Ministry of education and science of ukraine

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1. Кабачков В.А. Профилактика правонарушений среди несовершеннолетних средствами физической культуры и спорта / В. А. Кабачков // Теория и практика физической культуры. – 1998. – №10. – С.18-25.

UDС 378.147:165.194

T. Mishenina,

Cand.Phil.Sci, associate professor

(Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute

of State Higher Educational Establishment

“Kryvyi Rih National University")
Statement of the problem. Integrating of education and information changes, modernize education as a social process, determining the intensity of ICT introduction in educational process. Higher education expands the range of informatization subjects, which, in their turn, alter the configuration of the educational process. Educational information paradigm changes social structure, thereby forming a layer of a social network community, layer of educational cyberspace subjects.

Formation and development of the information society activate processes of informatization of education, due to the National Doctrine of Education in the twenty-first century. Experts explore various science questions of stimulation, informatization and development in schools and universities. However, the study of social and cultural aspects of information during humanitarian training of future teachers of philological specialties has given insufficient attention. It particular, did not find consistent coverage issues of information impact on higher liberal education, social and cultural identity, changing norms and values of the individual teacher philological specialties upgrade various functions of higher education as a social institution.

According to the National Doctrine of Education of Ukraine in the twenty-first century: "The priority of education is the introduction of modern information technologies that provide access to high-quality databases empower students in the perception of complex information." Detected tasks solved by the development and subsequent implementation of a consistent mechanism for the implementation of individual modular training programs, the use of the Internet, the introduction of e-learning, electronic textbooks issue. State structures support the use of computer technology for the evaluation of students' knowledge, promote education institutions in hardware computer labs, building information and educational networks. Specific measures of information with socio-cultural aspects and consequences, as implemented computerization people, including people who have certain values, motives and goals.

Analysis of research and publications. Informatization of Education can be viewed within the social and technological concepts. From this perspective, theoretical issues raised social technologies at different times by M. Markov, V. Ivanov, J. Toschenko, V. Yadov. Mechanisms of Social Transformation Institute of Education explore scientists who are studying the introduction of social technologies in the management of different areas, emphasizing the lack of interest of the teaching staff in the case of innovation (V. Bespalko, M. Biryukov, A. Zaitsev, Yu Krasovskii, M. Lukaszewicz , W. Podshivalkina, A. Skidin, E. Suyimenko and others).

Problems of Informatization of education and information culture were studied by K. Colin, N. Jincharadze, K. Jaresko, D. Zaretsky, J. Pervin, L.Vinaryk, A. Shchedrin, L.Skvortsov, A. Shadrin, S. Dyatlov, A. Tolstopyatenko and others.

Numerous intelligence to improve the strategic management of higher education through modern information technology, management innovation potential (A. Androschuk, L. Hayduk, W. Grieg, O. Kosenko) provide information of higher education (L. Zaynutdinova, I. Zakharov, E. Polat, I. Robert) disclosure organizational aspects of the implementation of the learning process of new information technologies (S. Bondarev, Bykov, T. Gabay, M. Zhaldak, P. Korchemnyy, J. Mashbits) review the assessment and monitoring of education quality (B. Vulfson, G. Kelsey, G. Motova, V. Navodnov) and the conceptual basis of national regulations that reflect the main ideas of the implementation of the educational process in higher education: the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education" National Doctrine of Education Development, the State National Program "Education. Ukraineof the XXI century " – were the basis for a successful solution to the problem of information of higher education as a complex organizational, technical and process development and implementation of information system of higher education, the implementation of a permanent monitoring of the quality of education and ensure its transparency, promote public control.

Computerization is a component of the innovation processes at the university. Changes in the education system affects a set of socio-cultural factors that have a different level of generalization. First of all, societal factors, and factors inherent in education as a social institution, its social organization, the mentality of students and teachers, the management at the university. Multilevel nature of socio-cultural factors that influence innovation, computerization of universities is discussed in the publication.

The objective of the article is to reveal information sociocultural factors of higher humanitarian education in the process of didactic competence of future teachers of philological specialties.

The main material. Computerization of liberal education is strongly correlated with socio-cultural characteristics of the society. Typology features of modern society explains the need for higher education informatization humanitarian school.

The essence of modern society can be described in terms of transformation. During systemic transformation means gradual change, transformation of social structures within which can coexist simultaneously both old and new elements. Thus there is a gradual transformation of the old structures in new, emerging and brand new, previously unknown social structures [1, 2].

Along with the economic and political transformation and change taking place in education as a social institution, including modifying the function of higher education is its computerization, developing a form of private education. The process of social reconstruction prepared not only material, but cultural conditions. Therefore, building intellectual capital preservation elaborated positions in the education system provides the possibility of positive transformation in the future.

Ukraine has moved in certain ways to solve problems of information society. Understanding the impact of sociocultural factors on informatization of education will review the concepts of information society, whose elements are features of modern Ukraine.

For information society knowledge, information is an important factor in the development of society as an information factor includes multyaspectual sides of methods of the production, use, sharing, etc. It is known that the third industrial revolution is largely based on successes in telecommunications and information processes. Long-term trends show that the fastest growing sector is related to information.

Representatives of the new theory of society types (with different name but with the same type traits) – J. Bell, A. Toffler, A. Touraine, G. Kahn and several other authors thought that the main characteristic of the present stage in the development of the information society is a factor. Social and political changes are considered in the theory of the information society as a result of "microelectronic revolution".

However, the concept of information society is criticized by humanistic oriented scientists who believe in limited technological determinism, identifying the negative consequences of computerization of society [4, 6].

One of the founders of the theory of "information society" is A. Toffler, which in our study emphasized that the growing strength of the flow of information exchange between people has led to the emergence of a new type of culture in which all of classification to be required, in order to unify the most compression and increased efficiency of transmission from person to person, either personally or through the media. Accordingly, the type of training, teaching methods must take into account these features [5].

Three aspects of society contribute to a deeper understanding of the nature of the telecommunications revolution: 1) the transition from an industrial to a service society, 2) critical codified theoretical knowledge for technological innovation, and 3) the conversion of a new "intellectual technology" on the key tool of systems analysis and decision theory [5 ].

One of the theorists of a new stage in the development of society Touraine A. rightly observes that post-industrial society operates globally at the management level. First, it increases the ability to make new products as a result of investment in science and technology, and secondly, it changes management in complex systems that uses information and communication [9].

Another expert on the theory of the information society, G. Kahn, drew attention to the fact that information itself, unless it is inspired by human emotion, unable to move forward human culture, promote the progress of the spirit. G. Kahn describes the new society as "postekonomical", stressing the increasing importance of non-economic, humanistic, anthropological factors [9].

Computerization of higher liberal education promotes active implementation of innovation processes: computerization and humanization. Forcing humanitarian reforms in higher education should strengthen the role of education in ensuring the needs of society. The transition to the new concept of learning activities in education is part of the transformation process. Helping young people to new social forces to solve new public problems and to the education system.

Perceptions of new principles of understanding reality leads to redefine the foundations of the humanities, which has an impact according to the teaching of science in higher education. Issue of new textbooks under the "transformation of liberal education in Ukraine" due to the need to respond to the call time and the changing paradigms of understanding society.

The introduction of ICT in the humanitarian system for training of teachers of Philology majors must take into account the fact that modern secondary schools vary in quality and level of information. Significant differences depend on social factors: the specialized schools (lyceums, gymnasiums) with in-depth study of specific items of quality education and a higher level of information than ordinary mass, higher in urban schools than in rural areas.

Thus, the main task of which is put before the modern universities in preparing future teachers philological specialties is finding a optimal ways of its further development, which primarily involves providing conditions for students of philological specialties to master modern information technology to expand opportunities for creativity, increase the proportion of independent work .

Along with the development of respect for work, vocational guidance, mastery of computers essential role in preparing students philological specialties play liberalization of education, self-development, development of practical skills to youth organizing and social work. In the minds and behavior of young people, the pace of implementation of information are strongly affected by management mechanisms institution. Strict adherence to the rules and principles of democracy, rule of law, justice, compliance with modern standards of education, which is a necessary component of computerization, it is sort of a standard for the students with whom they later reconcile his life and professional way.

Implementation of organizational-economic mechanism of higher education informatization will objectively assess the quality of higher education, multifaceted process information for analytical studies in the area of ​​educational policy:

1) the individual level of self-esteem by students as their own training and experience mastery algorithmic and heuristic methods of activity;

 2) a local level of education quality evaluation of university students, reaching the goal in learning requirements of the appropriate level, adjust its development strategy in accordance with the social and economic indicators;

3) evaluation of the local municipal level authorities of subjects of educational activities and comparing the performance of its network of universities;

 4) regional evaluation of the efficiency of the local education system, selective study of the effectiveness of individual universities and education authorities, higher education institutions to improve the network based on the analysis of the data obtained;

5) Evaluation of state-level functioning of the national education system and comparing its performance with international indicators and systems, providing a unified methodology for state certification of graduates, analysis and comparison of the state policy in the field of education in different regions.

In the informatization of education are particularly important managerial techniques and innovative character. Due to their supervisor an opportunity to react to managerial situations of information. For decisions should objectively assess the level and condition of the control system. Information source for such estimates may be social indicators, indicators that characterize the educational system, the level of university, Information needs of humanities education.

This also contributes to limited capacity of many universities in the computerization of independent work, limited library collections and so on. If the university informatization at the appropriate level, and students have free access to computers, then increase the time for self preparation justified. Students with a desire to spend their time on the computer and can perform some tasks independently, using the Internet and other multimedia.

According to recent methodological trends in universities relative proportion of the curriculum, which allowed for lecture load, significantly less as opposed to independent learning. However, this provision may not be the same at different universities, different, first of all, the level of informatization. The introduction of this principle is professional identity (type of school, field of study, specialty, of course). Mastering the humanities provides an independent organization working with educational material through the use of numerous forms and methods (as opposed to science, where contact with the teacher requires much more), and if a high level of information, it is time for self-education can provide more.

Requires resolve the issue content of individual work in the humanitarian training of future teachers of philological specialties. In particular, most of the students of the Faculty of Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute of SHEE «Kryvyi Rih National University" by self understanding the work of literature in the library, whereas the Internet is a significant minority.

Among the students' views on the feasibility of reducing the most common classes were convinced of the need to reduce the number of lecture hours. Meanwhile library use is not all. Nowadays a systematic presentation on university lectures in electronic form, or teachers directly to employment provide an electronic lecture notes that can be printed. Continuously making copies during half an hour lecture, some students think only about how to make it all burn, and not learning to understand the text. The advantage of an electronic abstract of not only its user, but also that each teacher usually wants to hear your position. The most accepted version of the system of education students find seminars and consulting sessions where teachers explain obscure points have already read lecture notes, lectures. This system is most suitable undergraduates, most of which are already running. However, we believe dialogization training should be on Lectures (discharge ambiguities, the wording controversial positions, laying additional bibliography, etc.). In this way, the use of problem-based method of teaching learning material for practical seminars can be used to level algorithms, relations, research methods.

Also notes conditionality modern ideal of education basic cultural values ​​when education is understood not only as a means of owning a profession, but a continuous process of improvement of the individual. An important direction of this improvement is to increase the relative values ​​of post-material [4, p. 317].

Computerization increases the level of education. The growth of education in turn reinforces habits of the individual to mental activity. The consequence of this is the growth needs of mental activity, ie increased activity in perfect, post-materialistic sphere. This may explain why people with higher exposure informational perfect expressive value of learning and interest in the humanities higher than people with low informatization [3].

Information, informatization are about concepts, but also having distinctive features. Computerization personality reflects a comprehensive, holistic process that involves increasing importance in the lifestyle and values ​​of the structure of computer ownership programs, the use of games, multimedia, etc., which defines the scope of an informatization personality.

Requires resolve issues effectively implement software that would allow the combined organization learning in higher education in the process of didactic competence of future teachers of philological specialties:

1) communication tools for messaging:

- Private: SMS, Email, IM, IP-telephony, instant messaging, voice and video;

- In the community: email, chat, voice and video conferencing, forums;

2) the means of presentation of educational materials, electronic books, text, hypertext, audio, video (including sites located in blogs, Wiki, videohranilischa, podcast servers slide hosting, electronic libraries, file servers, cloud servers computing, streaming servers)

3) the means testing skills: fitness equipment, laboratory work, simulation environment, etc.;

4) the means of collaboration (webinars, Wiki, virtual classrooms, cloud computing, and other means of Web 2.0);

5) means of evaluating academic performance, organization and management of education.

One way of solving this problem is to unify the user interface and how to communicate within a single integrated environment support combined training, which can serve as a learning management system and management training materials. Environment support combined studies used for the development, management and dissemination of educational materials with online sharing software, LCMS – to organize the joint development and dissemination of educational materials online.

To build a combined system of training for Teachers in university needs improving organizational model combination studies with regard to study characteristics of a group of related disciplines, the principles of open education system, the organizational structure of schools and its impact on the educational environment in the Learning Management System. The system covers the entire humanitarian training of higher education that are specified in industry standards of higher education and universities implemented, affect the curricula are reflected in the schedule of classes. At the level of discipline they define the objectives and content of education, which together form a learning technology methodical system that functions as an educational environment in high school (during implementation and operation) and outside (on the stage of development and modification). Interaction of learning occurs both directly and indirectly through the management of combined training.

Conclusions. Informatization of future professionals of philological specialties is the result of information, the status of the individual who has a certain level of formation of information culture. In the process of education informatization is externalization of information values, ie they affect the behavior of the outward signs of future philologists. It was found that the value structures of the individual students spend much time at the computer, different large value informatsiolohichnyh needs. These requirements are the basis for the formation of specific human identity information society.

In processes in higher education, especially affecting the information society. For the modern Ukrainian society is characterized by social and cultural processes of modernization. Constituent elements of the modernization is to strengthen the role of information and communication technologies. Changes in the education system and its computerization affect sociocultural factors: liberalization of education, management style at the university, taking into account the educational and cultural standards, the mentality of students of philological specialties.

Prospects for further research in the study. In consideration of merits issues of developing a retrieval component didactic competence of future teachers philological specialties.

1. Богомолов А. Н. Научно-методическая разработка виртуальной языковой среды дистанционного обучения иностранному (русскому) языку : дисс. ... д-ра пед. наук : 13.00.02 / Богомолов Андрей Николаевич. – М., 2008. – 354 с.

2. Валиулин Р. Р. Индивидуализированное обучение студентов с использованием дистанционных технологий : дисс. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.08 / Валиулин Рустам Рафаилович. – Новокузнецк, 2006. – 194 с.

3. Вардомацкий А. П. Сдвиг в ценностном измерении / А.П. Вардомацкий // Социс. – 1993. – №4. – С. 46.

4. Подольська Є. А. Освіта як чинник розвитку особистості в ситуації постмодернізму / Є.А. Подольська, В.М. Назаркіна // Молодь в умовах нової соціальної перспективи : мат-ли ІV Міжнародної наук.-практ. конф. – Житомир. – 2002. – С. 17.

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6. Швець Д. Є. Современное общество и образование: проблемы социологического измерения / Д.Є. Швець // Грані. – 2003. Вип. №1(27). – С. 82-87.

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8. Юсупов Р. М. Научно-методологические основы информатизации / Р. М. Юсупов, В. П. Заболотский. – СПб. : Наука, 2000. – 455 с.

9. Glossary [Electronic resource] / Higher Education Funding Council for England. – 2010. – Mode of access : glossary/glossary.htm

UDC 378.147:371.1:8

I. Nahrybelna,

Ph.D., Associate Professor

(Kherson State University)

The National Program "Education. Ukraine. XXI century” defined the strategy of education development in Ukraine, its priorities to establish a system of continuous studying. Among the tasks that promote the revival of national education are singled out the forming a creative personality, the providing of development of the human rights and the development of physical and moral health. Humanistic orientation of Ukrainian education foresees the development of linguistic personality at all stages of training. A special place in this process takes the possibility of a higher education and language-independent speech growth.

Awareness of the mentioned factors leads to posing of the problem of formation of modern linguistic personality by means of the independent work of students of the studying course "The Modern Ukrainian language with practical work".

The actuality of the given question is unequivocal one in the conditions of Ukrainian universities as the revision of general cultural and sociolinguistic approaches to the study of the Ukrainian language causes an increased attention to the vocational training of future primary school teachers. The perspectiveness of the research problem is confirmed by a scientific interest of scientists and in their research works are considered the processes of studying the Ukrainian language, the mastering of the language system, the formation of linguistic personality and communicative competence [1;4].

However, the potential possibilities of self-learning activities in the system of training of future primary school teachers to the studying of the Ukrainian language remains to be not enough investigated aspect of studying the course "The Modern Ukrainian language with practical work" in Higher School system.

Analysis of researches and publications, in which a solution to the problem allows to allocate the following aspects:

- Consideration of independent work of students as the means of professional training to teaching humanities (D.Yemelyanova, O.Kmit, M.Knyazyan, O.Malyhina, O.Myhalevych, M.Pentylyuk, T.Pototska, R.Prima H.Romanova, M.Soldatenko etc.)

- linguistic and linguodidactic principles of independent work in the training of teachers in general and primary schools in particular (M.Bondarenko, M.Vashulenko, N. Golub, O.Horoshkina, T.Donchenko, I.Drozdova, T.Loboda, L.Oryehova, E.Panasenko, T.Paschenko M.Pentylyuk, O.Popova, I.Potapova, T.Pototska, M.Pochynkova, N.Svyetlovska, T.Symonenko, M.Soloveychyk, M.Chabayovska etc.).

Undoubtedly, all the distinguished sources provide practical guidance for the effective implementation of independent work in the practice of education, but consider this problem mostly in passing.

The aim of the article is to analyze the independent educational activity of students, its role in the formation of linguistic personality during the course of the studying course of the Ukrainian language in Higher School.

A new view on the improving of language and speech, methodical training of future teachers, on the one hand, and the speech development of younger students - on the other, requires their agreement of considering it with taking into account the unity of personality oriented educational paradigm of education system [1, p.3-5]. The qualitative training in the context of speech and speech-methodical education comes to the level of basic competence, as it is directly correlated with speech skills acquired during the independent work.

In order to successfully develop the young students’ speech, the future teacher needs during the years of professional education not only the supplement of theoretical knowledge of the language during the classroom work, but also systematically and independently improve their knowledge of linguistics.

"The Modern Ukrainian language" – is one of the core courses in educational departments of higher education. The main purpose of it is to install in future teachers overview of philological training, teach them to establish interdisciplinary links between the Ukrainian language and the material from other subjects to develop professional teaching skills, encourage students to scientific and methodical creative work, to bring up the desire to improve their teaching education, to work independently on professional growth.

Analysis of curricula shows that the course "The Modern Ukrainian language with practical work" is too bulky, which doesn’t correspond with the number of hours which it is assigned to.

Therefore, a significant amount of educational material is transferred to students’ self study. The basic condition for successful linguistic and linguo didactic training of primary school teachers in a limited number of classroom hours is to increase mobility in the educational process, willingness to self-vocational education. Self-dependent study of the Ukrainian language is based on an integrated approach to modular training programs and maximizing the methodical and systematic ensuring of the academic process.

In order to optimize self-learning activities of students and their effective processing of the linguistic material we have developed a number of themes made for selfindependent study of the course "The Modern Ukrainian language with practical work." Proposed material represents one of the approaches to self-organized work on the Ukrainian language [3].

1. Subject: phonetic segmentation of speech flow. Ukrainian syllable division. Emphasis

Guidelines: elaborating filed topic, you must pay attention to such things as phonetic segmentation of speech flow, Ukrainian syllable division characteristics, types and functions of stress.

Basic terminology of topics: language flow of words, composition, syllable structure of words, Ukrainian syllable division, emphasis.

Question for self-study:

1. Describe the essence of the speech flow segmentation.

2. Composition. The syllable structure of the word. Give examples.

3. Analyze types of Ukrainian syllables.

4. Ukrainian syllable division, its specificity.

5. Emphasis. Types and functions of stress.

Tasks for independent work

1. Read the lyrics. Write down separate parts of speech, divide them into syllables. Specify the number of letters and sounds in a word.

Опадає тихо листя

У осінньому саду.

Мені знову ніби сниться,

Що я стежкою бреду.

Клени хилять сумні віти,

Щось шепочучи мені.

Налітає з поля вітер

І зникає в далені…

 II. Світ який – мереживо казкове!..

Світ який – ні краю ні кінця!

Зорі й трави, мрево світанкове,

Магія коханого лиця.

Світе мій гучний, мільйонноокий,

Пристрастний, збурунений, німий,

Ніжний, і ласкавий, і жорстокий,

Дай мені свій простір і неспокій,

Сонцем душу жадібну налий!

Дай мені у думку динаміту,

Дай мені любові, дай добра,

Гуркочи у долю мою, світе,

Хвилями прадавнього Дніпра.

Не шкодуй добра мені, людині,

Щастя не жалій моїм літам –

Все одно ті скарби по краплині

Я тобі закохано віддам..


  2. Submitted words divide into syllables. Define open and closed, covered and uncovered syllables.

Subscription, alphabet, white, willow, dinner, branch, clock, turtle, dove, comfort, ground, corn, compare, toothed, noun, pocket boil, multistoried-, film director, company, collar, raspberries, ice cream, education, incentive.

3. Put emphasis in the submitted words. Check with orthoepic or orthographic dictionaries.

Somehow, sheet, association, by retail, in bulk, hospitable, caterpillar, duplex, somebody’s, to taste, always, forgetful, camphor, diagonally, crosswise, on the surface, in whisper, followed, Ukrainian, purposefulness, ashen.

4. Define the words primary and secondary stress. Make sentences with these words.

Centuries of high quality, evergreen, world-famous, world-historic, bicentennial, in resources, well-known, foreign trade, naturally-age, historical-cultural, Kamenets, primary, social and political.

5. Definitely read the texts. Enter words, which falls logical stress. Try to change logical stress in sentences, how to change the content of a sentence?

I. I. Назимувалися ми досхочу, так назимувалися, що вже й весну виглядали. Почалися відлиги, зчорнів сніг, і вітри дмухали хоч і дужі, пругкі, та вже не люті. Щоб швидше прийшла весна, я навіть лижі на горище викинув.

Дунай також хотів весни, нюхав повітря, рвався з цепу і раденько гавкав, коли котик Чернець дерся на високу липу коло повітки, звідти, згори, весну виглядав.

А якось уночі подув такий вітрище, що димар на нашій хаті засвистів і загув так, наче яка зграя розбійників залякати нас хотіла.


II. Неначе густим молоком облиті фруктові дерева. Ось виструнчились у весняному святковому вбранні вишні, сливи, черешні, груші і очей від них не одведеш! Тягне до них, підійдеш, милуєшся і не намилуєшся. Очі радіють, душа радіє.

Радість і для невтомних трудівниць – бджіл. Снують вони по квітах, перелазять моторно з однієї квітки на другу, щоб швидше набрати меду. А набравши, - одна, друга зриваються з квітів, і, ніби золоті шнурочки простяглися в повітрі, мчать бджілки до своїх хаток – вуликів. Швидко треба скласти солодкий прозорий мед у стільники і повернутись за новою маленькою порцією меду.


III. Клен цілу зиму спав. Крізь сон він чув завивання хуртовини і тривожний крик чорного ворона. Холодний вітер гойдав його віти, нагинав їх. Та ось одного сонячного ранку відчув Клен, ніби до нього доторкнулось щось тепле і лагідне. Прокинувся Клен. А то до нього прилинув теплий весняний Вітер.

  • Годі спати, - зашепотів весняний Вітер. - Прокидайся, - весна наближається.

  • Де ж вона – весна? – запитав Клен.

  • Ластівки на крилах несуть, - каже теплий Вітер. – Я прилетів з далекого краю, від теплого моря. Весна йде полями – заквітчалась квітами, красуня. А ластівки на крилах несуть барвисті стрічки.

Ось про що розповів теплий весняний Вітер Кленові. Клен зітхнув, і розправив плечі. Зазеленіли бруньки. Бо йде весна-красуня.


Review Questions

1. What do you know about the concept of linguistic flow and its division?

2. What is the syllable? What are the different types of syllables of the Ukrainian language?

3. Describe the Ukrainian syllable division.

4. How is interpreted a syllable in the modern scientific literature?

5. What kinds of stress is it?

6. Explain the peculiarities of the functioning of the verbal accent.

7. What is the essence of the double stress?


1. Bondar O.I., Y.A. Karpenko, Mykytyn Druzhynets. – The Modern Ukrainian language. Phonetics. Phonology. Orthoepy. Graphics. Spelling. Lexicology. Lexicography. – K.: EC "Academy" 2006. – 368 p.

2. Modern literary Ukrainian. – K.: High School, 2003. – 429 p.

After the analysis of the research problem we can make conclusions and outline the perspectiveness of further research in the definite direction. The idea of all-round development of the personality, which is reflected in the concepts of language education, normative documents of higher education create conditions for the formation of the current speaker. The independent work of students in the course of the Ukrainian language is one of the effective means of creating individual who has a wealth of expressive language, producing it in different situations. Thus, the process of self-learning activities of future primary school teachers is an important factor not only in professional skills, but also by means of improving their own language education. Its organization and semantic filling require the innovative forms of work and the use of modern technologies linguo didactic training. Submitted material does not cover all the aspects of the problem and can be implemented in the future justification didactic model of independent work on the course "The Modern Ukrainian language."

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