Imagining the End: Visions of

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Abbas Amanat, Magnus T. Bernhardsson - Imagining the End Visions of Apocalypse from the Ancient Middle East to Modern America-I. B. Tauris (2002)


, pp. 





. Bede, 

Explanatio Apocalypsis

, Bk 







. Melo, 


, p. 


: ‘Locus ergo iste totus de vero quodam Angelo, scilicet de

Michaele, vel alio intelligendus est, & de pace Ecclesiae, post mortem, & interitum Antichristi,

ut exponit Caelius…’ There follows a paraphrase of  passages from Coelius’s 




. See Robertus Bellarminus, 

Opera Omnia

 vols (Venice, 


) Vol. 







. I will use a slighter later edition, 

Francisci Riberae Villacastinensis … In sacram Beati

Ioannis Apostoli, & Evangelistae Apocalypsin Commentarii



). There were also editions







. There is thus an odd resemblance between Ribeira’s exegesis and the apocalyptic exegesis

of  the ‘Dispensationalist’ Protestants, first advanced by John Nelson Darby (



). On

Ribeira, see Armogathe, ‘Interpretations of  the Revelation of  John: 



’, pp. 




‘Dall’escatologia alla storia’, pp. 


; and the unpublished paper of  my colleague, Michael

Murrin, ‘Francisco de Ribeira: Apocalypse as Science Fiction’.


. Bousset, 

Die Offenbarung Johannis

, p. 




. Ribeira, 


, pp. 



. Ribeira’s commentary on Apocalypse 


 makes up


 per cent of  his entire work, while Melo’s remarks constitute only about 

 per cent of

his lengthy book.


. Augustine’s 

De civitate Dei

 is cited some twenty-nine times. Other major authorities are

Jerome (ten), Saints Ambrose and Eusebius (each five), and Gregory I (three).

Notes to Chapter 8



. Ribeira, 


, p. 


: ‘quod mille anni intelliguntur usque ad consummationem

saeculi, nec potest ullo modo dici sanctos illius extremi temporis mille annos esse regnaturos

usque ad finem eiusdem saeculi’.


. Ibid., p. 


: ‘Ex his profecto haud absurde colligi videtur multos annos restare usque

ad diem iudicii.’ Ribeira concludes his discussion with an argument for the heretical character

of  millenarianism (pp. 





. Reeves, 

The Influence of Prophecy

, pp. 





. Blasius Viegas, 

Commentarii Exegetici in Apocalypsim Ioannis Apostoli




This edition contains 


 pp. in double columns. Viegas’s commentary was printed no fewer

than eleven times between 






. See ibid., pp. 


, and the discussion of  Reeves, 

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