Judaism discovered

Goldstein's Massacre at the Mosque

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Goldstein's Massacre at the Mosque

During the rabbinic festival of Purim, Feb. 25, 1994, a Brooklyn-born physician and Israeli Army officer, Baruch Goldstein, slaughtered 40 Palestinian civilians, including children, and wounded 150 others, while they knelt in prayer in a mosque in Hebron. 25 Palestinians who protested the massacre were subsequently shot to death by Israeli troops under the command of Ehud Barak. Goldstein was a disciple of the late Brooklyn Rabbi Meir Kahane, who told Mike Wallace of CBS News that his teaching that Arabs are "dogs" is derived "from the Talmud." 501

There was little that was exceptional about Goldstein's massacre other than the high death toll. In May, 1990, Ami Popper, an Israeli, murdered seven unarmed Palestinian day-laborers at Rishon leZion. Eleven Palestinian civilians who protested the massacre were subsequently shot to death by the Israeli army.502

A year before Popper's massacre, Rabbi Moshe Levinger was sentenced to a mere five months in prison for the unprovoked murder of an unarmed Palestinian shopkeeper. Before entering prison, Rabbi Levinger was feted at a party in his honor attended by Israeli President Chaim Herzog and Israeli Army Gen. Yitzhak Mordechai. Rabbi Moshe Neriya published a statement for the occasion, enjoining Jews to "shoot Arabs left and right without thinking and without hesitating." 503

University of Jerusalem Prof. Ehud Sprinzak described the philosophy of Israelis like Popper, Levinger, Kahane and Goldstein: "They believe it's God's will that they commit violence against goyim, a Hebrew term for non-Jews." 504


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Three months' in prison for murdering an Arah civilian

"Amid cheers and protests, Rabbi Moshe Levinger is carried from the gates of Eyal prison following his release after completing three months of a five-month sentence for killing an Arab shopkeeper in Hebron."

Canadian Jewish News, August 23,1990, p. 9. 505

505 The shopkeeper's name was Hassan Salah. He was murdered in cold blood at his place of business for no reason other than that he was an Arab. Rabbi Levinger murdered him in September, 1988.


As a physician, Baruch Goldstein refused to treat gentiles. He is reported to have said, "I am not willing to treat any non-Jew. I recognize as legitimate only two authorities: Maimonides and Kahane." 506

Goldstein had been the recipient of a certificate of appreciation from the Israeli army medical commander in Hebron.507 Goldstein was subsequently disarmed and beaten to death by Arab survivors of his massacre. The Israeli government authorized the closing of some of the busiest Israeli streets in honor of Goldstein's funeral cortege, and the Israeli army provided a guard of honor for Goldstein's tomb. 508 Israeli journalist Teddy Preuss wrote that Goldstein's "recorded statements and those of his comrades, however, prove that they were willing to exterminate at least two million Palestinians at an opportune moment...As their statements abundantly testify, they see the Arabs as nothing more than disease-spreading rats, lice or other loathsome creatures..."509

At his funeral, the mass murderer was eulogized by a host of rabbis, including Rabbi Dov Lior, who has called for using Arab prisoners in medical experiments. 510 These rabbis not only lauded Goldstein and vociferously cheered his massacre, but advocated further slaughters of Palestinians. These eulogies included Rabbi Israel Ariel's statement that, "The holy martyr Baruch Goldstein is from now on our intercessor in heaven" 511 and Rabbi Yaacov Perrin's declaration that, "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." 512 Rehavam Ze'evi was somewhat more charitable than Perrin. In 1989 he told the Knesset (Israeli parliament), "Every Jew is worth a thousand Arabs." His appalling statement was videotaped by Visnews and


witnessed by Member of the Knesset (MK) Yossi Sarid, who, to his credit, protested it.513 In a 1983 Knesset session, Israeli Army Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan referred to Palestinians as "cockroaches in a bottle." 5U
Hw9 Honor a Kttar Whom Sam* Caff a Saint


>v*l k:lte4. ^wi of Orthodox Jew» (ntfwfd ywwday to pnwc hiip mud ontgwifce peace ttteei. Haj-i A.>&

"Jews Honor a Killer Whom Some Call a Saint": At the grave of Baruch Goldstein, who killed at least 29 Palestinians in a Hebron mosque last month and then was killed, dozens of Orthodox Jews gathered yesterday to praise him and

denounce peace talks." 515



"Goldstein is indeed being worshipped as a saint...His intercession before God is asked by (Talmudic) pilgrims and it is reported that he cures the ill." 516 A 1994 poll determined that "at least half of all Israeli Jews would approve of the (Goldstein) massacre, provided that it was not referred to as a massacre..." 517 According to journalist Gabby Baron, Israeli schoolchildren were "enthused" by Goldstein's massacre.518 Four former members of the Rabbi Meir Kahane's Kach Party distributed a book in praise of Goldstein. The four — Michael Ben-Chorin, Netanel Uzari, Yoel Lerner, and Yosef Dayan —issued the book in honor of Goldstein, Baruch Hagever ("The Blessed Man"). It has sold thousands of copies among Israelis, and includes an article written by Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg which "sings the praises" of the killer and calls Goldstein, a "saint." Ginsburg declares in Baruch Hagever that what Goldstein did in murdering the unarmed Palestinian civilians at their house of worship, constitutes, "a fulfillment of a number of commands of Jewish religious law...Among his (Goldstein's) good deeds, as enumerated, are...taking revenge on non-Jews, extermination of the non-Jews who are from the seed of Amalek...and the sanctification of the Holy Name.' The murders have led, in the rabbi's opinion, to...clear knowledge among the Jews that 'the life of a Jew is preferable to the life of a non-Jew..." 519 The celebration of Goldstein and his 1994 mass murder is based on the rabbinic conviction that they have the Talmudic right and halakhic duty to kill gentiles. Moshe Belogorodsky, an Israeli municipal council member, stated:



"It says in the Talmud that when a non-Jew strikes a Jew it's as if he's striking the Divine Presence itself. 520 It's a desecration of God's name. What Baruch (Goldstein) did, at least in my book, is the opposite. It's the sanctification of God's name." 521

Hosted by: Chabad-Lubavitch Community Center; Shaarei Tefillah Synagogue of Toronto; United Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Brooklyn; Congregation B'nai Yeshurun,

Teaneck, NJ


"Although little analyzed, the concept of divine honor or glory (kavod shamayim) has been central to formulations of classical Jewish thought and ethics. In the aftermath of the 1994 Hebron massacre, Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg deployed the concept of divine honor as a religious sanction for murder. His tract Barukh Ha-Gever treats atrocity as a mystical technique for the attainment of unmediated, ecstatic, and personal experience of the divine." Cf. Don Seeman, "Violence, Ethics, and Divine Honor in Modern Jewish Thought," Journal of the American Academy of Religion, vol. 73, no. 4 (2005).

Mass murder as a "mystical technique" for attainment of ecstasy and "personal experience of the divine."

There will be those who will counter Goldstein's massacre of 40 Muslims at prayer in Hebron in 1994, with the attack on Jerusalem's Mercaz Harav yeshiva, March 6, 2008, in which eight Judaics were killed. Our rejoinder is as follows. Picture this: the Nazi high command runs a school for future officers charged with shooting every Judaic they can find, and teaching genocide to the prospective leaders of the nation. While the mostly unarmed Nazi youths were gathered in prayer to Odin over copies of Mein Kampf, suddenly a lone Judaic resistance fighter bursts into the school and opens fire with an automatic weapon, killing eight of the students and wounding eleven others. If this had happened during the 1930s, a street in Germany would now be named in honor of the killer and he would be listed among the righteous at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum. Your son or daughter might even learn of his "heroism" during a mandatory "Holocaust Studies" class.

At the end of February 2008, Matan Vilnai, the Israeli deputy minister of "defense," called for the extermination ("Shoah") of the Palestinians of Gaza. The weekend after he made that homicidal declaration, 100 Gazans lay dead, victims of Vilnai's edict. Some Gazans had been used as human shields, with Israeli soldiers resting machine guns on their shoulders. Other victims were Palestinian children who had been shot in the mouth and head in cold blood, by Israelis snipers who had been waiting for just such an opportunity.522



As usual, the world little noted the call for genocide or the Israeli army's pogrom. President George W. Bush issued no statement decrying the loss of innocent Palestinian life. Orthodox Judaism was not called to account for teaching contempt for and murder of Arabs. The "raid" in Gaza was just business as usual for the Israeli army and its so-called "Christian" ally in the White House. Condoleeza Rice called for a resumption of "peace talks" before the bodies of the Palestinian victims were even cold. It was a different reaction, however, that greeted the massacre on the evening of Thursday March 6, 2008 at the Mercaz Harav yeshiva in Jerusalem. Even though the dead were not civilians, but current and future Israeli army recruits, President Bush condemned their deaths in the strongest possible terms, and Islam was excoriated anew as the epitome of religious hatred and terrorism. Rabbi David Stav, one of many prominent graduates of the Jerusalem yeshiva said, "Followers of Islam claim they respect the people of the book. But this horrific act proves the emptiness of their claims." 523

Most Muslims do, in general, respect the followers of "the Book," the Old Testament, that is. They are increasingly losing respect, however, for the followers of the Talmud, whose ideology furnishes the doctrine of annihilation of the Arabs (whom the Orthodox rabbis term "Amalek"). In the usual biased reporting of the western media, much was made of celebrations in Gaza after the yeshiva shootings and little was reported concerning the "Death to the Arabs" rallies that erupted at the same time in the Judaic sections of Jerusalem. The Mercaz Harav yeshiva has produced the bulk of the Talmudic leadership of Israeli "religious Zionism," which is the most racist and genocidal ideology in the Israeli state. Among its thousands of graduates are senior rabbis who have themselves either personally killed Arab civilians or called on the Israeli army to show them no mercy. Many Israeli army officers were trained at Mercaz Harav. It was founded in 1924 by Palestine's first chief rabbi, the aptly named Rabbi Kook. Mercaz Harav is the ideological and organizational center of the Israeli settler movement. They oppose ceding any Palestinian land to the Palestinians. Gideon Levy, columnist for Haaretz, wrote on March 10, 2008, "From Mercaz Harav emerged the rabbis that led the vilest movement in Zionist history." The reaction of the yeshiva students to the attack on Mercaz Harav was to chant "Death to the Arabs!" Rabbi



David Shalem director of the Institute of Talmud Studies called on the Israeli government to attack Palestinians "everywhere, in Gaza, and the north and inside."

According to Mercaz Harav's own internal newsletter of Rosh Hashana 5767 (2008), their students were fighting Palestinians in Gaza ("Students from the yeshiva as well, have been called up for reserve duty at the front"). The Mercaz Harav yeshiva's most notorious graduates include Rabbi Haim Druckman, who recently issued a call for the Israeli army to exterminate the Palestinans and show no mercy to Arab civilians; and Rabbi Moshe Levinger. Other graduates include David Raziel, the first commander of the Zionist terror group Irgun, which perpetrated the Deir Yassin massacre of Palestinians. By the hallowed standards of the Allies of World War II, had the attack on the Jerusalem yeshiva been perpetrated on a Nazi school, it would have been viewed as preventing a holocaust by executing would-be exterminators. The Mercaz Harav yeshiva students were Zionist-Nazis, yet the hypocrites of the earth who applaud and commemorate the terrorist methods of the French Resistance and the partisans of eastern Europe in the name of the "greater good" of stopping the "absolute horror" that was Nazism, view the attack on Mercaz Harav in a far different light, as proof of Arab perfidy, Muslim iniquity and Palestinian heartlessness.

What is our opinion? The rabbinic mentality drums into the heads of every Judaic child in their grasp, from his earliest years, the notion that non-Judaics hate him without rhyme or reason ("Halacha hi beyoduah she'Eisav soneh I'Yaakov"), and that this hatred is ineradicable. The Arab who shot up the Talmud school in Jerusalem, only confirmed the rabbis' prediction. A pathological prophecy is thus fulfilled. The deceased yeshiva students will enter the roll of martyrs as "the victims of antisemitism," and many more Zionist youth will fill their shoes at the yeshiva and go forth to holocaust more innocents in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. Since the postmodernist West is itself heavily Talmudic through Holocaustianity, Freemasonry, the Kabbalistic New Age, the neocon Right and the Bolshevised Left, the higher proportion of Arab civilian victims of Talmudic ideology and Israeli occupation, are not mourned the way the handful of Israeli victims are mourned. The general impression conveyed by the media is that Zionists are the King Lears of the Levant, more sinned against, than sinning.


Consequently, Muslim and Arab armed resistance to Israeli war crimes, however much consonant with the armed resistance to Nazism enshrined as the paradigm of courage and decency in World War Two, always pays dividends for the Israelis and feeds the self-fulfilling paranoia which Orthodox rabbis impart to generations of Judaic youths. Violent Muslim resistance is an adjunct of Kabbalistic Judaism in its Hester Panim guise. Judaism is not a normal enemy, it is an exceptional recrudescence of the guile and cunning synthesized from the accumulated intelligence of the eternal pagan psychodrama on which it is based. It cannot be fought with carnal weapons. It advances with each assault from those very weapons. The Muslims do not possess this higher awareness. Until they do, they are fated to fulfill the role assigned to them by Kabbalistic choreography, as partners in the rabbinic danse macabre.

Rabbinic Statement Cites Talmudic Legal Codex in Urging Revenge Murder of Arabs

Note the "credentials" of Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf, co-author of the statement

"...rabbis on Wednesday (March 12, 2008) called on Jews to avenge their enemies 'measure for measure/ a day after news reports circulated of an alleged yeshiva plot to strike a senior Arab official in retaliation for the terror attack at the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva last week. In notices posted along Jerusalem's Kiryat Moshe neighborhood, near the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva, the rabbis wrote: 'Each and everyone is required to imagine what the enemy is plotting to do to us, and to match it measure for measure.'

"...The long list of rabbis who signed the notice includes Daniel Staveski,524 Itzhak Shapira,525 David Drukman,526 Yaakov Yossef — son of Shas spiritual leader Ovadia Yosef— and Uzi Sharbaf, who killed several Arab college students in Hebron 20 years ago and was recently pardoned from a life sentence...527 (and) Rabbi Gadi Ben-Zimra.



"The statement also says that the massacre at the yeshiva was 'the direct result of the lack of a proper government, which should have acted according to the Shulkhan Arukh (a 16th century rabbinical codex) which states that one must not forgive goyim who harm Jews or their property. 'The governing leaders have decided to appease the Arab enemy. Only the real Jewish leadership can send the country to war knowing that it is a righteous battle against the enemies of Israel and God. In going to war,' the rabbis write, 'the Cohen fills the people with motivation by giving him the knowledge that he is going to fight his enemies and he must not show compassion or mercy." 528

Mercaz Harav is a hotbed of racist Talmudic fundamentalism at its worst. It is the base of Gush Emunim. Gush Emunim rabbis have continually reiterated that Judaics who killed Arabs should not be punished. Relying on the Code of Maimonides and the Halacha, Rabbi Ariel stated, "A Jew who killed a non-Jew is exempt from human judgment and has not violated the (religious) prohibition of murder." About one-half of all Israelis support Gush Emunim. Other settler rabbis enforce racial discrimination and apartheid on halakhic grounds: "The chairman of the Yesha rabbinical council and chief rabbi of Kiryat Arba, Rabbi Dov Lior, on Wednesday (March 19, 2008) issued a halakhic ruling stating that it is forbidden by Jewish law to employ Arabs or rent homes to them. In an interview published by 'Eretz Israel Shelanu' (Our Land of Israel)...Lior said that '..it is clear that it is completely forbidden to employ them and rent houses to them in Israel. Their employment is forbidden not only at yeshivas, but at factories, hotels and everywhere." 529

"Jewish blood and the blood of a goy are not the same thing"

Yitzhak Ginsburg is "one of the Lubavitcher sect's leading authorities on Jewish mysticism, the St. Louis born rabbi, who also has a degree in mathematics, speaks freely of Jews' genetic-based, spiritual superiority over non-Jews." 530 Ginsburg told Jewish Week, "If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value. There is



something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life." 531 The American media, along with all U.S. presidents since Carter (whom we presume has since repented of his infelicity in this regard), glorify the Chabad-Lubavitch brand of Ku Klux Judaism, of which Rabbi Ginsburg is one of the more openly ghoulish representatives. A typically saccharine report can be found in the Spokane, Washington, Spokesman-Review newspaper (reproduced on p. 453), in which a mission to Idaho by Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis is associated with love, kindness, the extension of human rights and plaudits from "human rights activists" — all that is missing from the litany of sweet accolades is Mom and apple pie.



Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis visit Idaho



"They exuded a sense of love, kindness and generosity. They pass that feeling along as soon as you meet them..." — Abby Chavez, Sandpoint Human Rights Task Force

"Marshall Mend...(is) a longtime human rights activist who has met with Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis in the past."

Spokesman-Review, Wednesday, August 8, 2007, p. All.


"What kind of god do you to pray to?"

Nearly two months later, on Oct. 4, 2007 the Spokesman-Review's rival, the Inlander newspaper, published a column that analyzed Norman Podhoretz, who shares the war-Zionist views of the Chabad-Lubavitch human rights heroes: wipe out the Palestinians and bomb Iran into the stone age. The Inlander columnist, the nationally syndicated Jim Hightower of Texas, wrote: "The neo-cons are in heat again. The same gang of right-wing ideological mad dogs who got George W. to launch his disastrous Iraq attack is now beating the war drums in an effort to engineer an even more disastrous attack—this time on Iran. How insane are these foaming-at-the-mouth warmongers? Check out Norman Podhoretz, known as the patriarch of neoconservative nutballism. A confidant of Bush, Podhoretz is now running around in the White House inner circle promoting a massive bombing attack on Iranians. He admits that this would 'unleash a wave of anti-Americanism all over the world that will make the anti-Americanism we've experienced so far look like a lovefest.' Yet despite acknowledging such horrific consequences for our country, he maniacally declares T hope and pray we will' bomb Iran. Excuse me, but what kind of god do you to pray to for a hellish attack that will make America globally despised?" 532

It's the god of the Lubavitch rabbis, Mr. Hightower, the ones who earn the human rights laurels in north Idaho and in many other regions across the U.S. and Europe, a god whom servile American journalists uncritically supplicate.

Racist Israeli army violence increasingly led by rabbis

"What grants the racist religious opinions a deeper and far-reaching impact is the fact that for the last decade followers of the Zionist religious current, who form nearly ten percent of the population, have been seeking to take control of the army and security institutions. They are doing so through volunteering for service in special combat units. The spokesperson's office in the Israeli army says that although the percentage of followers of this current is low in the state's demographic makeup, they form more than 50 per cent of the officers in the Israeli army and more than 60 per cent of its special unit commanders. According to an opinion poll of religious officers and soldiers supervised by the Interdisciplinary Centre Herzliya and published last year



(2007), more than 95 per cent of religious soldiers and officers say that they will execute orders from the elected government and their leaders in the army only if they are in harmony with the religious opinions issued by leading rabbis and religious authorities....Palestinian writer and researcher Abdul-Hakim Mufid, from the city Um Fahem, holds that the religious opinions of rabbis have gained major significance due to the harmony between official rhetoric and that of the rabbis. Mufid notes that official Israeli establishments have not tried to confront the 'fascist' rhetoric expressed in these religious opinions even though they are capable of doing so. 'Most of the rabbis who issue tyrannical religious opinions are official employees in state institutions and receive salaries from them. And the state has not held these rabbis accountable or sought to prohibit the issue of such opinions..." 533

Let us recall that rabbinic violence is not an exclusive case of "Jew versus gentile" locked in eternal cosmic combat, though the rabbinate dearly wishes that we would see it in those simplistic terms and have, over the centuries, successfully persuaded Right-wing and "Christian" Judaic-haters to accept the dichotomy as inevitable and perpetual. In truth, the tyranny of Pharisaic Judaism knows no racial bounds. Multitudes of free-thinking Judaics seek to escape it. Even more gentiles are determined to serve and appease it. The violence and hatred of Judaism is directed at all who challenge its lies and murders. Judaics who challenge it are harassed, jailed and killed along with dissenting gentiles. The first and primary victims of Judaism are the Judaic people: "The murder of Yitzhak Rabin...is one in a long line of murders of Jews who followed a path different from that ordained by rabbinic authorities...One typical example was the assassination by poison of Rabbi Avraham Cohen in Lemberg, Austria on Sept. 6, 1848. Assuming his rabbinical position in 1844, Cohen initiated changes in Jewish life. His most important initiative was his attempt to abolish taxes on kosher meat and sabbath candles which Lemberg's Jews paid to Austrian authorities. These taxes were burdensome for poor Jews but were a source of income for many Orthodox Jewish notables. The Austrian authorities accepted Cohen's request and abolished the taxes in March 1848. The five Jewish notables of the town began a total struggle against Rabbi Cohen. Critics argued that the 'law of



the pursuer' (rodef) applied to the rabbi. One placard said: 'He is one of those Jewish sinners for which the Talmud says their blood is permitted' (that is, every Jew can and should kill them). On Sept. 6, a Jewish assassin successfully entered the rabbi's home unseen, went to the kitchen and put arsenic poison in a pot of soup that was cooking. Both Rabbi Cohen and his small daughter died. The Hassids and their leaders did not attend the funeral, but celebrated." 534

Avraham Cohen seems to have been a person who, in spite of being in bondage to a religious system of darkness and delusion, sought to obtain some scintilla of justice for the people in his care. Consider if, with these aspirations of his, Cohen had come to know Christ, and the grace and mercy that Jesus offers! (Matt. 18: 11-13). Yet he was killed before he could begin to strive further. There is a lesson here, and that is, not to dismiss as hopeless the rabbi, the Nazi or any human being trapped by heinous sin. Jesus did not come for the perfect, church-going Protestant. He did not come for the perfect, patriot hero of the "Good war." He came for the crippled in mind, in body and in particular, in soul. "He said unto them, 'They that are whole have no need of a physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).

This is the reason Judaism has sought to eradicate the Christian witness to Judaics, either by forbidding it outright, or by ensuring that Judaics are exempted from evangelism. The late Pope John Paul II and the majority of the Protestant preachers have consented to that catastrophic exemption, while true Christians continue to offer the life-affirming and liberating Good News of the Messiah to every person, whatever their supposed exalted racial status. We cannot sincerely confess that Jesus is Lord, however, if we are possessed by hatred, revenge or resentment toward those who are caught within the Talmudic tyranny, as was Avraham Cohen. Radical reform begins with us. The Cross is an offense not just to the rabbis but to the world. The rabbis of Pharisaic Judaism do evil. Like Jesus, we are obligated to tell the truth about their evil. Nonetheless, they are worthy, as fellow humans, of our compassion. If we fail to love them and work for the welfare of their souls, then our righteousness does not exceed theirs (Matt. 5:20), for they love their friends and hate their enemies (Luke 6: 32-36).



A comparative handful of contemporary true Christians continue to recall the fact that Jesus came, first, to the lost sheep of the House of Israel (Matt. 15:24). Faithful missionaries aspire to continue in the footsteps of Our Savior, sowing gospel seeds among those who imagine that they are "Jews" and think themselves assured of eternal life with God based on that supposed genetic datum. Christians who actively challenge that demonic lie in charity for the Khazars, Sephardim and other unbelieving, unsaved persons who style themselves "Jews," are subject to enormous pressure and harassment in American churches and, in the Israeli state, imprisonment. Contrast the steadfast witness of these missionaries with the sordid spectacle of the tens of thousands of "Christian" pilgrims who make their way to the Israeli state each year, and who callously ignore the spiritual plight of the Israeli people or, what is worse, in the name of Christ, congratulate the Israelis on their alleged holy racial status and conquest of the Palestinians (among whom are Palestinian Christians).

Shas proposes bill to forbid evangelism

"Shas declared war on missionaries on Tuesday when the Sephardic ultra-Orthodox party proposed a bill stating that anyone attempting to convert Jews should be imprisoned. 'Every time he (Rabbi Ovadia Yosef) hears of a case where someone falls into missionary hands, he feels great sadness and asks us to try and save at least one soul in Israel,' Yakov Margi, Shas Knesset member said. Shas views missionaries as not only people who come from abroad and evangelize, but any person or religions sharing their faith in an attempt to especially convert Jews. Margi proposed that those preaching conversion should be imprisoned for one year. 'Whether it's Christians coming from abroad or Jewish converts working in Israel, they all have the same agenda — to destroy every trace and memory of the people of Israel, and they plan to do this by converting Jews/ the proposal read. 'These bodies are operating mainly among the Jewish population which is under physical, social and spiritual distress.' Israel's current law on conversion is five years in prison for those who offer money in exchange for conversion. The recipient also faces charges. Those who conduct a 'conversion ceremony1 on minors face up to six months in jail." 535 Incredibly, Shas is the recipient of financial and moral support from Right wing churches in America.



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