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594 □ INDEX


Dalcq, Albert: 531-32 n. 7


Dali, Salvador: 27


Darien, Georges: 523 n. 2


Darius: 122


Darwin, Charles: 46-49, 234. See also 



Daudin, Henri: 538 n. 1


Debussy, Claude: 270-71, 299, 319, 341-43, 

545 n. 87; and becoming, 308; and 

faciality, 169; and refrain, 303, 347


Decalcomania: and rhizome, 12-15. See 

also Map; Tracing


Decoding: see Coding


Deconstruction: and feminism, xii


Delage, Roger: 551-52 n. 59


Deleuze, Gilles: ix-x; and Guattari, xi-xv


Deligny, Fernand: 14, 202-3, 547 n. 1


Democritus: 361; and smooth space, 

363-64, 489; and State science, 363. See 

also Lucretius; Molecule


De Niro, Robert: and becoming-animal, 



Derrida, Jacques: xi, 555 n. 32; and war 

machine, 417


Desargues, Gerard: 363, 365


Descartes, Rene: 128, 530 n. 32


Desire: and assemblage, 399-400; and body 

without organs, 154-55, 165; and 

psychoanalysis, 13; and segmentarity, 

215. See also Libido; Love; Sexuality


Despot: as flow, 19-20; and signifying 

regime, 116-17. See also State apparatus


Dessert, Daniel: 555 n. 30


Detective novel: as literary genre, 192-93


Deterritorialization: and abstract machine, 

142-45; and assemblage, 333-34, 504-5; 

and becoming, 291-92, 306-7; and body 

without organs, 156-57, 161; and book, 

126; and capitalism, 453-56; and 

consistency, 336-37; and content and 

expression, 87-89, 108-10, 307; and 

faciality, 172, 174-91 passim; and flow, 

219-21, 226; and language, 61-63; and 

line, 203-5; and line of flight, 510; and 

map tracing, 15; and multiplicity, 9, 32, 

33; and music, 301-3; and nomads, 

381-84; and novella, 195-200; and plane 

of consistency, 70-71, 270, 272; and 

population, 123-25, 345-46; and refrain, 

300-302, 347-48; and regime of signs,


141-43, 508; and rhizome, 9-10, 21; and


science, 372; and segmentarity, 222-24;


and semiotic, 135, 138-39; and sign,


67-68, 112, 113, 115-17, 121-23; and


State apparatus, 432-34; and


stratification, 53-57; and


subjectification, 133; and substance, 41;


and variation, 99-100; and war machine,


353. See also Line of flight; Nomads;


Territory Detienne, Marcel: 399, 426, 

556 n. 41, 560


n. 78 Devaux, Emile: 522-23 n. 24, 533 

n. 6 Devil, the: and becoming-animal, 239,


252-53 Dhorme, Edouard: 

529 n. 12 Diaboliques: 194


Diagrammatic: 141 -48. See also Axiomatic 

Dialect: and major language, 101-3 

Dialogues: 517 Dickens, Charles: 175 

Dieterlen, Germaine: 563 n. 102 

Difference et repetition: x, 517 n. 4 Dillard, 

J. L: 527 n. 39 Dimension: and becoming, 

251-52; of


multiplicity, 8-9. See also Geometry;


Space Discourse: direct, 84; indirect, 

76-77, 80,


84, 99-100. See also Language;


Linguistics Dislocation, La: I'i-l^ 

Dispars: and nomad science, 370-71. See


also Compars DNA: and evolution, 10 

Dobb, Maurice: 537 n. 19, 569 n. 49 

Domination: and language, 101, 105-6 

Dos Passos, John: 520 n. 18 Dostoyevsky, 

Fyodor: 196, 257, 530 n. 29 Double 

articulation: and diagrammatic,


142-43; and stratification, 40-74 passim,


502-3. See also Content; Expression 

Doyle, Arthur Conan: 40 Dream: and 

multiplicity, 30; and


representation, 29-30. See also


Unconscious Dreiser, Theodore: 520 n. 

18 Dreissche, T. van den: 549 n. 29 Drugs: 

and perception, 282-86 Dualism: and 

becoming, 276-77; and map


tracing, 13-14; and multiplicity, 20. See


INDEX □ 595


also Double articulation


Duby, Georges: 537 n. 19


Duccio: 185


Ducrot, Oswald: 77, 78, 80


Duhem, Pierre: 540 n. 29


Dumas, Alexandre: 250


Dumezil, Georges: 556 nn. 41, 43, 559 n. 

67, 564 n. 8,565 n. 10; and 

becoming-animal, 242-43; and State 

apparatus, 351-52, 371, 424-26; and war 

machine, 354


Duns Scotus, John: 540-41 n. 33


Dupouy, Roger: 532 n. 11, 540 n. 32


Dupreel, Eugene: and consistency, 328-29


Durkheim, Emile: 218-19, 376


Duvignaud, Jean: 237


Earth: and deterritorialization, 40; and


romanticism, 338-42. See also


Deterritorialization; Territory Ecce 

Homo: 269 Ecumenon: and stratification, 

50, 52, 55,


56, 72-73. See also Planomenon 

Ego: Freudian, xviii. See also


Psychoanalysis; Self (Moi); Subjectivity 

Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenaus: 547 n. 7, 548-49 n.


25, 550n.38 Eichendorff, Joseph: 550 n. 

47 Einstein, Albert: 484, 501, 511 

Eisenstein, Sergei: 413-14, 533 n. 10, 550


n. 48; and faciality, 184 Eliade, Mircea: 

548 n. 18, 564 n. 2 Eliot, T. S.: 520 n. 18 

Emmanuel, Arghiri: 568 n. 36, 569 n. 49 

Emperaire, Jose: 557 n. 54 Engels, 

Friedrich: 427, 566 n. 25, 568-69 n.


41 English: as major language, 102 

Enunciation: and assemblage, 7, 22, 37;


and incorporeal transformation, 82-83;


and nomadology, 23; and order-word,


107; social character of, 79-80; subject


of, 129. See also Linguistics; Statement 

Epistemology: and war machine, 361-74


passim. See also Concept; Idea;


Subjedification; Subjectivity; Thought 

Erckmann, Emile: 246 Ernst, Max: and 

faciality, 182 Esquirol, Jean: 119-20 

Ethics: 153,257


Ethnology: and State apparatus, 429-30


Ethology: and consistency, 336


Euclid: and State science, 109, 364; and 

striated space, 371, 489


Euclidean space: and multiplicity, 485-86; 

and stratification, 47. See also 

Geometry; Space


Evans-Pritchard, E. E.: 535 n. 3


Evolution: and becoming, 238-39; and 

heterogeneity, 10-11; and representation, 

10; and State apparatus, 429-31; and 

stratification, 47-49


Exchange: and assemblage, 437-41; and 

territory, 440. See also Capitalism


Experimentation: and body without 

organs, 149-51, 161-62, 164; and 

interpretation, 162


Expression: and abstract machine, 511-12; 

and articulation, 44, 64; and assemblage, 

88-89, 504-5; and block, 299; and 

consistency, 329-33; and content, 43-45; 

and deterritorialization, 87-89, 108-10, 

307; and diagrammatic, 142-45; and 

faciality, 179-80; and language, 85-91; 

molar nature of, 57-58; and nomad 

science, 369; and order-word, 108-9; and 

regime of signs, 111,140-41; and sign, 

117; and stratification, 43, 57, 60-73 

passim, 502-3; and territory, 317-18; and 

variation, 94. See also Content; Double 

articulation; Form


Exteriority: and assemblage, 23; and 

multiplicity, 9; and nomad thought, 

xii-xii, 377; and stratification, 49-52, 

57-58; and territory, 317-18; and war 

machine, 24, 351-80 passim. See also 



Fabric: and smooth and striated space, 



Faciality: and abstract machine, 168-70, 

174-91 passim: and assemblage, 180-81; 

and becoming, 292-93; and 

becoming-animal, 176, 187; and body 

without organs, 171-72; and Christ

176-79, 182, 184-85, 187, 189; and 

coding, 170; and deterritorialization, 

61-62, 172, 174-91; and expression, 

179-80; and language, 60-62; and line of 

flight, 188; and multiplicity, 182-83; and


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