Judaism discovered

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The Banality of Evil The late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir was going to attack the Arabs with nuclear weapons, but the media eulogize her as a woman of conscience, burdened with a "heavy heart" who also had "comic talent" and "wry reflections" on her military commander's love life. This trivialization reminds us of the "banality of evil." For the American media, seeking to use nuclear weapons to incinerate millions of Arab human beings is no reason not to cuddle up to Golda. NY Times, Oct. 10, 2007)

After a successful broadway run, Meir's hagiography has been made into a movie, "Golda's Balcony" starring an actress, Valerie Harper, who is far more comely than the real Golda. Meir was going to nuke the Arabs until President Richard Nixon, at Henry Kissinger's behest, sent weapons in 1973 that tilted the balance of terror in favor of the Israelis in the Yom Kippur war: "Prime Minister Golda Meir and her 'kitchen cabinet' made the decision on the night of 8 October (1973). The Israelis assembled 13 twenty-kiloton atomic bombs....The Jericho missiles at Hirbat Zachariah and the nuclear strike F-4s at Tel Nof were armed and prepared for action against Syrian and Egyptian targets. They also targeted Damascus...U.S. Secretary of State


Henry Kissinger was notified of the alert several hours later on the morning of 9 October. The U.S. decided to open an aerial resupply pipeline to Israel, and Israeli aircraft began picking up supplies that day...American commanders in Germany depleted their stocks of missiles, at that time only shared with the British and West Germans, and sent them forward to Israel...Kissinger told (the) President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat, that the reason for the U.S. airlift was that the Israelis were close to going nuclear." 536

We are told about the horrors of "Holocaust' denial" but what of a head of state who was about to kill millions of people with weapons of mass destruction and who denied the very existence of the Palestinians? Does this faze Hollywood, the theatre chains who distribute this cinematic tribute to her, or the New York Times that promoted "Golda's Balcony" on broadway and now the movie version? Not in the least. Gold Meir was an anti-Arab racist. Her anti-Arab racism and willingness to use an atomic bomb burnishes her reputation in the Zionist media. Meir stated: "Any one who speaks in favor of bringing the Arab refugees back must also say how he expects to take the responsibility for it, if he is interested in the state of Israel. It is better that things are stated clearly and plainly: We shall not let this happen." 537 She further stated: "There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist." 538 "This country exists as the fulfillment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy." 539

Golda was hardly unique. In an editorial in the Wall Street Journal, the flagship publication of America's corporate elite, Israeli columnist Hillel Halkin called for bombing, kidnapping and torturing Palestinians: "I can make careful use of the intelligence at Israel's disposal to identify, locate and kill...with minimal loss of innocent life, by such means as booby-trapping


their telephones, rocketing their cars and offices, etc. In a word, assassinate them. Sounds good to me." 540

During a sermon over the 2001 Passover holiday, the Shas party's Rabbi Ovadia Yosef exclaimed: "May the Holy Name visit retribution on the Arab heads, and cause their seed to be lost, and annihilate them." He added: "It is forbidden to have pity on them. We must give them missiles with relish, annihilate them. Evil ones, damnable ones." 541 Rabbi Yosefs doctrine of causing the seed of the Palestinians to be "lost" is part of the rabbinic mentality's warrant for genocide in Palestine, and is an obsession with Zionists and Talmudists. Walter Laqueur, of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington D.C., is worried about the high reproductive capability of the Palestinian population, stating that "Gaza's high birth rate has made the political problem more intractable...breeding... suicide bombers..." 542 In the Zionist mind there are just too many Palestinians, they're mostly suicide bombers, and they are "breeding." The solution is extermination. Rafael Eitan, chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces: "We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel...Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours." 543 Rabbi David Batzri, director of the Magen David Yeshiva in Jerusalem: "The nation of Israel is pure and the Arabs are a nation of donkeys. They are an evil disaster, an evil devil, and a nasty affliction. The Arabs are donkeys and beasts. They want to take our girls. They are endowed with true filthiness. There is pure and there is impure and they are impure."544

Warrant for Genocide Ignored

As noted previously, on "Israel Radio" on Feb. 29, 2008, Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai called for the "Shoah" (holocaust) of Palestinians in Gaza. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz noted that, "The word 'shoah,' Hebrew for 'holocaust,' is used primarily to describe the murder of six



million Jews by the Nazis." 545 Steven Erlanger of the New York Times conceded as much: "Mr. Vilnai used the Hebrew word 'shoah,' meaning catastrophe or holocaust, and rarely used for anything other than the Nazi extermination of the Jews." (NY Times, Saturday March 1, 2008).

The Sunday March 2 edition of the Times made only the following reference to Matan Vilnai: "...Vilnai, said the military was engaged in 'an enlarged operation and not a major ground operation' of the type Israeli politicians have been pressing for. Mr. Vilnai told Israel Radio that 'we are using mostly air units' and that Israeli forces 'are permanently engaged in Gaza, and what we are doing now is within the scope of such activities." 546

Forty-eight hours after the Israeli deputy defense minister declared that he wanted to annihilate (shoah) the Palestinians of Gaza, his Nazi-like Shoah statement was regarded as not worth repeating in a report on the violence the Israelis inflicted in Gaza almost immediately after he made the statement. It seems that the New York Times was attempting damage control on behalf of the public relations image of the Israelis. Vilnai's call for genocide in Gaza was mentioned only once in the New York Times. More than twenty years ago the Black leader Louis Farrakhan termed Judaism a "gutter religion." His remark has been recalled and condemned by the media almost constantly ever since. It was even an issue in the Democrat's presidential candidates' debate in February, 2008 when moderator Tim Russert stated to Barack Obama, "The problem some voters may have is, as you know, Reverend Farrakhan called Judaism 'gutter religion." 547

Just two days after Matan Vilnai said of the 1.5 million Palestinian people living in Gaza that they may be annihilated, more than a hundred Palestinians 548 were killed in an Israeli pogrom, and the New York Times couldn't recall Vilnai's threat to "shoah" the Gazans. This is how the Israelis are protected from the consequences of their exterminating racism by the western media, even as their critics are eternally stigmatized. (The Times



recognized that Shoah is synonymous with annihilation as far back as 1985: "...'Shoah' (in Hebrew, 'Annihilation')..."New York Times, Oct. 23, 1985).

August 23, 2006: The remains of Arab civilian housing in a southern suburb of Beirut after an Israeli air force terror bombing

Talmudic Doctrine: All Opposition to Judaism is Representative of the Blind, Irrational Hatred that Esau had for Jacob

"Halacha hi beyoduah she'Eisav soneh VYaakov"

This is one of the most contentious of all truths about Judaism and the one most hotly contested by its partisans. All manner of lawyer's rhetoric and sly word play is employed to convince gentiles that they are not suspect in Judaism. Stories pour forth from the American media about rabbis counseling, educating, sharing and reaching out to non-Judaics. Elie Wiesel lectures in New York on "Talmudic tolerance." These lies are laughable to those who were raised inside Orthodox Judaism. We document the practice of Judaism, not the public relations rhetoric it generates for dissemination by a friendly media intended for consumption by naive or mentally incapacitated gentiles. If we look at the precepts by which Talmudic youth are raised, trained, formed and educated we discover the reality of Judaism, aside from the hypocritical and fantastic image of benevolence that is projected on its behalf by the media moguls.

This is what Talmudic children are taught from earliest childhood: all pretended friendship with gentiles is temporary. The gentile can never be your friend. The gentile is another Esau come to kill the Jews. He is incapable of loving us. War with him is unavoidable and eternal. The first step in the war is our segregation. We must keep separate (levado).

This bigoted image of gentiles which Talmudic youth imbibe from Orthodox Judaism's religious elders, begins and ends with Esau and Jacob ("Eisav and Yaakov"). In the eyes of the rabbis, the gentile is eternally Esau. The Judaic, meanwhile, as long as he remains loyal to Klal Yisroel (the Judaic people) is Jacob. Religious Orthodox Judaic children are repeatedly told from early youth: "Halacha hi beyoduah she'Eisav soneh VYaakov" ("It is a given law: it is known that Esau hates Jacob").

The essence of this teaching is as follows: "It is an irrevocable force built into the natural order that the Jewish people are hated throughout the ages. The nations of the world and the forces of evil will be forever locked in battle with us, determined to destroy us and what we stand for." 549


An "irrevocable force built into the natural order...forever locked in battle with us" Does this strike the reader as an attitude that is amenable to ecumenical relations, dialogue or diplomacy? Talmudists are taught that non-Judaics by their very biological and spiritual nature are irrevocably "Jew"-haters. "...the essence of anti-Goyism is passed to Jewish children with their mother's milk, and then nurtured, fed and watered carefully into a full-blown phobia throughout their lives...Their attitudes are then perfectly formed. They know whom to hate...They want their children to hate the Goyim...They want to deny the humanity that links all people...Anti-Goyism is a foundation of the Orthodox and Hasidic philosophy and way of life." 550

The Talmudist smiles, shakes hands, offers conviviality and seemingly friendly words —and this includes alleged support for hot button conservative family values issues wherein they "join" Christians in giving the appearance of condemning homosexuality and abortion — all of this is a calculated ploy to win time and gain a definitive edge over gentiles, until the power of the synagogue and the Sanhedrin are total. If the synagogue and the Sanhedrin should establish supremacy over the West, and they are well on their way to doing so, the pseudo-humanitarian and pseudo-conservative camouflage will vanish, and all gentiles save the masonic variety will have the status of Palestinians: to be killed, tortured or imprisoned at will, without fear of prosecution, meaningful protest or even much notice being taken of their liquidation. Nothing can ameliorate the ultimate status of gentiles in halacha. Their status can be temporarily ameliorated for the sake of gaining opportunistic advantage, but beneath that expedient, the gentile is always viewed as another Esau, forever locked in battle with the Holy People of Judaism.

The objection may be raised that this teaching that Judaics are always and invariably hated by gentiles is limited only to the most retrograde bearded rabbi in some back alley shul in Mea Shearim. Au contraire, this rabbinic concept is full-blown within the West's political, cultural and social avant-garde, as reflected in the repartee of the most "progressive" and "elite intellectuals" in the West:



"The most discussed political book in France this autumn is Ce grand cadavre a la renverse 551 (literally, 'this big corpse lying on its back'), by Bernard-Henri Levy ...He is only one of the most sophisticated proponents of the present-day widespread conservative Jewish rejection of any attempt to explain historical events by material or political causes. This rejection of analysis is central to the religious attitude toward the Holocaust, or Shoah (that is, the Nazi massacre of the Jews understood in religious terms). For the defenders of this contemporary religion, it is wrong to seek material explanations for events that must remain 'incomprehensible' in their magnitude...Any explanation other than eternal and recurrent hatred of the Jews may even be denounced as anti-Semitism....This is consistent with the position that there can be no explanations for anti-Semitism other than the eternal nature of anti-Semitism itself. Above all, there can be no causes for which Jews themselves, in this case the State of Israel, might be in some way responsible." 552

Bernard-Henri Levy is hardly in the minority when it comes to promoting these notions of recurrent and eternal, irrational hatred of blameless Judaics. The "given law" of Halacha hi beyoduah she'Eisav soneh VYaakov is threaded throughout our news media and U.S. government policy. It undergirds the neocon Right and the Zionist left. It is the staple fiction of the western intelligentsia as well as the mainstream churches.

Judaic youth are taught about peace and peace-makers as follows: "Holding up the banner of Torah (Talmud) in a degenerate world is not easy. We are in the minority and always forced to be on the defensive. Sometimes Esau...advises us to make peace with our enemies who seek our destruction. He tells us to make compromises...He tells us to sacrifice our principles and bend the rules...We have to be prepared to do battle with him and his ilk. That means being prepared to be lonely, unpopular and unloved. Chazal teach that it is only when Jacob is "levadd" (segregated) that he survives. It is only when we stay apart from the Esaus of this world that we can survive and prosper...How can it be that the people in power have learned nothing about Palestinian mentality...Why does it always seem to be as if the Jews and the Israelis get treated so unfairly? Why is it that facts that are so




obvious for us to see are ignored by the people in power? Those of us who learn the parsha553 every week have no questions, only answers. We know we are in golus.554 We know Eisav soneh I'Yaakov." 555

It is the teaching of the Orthodox rabbis that the Palestinian mentality is that of Esau. Talk of a "Talmudic mentality" is met with the strongest disapprobation of course, but it is deemed necessary and appropriate to speak negatively of a Palestinian "mentality." Westerners are accustomed to this hate speech from the Talmudists and tolerate it because they believe that the colonized Palestinians have wronged their colonizers. However, all gentiles have the same status in halacha as the Palestinians. The Palestinians are viewed as possessed of a gentile mentality. Esau is the spiritual father of both, according to the deepest teachings of Chazal, The rabbinic doctrine teaches that gentiles never have good will or true friendship toward Judaics. There are many modern exponents of this institutionalized paranoia, perhaps the most prominent and influential was Rabbi Eliezer Shach (1898-2001) whom the Israeli newspaper Haaretz termed, "the ultimate authority in the ultra-Orthodox world in Israel for the past quarter of a century..." 556

Rabbi Shach epitomized the traditional rabbinic doctrine that when a non-Judaic comes in friendship to a Judaic, the non-Judaic has the voice of Jacob but the hands of Esau. The rabbinic lesson imparted under Orthodox Judaism to all Judaics, from youth onward: you can never trust a gentile.


...The Jewish people are still in exile until the coming of Moshiach even while they are in Eretz Yisroel, and this is not a redemption and not the beginning of a redemption... Regarding this non-Jew, today he shows you a smiling face for some political consideration and within (his heart) he lays plots. We must daven to Hashem that we may come in peace out of all this. Chazal have already taught us, "The voice is the voice of Yaakov and the hands are the hands of Eisav."

"The voice is the voice of Yaakov but the hands are the hands of Eisav" —Statement by Rabbi Eliezer Shach on gentiles seeking peace with Judaics

"Eretz Yisroel," in Michtavim uMaamarim (1987), volume one, ("letters")

The status of the gentile in the Oral Law of Judaism as bequeathed to the Tanna'im, and committed to writing and institutionalized in the formative Tannaitic period, are among the most hateful and homicidal in all of the sacred rabbinic halakha. Much of the extreme contempt for gentiles which Judaism imparts emanates from these foundational texts. In Jerusalem in 1975, Prof. Y. Cohen of Ben-Gurion University published a remarkable study, The Status of the Gentile in Jewish Law of the Tannaite Era:


The following is a translation of portions of Cohen's dissertation: According to early Talmudic laws, all gentiles were automatically suspected of practicing the following abominations:

• Bloodshed and murder • Mishkav behema (sexual relations with animals) • Incest • Homosexuality • Theft.

Gentiles were regarded as uncircumcised, dirty and impure. The words "gentile" and "robber" were considered inseparable. Gentiles were prone to violence that leads to murder and random and gratuitous violence for its own sake. The Halakha contains various rulings which teach caution against the bloodlust of gentiles. It was forbidden to employ a gentile as a surgeon, midwife or nurse. Having one's hair cut by gentiles was also regarded as a life-threatening danger. The general rule was that a gentile is likely to kill a Judaic whenever circumstances would allow him to commit the crime without getting caught. The image of the gentile as a violent creature who endangers the lives and property of Judaics prevails in early rabbinic law. The gentile is regarded as a thoroughly corrupt being sexually. All gentiles are lustful and animalistic and commit adultery at the first opportunity. Incest is also a common occurrence among gentiles, as is homosexuality and mishkav behema. Gentile men and women alike are consumed by sexual passion at all times. The Tannaitic rabbis stress the absolute degeneracy of the gentiles and warn against their evil influence. As a principle, it is taught that gentiles are the product of incest. The gentile is suspected of homosexuality as well, and it is against the rabbinic law to allow a gentile to teach a Judaic child. In all sexual matters gentiles are filthy and their behavior is the lowest form of depravity. The fundamental legal status of a gentile in Judaism is that of a sub-human and this was taught by the revered rabbi of the Tannaitic period, Shimon ben Yohai, as follows: "Thou art called a human being but a gentile is not called a human being." 557 This was interpreted as excluding the gentiles from the category of mankind. A gentile could mitigate his status by serving the Judaics as a ger toshav in the sense of an "inhabitant convert." But even these "best of all the gentiles" could be enslaved and should be killed.


The Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews as non-human animals, and specifically dehumanizes gentiles as not being descendants of Adam. Here are some of the Talmud Bavli passages which relate to this topic.

BT Kerithoth 6b: Uses of Oil of Anointing. "Our Rabbis have taught: He who pours the oil of anointing over cattle or vessels is not guilty; if over gentiles (goyim) or the dead, he is not guilty. The law relating to cattle and vessels is right, for it is written: 'Upon the flesh of man (Adam), shall it not be poured" (Exodus 30:32); and cattle and vessels are not man (Adam). The goyim are not regarded as human by the rabbis. Various authorities have debated whether Judaism imparts to non-Jews a partly human status, i.e. the goyim are not regarded as fully human by the rabbis. Others authorities uphold the proposition that Judaism teaches that non-Jews do not possess the core attributes of the human person. Without doubt Judaism assigns to the goyim the status of sub-human; the degree of this sub-humanity, absolute or qualified, is open to dispute. There are many lines of inquiry to pursue in approaching this subject, in declarative statements and indirectly through the strictures of halakha. Rabbinic law states that ritual impurity is contracted from contact with a human corpse. "The Gemara relates that Rabbah bar Avuha once met Elijah the prophet standing in a non-Jewish cemetery." Elijah's presence in a cemetery creates a dilemma because of the ritual purity laws of Judaism which regard contact with a human corpse as defilement.558 The Talmud asks Elijah, "Why then do you render yourself ritually impure by standing in a cemetery? Elijah answered, 'Have you not studied the order of the Talmud known as Purities? If you had studied that material carefully you would know the answer to your question. For it was taught: Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai states, 'The graves of non-Jews do not convey ritual impurity, for it is said, 'And you My flock, the flock of My pasture, you are men, but non-Jews are not called men." (BT Bava Metzia 114b).



"Only 'you* the members of the Jewish people, are called men, but non-Jews are not called men."

Babylonian Talmud: Bava Metzia 114b



' What is the reason that the master is standing in a cemetery5 2He said to him: Did the master not learn [the order] "Purities"7 3For it was taught: "Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai says: The graves of non-Jews do not convey ritual impurity, Vor it is said: 'And you My flock, the flock of My pasture, you are men' — 5,You' are called men, but non-Jews are not called men."


Rabbinic tradition, Elijah the Prophet and Pinehas the grandson of Aaron were one and the same person.) 'Why, then, do you render yourself rituatly impure by standing in a cemetery? Priests are forbidden to contract the ritual impurity imparted by a corpse. A corpse is a primary source of ritual impurity, and can transfer that impurity by physical contact, by being carried (even if it is not touched), and by what is known as "tent impurity" (Srjfc hkkmd). if a person bends over or under a corpse, or enters a structure within which a corpse is lying,

he contracts "tent impurity."

Surely, then, you are forbidden lo enter a cemetery, lest you bend over a grave and contract ritual impurity from the corpse buried there? l Elijah answered: Have you not studied the order of the Talmud known as "Purities"? If you had studied that material properly, you would know the answer to your question: 3For it was taught there in a Baraita: "Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai says: The graves of non-Jews do not defile by 'tent impurity,' 4for the verse says (Ezekiel 34:3)): 'But you My flock, the flock of My pasture, you are men' — 5only 'you,' the members of the Jewish people, are called men, but non-Jews are not called men." And regarding the ritual impurity contracted from a corpse by "tent impurity," the verse says (Numbers 19:14): "This is the law, when a man dies in a tent, all that comes into the tent, and all that is in the tent, shall be rilually impure seven days." The laws of "tent impurity" regarding a corpse apply only if the deceased was a Jew. Thus Elijah was permitted to enter the non-Jewish cemetery.

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