Qarshi davlat universiteti pedagogika kafedrasi

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Konfliktologiya. sirtqi lotin

Lyubov k detyam

Love to children

– 1) polojitelnoe emotsionalnoe otnoshenie k nim; spesificheskaya deyatelnost po usileniyu lichnostnogo nachala v kajdom rebenke, razvitiyu yego sposobnostey k samoopredeleniyu i samorealizatsii, samostoyatelnoy vыrabotke sistemы jiznennыx sennostey i otnosheniy; 2) odno iz vajneyshix svoystv, neobxodimoe dlya cheloveka, izbirayuщego pedagogicheskuyu deyatelnost.

- 1) the positive emotional relation to them; specific activity on strengthening of the personal beginning in each child, to development of its abilities to self-determination and self-realisation, independent development of system of vital values and relations; 2) one of the major properties, necessary for the person selecting pedagogical activity.

Masterstvo pedagogicheskoe

Skill pedagogical

- vыsokiy uroven ovladeniya pedagogicheskoy deyatelnostyu; kompleks spesialnыx znaniy, umeniy i navыkov, professionalno vajnыx kachestv lichnosti, pozvolyayuщix pedagogu effektivno upravlyat uchebno-poznavatelnoy deyatelnostyu slushateley i osuщestvlyat selenapravlennoe pedagogicheskoe vozdeystvie i vzaimodeystvie.

- high level of mastering by pedagogical activity; a complex of special knowledge, skills, professionally important qualities of the person allowing to the teacher effectively to operate by uchebno-informative activity of pupils and to carry out purposeful pedagogical influence and interaction.

Metodы vospitaniya

Upbringing methods

sovokupnost naibolee obщix sposobov resheniya vospitatelnыx zadach i osuщestvleniya vospitatelnыx vzaimodeystviy.

set most the general ways of the decision of educational problems and realization of educational interactions.

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