Imagining the End: Visions of

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Abbas Amanat, Magnus T. Bernhardsson - Imagining the End Visions of Apocalypse from the Ancient Middle East to Modern America-I. B. Tauris (2002)

Collectanea in sacram Apoclypsin D. Ioannis Apostoli



). In



 (f. IIIrv) Coelius divides his seven 


 as follows ( Joachim’s divisions are given

in parentheses): (

) the time of  the Apostles contained in Apocalypse 



); (

) the time of  the martyrs in Apocalypse 


); (

) the time of

heretics in Apocalypse 





); (

) the time of  the Muhammad and

other heretics and hypocrites in Apocalypse 








); (

) the time

of  the Turks and ‘new heretics’ (=Reformers) in Apocalypse 








); (

) the time of  the 

magnus Antichristus

 in Apocalypse 



 ( J–Apocalypse 






and (

) the earthly sabbath in Apocalypse 


 ( J–Apocalypse 



). The major difference

between the two commentators comes in times (

) and (

), which can be partly explained by

Joachim’s inclusion of  the eighth 


 figured in Apocalypse 





, representing the

era of  the heavenly Jerusalem that lies beyond history. Where did Coelius get his Joachite

division? Although he does cite Joachim himself  at least once (see f. 


r), in the preface he

says he depends on a ‘Codex vetustissimus, incerto auctore … qui primam mihi in Apocalypsin

fenestram aperuit, ab audaciore eius tractatione abstinuissem’ (f. IIIv).


. Like Serafino, Coelius also identifies the falling star of  Apocalypse 

 with a heretical

doctor (=Luther), who fell away from the Church and seduced many (f. 


rv). Nevertheless,

his exegesis is less systematically anti-Lutheran than Serafino’s.


. Coelius, 


 (f. IIIv): ‘Septimum sabbati est, hoc est, quietis, & communis pacis,

in quo velut ex mortuis rediviva renascetur post Antichristi magni interitum ecclesia, quando

omnis Israel salvus erit. Quod etsi per Gog, & Magog turbandum sit, brevis tamen ea turbatio

fiet, priore aurea etate redeunte. post quod non erit tempus amplius.’


. See the interesting discussion in 


, f. 


v. Coelius says that the whole fourth


 is that of  Islamic persecution of  the Church; see the discussion of  the fourth seal


) in ff. 






. On the three, as against Joachim’s two, orders of  

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