Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the republic uzbekistan state world languages university

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KITOBcomparative typology of english uzbek and russian languages

is not often found in Modern English, but it is widely used in 
Modern Russian and Uzbek. The agreement is agreeing with thehead word and 
dependent word in number and person (this room-these rooms, that room-those 
rooms, I have a book-he has a book). Agreement in Modern Russian is found in 
such grammatical categories as gender, number, case, and person, and in Uzbek 
only in person and number: 1) Full forms of adjectives in Russian agree with 
corresponding nouns in gender, number and case 
(широкий залив, широкая река, 
широкое озеро
– gender; 
широкий залив – широкого залива
– case; 
залив – широкие заливы
– number). In theplural, no agreement in gender is 
observed (широкие заливы – no gender). 2) Short forms of adjective do not agree 
in case. In singular they agree in gender, number 
(город красив, площадь красива 
– gender; город красив – города красивы – number).
In Plural they agree only in 
number. Cardinal-numerals in case 
(пяти домов, пятью домами).
Verbs in 
Future and Present Tenses agree in number and person 
(ученик пишет, ученики 
In Uzbek, only two combinations can be connected in agreement: 
predicative and possessive connection. The predicative connection consists of 
subject and predicate and considered as a sentence. In this relation subject and 
predicate should be in same person and number 
(мен келдим, сиз келдингиз, у 
; in possessive connection, the head word is expressed with possessive 
inflection, thedependent word takes inflection of genitive case 
китобимиз, менинг китобим, Навоий ғазали)

is a variety of syntactical connection in accordance with which 
the use of the oblique case is dependent upon the grammatical meaning of the head 
word. The governmentcan be found in all compared languages ERU. In English 

government is used to join together 2 nouns: the noun-attribute usually is used in 
the possessive case. 
(A boy’s book – boys’ books, a day’s holiday, an hour’s 
. Government is used in verbal combinations where the object is 
expressed by a personal pronoun 
(Believe me, help him).
The prepositional 
government is more frequently used in English
(to rely on him, to depend upon 
The verb governments through the preposition. In Russian governing words 
may be expressed by different parts of speech: 1) by a noun 
(крыло птицы);
2) by 
an adjective 
(склонный к шуткам);
3) by a numeral 
(двадцать деревьев);
4) by 
a pronoun 
(кто-то из братьев);
5) by an Infinitive 
(поливать улицу);
6) by an 
(жарко от солнца)
. A noun or a noun-equivalent usually expresses 
governed words 
(извлекать полезное, уважение к старшим).
In accordance 
with the part of speech the governing word belongs to, government in Russian is 
subdivided into: substantial 
(осмотр здания – gen. case),
для зрителя – gen. case with a prep.),
(делать весело, ему приятно), 
(осматривать здание 
– accusative case, 
доверить врагу
– dative case). In 
Uzbek according to the expression of thehead word government can be called as 
noun government and verb government. And according to the dependent word 
government in Uzbek can be subdivided into case government (dependent word is 
expressed with inflections of dative, accusative, locative and ablative cases: 
мактабга бор, уйда ўтир, доскадан ёз, дарсингни тайёрла
); auxiliary 
government (dependent word is connected with head word with the help of 
умр бўйи кутдим, қуш сингари учди, укам билан ишладик
); mixed 
government (both grammatical forms exist
: сиз томонга қаради, бозорга қараб 
кетли, сой бўйига тушдик

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