Qarshi davlat universiteti pedagogika kafedrasi

Kriteriy Criterion

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Konfliktologiya. sirtqi lotin



– priznak, na osnovanii kotorogo proizvoditsya otsenka, opredelenie ili klassifikatsiya chego-libo; mera sujdeniya, otsenki kakogo-libo yavleniya. Razrabotka kriteriev tex ili inыx yavleniy v pedagogike predstavlyaet opredelennыe trudnosti v silu togo, chto sam predmet pedagogiki slojen i mnogoobrazen v svoix proyavleniyax.

- a sign on which basis the estimation is made, definition or classification something; a measure of the judgement, what estimation-or the phenomenon. Working out of those criteria or other phenomena in pedagogics represents certain difficulties owing to that the subject of pedagogics is combined and diverse in the displays.

Kultura mыshleniya

The culture of thinking

– stepen ovladeniya chelovekom priemami, normami i pravilami umstvennoy deyatelnosti, vыrajayuщayasya v umenii tochno formulirovat zadachi (problemы), vыbirat optimalnыe metodы (puti) ix resheniya, poluchat obosnovannыe vыvodы, pravilno polzovatsya etimi vыvodami na praktike. Povыshaet selenapravlennost, organizovannost, effektivnost lyubogo vida deyatelnosti.

- degree of mastering by the person receptions, norms and the cerebration rules, expressed in ability precisely to formulate problems (problem), to choose optimum methods (ways) of their decision, to receive substantiated conclusions, correctly to use these conclusions in practice. Raises purposefulness, organisation, efficiency of any kind of activity.


The person

- chelovek kak uchastnik istoriko-evolyusionnogo protsessa, vыstupayuщiy nositelem sotsialnыx roley i obladayuщiy vozmojnostyu vыbora jiznennogo puti, v xode kotorogo on preobrazuet prirodu, obщestvo i samogo sebya.

, the person as the participant of evolutionary process acting as the carrier of social roles and possessing possibility of a choice of a course of life in which course it will transform the nature, a society and itself(himself).

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