Qarshi davlat universiteti pedagogika kafedrasi

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Konfliktologiya. sirtqi lotin

Vospitatelnaya rabota

O'quv ishlari

Educational work

– selenapravlennaya deyatelnost po organizatsii jiznedeyatelnosti vzroslыx i detey, stavyaщaya svoey selyu sozdanie usloviy dlya polnotsennogo razvitiya lichnosti.

- purposeful activity on the organisation of ability to live of adults and children, setting as the purpose creation of conditions for high-grade development of the person.

Vsestoronnee razvitie lichnosti

Shaxsni har tomonlama rivojlantirish

All-around development of the person

- 1) selostnoe i polnotsennoe razvitie vsex suщnostnыx sil cheloveka, yego sposobnostey i darovaniy;
2) gumanisticheskiy ideal vospitaniya, slojivshiysya v epoxu Vozrojdeniya v rusle kulturnogo dvijeniya gumanizma.

- 1) complete and high-grade development of all intrinsic forces of the person, its abilities and talents; 2) the humanistic ideal of the education which has developed in Renaissance in the tideway of cultural movement of humanism.

Gotovnost rebyonka k shkole

Bolaning maktabga tayyorgarligi

Readiness of the child for school

- kompleksnoe ponya­tie, v sostav kotorogo vxodyat lichnostnaya i intellektualnaya gotov­nost, a takje dostatochnыy uroven razvitiya zritelno-motor­noy koordinatsii. Lichnostnaya gotovnost – nalichie motivov uchebnoy deyatelnosti (nalichie jelaniya ne prosto poyti v shko­lu, no i uchitsya, vыpolnyat opredelennыe, svyazannыe s ucheboy obyazannosti), poznavatelnoe otnoshenie k vneshnemu miru, sformirovannost kommunikativnыx sredstv i navыkov, jelaniya ob­щatsya; dostatochnыy uroven emotsionalnogo i volevogo razvi­tiya psixiki. Intellektualnaya gotovnost – dostijenie dostatochnogo dlya nachala sistematicheskogo obucheniya urovnya zre­losti poznavatelnыx protsessov (vospriyatiya, pamyati, mыshle­niya, voobrajeniya, rechi), vladenie rebenkom znaniyami, umeniya­mi i navыkami v ob’eme standartnoy programmы doshkolnogo uchrejdeniya.

- complex concept ­ into which structure enter personal and intellectual ­ readiness, and also a sufficient level of development of visually-motor ­ coordination. Personal readiness - presence of motives of educational activity (desire presence not simply to go to school ­ but also to study, carry out the certain duties connected with study), the informative relation to an external world, sfor-mirovannost communicative means and skills, desire ­ to communicate; sufficient level of emotional and strong-willed development ­ of mentality. Intellectual readiness - achievement sufficient to start regular training of level ­ of a maturity of informative processes (perception, memory, thinking,­ imagination, speech), possession of the child of knowledge, ­ skills in volume of the standard program of a kindergarten.

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