshkina, O. Zabolotska, O. Onkovych, N. Orlov, M. Pentylyuk, H. Selevko, T. Symonenko, N. Talyzina, H. Shelehova, O. Horoshkovska), indicating a large amount of preparatory work in connection with use of teaching aids, the need for planning and programming of didactic activities, consider learning technologies integrated system of training activities. The structure of educational activities as the system covers professional activities, the main components of which are the objectives aimed at changing self and its activities, consciousness and behavior of students, content, tools, conditions, technology, the achieved results.

Justification of the selection criteria and building a content of the Ukrainian language in high school for various types of part or all of a number are written in the following works (L. Baranovska, N. Berehova, H. Bondarenko, N. Borodina, N. Kostrytsya, M. Kryskiv, V. Yukalo, J. Janusz et al.). In particular they claimed common problems and outline the principles of selection and approaches to curriculum of learning material after types of training.

The purpose of the article is to justify modern pedagogical technologies, cover the technology of training of the Ukrainian language for professional purposes for the goals and objectives of vocational training, the use of modular technology is defined for the purpose of forming and development of professional broadcasting of students of philological faculties of universities.

The main material. There is no doubt that educational technology should comply the modern educational process, including the formation and development of professional speech-oriented student. Signs of Technology: Procedure bilateral joint activity of teacher and student, a set of techniques and methods, design and organization process, the presence of favorable conditions for learning. The concept of «technology» includes: target orientation, scientific idea upon which this technology, systems of interactions of teacher and student, the criteria for evaluation of results and the results. Three groups of educational technology are singled out: technology of “traditional teaching”; technology of «training development»; technology of «learning socialization» [3; 5; 7; 9]. The effectiveness of educational activities is determined largely by the chosen teaching as a way «instrument» for this activity. Methods are formed and shaped by a variety of objective and subjective circumstances that define society – social order, labor market conditions. It has been argued (M. Orlov, M. Hrynova, H. Selevko) that technique is an individualized set of techniques and methods of training, it depends on the individual teacher, his temperament and ability. Teaching technology also are more universal in nature, they are reproducible [7]. That’s why today methods of teaching certain subjects are often replaced by technology. As R. Hryshkova states [5, р. 193], technology training, unlike methods, includes a guaranteed minimum level of training, taking into account socio-economic factors, including, on the one hand, strict time and professional skill of the teacher, and the other – Accounting of the funds spent.

Technology training is directly aimed at training students, current higher education ensures the formation of the individual components of professional commitment to professional communication means of academic disciplines and production practices that are only partially adequate of future employment [10]. Solutions to this question lies in the development of various models – simulation of experts without regard to the specific processes [2; 6; 7], logical and structural models presenting educational information, training model separate disciplines of the curriculum [4; 11], leading specialty models [21, p. 20], the model of personality graduates [5; 9] and so on.

In a study of S. Arkhangelskiy [2] learning in higher education is defined as a controlled system, consisting of goals and objectives of the system at all (they define upward, intermediate and resultant state of the system), learning process (means, forms and methods of influence on the system by the objectives and simulated optimal results), the control algorithm, which indicates some manageable impacts over time at simulated changes in the system feedback. This system consists of two subsystems – control (teacher) and managed (student).

The problem of improving the higher education training is regarded as the most important and it is also in foreign education. Special attention is paid to particular aspects of the preparation and its organizational forms. The traditional concept of a free, liberal, personality oriented education [12; 14], which provides an opportunity for self-development of the creative potential of the individual, absolute role of logistics training process, which could not weaken the role of the individual teacher to interact with students. Convincing is the idea that only free education can fully ensure the development of creative potential of students, including the professional one [12, p.76-98]. The new programs for universities occupy a significant place – along with education – the whole development of individual personality traits of future professionals, such as critical thinking, ability to solve business problems, business communication skills, and others [13]. Therefore, language training is given serious attention.

Have interest in the research of thought and speech of students in the learning process, revealing their methods of formation of special tests. All these separate aspects of training, aimed at creating them or anyone professionally significant qualities of the individual. The perspective is the concept of the impact of the learning process and knowledge acquired on the complex qualities and characteristics of the individual students. The founder of this area of research B. Blum, ranging aims of education in a number of fundamental papers [13], exposes depth study of cognitive and emotional sphere of personality that include knowledge, intellectual skills, motivations, relationships, self-esteem, values.

The main task – to find expression of different personality traits in learning specific content being studied (perceptual and cognitive aspects, that responds to the one who learns how he thinks it feels) [3] builds these manifestations in a particular system. For this purpose, the formation of related personality traits as the basis of its study of diagnostic methods in the learning process was developed [13; 14]. Such work led to further studies that are important for the study of aspects of the development of professional broadcasting students of non-philological profile high school. In particular, it was found addiction teaching methods, his organization of the rising level of knowledge and skills of the Ukrainian language with students. You should also define the functions of the educational content and social environment. These ideas are developed by many scientists (V.Lednov, I.Lerner, O.Bilyayev, O.Horoshkina, S.Karaman, L.Palamar, M.Pentylyuk, T.Symonenko, O.Horoshkovska et al.). General questions about the adequacy of the process of learning these goals (delivered through professional models) for which the process is organized remain unclear. Most attention is paid to his problem determination aim, staging and classification of learning objectives, as well as diagnostic methods [4; 8; 13; 14].

Analysis of scientific literature shows that neither in domestic nor in foreign pedagogy sufficiently scientific basis of teaching particular subjects in higher education, such as teaching the Ukrainian language as a holistic process aimed at improving the training of students as future professionals has not been developed. On the relevance of this problem in the education system philological point is represented by the researchers (S.Batyshev, A.Yaroshenko) [3; 11]. In this regard, the need to develop ways such as training specialists of higher education, when in communion with the assimilation of knowledge and skills of all the educational process of forming not only socially mature, whole person, but also professional, can be able to communicate efficiently and successfully in Ukrainian to compete in today's job market. Therefore, during the development of scientific bases of professional training for the students during their study of non-philological profile high school, we felt it necessary to increase the level of communicative and cognitive and professionally oriented (pragmatic) approach to the educational process and clarify the methodological apparatus. Specific technology selection and design of didactic content information determined by the appropriate criteria on which depends largely the solution of this problem, and are used for content analysis study of the material of the particular discipline. In the course of the Ukrainian language for professional purposes in universities of philological profile it is evident that the development of its content leads to constructing a complete model of such a course, in the process of construction of various qualities which organizes special events (psychological, linguistic, language, teaching), which requires the combination of several approaches, and current, comprehensive and systematic. Finding the optimal conditions and effective training methods the Ukrainian language in order to create professional broadcast of students of non-philological profile high school it is possible to determine the basic methodological requirements of educational technology as sufficiently effective in teaching in higher education.

According to H.Selevko, any educational technology must meet certain methodological requirements, namely: conceptual: there must be reliance on a concept that includes philosophical, psychological, and social and didactic pedagogical rationale to achieve certain goals, consistency: educational technology should contain all the features of the system: the logic of the process, the relationship of all its parts, integrity, controllability: a possible diagnostic determination aim, planning, designing of the learning process, phased diagnostic varying means and methods to correct results, performance: modern educational technology exist in competitive conditions and will be effective on the results and optimum cost and guarantee to achieve a certain standard of education; reproducibility: the opportunity to use pedagogical techniques (repetition, reproduction) in other similar educational institutions of other subjects [9]. Feature the same technology of learning the Ukrainian language as a means of professional broadcasting and, in particular, the practical application of the course of the Ukrainian language in «the Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)» is, but defined, as comprehensive and professionally oriented orientation training content as factors that uniquely affect linguistic preparation of students in higher education, such as training that takes place in the system comprehensively, taking into account all the components that contribute to this training, on the other hand, professionally oriented studies focus the Ukrainian language determines its meaning. Complexity, multidimensional and interdependent organizational forms in higher education led to selection of advanced forms of education as the most relevant in today's society and the demands of the labor market. These requirements are best meets modular technology training that will meet the current requirements and provides professional opportunities of individual training using the latest methods of teaching Ukrainian language as a means of gaining expertise in higher education, diagnosis and assessment of knowledge and skills of students from the formation and development of Ukrainian broadcasting.

Modular technology education – one of modern educational technology of higher education to implement the goals and objectives of professional training which enables the creative approach to the organization and management of educational process. This technology allows you to logically structure of the learning material, to determine the total and partial objectives for each module in accordance with the standards of higher education, with a focus on educational qualification characteristics (EQC) and taking into account individual professional skills and pre-university level of students. The principal differences from traditional training module are: 1) learning content submitted in complete, independent set – modules that are both information and the guidance of its assimilation, and 2) the interaction of the teacher and the student in the learning process by using modules that provide adult independent students that achieve a certain level of training, and 3) the very essence of modular training that requires mandatory compliance parity of the subject – subject relationship between teacher and student [11, p. 128].

Conclusions. Consequently, compiled using modular technology education program provides training for students to work independently on the specialty literature and aims at achieving skills to communicate in the selected specialty of the Ukrainian language. The task of training of university graduates for the various sectors of the economy, science and technology determine the communicative and practical, professionally oriented nature of all learning and practical course of the Ukrainian language – correction, shaping and developing the skills of listening, speaking (dialogue and monologue speech), reading and writing (i.e. the ability to receive the information by hearing, reading, note-taking, referencing the specialty of literature in the Ukrainian language, preparation of scientific reports and messages, participation in discussions, registration of official papers – applications, diploma records, course records, etc.).

Prospects for further research should be to organize innovative approaches to forms and methods of teaching the Ukrainian language for professional purposes, integration of learning to achieve the ultimate goal – the development of professional broadcast as part of the formation of qualified and competent professionals who can critically make decisions in complex professional situations.

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