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590 □ INDEX


deterritorialization, 333-34, 504-5; of 

enunciation, 83, 87; and exchange

437-41; and faciality, 180-81; and form 

and matter, 340; and haeccity, 262-63; 

and incorporeal transformation, 82; and 

language, 109-10; libidinal, 37; and 

linguistic variation, 99-100; and 

machine, 343-44, 510-14; molecular, 

213; and multiplicity, 8, 22-23, 34; and 

order-word, 108-10; and refrain, 312, 

323-27; and regime of signs, 119, 121-22, 

140-41; and State apparatus, 513; and 

stratification, 503-5; and subject, 

264-65; and subjedification, 130, 134; 

territorial, 323-27, 332-34, 503-5; and 

unconscious, 35; and war machine

398-403, 406-7, 513. See also Machine; 

Machinic assemblage; Multiplicity; 

Plane of consistency


Atomic bomb: and war machine, 404-5. 

See also Weapon


Attila: and war machine, 417


Aurevilly, Barbey d': 193-94


Austin, J. L.: 77


Autran, Charles: 530 n. 22


Axiomatic: capitalist, 454-73 passim; and 

diagrammatic, 143-44; and State 

apparatus, 460-73 passim; and 

stratification, 57. See also Capitalism; 

State apparatus


Bach, Johann Sebastian: 511




Badiou, Alain: 537 n. 20


Baer, Karl Ernst von: 46-47, 53, 254


Baillon, M. H.: 520 n. 20


Bailly, Jean-Christophe: 521 n. 25


Bakhtin, Mikhail: 82, 523 n. 5, 524 n. 10,


525 n. 21 Balandier, Georges: 535 n. 4 

Balazs, Etienne: 565 n. 15 Balibar, 

Etienne: 569 n. 48 Balmes, Francois: 537 

n. 20 Balzac, Honore de: 266 Bamberger, 

J.-R: 523 n. 5 Bantu dialects: 102 Barnes, 

Mary: 138 Barraque, Jean: 532 n. 3, 545 n. 

87, 550 n.


48, 551 n. 51 Barthes, Roland: 533 

n. 7, 545 n. 88


Bartok, Bela: 342; and refrain, 349-50


Basaglia, Franco: x


Bataille, Georges: 383


Bateson, Gregory: 543 n. 62; and intensity

158; and plateau, iv, 21-22


Battle: and war machine, 416-23. See also 



Beaufret, Jean: 529 n. 18


Beaujouan, Guy: 572 n. 10


Beckett, Samuel: 97-98, 199; and faciality, 

173; and territorial assemblage, 503


Becoming: and abstract machine, 252; and 

arborescence, 293-94; and assemblage, 

306; and causality, 283-84; and 

deterritorialization, 291-92, 306-7; and 

drugs, 282-86; and haeccity, 280; and 

heterogeneity, 10; of major and minor 

languages, 104-6; and majority and 

minority, 291-93; and man, 291-93; and 

memory, 291-98; molecular nature of

292-93; and music, 299-309; and plane 

of consistency, 251-52, 507; and 

pragmatics, 251; and refrain, 350; and 

rhizome, 238-39, 251, 294; and 

schizoanalysis, 251; and secret, 287-90; 

and sexuality, 275-79; and stratification, 

502-3; and structuralism, 237-38; and 

transformation, 250-51; and war 

machine, 277-78


Becoming-animal: and assemblage, 242-43, 

257-59; of child, 14; and faciality, 

115-16, 176, 187; and line, 245; and 

masochism, 155-56; and molecule, 

272-75; and multiplicity, 239-52 passim; 

and music, 304-5, 308-9; and plane of 

consistency, 258-59; and psychoanalysis, 

259-60; and resemblance, 233-35; and 

State apparatus, 242-43; and 

stratification, 53; and transformation, 

252-53; and war machine, 242-43, 

247-48, 396; and writing, 240


Beethoven, Ludwig van: 95, 270, 511; and 

refrain, 348


Being: and State philosophy, xii-xiii


Bellini, Vincenzo: 307


Bene, Carmelo: and linguistic variation, 98


Bennet, E. A.: 521 ch. 2 n. 3


Benveniste, Emile: xviii, 78, 82, 130, 541 

n.42, 554 n. 25


Benveniste, R. E.: 10


INDEX □ 591


Berg, Alban: 339, 552 n. 61


Bergson, Henri: x, 237-39, 374, 483-84,


486, 573 n. 17 Berio, Luciano: 

96,342,545 n. 87,546 n. 91 Berlioz, Hector: 

342 Bernoulli: and State science, 363 

Bernstein, I. S.: 553 n. 14 Berthe, Louis: 

536 n. 9, 566 n. 18 Bettelheim, Bruno: 542 

n. 57, 543 n. 62 Bible, the: and book, 127; 

King James, 529


n. 16; numbers in, 118; and reality, 129;


and subjectification, 131. See also


Christ; Christianity; Religion Bifo, 

Franco Berardi: 572 n. 68 Binary 

relations: and arborescent schema,


5; and faciality, 176-80; and multiplicity,


5; and segmentarity, 210 Biochemistry: 

and stratification: 45-46,


49-50 Biology: and stratification, 46-48. 

See also


Science Bizet, Georges: 269; and refrain, 

350 Black English: 93-94, 102-5 Black 

hole: and assemblage, 333-34; and


consciousness, 133; and faciality, 167-91


passim; and line of flight, 224; and


refrain, 312; and segmentarity, 211; and


stratification, 40, 56; and


subjectification, 167-68. See also White


wall Black Panthers: and becoming, 291 

Blanche, Robert: 570 nn. 54, 60 Blanchot, 

Maurice: xiii, 265, 538 n. 29, 541


n. 43, 556 n. 44 Bloch, Jules: 562 

n. 99 Block: and becoming, 294, 299; 



content and expression, 299. See also


Flow; Line of flight "Blumfeld": 169 

Body: and affect, 256-57; and cartography,


260-61; and faciality, 115-16, 170-72,


176, 181; and haeccity, 260-61; and


language, 80, 86; and machinic


assemblage, 89, 90; and number, 391-92;


and order-word, 107-8; and


representation, 86; and State apparatus,


366-67. See also Faciality; Organ;


Organism Body without organs: 149-66 

passim; and


assemblage, 4, 157-58; and


becoming-animal, 156; and 

becoming-woman, 276-77; and 

deterritorialization, 156-57, 161; and 

faciality, 171-72; and God, 150, 158-59; 

and intensity, 153, 157-58, 161, 164-65; 

and line, 203; and map, 12, 163-64; and 

metallurgy, 411; and multiplicity, 30, 

154; and organism, 4, 30, 158-59; and 

plane of consistency, 72, 154-55, 158, 

159, 165-66, 270, 506-8; and plateau, 

158; and psychoanalysis, 151, 165; and 

schizoanalysis, 165; and signifiance, 

159-61; and smooth space, 479; and 

stratification, 56, 159-63; and 

subjectification, 134, 159-61; and 

unconscious, 30; and Wolf-Man, 31. See 

also Organ; Organism


Bolero: 271


Bolsheviks: 38, 88, 100, 139


Bonnard, Pierre: 175


Book: American and European, 19; and 

arborescent schema, 5-7; and 

assemblage, 22-23; classical, 5; 

composition of, 3-4; and 

deterritorialization, 3-4, 11, 126-27; 

modern, 5-6; and multiplicity, 9; and 

plateau, 22; and representation, 22-23; 

and rhizome, 11, 22-23; and signifiance, 

126-27; and tracing, 24; and world, 5-6, 

11. See also Writing


Borderline: and becoming, 245-46, 249-53. 

See also Line


Borges, Jorge Luis: 125, 241


Boulez, Pierre: 262, 267, 269, 296, 518 n. 

22, 519 n. 8, 527 n. 39, 541 n. 36, 548 n. 

14, 553-54 n. 20; and smooth and 

striated space, 477-78


Bouligand, Georges: 554 n. 21, 556 n. 40, 

570 n. 61


Boulte, Nicolas: 537 n. 20


Boulvert, Gerard: 569 n. 44


Bourdieu, Pierre: 524-25 n. 13


Bradbury, Ray: 541 n. 37, 570 n. 57


Brain: as population, 64; as rhizome, 

15-16. See also Consciousness; Thought


Braudel, Fernand: 434, 468, 558 n. 60, 

558-59 n. 64, 561 n. 79


Brehier, Emile: 525 n. 18


Brekle, Herbert: and linguistic competence, 



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