Stry of higher and secondary specialized education of the republic of uzbekistan termez state university

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Dissertatsiya, oxirgi versiya 3


The study of the construction terminology of the Uzbek language allowed us to come to the following conclusions:

  1. Each terminological system has its own lexical fund, which includes a certain range of terms related to this system. One of them - Uzbek construction terminology - has a lot of terms. This fund covers all terms related to the construction industry of mankind.

  2. In the construction terminology of the Uzbek language, the following thematic groups of terms function, denoting:

a) names of persons whose activities are related to construction (uysoz "house builder", shaharsoz "town planner"); b) names of building materials (loy "clay", g `isht "brick" ); c) the names of the tools used in the construction work (chig`iriq "gate", Bolg`a "hammer"); d) building processes (zichlash "consolidation", devor ko`tarish "building a wall"); e) buildings and their parts (bino "building, room, building", chasha "hut"); f) properties of buildings and materials (zichlik "density", yopishqoqlik "stickiness"); g) construction organizations and documentation (uy boshqarmasi "house management", chizma "drawing").

According to the structure, construction terms, like others, are simple, complex and composite, and simple - non-derivative and derivative:

  1. The basic basis of the Uzbek language - simple non-derivative terms - are words that represent a significant root (or basis), which also applies to building terminology. This is evidenced by the construction terms used several centuries ago and which have come down to us: tom "roof", sinch "framework", shift "ceiling";

  2. Simple derivative terms in the Uzbek construction terminology occupy a special place. In the composition of such lexemes, the root (or basis) can be: a) nouns: binokor "builder" b) bases of verbs: bostirma 1. "canopy", 2. "covered corridor", oqlash "whitewash";

  3. In the Uzbek construction terminology, the following varieties of complex terms function: a) actually complex: boshpana "shelter, shelter, shelter, dwelling, house", belkurak "iron shovel"; b) paired complex: oshiq-moshiq "hinge for doors, windows" qulf-kalit "masonry dressing system"; c) complex hyphens: poydevor -yostiq "pillow-foundation", bo`yab -pardozlash "painting-finishing"; d) complex abbreviations: vibrotaqsimlagich - "vibration distributor", gidroko`targich "hydraulic lift";

  4. In the object of our study there are a large number of compound terms, which are also called terms-collocations, which include: tulqinsimon oyna "wave-like glass", osma narvon "hanging ladder", sovuqqachidamlilik "cold resistance".

The following affixes participate in the formation of building terms: -chi (oynachi_”glazier", payvandchi "welder"), -lik (uysozlik 1. "profession or occupation of a house builder", 2. "house building", 3. "house building business"), -i/sh/ (terish "masonry", qoplash "covering"), -gich (shiballagich "device for tamping", aralashtirgich "mixer"), -ma (bulma 1. "room", 2. "department" , "compartment", qorishma "solution"), -soz (eshiksoz "door maker", imoratsoz "builder, architect") -cha (maydoncha "platform", to`qmoqcha "hammer"), -k (tirgak "support, support", goat "stake, peg").

In the construction terminology of the Uzbek language, the following types of terms function, formed in a compositional way.

Construction terms-phrases are formed by a grammatical combination of two or more full-valued words and differ from compound words in that their components retain their independent meanings. In such terms-phrases, the defining component consists of relative adjectives formed from nouns and verb stems.

In the Uzbek language, as in other Turkic languages, some of the terms are formed by metaphorical rethinking of lexical units included in other tiers of the language's vocabulary. This is understandable, because not only in construction terminology, but also in other terminological systems, many terms are formed by transferring meanings due to the similarity of objects in shape, color, and function.

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