Imagining the End: Visions of

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Abbas Amanat, Magnus T. Bernhardsson - Imagining the End Visions of Apocalypse from the Ancient Middle East to Modern America-I. B. Tauris (2002)

The Influence of Prophecy

, pp. 


. Viegas knew Joachim fairly well, citing Joachim, or Pseudo-Joachim, some thirty-eight times

by my count.


. Ibid., pp. 



. Vegas’s fifteen pages on ch. 


 constitute less than 

 per cent of  the

whole commentary (contrast this with the 


 pp. he devotes to ch. 


). Most of  his comment

mirrors that of  Ribeira, but Viegas attacks his fellow Jesuit’s view of  the 



-year reign of

the saints, claiming that it refers 

more prophetico

 to the whole eternal reign of  the saints in

heaven, not to the time they spend in heaven awaiting the coming judgment (see pp. 




. Ibid., pp. 


, where the comments are quite close to those of  Ribeira.


. Ibid., p. 


: ‘Non est autem verisimile, tam brevi quadraginta quinque dierum spatio,

post mortem Antichristi, homines usque adeo deposituros tantae persecutionis memoriam, ut

in ea vivant securitate, otio, ac deliciis, quae ante diluvium praecessisse memorantur.’ Here

Viegas is drawing on the tradition that cited Matthew 



 as evidence that those who will

live before the Last Judgment will live like people in the time before the flood – i.e. in pleasure,

and without mindfulness of  the coming time of  destruction.


. See Reeves, 

The Influence of Prophecy

, pp. 




. Benito Pereyra, 

Disputationes super libro Apocalypsis

, as found in his 

Opera Theologica



), vol. 

, pp. 





. On Alcasar, see Armogathe, ‘Interpretations of  the Revelation of  John: 






; and Reeves

, The Influence of Prophecy

, pp. 




. Quoted from Reeves, 

The Influence of Prophecy

, p. 


 (Alcasar’s work is not currently

available to me).


. I will cite Cornelius a Lapide, 

Commentaria in Acta Apostolorum, Epistulas Canonicas et




). On this Jesuit exegete, see Silver de Smet, ‘Lapide (Cornelius a


Dictionnaire de spiritualité

, Vol. 

, pp. 


. The best study of  Lapide’s Apocalypse

commentary is Roberto Osculati, ‘

Hic Romae

: Cornelio a Lapide commentatore dell’


al Collegio Romano’, in Rusconi (ed.), 

Storia e figure dell’Apocalisse fra ’


 e ’


, pp. 




see also Armogathe, ‘Interpretations of  the Revelation of  John’, pp. 






. In the ‘Quaestiones proemiales’ (ed., pp. 


),  Lapide discusses four different ways to

approach the 


 of  the apocalypse, with his longest consideration being devoted to Alcasar



b). His essentially negative comments on his fellow Jesuit can be summarized in three

phrases: (

) ‘Verum in hac explicatione multa difficultatem habent’; (

) ‘quod ex prophetia

faciat historiam’; and (

) ‘Verum haec, licet ingeniosa sint, tamen solidae expositioni non



. For his praise of  these expositors, see Lapide, 

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